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My Conversions to PF

(23 items)

During my translation work I have done several conversions to Pathfinder (even some 3rd party material). Here is the list:

1.  GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL) PDF
4.60/5 (based on 35 reviews)

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This was NOT my first conversion, since the module came out as a promo in a magazine as is (i.e. 3.5). A year later I converted the module to Pathfinder and it was offered for download on the German Pathfinder website.

2.  GameMastery Module D1: Crown of the Kobold King (OGL)
GameMastery Module D1: Crown of the Kobold King (OGL) Print Edition
4.70/5 (based on 26 reviews)

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THIS was my first conversion to Pathfinder. PLUS it was my first complete translation. I did some translation work in the Core Rulebook, but not much (i.e. the complete "Additional Rules" section, plus the Classes chapter in our transition from Beta to the Core Rulebook).

3.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisited (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisited (OGL) Print Edition
4.70/5 (based on 35 reviews)


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This conversion was a joint venture with Mario Schmiedel. I was only consulted for some of the more difficult statblocks.

4.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL) PDF
4.50/5 (based on 25 reviews)

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This was the book, that made it clear to us, that conversion to Pathfinder will be a major work, if you want to do it right. More work, than we estimated in the beginning. Conversion meant: also updating all Encounter lists in the Appendix, all the spells, magic items, the variant and prestige classes...

5.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Dragons Revisited (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Dragons Revisited (OGL) Print Edition
4.00/5 (based on 9 reviews)

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This is the book, that taught me to convert monster statblocks... as these 10 dragons were extremely difficult to convert (i managed to squeeze in the size mali into the AC at the very last minute).

6.  GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears (OGL)
GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears (OGL) Print Edition
4.30/5 (based on 26 reviews)

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With this module I became confident in converting stuff to Pathfinder.

7.  Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond—A Guide to the Multiverse (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond—A Guide to the Multiverse (OGL) Print Edition
3.90/5 (based on 7 reviews)


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This conversion contains my biggest mistake, though not in the conversion itself, but in the text for a Special Ability of the Lurker in the Light. I used the German word for beholder for a viewpoint of a person, not knowing that it was already taken by the most fearsome (WotC-IP) eyeballing monster. This brought us the lowest review note ever, as the reviewer used this example to grind his axe against our translation efforts.

8.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic (OGL) Print Edition
4.70/5 (based on 18 reviews)


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This book contained my first design work for a conversion, as I had to design three domains (void, scalykind and creation) for PF. They have all been succeeded by official versions, but I am still proud of these three domains.

9.  Pathfinder Module D4: Hungry Are the Dead (OGL)
Pathfinder Module D4: Hungry Are the Dead (OGL) Print Edition
3.40/5 (based on 9 reviews)


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Thorough conversion, nothing new though.

10.  Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion (OGL)
Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion (OGL) PDF
3.60/5 (based on 14 reviews)

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This book is in hindsight the book where a real conversion will really be possible once the mythic rules are available. The Queen uses levels of Archmage... This statblock was one of the most difficult statblocks ever (together with the ruby prince Kemmet III. and the biggest dragons from Dragons revisited plus the shoggoth from W3).

11.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Darkmoon Vale (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Darkmoon Vale (OGL) Print Edition
3.80/5 (based on 13 reviews)

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I am very proud of this book. the conversion work was very limited, but we managed to fill the map of the vale with life, plus we managed to incorporate the changes to the Five Kings Mountians from Dwarves of Golarion into this book. (Thanks to James Jacobs and Mike McArtor for their input)

12.  GameMastery Module U1: Gallery of Evil (OGL)
GameMastery Module U1: Gallery of Evil (OGL) Print Edition
4.20/5 (based on 12 reviews)


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Straightforward conversion and a very good module indeed.

13.  GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose (OGL)
GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose (OGL) Print Edition
3.90/5 (based on 12 reviews)


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Standard conversion, excellent module.

14.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Dungeon Denizens Revisited (OGL)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Dungeon Denizens Revisited (OGL) Print Edition
4.80/5 (based on 7 reviews)

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This conversion was more difficult than other conversions, but this was not because of the critters and the variant stuff in there. The difficult part was the big encounter table in the front cover.

15.  GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
Pathfinder Module D1.5: Revenge of the Kobold King (OGL) Print Edition
3.70/5 (based on 3 reviews)


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This is the second conversion, that contained some design work. This time it was the vermin companions. I tried to contact Jason about this work I had done when Paizo was designing Ultimate Magic (but i got no answer though).

16.  Pathfinder Companion: Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (OGL)
Pathfinder Companion: Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (OGL) PDF
3.60/5 (based on 13 reviews)

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Parallel to "Elves of Golarion" this book contained the statblock of Kemmet III. with levels of hierophant. I had to change this back to cleric levels in order to convert this book. Nowadays I would try to give him Mythic levels.

17.  Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle (PFRPG) Print Edition
4.50/5 (based on 6 reviews)


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This was the book, that was the 2nd biggest conversion effort ever. But you say... this book is a Pathfinder book.. and you are right, but the encoutner tables for the Mwangi Expanse referenced a whole lot of monsters from older AP volumes (Divs and many many more) that we created a web enhancement for this book, that was nearly as big as the book itself...

18.  01GUA008E
Urban Adventures: The Road to Revolution #3—Tides of Blood (OGL) PDF
4.50/5 (based on 2 reviews)

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This is my first work for a 3PP. Together with Tom Ganz (aka dryder) we took over the conversion of the Road to Revlution Adventure Path with Part 3, excellent adventures btw.

19.  01GUA009E
Urban Adventures: The Road to Revolution #4—Puncture the Blackened Vein (OGL) PDF
5.00/5 (based on 1 review)

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This book was converted nearly completely by myself. I was able to use small bits and pieces from other books (already PF) in the setting, but I had to convert most things myself. Luckily PCGEN was able to help... a lot...

20.  01GUA011E
Urban Adventures: The Road to Revolution #5—The Usurpers (OGL) PDF
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This book's conversion was one of the biggest I have tackled (Top 5). Many Many Many statblocks in the back.

21.  GameMastery Module J3: Crucible of Chaos (OGL)
GameMastery Module J3: Crucible of Chaos (OGL) Print Edition
4.80/5 (based on 9 reviews)


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This module has a little story to tell... about the Shoggoth. The version presented here (3.5) was a CR 14 encounter. The one in the Bestiary was CR 17 and would have killed the group instantly, if they had encountered it in the lost city. Then along came a wonderful article in Kobold Quarterly about shoggoths and proto-shoggoths as smaller versions of these critters. Excellent! I had my solution. I'd convert the shoggoth in the module as a proto-Shoggoth from the article (just a small adjustment of section1 5 of the OGL and done).... and then came Sally (i.e. Serpent Skull part 5 or 6), and it contained a Proto-Shoggoth, also one, that i would not be able to use for the module... sigh, so i converted this "Thing from Beyond" as a Primal shoggoth, an older version that was not tempered and further developed by their aboleth masters. (plus I also translated the whole thing, because I had run it for my home campaign).

22.  Pathfinder Module J4: The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL)
Pathfinder Module J4: The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL) Print Edition
5.00/5 (based on 4 reviews)


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This is the conversion I am probably most proud of. I designed two new archetypes, a template and a new style feat for this module. Lots of fun to convert.

23.  GameMastery Module W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale (OGL)
GameMastery Module W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale (OGL) Print Edition
4.30/5 (based on 19 reviews)

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This will probably be my last conversion for Pathfinder books. Publication will be in December (hopefully).