Goin' For A Troll's page
81 posts. Alias of Orthos.
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Tacticslion wrote: That... likely won't help you, FH, but, uh... oh, look! A distraction!
Like making a Final Fantasy-esque character in DaWtL. Guarantee you can use holy sword techniques - or whatever - on a brand new monster I'm pondering how best to stat up right now; it's name is, "YourBoss," and if you join, it's super-definitely in the game (unless you'd hate that, in which case I'll just scratch off the name and write a different one come up with an entirely different and totally original monster)! :D
There's a Calculator spot reserved just for you. ;)
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captain yesterday wrote: Captain Yesterday fun fact: My family has been raising beagles for years and in that time I've never seen one sleep inside a doghouse, ALWAYS on top.
They're pretty much canine goats.
So Peanuts was right all along...?
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Yeah but it's Kimmel. Who cares what he thinks?
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NobodysHome wrote:
If you can't learn how not to be a jerk in 10 minutes or less, you're in trouble.
Or ARE trouble.
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Man, I would have taken that deal in a heartbeat. $300 is $300, and earplugs are cheap.
Dorkwemada wrote: I am pwestently weading the Wevelation of Thaint John the Divine, the only pwophet with an apocalithp. Do you do weddings?
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quibblemuch wrote: Life. Don't talk to me about life. Good news! Check out these doors we just installed!
And the inevitable big-budget blockbuster disaster movie to follow.
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Gary Teter wrote: "Perhaps it, " he said. "You are the only goal for this place, you can only take your horse and be eaten by trolls."
Now we're talking.
avr wrote: I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: I seem to recall reading about some crazy sicko cult where people ritually devour their own god's flesh and blood. They even make their own kids do it as an initiation ritual. And get this - the whole outfit is regarded in the setting as GOOD-aligned! Just their propaganda. There hasn't been a proper inquisition to check them out in centuries. No one would expect it.
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Automated Troll Detector wrote: ...
...It's captain yesterday...
No further analysis necessary. 100% probability of troll.
Man, what you got against trolls, man?
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Don't listen to that metal motormouth. He doesn't know what he's talking about at all.
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NobodysHome wrote: Yeah, I'm a terrible, terrible troll. I just live in my dark, cold cave and am nice to people and feed them.
Must be a misbreed.
We can fix that for you.
Who you calling small, dwarf?
Pedantic pointing out that it's not necromancy if the thread isn't dead.
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Ambrosia Slaad wrote: captain yesterday wrote: Karma will take care of what the moderators dont:-) {digs out trollsbane greataxe, starts engraving "KARMA" on the haft} Speciesist.
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Successful Troll is Successful wrote: Goin' For A Troll wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: Orthos wrote: Tacticslion wrote: So, wandered into another forum I frequent. Probably the one I've been on the longest.
Found drama going on. Caused by the exact. same. people.
Who don't get punished for it.
Sigh. Ain't it always the way? Sorry. I'm trying to behave myself... A likely story! Successful Troll requests fellow troll brethren not give away troll trade secrets. Nobody tells me these things in advance!
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Orthos wrote: Tacticslion wrote: So, wandered into another forum I frequent. Probably the one I've been on the longest.
Found drama going on. Caused by the exact. same. people.
Who don't get punished for it.
Sigh. Ain't it always the way? Sorry. I'm trying to behave myself... A likely story!
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You're welcome, random citizen!
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Freehold DM wrote: And never, ever let a troll get to you. Man, not cool.
Mocks people who still think top of page is anything special.
Mockery and insult directed toward necro-poster's obviously insufficient mental capacity.
Freehold DM wrote: checks out antipaladin package
Hm. Looks like I can smite Texans AND Whedonites and still move in the same round. Interesting.
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Berates poster for failure to use the conveniently provided Edit button. Walks them through the use of said function in a manner reminiscent of educating a particularly slow young child.
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Successful Troll is Successful wrote: Goin' For A Troll wrote: There's times we're supposed to? Successful Troll is very dedicated to Successful Troll's art. I can respect that.
