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![]() "I ain't blame ya Marly... yer scared 'an confused. But we gotta consider dis carefully, da wrong moves means curtains not jus' fer da lot o' us, but da right one means we still gotta chance. Ya jus' let me die an' da cops win. Tie da vote if ya really can't choose... one o' us will likely be be done in by da cops, but da rest still got a slim chance at least." ![]()
![]() "Whoa, what yer doin ain't make no sense Marly. Like Kitty said ya think Corbyn's a cop so yer gonna kill me? Cuz what, guy's gotta have a partner an it might as well be me?" When Corbyn votes for him too Rick shakes his head "Awright, so lemme count, two cops an' two votes fer me seemingly at complete random. Well Corbyn, been fishy ta me since da start, an' he's real quick ta go fer da kill, I tink he's a dirty pig. Cuz de only way he's gonna save 'imself by takin me out is if he's a cop." Rick votes Corbyn ![]()
![]() Shaking his head slowly the P.I. looks away from those that wrestled down Jeremy. He listens to GEoffrey talking and shrugs his shoulders after the speech "Well ya said a whole lot Geoff, but we still ain't able ta make any decent decisions from what ya said. Harold got me a drink too, an' like I said earlier when Jeremy pointed a finga at 'im, I figured he was a decent gus." Downing the last of his drink Rick adds "As fer tyin da vote I figure it'sa whole lot better 'n offin a legitimate wise guy... even now a tie ain't a bad idea, if we ain't certain we got da right Gus." "A fact dat you seem ta have c'nveniently fergotten Mr. Corbyn, dat an' only Jeremy and Jimmy voted against Harold, an' Jimbo only did so ta tie cuz he ain't tink either of 'em were crooked, tuns out he wus right." Looking to Jimmy Rick adds "In my book dat's a purdy good indication yer onna level Jimbo... We're inna real tight spot though. Ya got any ideas? Whisper in my ear if yer worried 'bout de others listenin" ![]()
![]() "Lack o' security my eye, dat door wuz locked an' guarded" Rick shakes his head he blinks and looks towards Kitty "You too Kitty? Well awright if ya tink da kid's dirty... Corbyn ain't wanna tell us why he's here, rubs me da wrong way... You I trust, I guess we'll see what he knows dat we don't I ain't gonna be happy wit him if he's wrong dough." Rick rescinds his vote ![]()
![]() Rick shakes his head at Jimmy's question "Nah, not the only one, gonna be a lot harder witout him dough." "Nah we can't just do nottin Marly... da Fuzz'll just whack us one atta time, we gotta figure out who's who quick." He turns to Corbyn "'fraid my 'spicions keep comin back ta you pally. You were real quick ta jump onboard ta defend the poet an' put Jer'my onna choppin block. An' yer story just ain't add up, no way nobody was gettin in here t'night 'less they were on Tony's list. If ya ain't got no connection ta da Tiger ya ain't got no business bein here, so 'less you got a better story'n it's jus' a coincidence ya were at m'guffins fer da raid an' now yer here fer dis I can't trust ya no way no how." Rick votes for Corbyn ![]()
![]() "Mike!" Rick clenches his fist looking away from the motionless doorman "Damn coppers, he wuz my oldest friend... We gotta root em out, they'll pay." He looks towards Corbyn as he explains his suspicions about Jeremy "So ya tink 'e's 'spicous cuz yer guessin 'e wuz in McGuffins wit ya? An' yer gonna stick wit yer story that y'ain't got no connection ta Tony, yer here by sum kinda coincidence?" ![]()
![]() Rick watches Harold to see any reaction the man may have to the accusations "Ya better say sumthin quick pal, I think yer maybe just inna wrong place at da wrong time, but on da udder hand Tony musta had his reasons fer who he brought in t'day, if ya ain't have sumthin ta do wit da Tiger ya shouldn'ta been let in inna furst place." He looks to Jeremy and Corbyn as Geoff points them out "The two o' ya as well, I ain't pointin no fingas, we jus need infermation, I fer one'd like ta hear yer stories. What ya doin here tonight?" ![]()
![]() "Mike I'd think you 'o all people known me long 'nuff ta know jus' how far a stretch PI is from a stinkin copper. An' I know I ain't afficially part a da crew, but Tony never treated me like an outsida." Rick grumbles to his friend as he opens up the first aid kit, he picks out a few things that he can use to patch up Jeremy he nods to Kitty when she comes up with a sewing kit "Thanks doll, arm's the wurst 'o it. I ain't tink anytin's broke, but hard ta tell, kid's like one big bruise." He glances towards Dom's body as he helps tend to Jeremy's wounds "Ain't da first time I see it, but 's never easy ta see Tony take care 'o dis kinda bizniss... sum 'o da folks he had me find he wasn' 'zactly happy wit. And well... ya cross da Tiger sooner 'r later ya get mauled." He sighs and shakes his head "I ain't ever tought it'd be our on da receivin end dough. I can't see ya as cops... pushes my s'spicions t'wards da ones I don't know" Speaking up the investigator addresses everyone "If I wuz a copper I'd turn m'self in, Tony's terrifyin' when he's mad, but he ain't no monster turn yerself in werk fer feline instead'a swine an' maybe he'll letcha live, he'll at least make it quick fer ya." ![]()
