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The storm outside rages fiercely, a tempest born from the wild heart of the Kindred Coast. In stark contrast, the warm glow of Elder Ordwi's pub in Osprey Cove offers a haven against the howling wind and driving rain. The pub, a sturdy, welcoming building, creaks gently in the storm's embrace, its windows aglow with the soft, flickering light of candles and hearth fire.

You sit inside where the wave of warmth greets you, mingling with the rich scents of spiced ale and hearty stew. The atmosphere inside is one of jovial resilience in the face of nature's fury. Patrons, a mix of local villagers and a few rugged individuals who could be travelers or fisherfolk, are gathered in small, cozy clusters. Their conversations are a blend of laughter, shared stories, and the occasional boisterous song, creating a tapestry of communal camaraderie.

Elder Ordwi, a devout priest of Cayden Cailean, presides over this homely scene with a benevolent eye. Her hands, skilled from years of service, deftly pour ales and pass around mugs of hot drinks to those seeking refuge from the storm. Her presence is a comforting constant, as much a part of the pub as the aged wood and the crackling fireplace.

In one corner of the pub, a group of villagers is engaged in a spirited retelling of local legends and tales of daring from the seas. Their voices rise and fall with the cadence of practiced storytellers, their faces animated by the flickering candlelight.

Near the fireplace, a small band of musicians, undeterred by the weather, plays a lively tune. The music, a blend of fiddle, flute, and drum, weaves through the air, inviting toes to tap and spirits to lift. It's a sound that speaks of the resilience and joy of the people of Osprey Cove, even in the face of adversity.

The single guest room upstairs stands ready, a testament to Elder Ordwi's foresight for travelers or patrons who might need it. It's a small but cozy space, furnished simply with a bed, a washstand, and a small window that looks out onto the stormy sea, the sound of the waves a steady, soothing rhythm.

The scene is set, so hop on in and introduce yourselves! It's casual RP for a bit to get you guys settled before we get things started.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Welcome to the game!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Certain instances linger as though they span an eternity, while others fade so swiftly, they might as well have been illusions. From that instance—or non-instance—when you pursued your dreams and disappeared from this realm for a span of three months, many such instances have unfolded. Like the steady stream of a river, they have mostly passed you by.

You met Dr. Ritalson, a man whose fastidiousness and formality mirrored that of his order, the Illuminated Consortium of Epopts.

You encountered fellow travelers, individuals akin to yourself whom Ritalson declared to be "The finest among the elite!"

You endured interminable interviews with the Doctor, sometimes in the presence of a scribe, more frequently alongside a strange device that Ritalson claims records your dialogue—an artifact he believes will prove invaluable to those who will someday study the past. These are instances meant to be significant.

You were subjected to rigorous physical examinations, tests that stretched and probed the limits of your newfound abilities. Always challenging, at times verging on torture. These are instances you would rather erase from memory.

And then there was the rain. Torrents of it. The paths leading north and east from Ustalav show little mercy, and even the 'grand' routes to Brevoy are prone to flooding, especially come spring. Even with the interventions from the burgeoning realm of Nightsong to the southwest of Brevoy, which brings a touch of civilization and superior roadwork, your voyage has been drawn out, plodding, and supremely sodden. Instances slip away, just like raindrops cascading off your visage. They're not missing, but they're lost nonetheless.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Open! Please drop a post when you're alias is ready.

The ruins of Rusthenge have stood silent vigil over the southern coastline of Chakikoth Isle for eons, dating back to the era of the runelords of ancient Thassilon. The town of Iron Harbor was built in Rusthenge's shadow, but now that New Thassilon has risen from the depths of the distant past, the old ruins are coming under unexpected scrutiny. Something sinister is afoot in Rusthenge, and it falls to a brand new band of adventurers to learn the truth of the ancient evil that stirs deep within its long-abandoned halls!

Hello! I am recruiting a party of FOUR characters for the newly released Rusthenge adventure!