TOZ wrote: Orthos wrote: Sissyl wrote: Indeed, my comment was a reference to the exchange between Davor and TOZ. Yeah I'll call that one an early-morning derp on my part. Sorry! Oh, don't worry. Sissyl just doesn't know when to take me seriously and when not to. There's times we're supposed to?
Eggs it on
Collects rage in bottles
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Shade of Grey wrote: Splode wrote: Aranna wrote: Do internet arguments ALWAYS have to demonize the other side?! Yes!
And anyone who disagrees with me is a doo-doo head. Shades of grey are for suckers! :) /Sob *bottles tears*
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Troll-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo wrote: Bjørn Røyrvik wrote: Having walked alone through the dark woods in rural Norway in autumn nights I can see how an overactive imagination can make you believe in trolls and whatnot. Any strange sound or half-glimpsed movement is suddenly filled with menace, fear and uncertainty make you start imagining things.... I remember that night....I almost had you then.....hahahaha
Maybe next time? No fair! You said I could have the next one!
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Gorbacz wrote: Ssalarn wrote: I expect Occult Mysteries to be amazing though, because so many of the people at Paizo love the concept. They've been planning and ruminating on something they love and are excited about, and love is where the real magic comes from.
Fear not, your damning praise will be quickly silenced by all the "ha ha Failzo hates point-based psionics so they're giving us another vancian system where casters rule and martials drool' people ;-) LSfgpowda8ylkv;glkashdf;alsdfjalsgdahdflk!!!!! GWARGH!!!!
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Steve Geddes wrote: Who's going to tell them? Somebody's gotta tell them.
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*bwraaaaaaaap* 'Scuse me.
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Every time someone mentions FATAL I eat a kitten. Think of the kittens man!

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captain yesterday wrote: Werebat wrote: Bruunwald wrote:
There's really no point to this, unless it is a roundabout means of flexing your inner Wizards fanboy. Or unless you are getting kickbacks for starting threads that act as thinly veiled commercials for the other team.
You summarize well the responses of many people in this thread by people who seem to consider themselves to be in the dugout of the "home team".
Accusing me of being a "fanboy", and of getting "kickbacks"? That's nothing more than angry vitriol, but it is the sort of vitriol one would expect from a person who sees another as a member of the "opposing team" invading the "dugout".
Actually, thanks. You've helped me to understand the reason for all of the vitriol. I had been confused because I made essentially the same initial post over at ENworld and that conversation has been completely devoid of the kind of snide rage hate I'm seeing here.
It didn't make a lot of sense before but now I get it. This is the "dugout", and I'm considering changing colors to the "other team".
I guess I was confused because I didn't really expect that kind of mentality from fellow gamers. Go figure.
I'll leave you to your cheers and pom-poms. Have fun at Homecoming! Wait! when did we start talking about Baseball? okay then i'm game:) Go Mariners! yeah! we did it baby! we're number one! who hoo! Yankees suck!
there was that good? its just you have me so confused, what with a bait thread in the wrong forum and all We're Great! And You Suck!
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And that means something. Something untenable.
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Oceanshieldwolf wrote: Realism be damned. Umm, dragons? No WAY they could fly without major ribcage, shoulder joint and spinal strengthening/lightening, and some musculature improvement. ;) That's cause dragons are magical! Realism doesn't affect them. Brawlers are a martial class, they have to pay attention to realism.
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The class is balanced by its strict entry requirements. Not just anybody can be a gninja, after all. It probably wouldn't hurt to put some multiclassing restrictions on it though, like Monk and Paladin had back in 3.5.
Sissyl wrote: Belazoar wrote: Sissyl wrote: Trolly forum troll is trolly. Me? No, the OP. Masterful baiting to start another alignment debate, I am afraid. Well to be fair, it's right there in his name.
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Sissyl wrote: I honestly don't understand this hostility toward the idea. One must not break the status quo.
Politics! Religion! Sports! Booze! Money! Power! Raeg! Haet! Fruy! Splelign!