Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << Encounter: Unfriendly Wildlife | Round I | Encounter Map: Axebeak Hills Encounter >> Reaching the crest of the hill, Mineko Yamauchi clad in her finery glanced towards the three giant avian beasts with a frowning glance. They were large was the first thought, followed shortly thereafter by a note of how sharp their beaks were. With a cry one launched itself at the nearest dwarf and the powerful blow managed to shatter the dwarfs shield. No.. this will not do.. The unordained empresses thought stoically. This one has not come all of this way only to see our remaining people shattered before carrion scavengers. With an imperious gesture, The empresses flicked her fingers and her kimono changed to a scarlet hue with white cherry blossoms falling to her hem. It was the color of blood. Komainu-Kun! Deal with the beasts! Mineko commanded striding towards the clanging of steel and the squawking of furious beasts. I will rally the guards. As Komainu explodes forward, throwing up bits of shale in his wake, Mineko points towards nearest of the beasts. Guards! Rally to the southern beast! Strike at its flanks and bring it down. The woman shouts, though at the last second a shrill warbling cry manages to overpower even the sound of the women's own voice, causing it to be lost in the moment. _____________________________________
SA: Mineko use Intimidate vs nearest Axebeak in K19 (DC13) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << The Hills Camp | Cloudy, Strong Breeze, Cool | Mid-Day | Wealday, Arodus 13th, 4714 AR >> Standing before a small cluster of Tian dwarves, Princess Mineko nodded again to the aged, wizened dwarf craftsman who held a bit of salvaged stone in his hands. Over the last few weeks, the uncrowned Empress had become somewhat softer in her approaches to her people. She still stood for the empire, and the memory of their home, but what the people needed now was hope. Salvation seemed a distant prospect, but Mineko had thrown herself into hardening the resolve of her people. The coast was a wild and untamed land. It was full of wonders and questions, and questions were often left unanswered and turned to fear. Mineko knew that such things could not be allowed to fester unchecked. Yes, Master Yamaumich.. Mineko said softly, examining the stone, though in truth she was unsure what she was looking at. This one agrees it does not carry the luster of jade, nor the beauty of marble. But it like our people is strong... Suddenly screams broke through the air and a cold wind blew against the frail women's spine. Behind her, her celestial guardian and protection of the Granite Throne, Komainu-Kun stiffened in reaction. His nostrils flared, testing the air and the thousand foreign scents that this new land held. Danger, your highness... Komainu grumbled with a soft bassato rumble. The words were unneeded, but accepted with quite, calm reserve. Turning back to the stone-smith, The last scion of the Yamauchi clan bowed slightly and looked towards the screams. Master Yamaumich.. We will discuss this later. Mineko stated, her voice growing quiet, but with a deep inner reserve, like fire hardened steel. Glancing back of her shoulder, Mineko gestured towards Koki Hayashi. Guardsman.. Mineko stated, her voice carrying with it the undertone of command. Take what guards we have. Post half to the inner camp. The other half is to reinforce in the direction of the attack. Draw the craftsman and noncombatants towards the fire. Go.. go now! Pushing her way through the tents towards the sounds of the screams. Mineko flicked her wrist in a series of complex motions. It would be appropriate to pay homage to the gods for the blessings, but she hoped they would understand that time was of the essence. Her prayer complete, the slight woman felt a mantle of pressure descend upon her, and a moment later a similar disturbance appear around her protector. My thanks, ancestors... she thought, briefly inclining her head before moving towards the sounds of violence. In her heart she knew that this was only the first of many tests that awaited their stranded people on these forlorn shores, but she would never shirk from her duties. _____________________________
Komainu Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Morning Guys, I had some things come up. Long story short.. I am back home and have access to the forums. Not sure how long it will last for, but while I am here no need to get e-mail updates. I'll let you guys know if things change. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Well my friends... I am going away on business. I won't be able to access the pazio forums for a while. Rob is going to send me updates via e-mail and we will try to see if I can incorporate my posts via e-mail for the time being being. I won't be able to play off of you much, but hopefully I can still contribute. If things don't workout via e-mail then Rob will DMNPC me. I'll check in when I can. -Mineko ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Quietly moving up next to the group, Mineko kept her arms inside of her kimono. It was cold in the mountains and the proximity from the ocean lent the range a damp chillness that no amount of layers could seem to suppress. Behind her, her boon companion and protector Komaninu padded up on stone wrought feet. Nodding in cold awareness to Doctor Logem, Mineko turned to face Maven and Dwunderbran. She did not however show her back to the Doctor. To do so would show disrespect, and while she did not approve of the dwarf, he had shown himself useful. Still, she could not shake an apprehension about him. So.. Dark-kin.. The princess muttered to herself. First an encounter with the winged creatures, and now our earth blighted kin. Shaking her head sadly, the young woman sniffed hesitantly at the chalky yellow and red powder. It will only be a matter of time until they learn we have arrived and they seemed to be actively mining the area. We should double the guards from here on out and see if we can backtrack them to wherever they came from. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Hrm... ok, so the +1 CHA won't stack with the same stat as the one from the Kracken. In that case, continuing with the role of being "diplomatic" and "leadership" I am going to take Magic Inheritance: The I will go with the supernatural ability x3 a day and the spell I will take will be [i]honeyed tongue from the paladin list. The +5 bonus to Diplomacy is right up Mineko's alley. Rob you good with that? ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Nah.. not going anywhere. At least as long as Rob will still have me =p. The other thing that has been keeping me busy is that my wife and I will be having our first child! So that's great news. But I'm also trying to take care of her, so that's coming first. Anyhow, no excuses. I'll drum up something as soon as I get some creative juices flowing. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() God, I am so sorry. I know I need to post here, but things just keep comming up and its not fair to any of you guys. Work has been crazy. My wife and I are getting ready to move again in the next few months. I'm doing crossfit five days a week and that takes up a ton of time too. Really I'm sorry and I will try to knock out a post soon-ish. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << Beach Camp | Night | Clear Skies, Windy, Cool | Oathday, Arodus 7th, 4714 AR >> Sitting beside Quint, Mineko sipped her tea quietly. Looking up she saw that Forgemaster Brewbane had joined the pair in study. Inclining her head slightly in a measure of guarded respect, the Empress nodded cordially. Yes, the book does speak of the Lords of Old and The Hammer of the Dwarvish Lords that the Axe may have been later based off of. Frowning slightly at the remembrance of her lost clan, Mineko closes her eyes momentarily to block away the pain. I find it so odd, the diverging and yet similar cultures our people shared. In my land the White Mountain Peak Clan, or "Yamauchi" held a Ancestral Celestial Weapon, who when last I knew was carried by my father. In this case the weapon was a Katana who our legends say made of star-filled steel crafted by a deep earth Kami. Frowning Mineko sighed. Perhaps my peoples sword like your peoples axe were both inspiration based on a previous longer legenge from our mutual peoples forefathers. Sipping quietly on the cup of tea, Mineko nodded thoughtfully. Our peoples divergent history has spanned thousands of years so it would not come as a surprise that we might find common ground the further back we travel. Regardless, I think this journal is an important find and one that may help us in the future. Its clear that Halsii spent years planning this expedition and it is imperative that we focus on unlocking its secrets. Turning back to Quint, Mineko nodded as if making her mind up. I understand that you had planned to review our supplies and that needs to be of utmost importance, but I don't believe this journal can wait. I plan to continue to study it while the gatherers spend the next few days bring in the last of the supplies before we move to wherever possible the scouting group determined would be of our best immediate interest. In the mean time, we need to make sure that nothing from these pages is lost. It could be a serious setback to us. Just in case, we should consider having the book transcribed to protect it. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Great idea Maven! DM I'll be working on a post now that I am home, as you can see from my other games I'm catching up with all of my pbp posts at this time. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << Beach Camp | Early Morning | Clear Skies, Cool| Oathday, Arodus 7th, 4714 AR >> The wind blew softly across the beach as the survivors of the three shipwrecks began their morning routine. Near the shore nets were being placed out to harvest fish and scavengers made ready to comb the beaches to the north and south for more supplied before the weather turned foul and the dwarves would well and truly be on their own on these strange new shores. Sitting on a chair, fashioned from a recovered crate, Mineko sipped at a hot cup tea. Thankfully the Tian dwarves still had several bags remaining, enough so that it would last for another month if they were lucky. Quietly the empress in exile considered the possibly of finding wild leaves or bark that might make something that approximated tea, unlikely to be sure, but she would mention it to her servants. It was a shame that the most knowledgeable about nature was the odious doctor. Mineko did not trust him and she knew that her protector felt the same way. That only served to strengthen her resolve. Sighing to herself, the kimono robed woman rose. That would be an issue for another day, for now she would remain watchful and continue to gather support among the remaining dwarves. A strong power base would be important if she was the lead