* RECRUITMENT CLOSES: Sunday, 11/12/23, 11:59 PM EST
* SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Completed character profile to include crunch, short backstory, and description.
* GAME LOCATION: The game will be played on the Paizo forums.
* COMMUNICATION: A discord channel will be established for OOC chat.
* MAPS & HANDOUTS: This will be done on either Google Slides or FoundryVTT.

Your characters will be from the village Osprey Cove (Population 120, 85% human, 15% other). This adventure starts at level 1 and concludes at level 4. We will use standard build rules for 2E characters with any official Paizo 2e content available to you. I'd like to keep Ancestries to Common/Uncommon. We will use the Free Archetype rules at level two.


The Kindred Coast, part of Chakikoth Isle in western New Thassilon, was once unsettled but became the home to two villages founded by escapees from Riddleport after the Age of Lost Omens began in 4606 ar. Dartanious and Santwi, siblings who fled from servitude, established Osprey Cove and later Iron Harbor after a disagreement. The two villages, separated by their founders' differing visions, thrived independently without cooperating, fostering a longstanding feud.

While the rise of New Thassilon under Runelord Belimarius introduced new power dynamics, the Kindred Coast's villages were largely ignored deemed too insignificant as Belimarius was preoccupied with greater threats and her capital's affairs. The villages preferred this oversight, enduring light taxation and minimal interference.

Osprey Cove's leaders now contemplate relocation to avoid future entanglements with New Thassilon's rulers, desiring to stay unnoticed. However, an emerging threat in the hinterlands risks disturbing this delicate balance.


A person cannot live on fish alone, which is why you work with Elder Bo’Mel on her farm. Elder Ordwi asked you to accompany her to Iron Harbor because she values your input in evaluating how the village might be making use of their natural resources.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Constitution, and one is a free ability boost.You’re trained in the Nature skill and the Architecture Lore skill. You gain the Natural Medicine skill feat.

Fishing is Osprey Cove’s number one profession, and you’ve apprenticed under the best of them: Elder Anlorgog. You’re also a keen study of boats and ships, so Elder Ordwi wants you along on her trip to Iron Harbor to help her evaluate the strength and purpose of the village’s fleet—particularly if they’re building ships meant for war.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost.You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Sailing Lore skill. You gain the Quick Repair skill feat.

You are the birth or adopted child of one of the five elders of Osprey Cove, and your parent or guardian volunteers you to accompany Elder Ordwi on her trip to Iron Harbor, hoping to get an unbiased account of events. If your parent or guardian is Ordwi, then she values your companionship and insight and wants you along on this important mission.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and the Xin-Edasseril Lore skill. You gain the Hobnobber skill feat.

Though Osprey Cove is a quiet village, you’ve scouted the wilderness inland, watching for any dangerous wildlife or creatures in order to keep it that way. Elder Ordwi wants you along on this trip because she knows your knowledge about the Kindred Coast will help ensure the safety of the group on the day-long trip.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Survival skill and the Scouting Lore skill. You gain the Experienced Tracker skill feat.

Either as a punishment or because of political ambition, you work for Elder Vandous. On her trip to Iron Harbor, Elder Ordwi needs someone at her side who is a skilled observer and adept at keeping journals; she hopes to provide the other elders with accurate information about their sibling village upon her return.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.You’re trained in the Society skill and the Demon Lore skill. You gain the Streetwise skill feat.

Whether by instinct or study, magic is one of your most notable talents. Your understanding of the traditions of ancient Thassilon has helped you learn languages associated with that nation. Elder Ordwi fears there may be some form of magical affliction spreading in Iron Harbor, and she needs your knowledge to help her determine the threat.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill, and gain Thassilonian as a bonus language. You also gain the Quick Identification skill feat.

