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thecursor wrote: the new website but...where the hell is Add Rec and the new Guide to organized play?

From the main page, click the Organized Play heading at the top. This will bring up a pop-up menu of options, click Pathfinder Society. On the Pathfinder Society page click the heading for the Roleplaying Society. That page has links to Guide and additional resources.

James Risner wrote:


EFS by RAW is a square 10 ft by 10 ft by 10 ft and you are in there somewhere in 3 dimensions.

Holds 4 medium fine.
Holds only 1 large, so we got a FAQ so large can bring 3 medium buddies along.

By RAW EFS is a rectangle 10 ft long by 10 ft wide by 5 ft high. It is a hemisphere center on a point with a 5 ft radius.

The Kingmaker part 6, Sound of a Thousand Screams, has an article on the First World.

James Sutter wrote:
The planar ripping is proportional, and depends on how far you're going. Short jumps don't do much of anything, it's only when you're going across huge stretches of the galaxy that it's a problem. (And as folks say, it allows for Event Horizon-style adventures.) Remember, the planes are infinite—I suspect a lot of people in-world aren't going to worry overmuch about stealing small amounts from an infinite (and thus renewable?) resource, in the same way that most of us still drive cars despite knowing exhaust is bad for the atmosphere. Some folks may indeed object strenuously, and that creates fun stories, but since we know how our own society deals with resources held in common (i.e. tragically), I'm not super worried about everyone deciding to stay home. But it's certainly something to think about, so I'm glad folks said something!

As a technical point removing any finite amount from an infinity still leaves the infinity.

Look at the spell Twilight Knife. It creates a floating knife that can give you flanking and attacks on its own.

Nox Aeterna wrote:

I might be wrong , but from my memory from trying to do something similar , i believe there was a rule about your organization being set on a exact place.

This meant you couldnt move your own "soldiers" to another place without paying half what you paid to get them in the first place.

Now let me tell you , hundreds of soldiers arent cheap.

From Ultimate Campaign PRD

PRD wrote:

Moving an Organization

You can move an organization to a different settlement by paying half the price of recruiting it. This price accounts for paying relocation expenses for your teams, hiring replacements for people unwilling to move, and so on. Arranging the movement of an organization usually takes 1d6 days per team in the organization; the time needed to actually move the teams is the amount of time it takes to travel from the old settlement to the new one. The organization provides only half its benefits during the time you are arranging the move, and none of its benefits while traveling to the new settlement.

Instead of moving an entire organization, you can move just some of the teams within that organization. For example, if your Thieves' Guild includes two Robber teams, you could move one of the teams to a different settlement by spending 2 points of Influence and 1 point of Labor (half the price of recruiting a Robber team in the new location). This otherwise works like moving an entire organization. You may add these teams to an existing organization in the new settlement or use them to create a new organization.

the Queen's Raven wrote:
I believe back in the day they would play on sand covered table tops and did in fact use measuring tapes.

Correct, this is why the original D&D and 1st edition AD&D gave movement in terms of inches and then gave a conversion from inches on the table to feet(indoors) or yards(outdoors) in the game world.

If you have permanent injuries then you need to have a way to determine them for monsters, NPCs and PCs who start at higher level. This will help to balance things between the players and everyone else, otherwise they are just a penalty only the players suffer.

The Kingmaker adventure path has an article on the First World in the last installment 'Sound of a Thousand Suns'.

Players: The attention hog. Always has to be in the spot light, if the group splits in two wants to be in both groups. Tries to change what they did in the past based on what would get the most attention now (e.g. chose to hunt goblin rather than go to the library but when there are no goblin and orcs attack the library wants have gone to the library).

DM: Plays favorites. Certain players and their characters get favored treatment. Plot lines revolve around them, hooks in their backgrounds are used while everyone else's are ignored. Lets the favored characters do things they tell other players and characters they can't do.

Gauss wrote:

alexd1976, what is the 'refocus option'?

In the general rules there are only two ways to change your initiative, Readied action and Delay. Both are basically "I wait to act".

This discussion covers refocus.

Dragnmoon wrote:

I am looking at a few rules that allow me to do things to Scrolls or other spell Completion items...

What other items other then scrolls are spell completion items?

It is only specified as the activation method for scrolls.

From the PRD

PRD wrote:
Spell Completion: This is the activation method for scrolls. A scroll is a spell that is mostly finished. The preparation is done for the caster, so no preparation time is needed beforehand as with normal spellcasting. All that's left to do is perform the finishing parts of the spellcasting (the final gestures, words, and so on). To use a spell completion item safely, a character must be of high enough level in the right class to cast the spell already. If he can't already cast the spell, there's a chance he'll make a mistake. Activating a spell completion item is a standard action (or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer) and provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as casting a spell does.

