Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I am preparing Council of Thieves as my first home campaign in ages (i.e. more than 10 years).
My players are now debating, if it's going to be 1e or 2e for this AP (right now, it's a tie, but before I asked that question another player dropped out and his replacement will trigger the decision).
If it is going to be 2e, I am going to convert everything (Conversion should be faaaaairly easy as it has not too many rules elements on top of the PF1e CRB, but I will also learn as I go along. I have done many conversions from 3.5 to PF1e, most in German, but also some available here [i.e. 0OneGames Road to Revolution Chapter 3-6 with a friend of mine]).
Plus, I am thinking about how I will make this information available for others. One way would be posting it here (either collected in this thread or a conversion thread for each part of the AP and a Bestiary conversion thread), the other would be GoogleDocs and posting a link to the collected information.
Once a decision has been made by my players, I will let you know...
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
2009 was also the year our translation group and Ulisses Spiele started issuing the first German books for Pathfinder. Only one book (Falkengrunds Letzte Hoffnung = Hollow's Last Hope, as a magazine inlay) that was published still used 3.5 rules (and was also converted in our PDF download). We even managed to publish our Core Rulebook 6 weeks after the original one...
there is a saying, if you want to have inexpensive work, fast work and high quality - one of them has to give...
but still - to hold this book in our hands, with our names in it - this moment was special.
We have learned a lot since then, especially about quality, editing and publishing workflow. Now at least 2 books per month are published, 3 Adventure Paths have been issued completely.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I have been to the Free RPG in Frankfurt/Main in Germany.
To say "I Was Disappointed" is a very diplomatic way of saying it.
What had happened?
The store was taken from the list of participating stores on short notice because they have no playing room available in order to make Free RPG day a memorable experience. WELL, THANK YOU! You have made this Free RPG Day a memorable experience. <Insert many swear words here!>
So, dear Free RPG Day team, I'll give you a well meant piece of advice. If you find out, that a store is not according to your specifications (well, it is the ONLY store in Frankfurt to offer RPG stuff, all the other stores closed down years ago), give them a notice, that you will not allow them to enter next year unless they provide a playing area. But letting customers arrive there looking for a Free RPG Day and finding nothing (and the next participating store is 70-150 miles away, which is a big distance in Europe by the way) is not the way you want to promote the game. </rant>
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
during the translation of this monster a question has come up.
The Blood Drain ability of this lightning bird is not given in the Special Attacks section of the statblock, nor is stated how much constitution damage this monster does to its grappled victim.
So my question is:
How much constitution damage does an Impundulu do to its grappled victim?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
"While in a defensive stance, the stalwart defender adds his class level to his CMD against any bull rush, overrun, pull and push combat maneuver, as well as grapple attempts to move him."
Pull and Push combat maneuvers? The new Drag combat maneuver is also missing. What else did I miss?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
During the translation of a Shory related adventure and the collection of glossary terms for the Campaign setting book I came upon a difference about the Aeromantic Infa-whatever...
Except for: this "whatever" is exactly what this qquestion is about.
In the module the device is called Aeromantic Infandibulum and in the Campaign Setting it is named Aeromantic Infadibulum.
Which one is correct? (as Lost Cities of Golarion is not available yet, it cannot help me with its depiction of the ruined flying city of Kho)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
During discussions in our group a question arose about the availability of Traits from "Dwarves of Golarion" to non-Dwarves.
Even though the captions say Dwarven regional traits and Dwarven magic traits, two categories have a distinctive sentence prior to the traits saying: "These traits are only for Dwarves" and two do not (i.e. Region and Religion).
Are these traits available to non-Dwarves, if they
* a) grew up in that region (for a regional trait)
* b) believe in a god of the Dwarven Pantheon (for a religion trait)?
(for comparison "Elves of Golarion" has a sentence below the inital caption about Elven traits, stating that all these traits are only available to elves)
In the latest kidnapping incident in Cauldron, four orphan children were taken from the Lantern Street Orphanage. Despite Captain Terseon Skellerang’s assurances that his best man Sergeant Darren Crenshaw is trying to find the missing persons, Cauldron’s citizens worry that there are nefarious forces at work in and around the city proper.
A quick survey on the streets will offer the seeker any number of possible explanations from the mundane to the bizarre. Some say a secret guild of Halfling rogues is responsible for the robberies and kidnappings, but up to now evidence is scarce. Coryston Pike, one of the kidnapped victims, feared for her life days before she vanished. Coincidence? I think not!