You’d always been the most athletic child of your play group, leading the other children in games of skill and strategy. As an adult, there are few opportunities for you to employ these skills in the village. Osprey Cove is a quiet community, with hardly any dangers or foes to fight. You occasionally break up pub brawls, or perhaps start them out of boredom. Elder Ordwi asks you to come with her simply because of your endurance and athleticism—the Old Coast Road is poorly maintained, and the physical aid you’ll bring on the trip will likely be invaluable.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Constitution, and one is a free ability boost.You’re trained in the Athletics skill and the Gorum Lore skill. You gain the Hefty Hauler skill feat.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Welcome to the game!

We'll primarily be holding OOC discussions in Discord, but we can use this area to track pertinent information such as documenting your character progression/changes on level-up.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Part 1: Broken Tusk Moon

For nearly six generations, the Broken Tusks have ritually tracked mammoth herds across the expansive western territory of the Mammoth Lords' Realm. Upholding customs that date back to antiquity, they've mastered the skills needed to endure their unforgiving environment and preserve rituals ancient beyond reckoning.

However, times have changed. Summers are shorter, winters are extending, and food sources are dwindling. Despite these challenges, the Broken Tusks cling to their traditions, largely ignoring the shifting world around them. They have temporarily set up camp on the Gornok Plain, once lush and vibrant, for the spring thaw and to partake in the time-honored spring festival, the Night of the Green Moon. The community's wise elders, including the venerable Grandfather Eiwa, put on a courageous front, especially for the younger generation who are coming of age amid lingering demonic conflict.

As spring should herald a season of joy and rebirth, a palpable unease instead permeates the Broken Tusk encampment. The elders are obstinately sticking to their long-standing methods to address the ongoing scarcity of food. However, many among the younger generation argue that venturing into unknown territories may offer the best chance for the tribe's survival. With their leadership mired in indecisiveness, the mantle of hope rests on the shoulders of the Broken Tusks' newest scouting party. They carry the task of rekindling their community's dormant spirit of exploration, and perhaps, steering them into a new epoch of abundance.

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I'm running AV for my group and created a trailer leading up to their start of the game. You can watch the trailer here. Enjoy! :D

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I created a view of the Gauntlight through the Fogfen for a game I'm running and thought I'd share it in case someone else might use it.

Gauntlight Ruins

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

When the fog is creeping,
And the moon is low;
When the town is sleeping,
Gauntlight starts to glow!

That’s when she arises
For her midnight lunch.
Naughty kids are prizes
For her teeth to crunch.

But if you obey me,
And obey the rules;
You’re safe from Belcorra;
She just eats the fools!

So warns a popular nursery rhyme among the parents in the town of Otari, as they often sing the melodious but unsettling poem to their children at night to encourage good behavior. As a result, everyone who grows up in Otari has a healthy mix of fear, respect, and curiosity for the old ruins out in Fogfen and the strange lighthouse that stands at the swamp’s heart.

As they grow older, townsfolk learn what’s more often accepted as truth: that the heroic founders of Otari had slain the wicked sorcerer Belcorra many years ago. For a time, thrill-seekers explored the ruins around the lighthouse called Gauntlight, but today, common knowledge holds that the place has become a haven for pests—no longer a source of active danger or significant treasure after being completely picked over. Nearly 500 years has passed since Belcorra’s defeat after all, and in that time, she has only posed a menace to Otari through sinister rhymes.

Or so the citizens of Otari believe...

Otari Overview:
Nestled in a coastal valley between two looming cliffs sits a small town called Otari. To the west, the cliffside rises to meet a well-cared-for graveyard. To the east, a fantastic feat of engineering draws the eye—the trestle supporting a wooden loading chute extends down from the clifftop to a loading platform built into the harbor. This ingenious construction swiftly delivers lumber processed further inland at the mill to waiting ships below. The people of Otari are friendly and welcoming for the most part, although they tend to react with reticence toward those they suspect hail from Absalom. Trade with Absalom is important, but the townsfolk are proud and feel no need to accommodate visiting “city folk.” People in Otari typically subsist on fish along with vegetables from local farms (primarily potatoes, carrots, and other root vegetables), but more unusual fare isn’t hard to get from Absalom.