![]() "Dominic wuz a copper? Well ain't dat a slap inna face." He shakes his head "Well guess dat makes sense why Tony said it wuz so 'portant, he musta figured he could rely on my 'vestigation skills ta ferret out dem dirty pigs." He looks towards Jeremy who's still bleeding "Ya better get it straight kid, I ain't no inspector, I'mma PI." He waves towards Mike "Hey Mike, I ain't find no badge, but this Gus is packin more heat den Florida." Rick stops Jeremy from shoving any more bundles into his pockets and removes the ones already pushed in there. "Deal wit dis Joker's arsenal will ya? Ad do ya got a first aid kit? Ain't no sense lettin 'im bleed ta death 'til we're sure he'sa cop." Looking to the late coming waitress he asks "Marly good ta see ya... wish it were under betta cercumstances. Don't suppose ya got a sewin kit on ya?" ![]()
![]() "Hey tanks pally." Rick says accepting the drink from Harold. With a smile towards Kitty the PI nods "Well I hadda drop a case, but Tony said dis was 'portant. I ain't 'bout ta say no, not wit the tab I run up." He smirks towards her as she teases about replacing her "Well sleuthin's been kinda slow, maybe I oughta consider bein a bar girl. But don't worry doll, Ol' Rick knows better'n ta compete wit ya, or keep ya when yer werkin." He leans in closer to add in a whisper
"An' knows buyin' yer 'ffection 's only good 'til sum Gus wit deeper pockets comes along. But don'tcha worry I ani't gonna tell the guys." He says with a wink, then with another glance at Harold then Corbyn "Weird night's right where'd ya dig these guys up? I know Jimmy likes da Absinthe show, but dis guy's already outta his tree. Maybe yer better off not werkin 'im I'd be worried fer ya." Looking towards his drink, which was already ready for him by the time he hit the stool, Rick nods towards the bartender "Tanks Jimmy, on da ball as always" Turning his attention to the beat up newcomer Rick slips off his stool at Mike's request "Course Mike, I'll take a look. The Gumshoe joins Jimmy as he offers the towel to Jeremy. "I ain't no docter but I seen my fair share 'o maulin's... most people ain't come to da Tiger's place pre-mauled though. Well lemme take a look friend? How bad izzit? Catch any blades 'r bullets?" ![]()
![]() Rick raises an eyebrow at the rhyming man trying to make sense of him "Sounds like ya musta got a pretty good head start on me pal, I ain't near drunk enough ta understand that." He smirks at Harold "From what I do understand though ya seem a lil too defensive fer someone who ain't feel no threat, and I gotta say a lot too possessive... ain't like she belong to ya." The P.I. shrugs and shakes his head "No need anyway, like I said I jus' wanna minute ta say hi, then ya can have yer conversashun." Which if I know Kitty will last precisely as long as it takes to completely empty your pockets. "Course ya ain't gotta say hi if ya don't wanna Kitty. I get it, some days I ain't wanna see my ugly mug neither." He looks over at Corbyn's display and his eyes widen. Is there a gas leak or something in here tonight? Everybody's gone nuts. ![]()
![]() Rick moves over to the bar sliding into a stool and setting his bowler on the bar with a sigh. "Gimme the usual would ya Jimbo? And stick it on my tab." Rick knew some day Tony would probably actually make him pay his tab, or more likely The Tiger would force him to do some kind of job in lieu of pay. Today probably wasn't that day though so that was a worry for future Rick, at least he really hoped it wasn't today, the PI business had been slow and his pockets were very empty. He looks over at Mike and blinks "Eh? you ain't at the door tonight Mike? Den who's gonna toss me out when I get belligerent?" "Kitty? Izzat you dollface? What you doin hidin behind this scruffy lookin character?" He says with a nod toward Harold "C'mere so's I can take a look at cha." He grins toward Harold "No offense meant pal, but I ain't seen Kitty fer a while, an I could shure use a friendly face tonight, an her baby blues grab me a lot harder than yer stubbly mug. I won't be a minute jus to say hi... He furrows his brow at the man "Speakin o' which I ain't think I seen you 'round her before. Name's Rick. Here take my card." Rick slides over a napkin with "Rick Shroder Investigatory Services" and the phone number 742-584-3345 scrawled on it "Ok so I ran outta cards, but you need my services you lemme know... assumin ya gots some dough, no dough ya can find yer cat yerself." |