"A cloaked figure collided with me in the street and knocked me down. She uttered some horrible curse, glared at me with her ghostly face and haunting blue eyes, then strode off." reports one local who chose to remain anonymous.
Captain Skellerang denies rumors of an evil cult that has taken residence in Cauldron and is sacrificing kidnap victims to Morkoth, the creature rumored to live in Cauldron Lake.
"Hogwash!" states Captain Skellerang. "Morkoth is a child’s story as is, let alone some fantasy cult. We'll get to the real culprit."
Another kidnapping. This time it was the Lantern Street Orphanage. Lunari has none in her care at the moment. It would be a dreadful task to tell them about the disappearance of their friends.
Who exactly had been abducted? Was it someone she liked? Or some of the troublemakers, like Terrem? Didn't Seynor have a friend in there, too?
Seynor Hillclimber was in your care some years ago, you can read his intro post, too, as it also explains his back story.
Pathfinder Beta (yes, that menas, Design Focus articles and the additional feats apply)
(anything else needs to be run through me)
20 points point buy
max. Gold
1 general trait from Second Darkness book
1 trait from the Trait list in my Sig
1 regional feat from Dragon 315 and 319, depending on backstory
1 bonus skill point per level for Craft/Profession or Cross-Class-Skills
racial hit points for 1st level.
We have:
Kayos - sorceress
Seeker - female paladin of Heironeous
Sothal - defender (from Midnight)
Nightowl (from my RL group)
and a fifth member (memento_mori)
roles to be filled...
divine magic(healing)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I just returned from my two weeks holiday in Portugal and this time I have asked a neighbour of us to accept the letters and parcels arriving (last time a package was sent back by the post office due to the time I was away, that one containing my "Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide" + some other things). This time the new Player's guide is still under way, but the next package from more than 2 weeks later has just arrived... talk about weird things with the post office.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
August books have one motto... bringing Valdemar to the finish line.
Mercedes Lackey - To Take A Thief
Great novel centering on the youth of Skif, growing up on the streets of Valdemar. This together with a conspiracy on the highest level in the court that takes centerstage in the Arrows trilogy, makes for a great read. The traitors are not spoiled, so that a reader is able to read the novels in real chronological order and the big reveal in the Arrows trilogy still is the only point where the culprit is brought into the light. The other big point in favor of this novel is the role of Alberich. In the previous novels it was only hinted at, what kind of job Alberich really has. This novel takes his shadowy side and brings it squarely into the spotlight. Grand cinema style. One of the best books in the complete cycle.
Mercedes Lackey - Exile's Honor, Exile's Valor
These two books center completely on two persons. Alberich and young Selenay. It begins with Alberich still in Karse and brings him directly into Valdemar during the first 50 pages. The next third of the book tells of his adjusting to his new position in Valdemar, before it takes a turn for a more serious matter, the Tedrel Wars. It closes with a great battle scene and finishes with an introvertive look at the new queen Selenay, much too young to take over the job.
The second book details Selenay's struggle into the position of ruler in Valdemar and culminates in a great action scene detailling a situation, that was brought up ,in to paragraphs in "By the sword" or "Oathbreakers". I have really longed for a more detailed explanation, about what happened there and why those things have come to pass. Misty gives a great axplanation, emotionally and politically, why those bonds would be tied and how it came to pass. She took a long time though to foreshadow the crisis in order to let everyone play his/her role in this situation, including a buildup to, why a person would be doing a stunt like that. This took an awful long time to get everything into the place it needed to be, to resolve it in a big blowout finish. That's the only blemish on an otherwise great novel detailing a really interesting part of the past of Alberich and Selenay, that was only hinted at.
Mercedes Lackey (Ed.) - Sun in Glory, Crossroads
Two anthologies with stories from Misty herself and lots of other authors, some very notable, some having not too many publications under their belts. I really liked those two books. One story by a newcomer even let me shed a tear about the end. So, if you are a fan of Valdemar and well versed in the myths of this world you gain some new insights into some important situations, that weren't touched upon in the novels or only hinted at.