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Claxon wrote:
DM_Blake wrote:
ryric wrote:
You need more than an need at least a 1 square foot opening to have line of effect. So a circular hole would need to be 6.8 inches across or so, which is a much bigger target.
This is the RAW right here.
I'm glad to hear that, but where is that stated in the rules?

PDR CRB: Magic - Line of Effect

PDR wrote:

Line of Effect: A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what a spell can affect. A line of effect is canceled by a solid barrier. It's like line of sight for ranged weapons, except that it's not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight.

You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you cast a spell on or to any space in which you wish to create an effect. You must have a clear line of effect to the point of origin of any spell you cast.

A burst, cone, cylinder, or emanation spell affects only an area, creature, or object to which it has line of effect from its origin (a spherical burst's center point, a cone-shaped burst's starting point, a cylinder's circle, or an emanation's point of origin).

An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 square foot through it does not block a spell's line of effect. Such an opening means that the 5-foot length of wall containing the hole is no longer considered a barrier for purposes of a spell's line of effect.

DebugAMP wrote:
It has come to my attention that in the last week, there has been an increased amount of Pathfinders using pseudonyms and costumes to mask their identities. To date a blind eye has been turned to such activities, but I believe that the new influx of these masked vigilantes is leading us to a position where this needs to be addressed. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that fellow pathfinders are not participating in any activities that would tarnish our reputation or bring any unwanted attention from organizations that we currently are in good standing with. To that end, I propose that all of these so called vigilante 'superheroes' be required to reveal their social persona to the society and be under the employ of their local Pathfinder Lodge. I propose that this change by codified into the Pathfinder Guide as the 'Superhero Registration Act' and put into effect within the month. Once completed, any masked 'superhero' in Absalom should be considered a danger to the population and the Society's well-being, and dealt with accordingly.

In light of the above transparent attempt to undermine the society and discover their identities, the Decemvirate has ordered all those espousing the above idea to removed from the society immediately.

TheBobJones wrote:

Ok, so I play PFS, and according to the blog yesterday:

Pathfinder blog wrote:
The unchained monk does not qualify for any archetypes, save those in future publications that specifically cite their compatibility with the unchained monk class.
Anyone know if/when this is slated to happen? I have one more PBP level to go before multilcassing into monk (so about 1-2 months). I would like to hold out to see the unchained archetypes compared to the un-unchained ones.

It went into effect when the blog post was made. Note, that both the old and the new monk are legal and can be played. Only the summoner had its old version ruled illegal.

Strategy Guide pg 125 wrote:

Immediate Action

A few spells and abilities are immediate actions, which means they can be used during another creature’s turn, possibly interrupting that creature mid-action. When an immediate action is taken, resolve it, then continue with any action that was interrupted. If that activity is no longer valid, the interrupted creature’s action is wasted. If you use an immediate action when it’s not your turn, you give up your next turn’s swift action. If you use an immediate action during your own turn, it uses your swift action for that turn. Below are some examples of common immediate actions.

Relevant part bolded.

Akio Ryuu Katsu wrote:
Hey folks, I'm making a character for a homebrew game, and while I normally don't do this, I would like to ask what you folks think about this characters background/personality, and if you had any suggestions to help tighten it up so to speak. I'm not quite finished adding bits, but I thought I'd go ahead and see if I could get any responses. Its all in this Alias.

I like it. It has plenty of hooks for the DM to use and gives a good idea of the characters personality. You might want to add some bits of detail about his relations to people outside his family and the girl next door.

Heroshi wrote:

A sorcerer wants to summon a creature outside while staying safely indoors and looking out the window. Will this work?

They are hiding from multiple swarms of wasps, in case any one wanted to know.

It depends on the circumstances

Line of Effect

PRD wrote:

Line of Effect: A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what a spell can affect. A line of effect is canceled by a solid barrier. It's like line of sight for ranged weapons, except that it's not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight.

You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you cast a spell on or to any space in which you wish to create an effect. You must have a clear line of effect to the point of origin of any spell you cast.

A burst, cone, cylinder, or emanation spell affects only an area, creature, or object to which it has line of effect from its origin (a spherical burst's center point, a cone-shaped burst's starting point, a cylinder's circle, or an emanation's point of origin).

An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 square foot through it does not block a spell's line of effect. Such an opening means that the 5-foot length of wall containing the hole is no longer considered a barrier for purposes of a spell's line of effect.

A large enough window would allow you to cast through the wall.

Jem'Nai wrote:
I playing a Human Slayer 4 and wondering if I take Combat Trick can I use it to get Weapon Specialization feat?

Nope, weapon specialization has a prerequisite of fighter level 4.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

62. Ask your DM if not rescuing them is an evil act. When your DM, a real dick, says yes, go ahead and save them. Go to the nearest village. If anyone objects to them or says they should be killed, slaughter them in the streets. When the DM objects point out that they were evil and you were only fighting evil.