The town has four taverns that are busy in the evening and late-night hours. The Crow’s Cask owned by a cheerful halfling named Magiloy, The Crook’s Nook which owned by an Osirion woman named Yinyasmera, The Rowdy Rockfish owned by a dignified female dwarf named Brelda Venkervale, and lastly the Otari Fishery owned by Tamily Tandervale a female half-elf.

Otari has only one temple which is called The Dawnflower. Its high-ranking priestess is a beautiful halfling named Vandy Banderdash. The Dawnlower’s main deity of worship is Sarenrae, but any non-evil deity members are welcome. The temple is also a library filled with many religious texts from across Golarion.

There is one shop where one may find arcane books and scrolls which is called Odd Stories. Its proprietor, a wizard named Morlibint is always on the lookout for more books and scrolls to add to his collection and inventory.

The blacksmith in town, a human male named Carman Ranjani is hard at work during the daylight hours at Blades of Glades. He can make any weapon one would need on an adventure or just to protect oneself from the dangers lurking in the wooded areas to the north.

Just outside of town rest a group of standing stones called the Stone Ring Pond. There you will find a female elf druid tending to the upkeep of this sacred site.

On top of a hill beyond the Dawnflower is the town’s cemetery. Rumors of undead being seen wondering around at night is common talk within the town.

There is also a curious domed building at the northwest corner of town call Wrin’s Wonders. Its proprietor Wrin Silvinxi, an elf tiefling, sells a variety of items ranging from adventuring gear to magical items. When it’s not raining, the fabric of these domes is pulled aside so shoppers can admire what’s for sale in the light of the sun—or the moon, for that matter, as Wrin’s Wonders is always open!

"The lighthouse is glowing," Wrin says. She points to the northwest, where the distant shape of Gauntlight can be seen looming over the trees of Fogfen.

The curio merchant has called you together outside her shop this night to express her concerns. Her quick smile and welcoming attitude have always helped her to secure friendships during her travels, as well as for the past 4 years that she's operated her shop here in Otari.

"Nobody else can see it from here. Nobody else possesses my spirit sight. But I have seen the glow the past several nights, and I worry what it might portend."

The tiefling turns to several star charts spread out on a nearby table. "I have read the stars, and they have told me that you are the right ones to explore the ruins of Gauntlight and protect Otari from whatever might be behind the menacing glow. I will do what I can to guide you on your way. Look to the Cosmic Caravan for protection, my friends. I know I can count on you!"

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Welcome!!! Please enjoy some refreshments while the host establishes your game. We have cake, popcorn and cookies.

4/5 *

I know Paizo isn't going to be running any games officially, but a Philly PFS chapter has usually stepped up to host some games in the past. I haven't seen anything for this year though, has anyone heard anything???

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When the mysterious lighthouse called Gauntlight glows with baleful light, the people of Otari suspect that it’s an ominous prelude to sinister events. Heroes must explore the ruins around the lighthouse and delve into the dungeon levels below. Hideous monsters, deadly traps, and vengeful ghosts all await the heroes who dare to enter the sprawling megadungeon called the Abomination Vaults!

I am looking for a group of adventurers who are in search of a dungeon crawl! Interested individuals should review the player's guide and submit a level one character following standard rules by the deadline. All published Paizo 2e material is open, so all classes and ancestries are available. We will be playing with the free archetype rule, because I love it as a player! :D

The game takes place in and around the town of Otari. Your character is encouraged to be from Otari and use a campaign specific background, but doing so is not required.

If you're not familiar with AV, I'll mention again this is a megadungeon. Nearly the entirety of the campaign is spent in and around the Vaults, so enter this with that understanding. That said, I want to add that I highly encourage roleplay throughout the campaign so we are not simply just throwing dice into combat after combat, because my friends, there is a lot of combat.