John Helfers, Denise Little (Ed.) - The Valdemar Companion
A doorstopper of a book containing a new novella in Valdemar set some further years forward. I've read the novella (good stuff, but a bit repetitive, another youngster coming to the Collegium) and the interviews. The maps are really great. The comprehensive ,Compendium is a real piece of work, you can find really everthing there (it takes up more than 200 pages). I don't know if the novella alone is enough of a teaser to let you buy the book, but if you want to have a good look behind the scenes, this is the book you need to have.
This brings my journey through Valdemar (and Karse and Rethwallen) to a (hopefully temporary) close. I am interested in new stories in this world, but I also see, that the time of the BIG crisis is over, and novels detailling the "ever happy after"-period can be a bit dull. The Darian novels were too peaceful to me. Nice on an emotionally scale, but not impotant enough for Valdemar to merit a whole trilogy. I think she needs to take a good look at what Feist has been doing in Midkemia/Kelewan to bring new interest to the lands of Valdemar. In order to bring new interest to new books Valdemar needs to live in interesting times...
Next month:
A long running series in the hands of a new author (and it's not John Gardner)...
A return to the hilarious worlds and words of a German author and the lifes of colourful animal...
(those two books I have read already at this point of time, but you may speculate what books they are)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
<p><strong>Mercedes Lackey - Oathblood (Vows and Honors 3)<br/>
</strong>This is the third of the books with those two infamous famous women. It features the story of their first meeting (that was missing from the first volume) and some later ones, but reprints some of the stories used in the first volume.</p>
<p><strong>Mercedes Lackey / Larry Dixon - Owlflight, Owlsight, Owlknight (Darian's Tale)</strong><br/>
I was a bit disappointed with these books, because they feature a) too much of the same growing up, that made the first volumes so adorable b) lots of those "I am not worthy" pages (this time "I am not worthy of him/her") c) condensing the real action into the last 50 pages of the books (this one really grated with me in "Winds Of Fury"). On the other hand, you see how some of those characters you came to love fared in those later years (Darian's Tale begins 4 years after the Mage Storms).</p>
<p><strong>Mercedes Lackey - Brightly Burning<br/>
</strong>The Tale of Lavan Firestorm, set in the history of Valdemar, but later than the Vanyel books. It had some really good bits, especially the ending, but suffered from the same faults as the Owl-Books. The build-up to the finish was done better than the previous books. It is a nice novel, not really necessary to understand the realm of Valdemar (like By the Sword, for example - my favourite together with the Magic and Arrow trilogies), but way better than "Silver Gryphon" and the owlbooks.</p>
<p>As you can see, I am closing to the finish line with the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey. The end is in sight, perhaps in August, perhaps in September... after the weekend you will know.</p>
Feel free to post your own books you have read that month together with some accompnying words. And do not hesitate to criticize my reviews. Go ahead... make my weekend (obviously this thread is posted on a Friday...)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
One of my two groups has finished Life's Bazaar. They've managed to defeat Kazmojen and Prickles and cleared out the rest of the fortress afterwards. The hobgoblin guards, that were aware of the fight, went off in flight after the big boss was beaten, only the hammer automatons and the mimic had to be taken care of.
The female half-orc barbarian in my group became quiet attached to one of the burrowing automatons from Jzadirune. She even named it 'Chränk'. In her backstory she is the master of one of the stone quarries on the mountainside of Cauldron. So she is thinking about using Chränk there.
Another character has metioned in his notes on his arrival in Cauldron, that he does not know, what would happen, if it would not stop raining.
Another character, a cleric of Fharlanghn, mentioned to me, that they could use Chränk to drill from the Malachite Fortress to the middle of the dormant volcano, thereby hitting the water and giving the stinking watery masses a vent, through which everything would disappear...
I think I need to get rid of this machine very fast.
I already asked during the appearance of the beholder, what the machine would do (be ordered to do)... (I had rolled a 1 in a Fortitude save in advance against the Disintegrate ray of the beholder, in order to intimidate the group), but she stated, that the machine would be ordered to be turned off (Myglym).
I asked if Chränk would be used against the hammer automatons ("The Clash of the Machines"), but they opted to bull rush them into the traps in the hall in front of the throne room.
In another foreshadowing thread the next player of the group went after Maple as a romantic interest. They got involved. Then Maple was contacted to be recruited into the Alleybashers, she declined, and was killed by Triel Elduriast in front of the eyes of her lover.
