
Nina, Kileanna's Familiar's page

30 posts. Alias of Kileanna.


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Feeling guilty enough of being monopolizing this thread to post with an alter to pretend I am not myself...

Two new ones:
Hilda a Galliard from a Werewolf game, is today's OC-tober.

And I also finished an art trade that I had started some time ago but that I couldn't finish until today. (Danger! NUDES AHEAD!)

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Punniculus wrote:
Nina, Kileanna's Familiar wrote:

*Pops out from behind a tree, followed by a tiny owlbear*

*Whatever happened on this time that she was away will always remain a mystery*

*grabs tiny owlbear*

HUZZAH! An owlbear of my very own! Good job, Nina. Here, have a tasty mouse snack.

*holds out a live mouse for the owl*

*Realizes he is holding TGH*

*Grabs his books*
*Lets him live*

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*Pops out from behind a tree, followed by a tiny owlbear*
*Whatever happened on this time that she was away will always remain a mystery*

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*Nina attempts to whistle away but she just hoots away and lets the other owl do the job*

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*Flies to a near tree and starts to clean her feathers seductively*

Edit: she is nekkid to seduce that owl, but she is always nekkid!!!

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Punniculus wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Why would you hit an owl? Your gonna make kileanna sad.
Because it won't breed with the bear. I NEED OWLBEARS!! HooRargh!

*Flies away, really, really far*

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Punniculus wrote:

*offers Berry, White*

Come here, birdie birdie birdie. You like the bear, don't you? Yes you do. Yes you do! Eat the Berry, White and go be "friendly" with the fuzzy-wuzzy. Make abominations for me. Good bird. I'll give you a nice tasty mouse afterwards. See?

*proffers old-timey computer mouse*

*Nina makes a disgust face when the mouse is mentioned, and a scared face with the bear!*

*She decides that worshipping Punniculus is not such a good idea after all*

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*Glares at Punniculus with attention, expecting something*

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Punniculus wrote:
Hmm, if we can breed Nina/Hoo-dini with Un-Bear-Able, we can have our very own OWLBEARS! We need some champagne, Barry White, and candles STAT!

*Takes the champagne and flies to the higher tree she can find, just in case someone tries to get her to mate with a bear*

*Tries hard to open the bottle*

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*Nina turns her head upside down and remains silent. Owls don't speak*
*Then she hides her beak under her wing and keeps sleeping resembling a ball of feathers*

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*Thinks that Hoodini would have been a better name, and gives Kileanna a contemptuous look*

You can only learn spells from scrolls by a special ritual to "feed" them to your familiar. We love eating scrolls!
But we cannot learn from spellbooks. My master commerciated with Wizards when she found a spellbook, trading spellbooks for scrolls.

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*Nina likes that better, as she is actually a bit scared of crows herself*

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*Doesn't know anything about a bunny mafia, but she wasn't paid to act like a scarecrow so she won't do it*

*Pecks on Cookie's leg attempting to release Kileanna*

Wasn't me either!

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*Is amused for having started all this mess*

Dire Elf wrote:

In our Wrath of the Righteous campaign I am running a wizard who has a white cat as her familiar. In past games I have run wizards with familiars, but the familiar usually ended up becoming an invisible magic item that just granted minor bonuses to the character. I never had the familiar deliver touch spells, converse with the PC, or do anything interesting or useful. Often I forgot I had a familiar unless one of the other players or GM reminded me.

I didn't want that to happen with this familiar. To help me remember that she exists, I bought a plush white cat toy and I keep her in my lap when we play.

I have an owl plush and I've started calling her Nina, like the familiar of my character.

I actually have a huge collection of plushies as I loved them as a child.

I also collect dragons. I'd have more if I had more money.

Me and my stupid dragon obsession.

*Wonders what's wrong with animal aliases*
*Tries to eat GH*

*Bored of seeing her antennae-like ears and her glowing eyes everyday. Overrated witch*


As a wise owl I want to know everything.

The next poster is the one who wrote the sentence for Saskia and for Nina (as owls cannot talk or write either). And he/she will explain why.


*Nina flies away in fear staying away from the Wolf*

*The bearded man knows too much*
*Gives him an intense stare*
*Thinks she'd need Kileanna to give him the Evil Eye*

*Eats popcorn while faking she doesn't know Kileanna*

*Seems worried*

*Looks into the door labeled «Library»*
*Looks into the closet*
*Looks again into the «Library»*
*Seems confused*

*Looks to GH with hungry eyes and stops looking to the popcorn*
*She is looking to the books he's carrying*
*One has to have priorities in life*

*Stops looking the rat with hungry eyes and stealthily approaches popcorn*
*One has to have priorities in life*

*Perches near the rat, looking it with hungry eyes*

There isn't really much support for multiclass characters in the playtest; the closest being the Dual Path Mythic feat. However multiclssing is not required for that feat. Pathfinder itself does not really encourage multiclassing even though that is the only way to build certain character concepts.
In support of multiclass characters I propose the following Mythic feat: -

Multi-Path (Mythic)
You excel in many areas, allowing you to select abilities from several mythic paths.
Prerequisite: 1st mythic tier, Levels in 3 or more core classes.

Benefit: Select a number of mythic paths, including the path you selected at your moment of ascension (see page 3), up to the number of core classes that you have. You gain the 1st level ability of each path selected (archmage arcana, champion strike, divine surge, guardian’s call,marshal’s order, or trickster attack). The path you selected at ascension also gives other abilities such as bonus hp etc. as normal. Whenever you gain a path ability, you can select from list of abilities presented for all selected paths, as well as from the list of universal path abilities. You may also choose your trials from all those appropriate for all your selected paths as well as universal trials.

Special: Should you reach the 10th mythic tier you also gain the capstone ability of each path you have selected (true archmage, legendary champion, true defender, divine vessel, visionary commander, and/or supreme trickster).

Special: If you should acquire additional core classes after selecting this feat you may gain an additional path for each additional core class.

Can anyone help me find this feat? I don't remember the feat's name or the product where it was located but I believe it was a Third-Party product.
From what I remember: -

If you summon a monster and it's killed or dismissed the very next time if you summon the same creature again it would remember what happened previously unlike normal summoning.

IF anyone has any ideas on finding this feat please post a reply. Thanks.

Can anyone help me find this feat? I don't remember the feat's name or the product where it was located but I believe it was a Third-Party product.
From what I remember: -

If you summon a monster and it's killed or dismissed the very next time if you summon the same creature again it would remember what happened previously unlike normal summoning.

IF anyone has any ideas on finding this feat please post a reply. Thnks.

Is it possible to expand from the Stolen Lands to the coast without infringing on another nation's actual territory? If so which direction should the kingdom expand?
The PCs are good guys who don't want to go the "wars of conquest" route. Besides they are already in one with Brevoy for sending Choral the Conqueror after them and invading after the dragon got diced (Briar the vorpal sword really helped). Brevoy is not really an issue since they can't match the aerial attack squadrons funded by the dragon's treasure. Besides attacking people who took down a CR25 red dragon is really stupid.

What would be the best uses of 100 Wishes? The Wishes are spell-like abilities. I would like the best suggestions for using most or all of the wishes. Oh, and no add +5 to each ability score.

The abyssal sorcerer bloodline gives a +6 inherent bonus to strength at 17th level. So, does this mean that the +5 cap on inherent bonuses officially no longer applies for Pathfinder? Any official comments?