This is a play-by-post game and all IC content will reside here on the forums. That said, there are a couple of technology pieces I want to mention. I will most likely be doing maps online using Foundry since I have all of the content already generated there (accessible through a browser). Additionally, there will be a discord channel that I would like the players to join. Discord will only be used for OOC discussion, planning or communication purposes, all IC material will remain on the forums.

I have one character already who will be playing in this game (Brainiac), and I am looking for a group of THREE more to join them. They do not have a class preselected and plan to choose based on the group composition.

Recruitment will remain open for one week. I will be closing recruitment on 11/22 at 12:00PM EDT.

Good luck!

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When my group starts a new campaign, I typically create each of the characters in our party visually through a 3D render. As our story progresses, sometimes I capture fun moments so we can share a laugh.

For my latest campaign, I created a narrated intro that leads into our a visual recreation of our campaign as we play through the first two books.

The video (seven minutes long) is HERE. Most of the pictures I created along the way I posted in the corresponding forum for other users/GM's to use (available here).

It was a blast creating something this epic, I hope someone enjoys it as much as I did :)

Happy gaming everyone!

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My group is getting ready to run FFOD, so I worked with each of my party members to design and create their characters and then put together a teaser trailer for us based on the first book.

Enjoy! :)

Fly Free or Die Teaser Trailer

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I'm working on a project for my group that's playing through this campaign. As I work through the story, I'm rendering some of the more memorable characters and scenes from our game. It's probably best to share them in a single thread rather than a new thread for each one.

Here are four renders from the catabombs in book two.

D5 - Halls of the Headless Horseman:

The dullahan Frefferth and his unholy steed Polora - Link.

D38 - Pool:

First is The Skinner, Wrent Discaspiron. This is a solo shot of her partially hidden in the darkness. Link.

The second is the room where the Skinner and the excorions are found, but without anything in it (to help set the mood). Link.

The third is The Skinner in the chamber, ready to skin the party. Link.

I'll check back in with some additional pictures as I create them. Hope these help some future GM's in their games! :D

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I created and rendered Sergeant Moldun Ollo for a project I'm working on. Hopefully someone can use him for something! :)

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Hey there!

I'm working on a project for a Starfinder group and as part of this, I created a 3D model of Absalom Station and rendered some 4K pictures of it. I hope they help someone, somewhere! :)

Absalom Station - Top View
Absalom Station - Far View
Absalom Station - Lower View

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My fellow agents of Edgewatch and I stumbled across an ooze this week while spelunking in areas unknown. I decided to draw it up and share it with everyone!

And yes, I'm playing the violin in the background for inspirational purposes while the sorceress does all of the hard work :D

I'm looking for a GM to run a SFS scenario for a full group. In exchange for running the scenario, we would be willing to run a scenario of either PFS1 or PFS2 for you as a player.

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I've embarked upon this ridiculously crazy project of trying to visually recreate my play-through of book one of Shattered Star. One of the very silly things I did was to create a 3D model of Magnimar. There are really only two decent pictures of the city that I could fine and they are both relatively low quality, so here are two 4K shots if anyone wants to use these.

The first is a full view of the city looking out from the land towards the sea with focus on the Irespan and the other is a much closer shot of the Irespan looking through the port.

I hope someone finds a good use for these at some point :)

I created a campaign thread last night and regardless of how many times I post in discussion or gameplay, nothing shows up. This isn't the delay that happens after you post sometime, this is a "never shows up even hours later" issue.

The campaign thread is HERE, please assist.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

It's the tenth of Arodus and the sun sets on another beautiful summer day. The temperatures are still warm this late in the evening, but they are beginning to cool off with each passing day. Knowing that there are only a few days left until fall starts, the mood around town is anxious as everyone begins to set their preparations for the fall harvest.