I was also about to start a series of attacks on the caravans to and from Cauldron, as a way to decimate the guards (in order to create a need for more guards, that would be filled by other races), when the cleric of Fhralnghn became reallymiffed about being harmed by the Last Laugh and said, that no caravan would reach or leave the city unmolested. Fharlanghn would see to it. (by the way the PC has Charisma 6 and Intelligence 8, and the playerr roleplays him to perfection, the others are considering to have their meals in a separate room or to have a sign saying "He doesn't belong to us").
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I have begun to translate the module to German (a big thanks to Zechi for providing the translated room texts) and I'm also converting the module to 3.5... using PC Gen I have come upon several errors, that I am going to post in this thread as I am encountering them, that are sometimes relevant for 3.0.
1) Jil:
Jil’s Use Magic Device Skill can be maximum +10 (all editions). In 3.5 Rules she can’t have spider climb at 1st level. So in order to be where she is, she has activated a scroll. Since assassins are spontaneous casters in 3.5 they know only 2 spells at 1st level, I’d suggest disguise self and obscuring mist… also for her feat selection since two Weapon Finesse feats are now covered with one, I’d suggest Quick Draw. Her possessions do not include a spellbook in 3.5.
2) The Three Stooges (Nikla Varkazi, Hylum Ferant and Kerlen Reh):
These guys have a BAB +2, Grapple +3, Attack +2 melee (1w6+1/19-20 sort sword) or +3 melee (1w3+1 subdual, unarmed) or +2 ranged; Fort save is +4 (all editions).
3) Ruphus Laro:
Ruphus is wearing a chain mail instead of a chain shirt. (otherwise his armor class and speed would not be correct), and is slightly encumbered due to a medium load from the armor (all editions).
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
As I am in the middle of translating the boxed texts of "Life's Bazaar" to German, i have noticed some problems about the description and the stats of the Vanishing.
Description: Infecting creatures that use their power - i.e. Invoked by using infected magic item, Fort save DC 15
Statistics: Contact, Fort DC 17
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I read "American Gods" and "Neverwhere" this year, and I am familiar with his comic work. All I can say is, that this guy knows, how to spin a tale. Highest possible recommandation.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
is it possible to bring additional material from the original draft as a web enhancement to the adventures, so we may be able to play them as they were intended (something like a director's cut of the adventures...this is the point were I am sitting back on my haunches and look square in to your eyes... please! - similarities to Shrek 2 are definitely intended...)?
PS: If not, this would be a great thing for a compilation of all thiose adventures in one volume... with additional info about Cauldron and so on...sigh! (This adventure path is way better than the original one for 3.0 in the 8 modules...)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Cauldron lies in the middle of nowhere and in order to reason why a city of 4500 people would have a reason to be where it is, I introduced mining "Red" malachite (a unique form of malachite only available here) and diamonds into the fray. (This was confirmed in the actual AP in a later part, wehre it is stated, that many of the Nobles' families own mining businesses.)
So basically everything to eat and tools and wood for securing mining shaftes would have to be imported into the city, and the malachite and diamonds would have to be moved to the coast to be shipped wherever it can be sold... the wood enterprise would be centered at the "Lucky Monkey" and be manned by the caravan guards, while they would wait for the caravan to be escorted to the coast. (Basically the last part of the journey from the Licky Monkey to Cauldron would be nearly unptorected, but tools and food aren't things worth guarding anyway.)
Lord Vhalantru organizes raids on these caravans to the coast. With this he has a reason for enlarging the guards and for raising the taxes and the loot also furthers his financing the BIG project... (well two BIG projects - the first being his support for the Cagewrights - the second his own transformation...).
Another side effect is, that the wood cutting enterprise explains the size of the Lucky Monkey (it always was a tad big for a tavern just to stop by while travelling in the middle of nowhere...
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I have been wondering, what the heroes can do to stop an invasion of Redgorge, while they are away to the plane of Occipitus...
"Sending" is the solution. Jenya Urekas has given the group a Scroll of Sending to inform her of the fate of Alek Tercival, when they find him. That way they can inform her that her childhood friend has died and that it is on her to stop the eager Captain Skellerang of the City Watch...
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Is it just me, or has someone else noticed, that the "Scaling the Adventure" bar for the Adventure Path entry in issue 114, was not the correct one, but copied from the lowlevel Greyhawk adventure...
btw. I love your magazine...and issue 114 was awesome in content, but please return to two text columns per page...