OnkelZorni's page
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Please cancel my PACG Sub
Thanks in advance
Thanks Paizo, I hoped too see them someday :)
And now the subscriber question.
Do I have to cancel my sub and restart it to only get the character add-on via subscription or will there be another way this time?
Class deck description wrote: This 109-card accessory contains three goblin weapon-using characters... So, does this mean we will eventually get a Goblin Class Deck with non-weapon-using characters? Things are getting better and better *cheering*
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Oh my god, I hoped so much to see this
Goblin badass madness
Best Class Deck EVAH!
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Zenarius wrote: Andrew L Klein wrote: But do I have to give him a PACG card? Can I give him a Magic card? Or a random half-torn Christmas card I have stashed in storage somewhere? I demand an FAQ. Perhaps that old get out of jail free card.. should still be around somewhere.. OMG, a monopoly reference...TORCHES!!!
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Tanis O'Connor wrote: ...and we'll have demos of something yummy in the exhibitor hall. Typo? Shouldn't it read "something mummy"?
I'll stick with USPS Standard. Waiting is not an issue, but 50 bucks are.
Just checked what happens if I change shipping method. Standard postal delivery 8.18 USD
UPS International 55 USD...wtf?
(Destination Germany)
I'm on your side of the pond and I have also no idea why this is great. Could you please explain? I'm not so familiar with all this shipping stuff
Mogloth wrote: We're all nerds after all. Well, I prefer being called "geek"
Theryon Stormrune wrote: Can't wait to see the US-only con promo that comes out this week! You only wrote this to make Myfly upset, didn't you!?
If not, well much money on ebay *again*

Chad Brown wrote: Greyhawke115 wrote: Using the B scenarios for the opportunity to introduce new and returning players is exactly what I am hoping for. We certainly want to do this with some of the B scenarios. I'm curious if people think that this should be the main function of all 5 B scenarios, or not?
Alternatives include: - making some of the B scenarios optional, without cutting out the feat rewards.
- Using some of the B scenarios to introduce the story of the AP.
- Using some of the B scenarios to "level up" the characters.
- Using some the B scenarios to introduce the background/setting of the AP.
- Designing some of the B scenarios to be "full speed, full difficulty, fully-replayable" scenarios.
These obviously aren't mutually exclusive, and to some degree we try to do all of them (and other things) with the B scenarios. My questions on this topic are mostly about trying to figure out what's the best balance for future sets.
Thanks again for playing, and thanks for all the feedback! I alwasy thought the B scenarios were the starting point for introducing the setting of the AP and getting especially new players started/familiar with the game system. I had no idea, that they could be something else than an intro.
Will the "fiendish scenarios" and the line-ups be released for public at some point? Would love to see and play those.
Since we have half-orcs and half-elves I request half-halflings!
Myfly wrote: Fair card price according to DriveThruCards is 50cent per card. $1.50 is triple that much Complaining about $1,50 per card while selling 5x Blessing of Zogmugot for 65,99EUR on ebay...well, this is ridiculous.
Especially when the token cards were part of a product that was paid for and the Blessings came for FREE.

Myfly wrote: Vic Wertz wrote: Zaister wrote: A class deck probably won't cost you additional shipment if sent with other subscription shipment, such as an adventure deck. Most international shipments are weight-based, so shipping 2 decks will cost more than shipping 1... but not twice as much.
You can evaluate for yourself by putting one in your cart and selecting an address, then changing the quantity in your cart to see what changes. I did that for an address in Serbia* and found that shipping a single class deck or adventure deck currently costs $5.49 for standard shipping; shipping 2 decks costs $8.18.
*Chosen randomly; most of Europe will be similar.
If it doesn't make sense for you to subscribe, no worries—please go ahead and purchase elsewhere. I would recommend you preorder if you can, or at least let your retailer know you're going to buy from him, to increase the chances that they'll have stock for you. Shipping only ONE adventure or class deck to Europe DOES NOT trigger any VAT or import tax... But if you buy TWO or more decks THEN you pay 19 % VAT for BOTH decks and higher shipping additionally.
Weird is that you pay ALSO 19 % VAT on the shipping costs as this is also a foreign service which is subject to VAT.
Just to let you - all Europeans - know!
