scifan888's page
100 posts (322 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 aliases.
Rysky wrote: scifan888 wrote: Thomas Seitz wrote: scifan888 wrote: Too bad Pathfinder does not have the plane of Nirvana Technically it does. It does? Yes, it's the Neutral Good plane. Whoops. I meant Arcadia. I haven't looked at the Great Wheel in years.
Thomas Seitz wrote: scifan888 wrote: Too bad Pathfinder does not have the plane of Nirvana Technically it does. It does?
Too bad Pathfinder does not have the plane of Nirvana
The Hellknights are supposedly champions of Law without regards to Good or Evil yet the have chosen Hell as their example. If they were truly agents of pure Law they would have chosen Axis the Lawful Neutral plane rather than Lawful Evil Hell.
The fact that Iomedae supports the Hellknights is no big surprise but it did raise the question - did Iomedae betray Aroden?
So basically the PCs actions do not matter in the slightest. The status quo must NOT be disturbed! The PCs actions are effectively meaningless.
What happens if the PCs fail to perform the sacrifice? Is there anything in the adventure that says?
Dear James,
In Pathfinder Origins comic #6 Ezren's father is accused of heresy. Ezren found that his father was a slave trader and devil worshipper, but in Absalom slaves can be bought and sold in Misery Row and the worship of Asmodeus and hence devils is allowed.
Abadar certainly has no objection to slavery since in the Pirate's Promise novel the church of Abadar actively supports slavers and tortures and kills those who oppose slavery.
1) So what exactly does the church of Abadar consider heresy?
2) Is it that Ezren's father failed to give them a cut?
3) How could the church of Abadar actually charge anyone with heresy since Absalom has no official state religion as far as I know?

In my Way of the Wicked campaign we pulled a twist that gave Mitra a kick in the pants and screwed up Asmodeus's plans. One of the prisoners from the start was actually a servant of the Great Goddess who's soul was already pledged to the Goddess. The Goddess had among her areas of interest Dusk, Dawn, Twilight, and Just Vengeance with both good and evil followers, had inserted her own servant to weaken the semi-corrupt church of Mitra and to foil Asmodeus's master plan.
The first the Princess and her allies knows about this is when after getting the Veil it suddenly flies away to the altar where they see a black clad woman sitting on the altar playing with the Veil who says, "It's about time that idiot Mitra woke up and paid attention to what is going on."
As the Princess & Co. charge the altar they find themselves completely helpless, only able to speak. The Princess Bellinda fell silent in shock as the Solar of Mitra begged, "Great Lady, Please I beg you do not tear the Veil, please, please.."
The Goddess tossed the Veil back to Bellinda and said, "Let's talk about how things really are and what you are going to do".
The Princess & Co. were educated in how the Asmodeans were fooled into thinking some of their plans had succeed like the massacre of children when in fact the Goddess had spirited the children to her realm for safety, to be returned after the war as one example.
Then there were the changes to the Church of Mitra and the kingdom such as allowing other select faiths full religious freedom, relaxing restrictions on arcane magic, demoting non divine spellcasters in the church hierarchy to official title of "minions of the church" including loss of all pay and privilege, etc.
And the burning question of how she could get away with all she did?. Well, she was much more powerful than both Mitra and Asmodeus, and her plans benefited other Powers (it helped that they happened to be kind of afraid of her).
The reason I had a Paizo subscription is that I got both the hardcopy and the pdf version together for the price of the hardcopy version. Now if I want both I have to pay more than double what I paid previously. The is no incentive for me to keep my subscription. I plan to cancel before the next book.
I am sorely disappointed in Paizo.
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I don't like the trade size paperbacks. I have never found them to be in anyway better than the mass market paperbacks. The larger size and larger price are reasons NOT to buy them. Most trade paperbacks and hardcovers I bought were second hand copies. The new hardcover I bought was from Baen because it came with a cd that had a couple dozen free books by the same author and others.
I like the subscription because I get the e-book and the physical book. The larger trade size will mean that the book cost will go up and my international shipping costs will increase significantly. If I no longer get the e-book as well then I have no reason to spend more to get less.
James Jacobs wrote: Supperman wrote:
PS (rolls 17 diplomacy)How did Aroden die? :)
First question is one that needs to be asked in the rules thread for an FAQ, and if it HAS been answered, asking there should have someone point the way.