the group. She knew that her customs and curious behavior would be at odds with the traditionalism of the other, but she had faith that they would come around over time. It was only a matter of them seeing the similarity in their heritage rather then the difference. Rising, her retainers also rose. To her left her protector stretched like the giant stone statue of a cat that he was and rumbled with a low cackle-purr. Smiling softly to herself, Mineko ran her hands through his ivory curls chased with veins of gold. He was a source of much relief. Looking to her right the empress turned her attention to her handmaiden Kaori. Nodding regally, the slight dwarven woman fixed eyes on the minor noble. Watashi, this one wishes for you to make a list of all of the teams going to scavenge this morning. Uruwashii, continue to train the dwarves with some skill in martial forms. The sooner that they can act as a unit rather then individuals we will be stronger for it. Itamae, look over our remaining stores. This one requires a list by the end of the day of current rations and how long we can expect them to hold out. The council needs a running total of food so that we can plan for a trip inland as soon as the wreckage is exhausted. Kaseifu, see to the other women and make sure that cleanliness is being observed in the camp, the last thing we need is for an outbreak of disease. Setting her tea cup down daintily on the crate, the empress clapped her hands together. This one is going to visit the scholar-archivist Bonechisel-San. We understand that there is some recovered knowledge that needs to be translated. We will return before the evening meal for your reports. Now go. Gliding across the makeshift camp, her clogs digging into the sand, Mineko smiled slightly to herself, projecting an air of confidence. The survivors had a chance. Each was working diligently towards their goals. The community was coming together through shared distress. That was well. Moving past a group of artisans who were working on another cart, Mineko watched carefully before noting the work was well done. She approved and informed the dwarves of it. It was important that they know that each pulled their weight. Weaving through the groups like a kingfisher in flight the empress arrived at the tent that belonged to Quint. The dwarf was already in study, eyes pouring over a slightly waterlogged tome. Taking out a fan, she flicked it outward to hide the lower half of her face. This one took far too many liberties with her. It would need to be addressed in time. Were all western dwarves as bold as him? Bowing slightly, the empress sat across from the bespectacled dwarf. I saw the book you had recovered following the defeat of the crab. Tell me, how goes the progress? I have studied several books of antiquity and would be happy to provide a second set of eyes. _________________________________
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() So I read though all of the posts, is there a particular action you guys would like Mineko to do for this day? I'll admit there are a lot of moving parts here and I wouldn't mind a little prompting. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() @Lucent: I'm back and am going to work on a post for your game shortly. I need to read the posts and figure out how to drop myself back in. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << Expedition Team: Western River | Early Evening | Clear Skies, Cool, Very Windy | Wealday, Arodus 6th, 4714 AR >>
My guardian! Mineko sends across the link, the thought traveling far faster than words ever could. Watch for the beast to approach and then strike, force it to come to us. Snorting to himself, Komainu-Kun shook his head, the golden marble curls shaking ever so slightly. My lady Empress, I have guarded over a hundred of your line, I know what I must do. The Foo-Lion replied in an ever so gentle rebuke. Nodding to herself, Mineko raised her crossbow and trained in on the crab as it clacked its way through the surf towards the leaders of the dwarven expedition. She quickly loosed a bolt before turning the handle on her crossbows crank to draw the bowstring back to its locked position. __________________________
Komainu-Kun: Ready action, 3 attacks vs. Crab if it approaches. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << Rocky Shore, Somewhere in Arcadia | Late Afternoon | Overcast, Very Windy, Cool | Wealday, Arodus 6th, 4714 AR >> Standing on the rock strewn beach, Mineko gazed along the shoreline that was littered with pieces of flotsam and jetsam. Now that the settler had pointed out the crab she was able to see it clearly. Massive with huge pinchers and a red lichen encrusted carapace the beast was easily the size of a dwarf. Desite the Empresses reservations about the doctor, the suggestion had been a good one. Getting to the creature would prove dangerous. Mineko had some experience scaling the scrabble of rocks thanks in large part to her people living along the side of a mountain face but she wasn’t sure if the others might be so adaptable. Right now the most important part was eliminating a threat to the settlers. Fresh food would also be appreciated, though the young woman doubted that all would be able to share in the feat provided for by fresh crab meat. One thing at a time. Mineko thought. Next to her Komainu-Kun stood steadfastly, as unmoving as the stone visage that he represented. Lightly, the woman stroked the stone surface of the beasts curling gold and white veined marble curls. Closing her eyes, Mineko breathed out a prayer to her ancestors, she called upon the wellspring that had been passed from each Emperor and Empress. Summoning forth a golden shimmering shield, she inlayed it across herself and by dint of her connection her guardian. Ethereal runes in a mix of Dwarven and Tian appeared around the pair before subsiding into their skin, only leaving a hint of the spells power behind. Very well Doctor. I believe this plan is for the best and created the smallest amount of risk to all involved. Let us make preparations for dealing with the beast at range. _________________________