When there is a sweetener included like a new promo card then you have to order/subscribe.- else there are cheaper options. Well, that is not a must. Way back when the sub of the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On was mailed out along with Adventure Deck 2, I had not to pay any VAT or other taxes but had this nice green sticker on it that said (well not in this exact words) "free of any charge". So I don't worry about VAT. If they are charging now, I can still cancel the sub and buy them later here in Germany
Hawkmoon269 wrote: OnkelZorni wrote: Maybe I'm blind but I just can't find. Where is the freakin ignore function of this forum? When you are looking at the forum at the right end of each thread it tells you how many posts are in the thread. Next to that is what looks like a zero with a slash through it. Click that to hide the thread.
At the top of the forum is a button to toggle between showing or hiding threads you've hidden. Thanks Hawk, not quite what I was looking for but this should work for now
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Maybe I'm blind but I just can't find. Where is the freakin ignore function of this forum?
Theryon Stormrune wrote: OnkelZorni wrote: Myfly wrote: Make us Europeans happy! Well, I am happy so don't speak for me please It's okay, he has a tendency to speak for all of us ... which usually gets us into an argument. I know, usually I'm sitting here with popcorn reading that stuff...
Myfly wrote: Make us Europeans happy! Well, I am happy so don't speak for me please

Okay, I'll try to be more precise on this
AP-Card Season 0 wrote: After you finish Treacherous Waters, at the beginning of each new adventure, when you add a new Adventure Deck to
your game box, remove all cards with the Basic or Elite trait
that have adventure deck numbers at least 3 less than the
adventure deck you just added. (Treat the set indicators B, C,
and P as 0.) Do not remove Blessings of the Gods.
Compare with the text from Season 1:
AP-Card Season 1 wrote: After you begin Adventure 3, when you would banish a bane that
has the Basic trait, remove it from the game; when you banish a
boon that has the Basic trait, you may remove it from the game.
After you begin Adventure 5, do the same for cards that have the
Elite trait.
Since the card overrides the rules (havn't read the latest version yet), you would have to apply the AP-Card and not what is written in the guide. This means you are removing cards in the same manner as in non-OP-playing.
Hope, you get my point. Foreign language, you know
The AP states that basic/elite boons/banes are removed from the game in the "normal" way. How should this work with ever changing groups in stores? For my home play, this is not a problem. Imo the way things were handled in Season 0 was easier.
Zoltán Mészáros wrote: In PACG many powerfull boons are promo exclusive. Wait, did I miss something?
It's already there waiting for you to download it
WotR Stuff

Disclaimer: I have not yet received WotR so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Compared to other Co-op games, PACG is quite easy and simple in terms of difficulty. Compared to my other favorite game (since I don't want to name non-Paizo-products I won't tell names, but you might know it. It's themed on this certain little guy that carries a certain ring to a certain mountain and must avoid certain 9 wraiths and their ceertain dark lord...). That game kicks your butt, and teeth, and whatever else you have. And when it's done with you it starts all over again. And that's the point, you are challenged over and over again and that's why the players are coming back for it, again and again. That game is now running since IIRC Q4/2011 and it's still quite succesful. It works in a different way than PACG I know. And I don't neccesarily disagree with the points Klandestine brought up, they are all valid. But some players have different expactations about a game than others.
With that being said, I hope to recieve WotR in a couple of days and look forward to get my arse handed on a silver plate :)
FWIW, my char-add-on arrived a couple of days ago in germany
Theryon Stormrune wrote: I still don't know why anyone would pick Harsk ... ugggh. ;(
Myfly wrote: OnkelZorni wrote: Andrew L Klein wrote: MyFly, that'll be 4am for you. On Sunday. Won't get up that early Dont you watch the Oscars in Germany?
Just imagine, when we would have a live stream from the red carpet of the PaizoCon!!!
Then I would still be in bed. There are people with other priorities in life e.g. familiy (comes already too short due too->), work (around 70h/week)
Andrew L Klein wrote: MyFly, that'll be 4am for you. On Sunday. Won't get up that early
IIRC S&S had quite a similar amount of double-sided cards but do we have less standard cards? Correct me if I'm wrong, but did S&S not have around 1100 cards with standard back?
Not to mention that you need 8 Blessings in your deck list to squeeze this thing into your deck.
Any chance we get another card count (one-sided, double-sided) for the complete set? I want to bulk-buy sleeves. Thanks in advance.
