
Tina Wolfswift's page

39 posts. Alias of Leoian Mousekewitz.

Full Name

Marstina Hellen Wolfswift











About Tina Wolfswift

Shoe making runs deep in the Wolfswift family, Clyde Wolfswift inherited the shop from his father who in turn took it over from his father. Clyde always had the intention to pass the family business on to his first born son when the time came. Unfortunately for Tina she was a disappointment the moment she was born simply because she wasn't a son. Clyde's disappointment turned to a bitter resentment when it became apparent that, due to complications during child birth, his wife would never bear children again.

Tina was always very interested in what her father was doing, so despite his refusal to teach her, or even acknowledge her for the most part, she started to learn the art of shoe making just by watching him. It turned out she had quite the knack for it, and by the age of seven she was making her own shoes.

It soon became apparent, even to Clyde, that Tina would be a mighty fine shoe maker when she grew up, perhaps even better than himself. He was still reluctant but did start giving her pointers, it would be a terrible shame to waste her talent. Maybe he could pass the business on to her husband when she married.

Although Clyde finally let his daughter help him while making shoes he would never let her help, or even watch when he worked on shoes for his regulars. She was too young at the time to suspect it was anything other than his usual reluctance to teach a girl. In fact with certain customers he was using shoe repair as a front. The customers would hide wads of cash in hollowed out shoe heels, and Clyde would replace them with maps to alcohol caches, or sometimes messages from the boss.

By the age of twelve Tina had become quite an accomplished shoe maker, but she was starting to catch on that her father was up to something more than simple shoe repair. She was determined to get to the bottom of it without tipping off her father. She never did find out anything as Clyde disappeared, one day he set out to buy tacks at the hardware store, and never returned.

With her father gone Tina was left to support her mother, her father may never have intended for her to inherit the family business, but after the fourth year with him missing it was essentially hers. Unfortunately pressure from the mafia to continue her father's other business came along with it.