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() << Beach Camp | Late Afternoon | Sunny, Cool, Very Windy | Wealday, Arodus 6th, 4714 AR >>
Pushing the spectacles up against his nose the wizened old dwarf resembled for a moment more of an owl rather than a dwarf. The glasses magnified his eyes, making them look large and predatory. Twenty three my empress, I have a list. Azuko, Ashara, Besutubo… The dwarf began rambling off names and professions with the careful meticulousness that he might put into a grand meal. Hanging her head low, Mineko sighed. Twenty three of our people, plus this one’s retinue and myself, I weep for our loss. She stated quietly and lowly. This only reinforces this one’s decision, we must stand together or we will all fall. Shaking her head again, she heard a cry as looking to her right along the shoreline she saw a half a dozen dwarves running up along the shore carrying one on their back. The dwarf was covered in blood. They were headed towards the tent that had served as their informal infirmary. Raising his head slowly, Komainu-Kun gazed out at the dwarves, his great stone eyes never blinking. Rising the Empress placed her hand on the creatures brow. Koki, gather a several of the remaining guards and post a picket at the encampment. Kaori, gather Quint, and the Doctor and ask them to meet me at Maven’s tent. Something seems to be amiss.
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() As it turns out Dr. Logem is the only one in the shore group that has Knowledge (nature) so Mineko will be gathering the him, Quint and Maven so we can deal with the crab. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Ok, I'm back... sorry for the absence, Lucent knows what's up. Happens occasionally due to work. Ok, about the crab, before I post what do we say? I understand that the creature is territorial but it does post a potential risk to the camp if it does decide to attack. Option 1 is to let it remain in place and avoid it. This potentially leaves a dangerous creature near us. Option 2 is to attack it and either drive it off or kill it. Option 3 is to wait for the scouting party to return before we attack as a group. Thoughts? At this point I am leaning towards option 2. If everyone agrees I will write up a post as such. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() The morning broke over the rocky shore to the sound of sea birds cawing in the distance. The ground felt hard below Mineko’s back and though her servants had been able to find a bedroll and furs she had slept fitfully. Every time she closed her eyes she could still see the slamming of tentacles against the wooden hulls, hear the death cries of her people around her in the ocean. It was terrifying and surreal. With a gasp the young empress opened her eyes and sat up. The makeshift tent was warmer than expected, thanks Motomi who had surprisingly make a fire just outside of the ramshackle structure. Seated next to her was Koki, who sat cross legged with his longsword across his knees while he stared into a finger-length bit of jade that had been carved with tiny dwarves symbols for protection. From outside of the tent came rustlings. As the curtain opened, ancient Tokuzo stepped in. He had managed to find some cheese and cured pork and must have in the early morning hours prepared a meal for his majesty. Laying the tray at her feet, the wizened dwarf cook steeped away. My apologizes empress he whispered, the fair here is poor compared to what you are used to. Nodding, she looked for Kaori, yet she was nowhere to be found. Frowning, she sighed. This one understands, and we also understand that hardship must be endured by all. Did you find enough food for all of us? She asked quietly. At the dwarfs nod, she smiled. That is well, Koki She stated, at which the dwarf guardsman’s eyes opened and looked towards Mineko. Today, this one wants you to take a count of the remaining survivors. This one wishes to know how many of our people survived. Rising Koki moved towards the door. Wait, eat first, and then work. Each of you need your strength. Wordlessly the guardsman nodded before heading out to find food.[/b] Rising, for once Mineko was glad of her short stature, for the tent was very small. Closing her eyes, she put out her hands before her. Pao-Lung and Yamatsumi, this one gives you thanks for your deliverance from the seas and asks you to bless this food. Clapping her hands together, Mineko nodded and gave a small smile. It was going to be a long day. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() I'm working on a post for Mineko for the morning segment. My intention today is to prevent unrest via additional actions for the dwarves. Have we figured out how many carts we can put together? ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() So Mineko is electing to say behind and use Diplomacy to allow the dwarves to continue actions. My question for the group is what actions do you want the Dwarves to continue working on while you scout the hex? ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Ok, based on what Rob is saying, I think it makes the most sense for Mineko to say back. She can fill two roles as both a damage dealer via Komainu-Kun and a face via herself. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Bowing her head slightly at the support Quint and Dakun had showed her, Mineko nodded slowly. Behind her Kaori stood aghast while Komainu-Kun watched as silent as a shadow. Of all of the people present, only he truly understood the Empress, may she live forever. To speak to the others as equals had lessened the empress in some indescribable way. But he understood. The Empress showed herself to be still, confident and earnest. She was all of these things, but he also understood how important this moment was. Mineko understood that the western dwarves would never accept her peoples ways. Just as her people found them to be brutish and loud, they found the eastern dwarves to be odd and delicate. There were divides between the two cultures, huge and vast. Mineko was taking the first step to mend that, now while she had the chance before it was lost. She was the Empress. She would always be the Empress to her people, but she needed to be something else to the expedition. She needed to be a voice of hope and compassion, leadership and pride. She needed to show them that her people work worth with theirs towards common goals. She needed to show them that each dwarf that had survived was a member of something new. There is a saying in my lands. Mineko said quietly after Dakun had given the floor back to the slight woman. It is said that a broken sword cannot be mended. It must be reforged. Nodding to Maven, she looked at each of the seven other dwarfs slowly. Our expedition has been broken. We are the pieces that remain behind. We must forge ourselves together into something strong so that we can survive the trials ahead. Dakun, I think your desire to create a memorial is important. In the years ahead I see our people returning to this site to remember our landing and to give honor to the dead. Angrin, your ideas are also important. We need to prepare ourselves. In the days ahead some supplies will wash up on the beach, but it will not last and we need to find a safer, more defensible location for our people. Quint, in the last months your presence has been comforting and for that I thank you. Just as you have sought to learn about my people, I have learned about yours. That knowledge will be important. Rogath, your words have merit. One dwarf cannot do this alone. Only a foolish being would think that all of the trials ahead of us can be forseen. Each of us has knowledge and experience that will strengthen us in the time ahead. Dwunderbran. You.. you speak your mind. You do not mince your words. Too often people say what they think others wish to hear. Maven, your desire rather to build rather than destroy will guide us in the future. And Logem, I believe you know my feeling on the subject. At that Komainu growls lowly. Waving to the beach where several casts of ale sit, having been recovered by the survivors, Mineko motions back to the group. Tonight, we should send out scouts. We will post guards and the remainder of the survivors will collect what they can from the beach as it washes ashore. We shall each share a drink for the dead. We will show them honor in our memory. In the morning we will hold a ceremony at Dakun's memorial. By then the scouts will have returned and we will have a better idea of what lies beyond this beach. Can we agree on this plan? And in the future when we must decide on a plan of action, would each of you be willing to accept my judgment should we as a group be unable to decide on the right course of action? ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Evening guys, I decided to take the chance to play a different side of Mineko. I'm not sure if your onboard with it, but I did design her to be a "leader" type role. I think now that she is dropping the pretenses she would be pretty good for the group. Also, it makes writing her *much* easier. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() With a heaving sigh, Mineko watch as her life raft pushed its way onto the rock strewn shore. Still recovering from the shock of watching so many of her people die in one cataclysmic moment. This land looked so different from her peoples fabled granite cliffs or the carved mounts from the Five-Kings range. It looked barren and hostile. The jagged cliffs and ice cold water reminded her of the more northern latitudes. Thinking back she could remember with a blazing pain the last moments before the Kraken had died. She remembered feeling the pulse of energy that had flooded into her. The experience combined with the death of so many of her retainers and followers had been soul crushing. Sitting mutely in the boat, she watched with despondence as Quint had forced himself out of the craft and onto the pebble beach. Behind her she felt Komaninu-Kun nuzzle her reassuringly. She felt lost. Her clothes were stained. Her hair was a mess. She felt ragged and weak. The last year had not been easy on the young woman. There had been the expectations of her people and combined with the nightmare flight through the lightless depths she had felt out of her depth. Then once her people had found their sanctuary she had hoped that