Claxon wrote:

Thanks, Chess Pwn.

I guess it originally said something different. I remember the FAQ that allowed non-caster to pick up arcane strike, and I guess this was originally the same and the text has been changed.

But without the original text its hard for me to see the change. Maybe because I'm just imagining the original text in my head.

I will admit I didn't like the ruling in the first place.

Here is the old FAQ

Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

For example, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat.

Edit 7/12/13: The design team is aware that the above answer means that certain races can gain access to some spellcaster prestige classes earlier than the default minimum (character level 6). Given that prestige classes are usually a sub-optimal character choice (especially for spellcasters), the design team is allowing this FAQ ruling for prestige classes. If there is in-play evidence that this ruling is creating characters that are too powerful, the design team may revisit whether or not to allow spell-like abilities to count for prestige class requirements.
posted June 2013

MadE wrote:

Hey guys,

trying to build my animal companion, but, I'm very confused about how to start it.

I'm already level 10 (druid), and I'm going with a Giant scorpion.

Now, the Animal Companion section lists 'Starting Statistics'

And then 7th Level Advancement

I assume I add the 7th level Advancement stats to the 'starting statistics'?

But then what do I add to get to 10th level?


There is a chart that give bonuses to BAB, saves, and stats plus extra skills , special abilities and feats for each level. It is in the Druid section.

Heavy steel shield 20gp

Masterwork 150gp

+1 on shield, animate shield +2 and arrow catcher +1 for a total of +4 cost (note yo have to have at least a +1 to add special abilities and all of the bonuses are added together to find final cost) 16000gp

total 16170

Look at the 3-rd level spell Twilight Knife, it gives flanking and attacks with flanking damage on its own.

keyafay wrote:


This 8th I will also be adding:
  • Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
  • Art
  • Organization and cleaning
  • Great. Looking forward to it. Thanks for all the hard work.

    I went through the class books a found every instance of the letters 'one' being replaced by the numeral '1' that I could. Here are the results.

    Alchemist -
    -spells. If a spell normally has a costly material comp1nt, that
    comp1nt is expended during the consumption of that
    particular extract.(page 7)
    -manner as a spellcaster‘s comp1nt pouch. Most alchemists (page 7)
    -like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by any1 else. (page 8)

    Antipaladin -
    -imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by any1 other than (page 7)
    -antipaladin cannot take actions some1 else might qualify as (page 8)
    -ruin to their ranks. An antipaladin does not need an at1ment (page 8)
    -potential if he at1s for his violations (see the at1ment spell), (page 8)

    Arcanist -

    Barbarian -
    -from her body. Any1 striking the barbarian with a melee (page 10)
    -knocked pr1. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (page 12)

    Bard -
    -bardic performance with an audible comp1nt. If he fails this (page 6)
    -If a bardic performance has a visual comp1nt, the targets (page 6)
    -comp1nt. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts (page 6)
    -time. Every bard spell has a verbal comp1nt (singing, (page 6)
    -must choose which comp1nt to use when starting his (page 7)
    -royalty, and the well-m1yed elite who aspire to join their (page 20)
    -sea singer to slip, trip, or otherwise be knocked pr1. He gains (page 30)
    -every1. The bard cannot use this ability on himself. This (page 31)
    -deafened, 4—entangled, 5—fall pr1, 6—nauseated. Each (page 32)
    -A street performer earns double the normal amount of m1y (page 32)

    Bloodrager -

    Brawler -

    Cavalier -
    -takes a –2 penalty to its AC from attacks made by any1 other (page 6)

    Cleric -
    -god until she at1s for her deeds (page 7)
    -valuable item, or drops pr1 at your feet and grovels for 1d4 (page 10)
    -blindness/deafness, 5th—at1ment. (page 25)

    Druid -
    -tower shields) but must use only wooden 1s. (page 6)
    -she at1s (see the at1ment spell description). (page 7)
    -A undergrd. druid adds Knowledge (dunge1ering) rather (page 21)
    -bonus on Knowledge (dunge1ering) and Survival skill (page 21)
    -pr1 in natural surroundings, and can make Stealth checks at
    no penalty when pr1 and not moving or at –5 when crawling.
    A plains druid can stand up from pr1 as an immediate action (page 26)

    Fighter -
    -(dunge1ering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), (page 5)
    -obsessive, but n1 can deny his consummate skill. The (page 24)

    Gunslinger -

    Hunter -

    Inquisitor -
    -Knowledge (Dunge1ering) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), (page 5)
    -she at1s (see the at1ment spell description). (page 8)

    Investigator -

    Magus -

    Monk -
    -and knock the target pr1 with the same attack. The target (page 11)
    -be n1vil to take on the aspect of the carp. (page 16)
    -cannot be knocked pr1 or forcibly moved until the start of (page 18)

