Risi Nairgon

Molly the Lost's page

293 posts. Organized Play character for Zuckerman's Famous.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Rylai Pendergrass

Female Half Elf Swashbuckler/level 9 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Nick Graves

M Sylph Empirisist/ level 1 (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Roman Times

m Human Bolt Ace (1 post)

Dark Archive Penny Graves

Human Ninjai (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Calipri Times

Human Cleric (0 posts)

The Exchange Catherine Viskanya

Ganzi (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Wynrey

F Half-Elf Unbreakable Fighter (0 posts)
The Exchange Bubbles, the coonskin cap

Male Cassisian Angel Improved Familiar/14 | HP 48/48 | AC 21, TAC 11, FFAC 14, 7 CMD, 19 SR | Fort +10, +16 Reflex, +4 Will | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction | DR 5/cold iron or evil; Immune acid, cold, petrification, Resist 5 electricity 10, fire 10 (26 posts)
Scarab Sages Alex Traza

F Aasimar Dragon Mystery Oracle (393 posts)
Risi Nairgon
Liberty's Edge Molly the Lost

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion | (293 posts)
Skywin Freeling
Liberty's Edge Tally McMillen

Female Halfling Unchained Vexxing Dodger 9/ Free Hand Fighter 6/Mouser 1 | HP 128/128 | AC 37, TAC 25, FFAC 30, 43 CMD | Fort +11, +18 Reflex, +9 Will (+5 vs enchantment effects) | +7 Init | Perception +16, See Invisibility | Panache 4 | | (77 posts)
Liberty's Edge Curtus, Cowboy
(1 post)
The Concordance Alexandra Trazaron

Female Human Sorcerer 5 / Pathfinder Savant 8 |HP 93/93| AC 23, TAC 14, FFAC 21, 15 CMD|Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +11|Init:2 Per +4|Spell Slots: 1 (7 Left), 2 (7 left), 3 (6 left), 4 (6 left), 5 (5 left), 6(3 left)| (316 posts)

Dark Archive Florence Seacole
(0 posts)

The Exchange Elbruna Times
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge The Great Calamity

Lashunta (0 posts)
Dark Archive The Doormouse

Female Halfling Dampir Unchained Rogue 2 / Tattooed Crossblooded Sorcerer 4 / Arcane Trickster 6 |HP 61/68| AC 25, TAC 16, FFAC 22, 18 CMD|Fort +6(+10 vs Petrification), Ref +13, Will +8(+2vs Mind Effects and Diseases)|Init:5 Per -1| (176 posts)

Dark Archive Dr Jonathan Light
(0 posts)

The Concordance Tumbleweed, Cactus Cowboy
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Borbahba
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Katherine Vishkanya
(1 post)

Horizon Hunters Sophia Verdante
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Valandro Summershine
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Serintine Uphill
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Kallie Shan
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters El Spidre
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Serintine Verdante
(0 posts)

Dark Archive The Gentle Sage
(0 posts)


Sovereign Court Belgeon Silverkin

Male Oread Armour Master/1 Guardian/1 (23 posts)

M Human Rogue (UC) 1, HP 10/10 AC 16 (71 posts)
Sleeping Human
Grand Lodge Billy Starlock

Male Human Knife Master/7 (29 posts)
Little Girl
Elora Erickson
(4 posts)
Glen the Goblin

Male Goblin Investigator (Cipher)/2 HP 15/15 AC 19 Inspiration 4/4 (114 posts)

(0 posts)

Hojojojo Rojojojo
(0 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Jamorin Tigersoul

Male Human Monk (Unchained)/2 HP 18/20 AC 17 Perception +7, Sense Motive +8 (65 posts)
Kip McGallegar

M Ysoki Operative 1 (11 posts)

Male Wolf Mount, Charger/3 20/20 HP (0 posts)
Lenora Zimmeruski
(2 posts)
Ralph Tyranis
(150 posts)
Rick Schroder
(15 posts)
Theo Baskin

M Catfolk Daring Infiltrator 1 (17 posts)
Card Caster
Tikaani Kesuk

Male Southern Water Tribe Gestalt Kineticist/Flowing Mnk 2 HP 24/24 NL11(2) AC 21 Touch 17, FF 17 FDef 24 (35 posts)
Tina Wolfswift

Female Human Shoemaker (39 posts)
Liberty's Edge Xaveer Littleknight

M Halfling Cavalier Emissary, Order of the Paw/3 (10 posts)
Goblin with Beehive
Ziska Rockripper

F Goblin Barbarian 1 (4 posts)