It's been a year since the raiding of goblins, assault of the giants and scorching destruction of the dragon in Sandpoint. Things have finally begun to return to normal here as everyone puts all of the excitement behind them, all of the construction efforts finally complete.

Sandpoint is a moderate town, not as sprawling as Magnimar a day and a half of travel to the southwest, but still with over a thousand residents, several bustling industries and its own share of local color.

Some of that local color is the Rusty Dragon, one of two travelers' rest stops in Sandpoint. The Rusty Dragon takes its name from the sizable iron sculpture of a dragon that looms over the roof of the building. Time and weather have taken their toll on the sculpture, thus giving the large wooden building its name.

The owner of the Rusty Dragon is the famous Ameiko Kaijitsu, who is the scion of one of the four aristocratic families of Sandpoint. Though she also owns the Sandpoint Glassworks, she prefers to spend her time in the Rusty Dragon, chatting with patrons, swapping adventuresome tales, and occasionally regaling visitors with her musical skills.

Today, as the sun disappears over the horizon, the Rusty Dragon has its share of trade, though it's a bit underwhelming -- a pair of travelers en route to Magnimar and a handful of locals looking for a spicy dinner.

Feel free to make your entrance and have at it!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Try #2

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW


When a decades-old secret is exposed, an unassuming local tavern-owner and a close friend of the PCs discovers her birthright is to rule one of the ancient Dragon Empires of Tian Xia—the empire of Minkai. Yet the current ruler of this empire, the mysterious and increasingly cruel Jade Regent, has no intention of giving up his hold over the throne. In order to save Minkai from a would-be tyrant, the PCs must not only escort their friend from Varisia to Tian Xia, braving the frozen horrors of the Crown of the World, but must aid her in gaining the trust and support of a nation on the edge of anarchy.

Hello potential players! I'm looking for a group to embark upon a journey with me! Please review the information below before submitting an application so that you can understand what I'm looking for. I'm planning on keeping the recruitment open for a maximum 7 days. Recruit closes 8:00 PM EDT, Monday 9/23/19. Good luck to everyone and I hope to see you on the other side!

The recruitment worksheet is available here.

NOTE: This game has two players already confirmed for it, they are a wizard and a paladin. I'm looking to add 2-4 more players to these two to form a party of 5-6 players.


1) Read ALL of the information presented in this post before asking questions.
2) Read the player's guide available here.
3) Understand that I want to hear about your your concept more than I want to hear about your crunch. I don't look at stats to determine if you will be selected in this game, the build is not important to me right now because I'm selecting you to build a character to play this game. I'm more concerned with your character background, motivations and goals than I am with mechanics. If you get selected then we'll worry about the stats.
4) An understanding of your experience to both Pathfinder as well as play by post roleplay. I'm interested in your posting style and I'd like you to link me to an example of your games that you want me to see (it can be on other sites that Paizo). I will be up front and let you know that if you do not have a lot of PbP experience then I am predisposed to not select you for an AP. I want to see your resume and make sure you are committing to putting effort into this game.
5) Add a new line to the RECRUITMENT WORKSHEET with all of your information. (Please do not modify other entries that are not your own). If your entire entry is not complete by the deadline then I will not consider your application complete.


Here are my guidelines to determine if this is the PbP for you:

Post as often as is necessary to keep the game moving. This may be once a day or it may be 3 times a day if the action is really moving. I check the boards morning, afternoon and evening and I'd like to see at least 1 post per day from everyone minimally. If you only check the boards every few days, this is NOT the PbP for you.