Orbis Orboros wrote: Vic Wertz wrote: Orbis Orboros wrote: Sandslice wrote: ...and just asked the fellow I'm sure would be playing Enora. After describing the various power feats she has access to, his response: "what's her hand size."
I'd forgotten about that quirk of his: he only likes arcane casters because of the huge hand size, not the flavour or powers. In other words, if Seoni has 8 before the role card, he wouldn't even consider Enora.
But that's just a playstyle thing.
And he only plays Arcane casters you said?
What, has this guy not met our friend Ranzak? Lisa has been playing Enora in our Wrath campaign, having previously played Ranzak through RotR, and she feels that Enora rides on the edge of dying even more than Ranzak does. o.0
There's got to be something going on here.
Perhaps Wrath is just harder than RotR? Maybe Vic just starts to roll out the red carpet for his personal best character ever
SkyeGuy wrote: Sajan dressed as santa. This, and only this would make actually start thinking about this box as an add-on to the game I possibly might buy if I ever have way too much money. Otherwise is this box just another (unhandy) box standing around, taking up space.
I just looked up some prices. On amazon.de you can preorder all of the upcoming stuff for PACG. The prices for Char-Addon, AD's and CD's are all around 22,-- EUR, that's a bit more than I will have to pay for my next sub fulfillment (never paid more than 21,82 USD which is roughly 20,40 EUR at the current exchange rate). So the sub is the far better option right now cause it's cheaper and I geht the promos. VAT doesn't apply because the worth of package + shipping is less than 22,-- EUR. In my eyes, this it quite EU-friendly when even amazon doesn't cut the price.
Myfly wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: Yes you did. Definetely not, as those Kangaroo were raised in my area. Yes it is possible to have living Kangaroos in Germany :) But there are no PACG Cards living (printed) in Germany, bad example
Myfly wrote: PS: This is WHY i am trying to come up with a new distribution model for international customers as the complete promo set in a quantity of five is ridiculously hard to obtain! The Intention is, that you get 1(!) Promo of each card. If you want more that's just up to you and it's not Paizo's job to make it cheaper for you to support your Promo hunting. I don't know how many subscribers are in Germany or EU-Wide but I'm pretty sure Paizo does. If there would be any way to improve their distribution here in Europe without having to deal with financial disadvanteges I'm pretty sure they would do.
So Myfly, I don't understand that you are complaining about your friends getting promos while you sell them bunchwise on ebay (couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price...). Wouldn't it be better to help your poor buddies out with some of your spare cards instead of making money with them?
I have the feeling you are trying to reduce the cost to acquire the promos to make an even better benefit for yourself :(
Hello dear CS,
please cancel my sub for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.
Thanks a lot and cheers
Subscription info wrote: 4 items. Expected to ship early May 2015.
2 packages. Standard Postal Delivery and USPS Priority Mail. Estimated Shipping & Handling: $61.71
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Wrath of the Righteous Base Set
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Wrath of the Righteous Character Add-On Deck
This shipping cost roughly doubles the bucks I have to spend on base game + char add-on. This doen't include Import Taxes / VAT. Not to mention that the exchange rate EUR - USD developed quite negativ for europeans making this whole stuff even more expensive.
What's the deal? I like starting the wednesday morning with a nice little pacg-blog
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I solo several Class-Deck-Chars through the OP scenarios. If I would have to buy additionally six basic-decks to be able to run six class-deck-chars I would stop buying CD's immediately
Myfly wrote: The german version of PACG is sold in a big box. So base set plus all adventure decks at once. It is so popular in germany that it was SOLD OUT within two weeks!
In this way you save a lot of shipping costs... Compared to a monthly release!
They released the german version of RotR IIRC over a year after the original version was released. And though S&S is now finished, there is afaik no release date for the german version. So I don't think you can directly compare these two distribution models
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With a break of three months between AP's
Vic Wertz wrote: Jorsalheim wrote: Nice! You really got Class. Looking forward to getting these. And if this is going to be an "ongoing thing" it would be nice with a subscription possibility somewhere down the line :) If more people express interest, that's certainly a possibility! Interested
Crit wrote: I just mean various mini packs, so like a sword cleric pack about 10-15 swords, of various levels, This!
Bards need more items, Rangers need more Ranged Weapons, some Spellcasters need a wider range of spells and so on. Those minipacks would not be required to play in OP but for those of us who really like playing with the class decks not only in OP would really appreciate more deck building choices.