with the expedition she would have the chance to find a home for the imperial dwarfs. That dream too had been shattered. All Mineko wanted to do was sleep. She wanted to give up. She wished that this had just been a nightmare and she would awaken and been greeted by her father and mother, her brothers and sisters. But she knew this was not the case. At the insistent nuzzling of her celestial protector, Mineko looked up. She sighed. It sounded tired. Pushing herself up, she nodded to herself and then breathed out slowly. There were still a handful of her people alive and as long as her people existed she had a responsibility to them. She knew that she could not forget that. But it was hard, oh it was hard. She wished that they did not look at her with hope, she wished that they would let her live her own life. But she knew no other path even if she could choose. Being a leader is what she had been born into. Tiredly she exited the boat. Her geta seemed worn and she had lost her jade comb at some point. Closing her eyes she willed her kimono back into place. She pictured the image in her mind. Herons in flight. Black.. it needed to be black. She was in mourning as all of the dwarves should be. Sighing again she made her way towards the clump of dwarfs that were trying to give order to chaos. As she approached the group she heard Angrin and Quint speaking about her. It seemed like there was some sort of discussion as to leadership. She cringed and Komaniu-Kun did so sympathetically. Straightening her hair, she squared her shoulders and tried to let the frustration bleed out of her. It was not very effective. Reaching the group, Kaori stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak. No, not here, not now. Waving off the woman, Mineko looked at each in turn. This time she did not demand respect. She had spent months with the other dwarves aboard the massive ships and she had realized just how poorly an impression she had made. Things needed to change, and out of death perhaps I can cause that change. Raising a hand to forestall the argument, Mineko nodded to the others. Softly, quietly and for the first time she spoke to the gathered dwarves. This one.. She paused, reconsidering her words. I.. have done each of you a disservice. Today I saw a side of each of you during battle. I hope you can.. Forgive? Was it possible for HER? to ask another to forgive her? Shaking her head she sighed. I hope you can understand that how I was raised, is not how you were raised. I had.. have people that expect me to act a certain way. When they lost their homeland they looked to me for leadership. I was the only reminder of what they had left and I did my best to give them hope. Now.. She said forlornly glancing at the bodies of the dead and the groaning figures of the dying. Now.. few of my people are left and we are in a terribly dangerous situation. There was some talk of leadership. I agree that a strong leader is important. I will do what I must. Everything I have done up to this point as been to protect and strengthen my people. But now we are stranded here, in a strange new land. Infighting is pointless. I saw each of you risk your lives to protect the handful that still survive. If you wish for me to lead us, I will do so, not as an empress.. but as an equal. Smiling softly, she gestured to herself and then back to the others. I was raised from birth to be a leader. While I doubt that calligraphy or knowledge of ancient bloodlines and noble traditions will be useful, I can be kind with my words, I was taught to bring strife to a closure and how to bring hope when times were bleak. I have led a caravan before when my people fled through the dark lands towards your people. While I am strange to you, ask any of my people. I have given everything I had for them, and I swear that I would do the same for each of you. Will you all stand with me? ______________________________
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() I gotta tell you guys. I am haveing a hard time writing Mineko. I wrote a whole peice and then scrapped it. She is just annoying (and thats comming from the guy that made her!) She reminds me of that princess that starts to show up around the 200th epidsode of Bleach. I just want to kick her in the face some times. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Lucent, I appercieate your pacience. I just wanted you to know that my time is opening up again (as I know you have seen from my other campaigns with you) and I'll be getting back into the swing of things with this group as well. To everyone else, I am sorry that I have not been able to write. This have been very busy for me as of late. But that has passed now. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Evening Guys, Rob, I reviewed the rules you provided. Considering this is the first day, I this is our first day, I think we need to try doing two actions. The first action I think we should go with is: #1: Salvage