I am going to do my best to keep this game moving. If it slows down then it's my job to get it moving again and I may push to keep the action rolling. Because of this, if you don't take your turn in combat in a timely fashion and we're waiting on you I may GMPC your action or delay you for that round. If you're going to get upset at with for doing this, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Perseverance is preferred. This is a long-lasting story arc split into multiple chapters with multiple parts per chapter. If you don't think you can devote the time to hang around for at least a year, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Communication is key. Whether it is letting me know of a vacation where you might not have internet access, questions about some minutiae of game play, or simple clarifications; communication is how I gauge how engaged my players are, and how I can tune the adventure so that everyone is enjoying themselves. If you don’t think it’s important to let the other players and GM know when you aren’t going to be able to post for a week, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Roleplaying. I LOVE ROLEPLAYING! It's why I'm here. As mentioned above, I like for my players to take the lead in a goodly portion of the adventure. Cues and clues will be given to prod, but I'd rather you go off on a wild hare chase rather than be spoon-fed copied portions of the AP over and over. If rolling dice is your go to solve each problem or your character is the strong silent type, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Quality posting. Do you know how you get when that hamburger you ordered doesn't look anything like the picture on the poster? That's how I feel about craptastic posts. No one (but you) is forcing you to rush a post out the door, so take your time with it. Obviously there are situations when you are mobile and can't compose a post, I'm not talking about that. If you preferred playstyle is to let the others do the talking, while you toss in one word responses, and like to roll for social skills with no explanations, this is NOT the PbP for you.

HAVE FUN! This is one of the most important, because if you aren't having fun, why are you playing? Of course, this applies to everyone else too. So, don't be a jerk. If you want to have fun, then this is IS the PbP for you!!!


  • ROLL 20:The lighting system is often abused in Pathfinder because it is so hard to implement correctly. I run my maps on Roll20 so that I can utilize dynamic lighting. You will see what your character can see!

  • DISCORD: While we play our game on Paizo's forums, I will be establishing a discord group for OOC communication. My preference is to use this group to send you a quick message or answer questions quicker than on the forums. It's not a requirement that you join the group, but it's my preference that you do.


  • CHARACTER ALIAS : Create an alias on the forum for your character and populate it with their role, background, description and motivations.

  • ROLE (CLASS INFO) : What is your character contributing to the party? Are you a melee attacker? Are you crowd control with lots of skills? Are you the face and divine caster? If you know your class and archetypes, this is the place to list them. More important that though, I need to tell me how you project your role in the party to play out. I will be grouping similiar roles together and selecting among types to try and build a fairly balanced group out of it.

  • BACKGROUND : A character background will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Why are you in Roslar's Coffer? Be creative! Explain those traits, feats, skills and class features your class has!

  • DESCRIPTION : A physical description will allow you and the other party members to visualize your character.


  • Core are preferred, some Featured races will be allowed.
  • ALLOWED RACES - CORE: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Humans
  • ALLOWED RACES - FEATURED: Aasimars, Catfolk, Dhampirs, Ifrits, Oreads, Ratfolk, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings


  • 20 point buy.
  • If you are dumping a stat I fully expect you to RP your character to be lacking that ability.


  • All Paizo-published classes and archetypes permitted, but I advise against gunslingers. Ask GM approval if concerned.
  • I'd like to avoid animal companions, familiars, followers or mounts. If you take a class that uses them, please select an alternate type to replace these class features.
  • This game has two players already confirmed for it, they are a wizard and a paladin.


  • Most Paizo-published feats are permitted, no third party feats allowed.
  • Crafting is allowed, but any custom gear requires GM approval.


  • Two traits total from Paizo-published sources, one of which must be a campaign trait from this AP. You can find the player's guide linked above.
  • You may optionally take a drawback to add a third trait, however, if you take a drawback you better RP the drawback in your characters personality and expect I will try to do so as well.


  • We will be using the Background Skills system from Unchained.
  • In addition to the background skills, I'm giving you a one time bonus of 2 additional free skill points to be used in either Craft or Profession)


  • Max gold for your class.


  • Max per Hit Dice at level one, 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.


  • No Evil alignments.
  • Read the Alignment section of the player's guide before making your selection.


  • Characters may worship any deity but must be within one step of their alignment.