For the second question, you rolled WAY too low. If someone actually guesses how Aroden died would you confirm it?
Did the Egyptian gods go from Earth to Golarion or vice versa?
Dear James,
1) Did the gods who died trying to stop the fall of the Starstone have followers on other worlds?
2) If so, did their followers on other worlds know what happened?
Dear James,
Do you think that the 4 heroes from the end of Wrath of the Righteous would be able to drive off or defeat invading orc hordes of Belkzen?
I don't play or use PFS adventures but I have read several of the first few seasons. I don't really see anything that should make Pathfinders all that hated. Can you tell me what scenarios in what seasons led to this?
You had previously mentioned that Shelia H from Shattered Star was disliked. I assume this is due to the adventures that caused Pathfinders to be disliked. Do you know which specifically?
James Jacobs wrote: scifan888 wrote: The General leads his army to the large river intending to cross the only bridge and trap the pursuing army. As they reach the bridge the General sees a little girl who steps onto the other end of the bridge and draws a knife. He looks back and sees the pursuing army approaching.
What is the best course of action for the General to take? To hold the bridge and save the little girl from being crushed by the pursuing army. What if the General and his army are the bad guys?
The General leads his army to the large river intending to cross the only bridge and trap the pursuing army. As they reach the bridge the General sees a little girl who steps onto the other end of the bridge and draws a knife. He looks back and sees the pursuing army approaching.
What is the best course of action for the General to take?
The Elohim entry from Bestiary 4 says that they create new permanent demiplanes. How?
They have create demiplane but not permanancy as spell-like abilities.
James Jacobs wrote: scifan888 wrote: Do you think a feat that allowed a caster of magic missile to create 1 missile/ level with no cap on the number of missiles is a worthwhile feat or a wasted feat? It's a broken feat. Mostly in that it breaks the game design philosophy that feats shouldn't hand out class abilities or spellcasting. A better way to model this would be to create a new spell. Greater magic missile for example, or a unique spell-like ability. I'm sorry if I was not clear. The feat would not give you the ability to cast magic missile, you still have to be a wizard or sorcerer who can cast magic missile first. The feat just enhances the casting of a particular spell.
Do you think a feat that allowed a caster of magic missile to create 1 missile/ level with no cap on the number of missiles is a worthwhile feat or a wasted feat?
Who were you fighting on page 8 of Inner Sea Combat?
Looking at all that snow where were you?
Dear James,
Can an artifact be used to Sunder another artifact?
What are the chances on getting the stats for characters from the various novels?
There are several I would like to see.
Does the additional damage from the Alchemist's throw anything ability apply to all thrown weapons or just to bombs?
Dear James,
I think you missed my question....
Is it possible to redeem evil artifacts found in Wrath of the Righteous?
Is it possible to redeem evil artifacts found in Wrath of the Righteous?
Thanks for answering our questions.
1) If someone were to cast a True Resurrection spell can a slain demon lord be restored to life?
2) If restored to life, what would happen to an island created by its death in the Midnight Isles?
If an eidolon is trapped by a soul bind spell will the summoner be able to dismiss and re-summon it?
Why December? What happened to November?
When will we be getting an Interplanetary AP where the PCs have to visit multiple worlds and even multiple solar systems?
James Jacobs wrote:
We're less than a week away from the book being out, so I'm not gonna go into full detail... but basically... every 2 tiers = +1 CR.
Baba Yaga has MUCH more going on than mythic tiers. She's got a lot of other bonuses beyond what a mythic character gets to put her at CR 30.
A level 20/tier 10 party of PCs facing a CR 30 foe is more or less akin to a level 20 party facing a CR 25 foe... or a level 10 party facing a CR 15 foe. It's a super epic fight that's likely to end in a TPK unless you spend a few adventures SPECIFICALLY preparing yourselves for the fight, basically.
A single level 20/tier 10 mythic NPC would be a CR 24 threat (more if they were more than a zero HD creature, of course). So, that NPC would NOT be much of a threat to a group of four fully maxed out PCs.