    Ninja -

    Oracle -
    -Although the gods work through many agents, perhaps n1 is (page 5)
    -comp1nt cost (although you are still subject to the usual Hit (page 12)
    -manifests as a casting of commune with no material comp1nt (page 17)
    -comp1nt, but the wish cannot be used to grant ability score (page 17)
    -its comp1nt parts, essentially erasing the hand of artifice and (page 20)

    Paladin -
    -bonuses if the weapon is held by any1 other than the paladin (page 7)
    -paladin avoids working with evil characters or with any1 (page 8)
    -if she at1s for her violations (see at1ment), as appropriate. (page 8)
    -any1 other than the divine defender, but it resumes giving (page 12)
    -held by any1 other than the sacred servant, but resumes (page 17)
    -ability without having to pay the material comp1nt cost (page 17)

    Prestige Class -

    Ranger -
    -Knowledge (dunge1ering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (page 5)
    -damage from the fall, he does not fall pr1. (page 18)
    -He must make a check whenever some1 attempts to pick him (page 21)

    Rogue -
    -(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dunge1ering) (Int), (page 5)
    -A rogue with this ability can stand up from a pr1 position as (page 11)
    -Every1 who lives in the city understands that a wealthy man (page 17)
    -the people she questi1d do not know it to be false. This (page 21)
    -Whenever a spy uses Bluff to attempt to deceive some1, she (page 26)
    -discovering the crime when the rogue is long g1 and the coin (page 27)
    -since g1 beyond that they now relish the challenge of (page 28)

    Samurai -

    Shaman -

    Skald -

    Slayer -

    Sorcerer -
    -Knowledge (dunge1ering). (page 7)
    -Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [dunge1ering]). (page 7)
    -thinking, little pr1 to wandering and preferring to instead find (page 13)
    -Knowledge (dunge1ering). (page 13)
    -emotional than most, pr1 to bouts of joy and rage. (page 18)
    -arms erupt from the ground. in a 20-foot-radius burst. Any1 in (page 33)

    Summoner -
    -n1 are more skilled at it than the Summoner. This practiti1r (page 5)
    -question has a somatic comp1nt. A multiclass Summoner still (page 5)
    -target is knocked pr1. If the check fails, the eidolon is not (page 14)

    Swashbuckler -

    Warpriest -

    Witch -
    -resurrection, but it does not require a material comp1nt. (page 11)

    Wizard -
    -casting any spell that has a somatic comp1nt. The armor and (page 7)
    -casting any spell that has a somatic comp1nt. The armor and (page 7)
    -courtiers in a king‘s thr1 room, and you can disguise yourself (page 13)
    -the fire around. you for 1 rd. as a swift action. Any1 striking (page 17)
    -Any1 in this line takes 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for (page 17)
    -creature is knocked pr1. If your check exceeds the CMD of (page 19)

    I notice in several of the classes that the letters 'one' had been replaced by the numeral 1 in a number of words. It likes like a global search and replace gone wrong.

    No it affects your next melee attack:
    Feint in the PRD

    Feinting is a standard action. To feint, make a Bluff skill check. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + your opponent's base attack bonus + your opponent's Wisdom modifier. If your opponent is trained in Sense Motive, the DC is instead equal to 10 + your opponent's Sense Motive bonus, if higher. If successful, the next melee attack you make against the target does not allow him to use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made on or before your next turn.
    Now I do wish there was a feat or ability that let you take advantage of feint at range because it is a fun way to run a rogue (one of my gm's allowed it once and in our group it was not overpowered) but that isn't currently an option in the rules.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I was going off the description under the Bluff skill.

    Dave Justus wrote:
    I can't think of any situations in which you would want to feint a creature you don't threaten with a melee weapon, since it only effects your next melee attack.

    It effects your next attack, not just your next melee attack. Someone with sneak attack could use this to set up an opponent for a ranged sneak attack. It could also be used to reduce touch AC for a ranged touch attack.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    DemonicWolf wrote:

    Hey I'm fairly new to pathfinder although I have played other tabletop RPG's including pathfinder a few times before. I am currently GM for a campaign made up of entirely new players and I think you can see where this is going. They have a lot of trouble choosing feats (especially my fighter) and not like I have much experience to give them good advice or at least the knowledge effectively break it down for them. I've read a few good class building guides but I prefer if they decide for themselves how to build their characters. What I’m looking for is a way to narrow down the list like an app or program where you input things like ability scores, skill points, feats you already have, level, class, etc... This program takes this information and only shows feats you have met the prerequisites for. It should also let you narrow down feats in other ways as well. I have the skills to make this program myself but, I'm not sure if I have the time and why reinvent the wheel if it's already been made.

    Thank you.

    If you use PCGen, you can set the feats selection to only show those you qualify for.