We need to get ourselves self sufficient. We also need to know what is around us. This will allow us to plan what we want to do for day two better. We don't want to consume too much of our resources either. That is my thought. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() I notice that noone has posted since Wednesday. Just to confirm this was not the end of the skill challenge, since Lucent posted that a new event "Sink or Swim" still had to be met, correct? ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() @Lucent: I put my +1 into CHA. No additional bonus at this time, but it will make a difference at level four. Still a Dwarf with 17CHA is pretty impressive. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() @Lucent: Would you allow me to dismiss Komainu-Kun and summon a dolphin? The dolphin has a +13 to swim. I could use it to save a dwarf. (though it won't be the "good" doctor. I'm afraid that Mineko has seen through his guise. ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Oh wow, +1 mental stat, that is a great boon. I am assuming CHA is on the list? Or did you just intend for it to be Int or Wis? Also who gets it? Only PC's or can Cherryblossom become INT 3? (hence taking the first step towards mule domanation?) as well as any other NPC's who survived? ![]()
Female Dwarf (Tian Xia) Summoner 2 AC 16/12/14 / HP 20/20 / F +2 R +2 W +4 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) / Init. +2/ Perc. +1 / Sense Motive +1
![]() Despondent and weary, Mineko Yamauchi hung her head in shame. The gods were cruel. It had been her place to stand by the side of the Dwarven Lord and challenge the beast of the sea. Her father would have done the same. Instead Mineko would have to live with the shame of knowing that she had fled while her people had died. It was hard, so very very hard for the woman to ensure. Even now she knew that she should not give up, to scan the seams and look for anything of use or try to save the others, but she nearly felt as if she could not go one. To some dwarves honor was a code, or a standard to live by. To the Granite Empress, honor was something to die for. She had failed. Next to her she faintly heard Quint yell for land. Komainu also seemed to see it and gave a loud roar of agreement. Meanwhile, Koki, still wet from his previous swim to save a blackened and burned dwarf, spied another, this one wearing a flaxen robe and wicker hat that marked him as of Tian descent. Like the Empress he felt shame at the loss of so many of his people, but he was not afraid. He used it, channeled it into something greater. He had followed his lords orders when he told her to travel with the young princess and protect her. He had done so willingly even at great cost to himself. He has lost both of his brothers, but even now he would not stop protecting his kin. With a roar, the dwarf jumped off the ship and swam furiously towards the floundering man. Grabbing him tightly, he made strong strokes back towards the life raft. As this was going on, the others of the Empresses retinue did as they had before. They battled against the churning seas collecting everything they could lay hands on. Each of them felt the impact of the Empresses shame in their own ways. Most grieved, Kaori however was the exception to the rule. A noble handmaiden selected from one of the lesser clans to assist the Empress, Kaori ignored the events of the moment and focused on the task at hand. There would be time for grief later. Now she needed to do what she could to survive. Glancing at Cherryblossom the woman frowned as she finished collecting several barrels of flour. The mule seemed agitated and alert. It was as if it had a mind of its own. ________________________
![]() Just like most of the gamers here, I have most of the books. I also have HL. I have not joined PFS, and while if I did, I would abide by all the rules to the best of my ability, but if someone objects to me using HL as a character management tool,because of some Luddite bias, I can spend my time elsewhere, and word of mouth can be just as bad as it is beneficial. Is this what my fellow gamers have for issues? Reminds me of one the older bits of advice from long ago, possibly Skip Williams: Only game with people you like...which means people you know, which makes PFS even less attractive. ![]()
![]() I do think that we will be rocking the action economy against the baddies. Healing will be the interesting part. The druid and the pally will take care of themselves I'm sure. I will be able to heal every one once/day with a hex, and I will be making a ton of scrolls...the rest will come down to wands...and avoiding damage to begin with. (Hmmm...baddie has to roll twice, take the lowest and is -2 to -4 on top of that...tee hee) ![]()
![]() Party is confronted by a guy in plate mail, 20 well armed and armored thugs and an obvious wizard. Plate mail Guy: 'Surrender now and we might only take your stuff!' Player (leader of the group): 'Eat Hammer metal head!' (throws a throwing hammer that he has had for several levels, but never used) Roll: Nat 20! Much huzzahs in or group! DM Response
![]() Shadowborn wrote:
:) We loved the bouncing Lightning Bolt way back when ...angle of reflection is = to angle of incidence... Good Fun! ![]()
![]() I'd make it Wisdom. GreenRonin Products had an excellent Witch class. I homebrewed it eventually to be a spontaeous caster that had a spellbook. Worked like this: Spellcasting: Witches are spontaneous casters, but have spell books. The are like wizards in that they have to choose which spells they will know for the day, but like sorcerers, can cast them in any combination to their total daily allotment. Example: At first level, Darrien has a spell book with 6 first level spells: Charm Person, Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Protection from Evil, Identify, and Cure Light Wounds. He can only select 2 spells per day. Since the party is missing a cleric, he takes Cure Light Wounds and Sleep. He can then cast them in any combination up to 4 times per day. |