Which is why we gave Baba Yaga some extra stuff! Actually according to Witch Queen's Revenge, pages 68, 74 Baba Yaga is a Witch 20/ Archmage 10 with 10 Mythic tiers.
James Jacobs wrote: Ral' Yareth wrote:
If WotC offered you (free of charge!) the legal rights to 5 of their D&D characters, which ones would you pick?
Obox-ob, Demogorgon, Graz'zt, Malcanthet, and Iggwilv. I thought Demogorgon was based on a real world myth like Orcus was?
Hey everyone,
Did you know that according to EnWorld the best 3e D&D adventure is Red Hand of Doom by James Jacobs and Richard Baker?
What other methods does Quadira use to pay for their troops?
mark kay wrote: James,
I know Taldor isn't one of your favourite nations, but I figured I might as well ask this and see what your own view is. So, the army of Qadira is noted at clocking in at 100,000+, which can be further swelled by conscripts and slaves. The shtick of the Taldan army is noted as being underfunded, but still impressive, and further potent enough to hold its borders. Certainly they've at least been powerful enough to have discouraged a Qadiran invasion to this point.
How big an army do you figure that would have to be to be managing that, as far as the hosts of Taldor?
How does Quadira pay for its troops? Assuming the minimum of 100,000 Fighter 1 soldiers this is 50 Colossal armies, each CR 8 which costs 4BP(8,000 gp) each. That is a total cost of 400,000 gp per week. How can Quadira afford these costs?
James Jacobs wrote: deuxhero wrote: How old is Nethys? Most PF gods seem to fall into "around when Rovagug was sealed" "younger than that" and "ascended in an amount of time comprehensible to humans in the past". While clearly not the last one (he was already a god when Osriion first came into existance) was he around during the Rovagug fight? When Earthfall happened, the Azlanti god of magic was killed.
How did the Azlanti god of magic die?
James Jacobs wrote: scifan888 wrote: Did Pharasma participate in the original battle against Rovagug? No. Why not?
Did Pharasma participate in the original battle against Rovagug?
Dear James,
How do you pronounce Lich?
An Oracle's curse can only be removed by divine aid. Would a Miracle from an artifact be sufficient?
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I hope there are rules for creating artifacts, especially since all the spellcasters that would be considered mythic such as Nex, Geb, Baba Yaga etc. have all created artifacts.

James Jacobs wrote: Secane wrote: Golarion setting specific, divine questions:
1) 2 Clerics, one a cleric of a demigod, the other a cleric of one the major gods of Golarion, both cast Miracle (Very powerful request version). Each asking for exact opposite requests of the other.
Which Miracle would win out?
1a) What if the Miracle request involves the demigod's Portfolio, but not that of the major god?
For example, a request to Kostchtchie (demon lord, portfolio: cold) to freeze a forest, countered by a request to Cayden Cailean (full deity, portfolio: freedom/bravery/wine) to burn the forest?
2) In a similar vein. If 2 Clerics, belongs to deities of Equal Level (For example, both are core deities), casts Miracle (Very powerful request version). Each requesting for exact opposite effects.
In this case, which Miracle would win out?
2a) And would their deities portfolios influence the outcome in such a case too?
1) Whichever one the GM wants to win. A miracle more closely associated with a deity's portfolio/area of concern should be more powerful than one that's not.
1a) See above. Miracles are equally powerful regardless of the deity or source that grants them.
2) See #1 above.
2a) See #2a above. What about when one caster is of a higher level than the other?
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Why is Merisiel always lonely?
Does the author of part 6 get to read the previous 5 before starting to write part 6?
Odraude wrote: James Jacobs wrote: AlgaeNymph wrote: Odraude wrote: I feel like you'd love the secret text in the last adventure of Shattered Star ;) That'd be #5, right? And do you mean the word puzzle I read about or something else? Nope.
At the end of every Adventure Path, on the credits/legal text page, we "hide" a short phrase down at the bottom of the page. We've been doing this since Pathifnder #6, the last adventure of Rise of the Runelords. Yup. I first discovered this in Carrion Crown much to my delight.
@Algaenymph In case you have SS's 6th book, it's
** spoiler omitted **
But in case you don't have it, it's
** spoiler omitted ** Hey, how is it you have SS#6 already while mine has been pending for over a week? Do you live near Paizo? Just curious.