  • XP: The group will level up at the same time based on when I feel it is appropriate within the campaign. I will not be handing out XP individually for encounters.


I've been a Pathfinder GM for many years now and have run hundreds of different adventures ranging from Quests, Society Play, Modules and numerous Adventure Paths. I run live games, virtual table top games and play by post games with my local group of friends as well as for complete strangers. I've been on these forums for enough years now to learn what the right balance of games is for me and I'm ready to take on a new group to start an adventure. I do my best to make myself fully available to you through my email, discord, or whatever method you wish to reach me.

I enjoy roleplaying more than rolling the dice and I only play this game because I love the story that we create together.

Hey there!

I have a small group of solid players from the forums here that are looking to get together and play in a War For the Crown game. We are all well established veterans of Pathfinder with a preference towards roleplaying with thousands of posts and dozens of games under our belts. We are seeking a GM who can help bring Crownfall alive for us!

We're up for either play by post on the forums here or trying out a discord game if that is your preference.

Please drop me a line either here or in a PM.

Thanks for reading, happy gaming everyone!

I have started to recreate the maps for book 1, The Dead Roads. Each map comes with and without a grid so it can be used for VTT. Each map was created with 70 DPI and is a much higher quality than the maps from the book. Each map should easily align given the proper dimensions in Roll20 or your VTT of choice. Where possible, I tried to add additional visual detail based upon the descriptions provided.

So far I've completed three maps:

  • Roslar's Tomb
  • Nine Eaves
  • Palace of Teeth

I'm going to use one link for all the files so that I can continue to add maps in the future. Here you go!

The Concordance

My group THOROUGHLY scouted the camp on land and air before heading in. They wanted to create a map of their scouting and so I recreated the camp from hand so I could create a "sketched" map for them. Here are a few files that you may be able to use in your game:

Camp Red Jaw - Sketched
Camp Red Jaw - Grid (4200x2800)
Camp Red Jaw - No Grid (4200x2800)

I hope someone else gets some use out of these! :D

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

This is for a temporary 1v1 IC gameplay thread for a ROTR game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey there GM's!

When I went to upload the map of Roslar's Tomb into Roll20 this morning I was deeply disturbed at how terrible it was. Not all of the squares are equal size and the quality of the map wasn't fantastic when I tried to stretch it to fit. I quickly mocked up a replacement map to use instead. Plop this into Roll20 and set the canvas size to 3220x2030 at the default 70 dpi and it fits perfectly!

If anyone else has woes with the default map then please feel free to use this one instead! There are two versions, with grid and without grid.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Group 2 thread is up!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Please dot and delete!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Please dot and delete!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Hello! Congratulations on making it into the Tyrant's Grasp adventure path!

You are a group of twelve that will need to be broken into two groups of six. Before we get to that though, there are a few housekeeping matters we need to address as a group.

1) I will be granting each of your characters a free story feat. In the past I've taken the time to go through each of your characters and hand pick the story feat for you. Due to the size of the larger group, I'm going to ask that you go through and pick two or three that you think are appropriate and we'll work together to select the correct one. I only have one condition with regards to these feats, and it applies to everything I do when I provide free items to you: Please don't power-game me with them. I'm not giving you more powers to beat up the baddies in one round each combat, I've giving you the ability to further expand the character depth and build new roleplay opportunities. We likely will not really explore these feats in depth until you are much higher leveled as I want you to work up to the goals over time.

2) You'll need to work on the teamwork feats. This obviously means you'll need to know who your team is going to be, but feel free to talk about possible ones you guys all like in the meanwhile. Reference above stated power gaming caveat!

3) You need to have someone in Roslar’s Coffer you are attached to. My preference is that this is someone you are really close to and care for deeeply (family, friend, loved one) but this does not fit everyone's background. If none of those fit really well, then make it an acquaintance of yours that you are at least friendly with.

4) Did I tell you that I love roleplay yet? If not, I do. I love it even more when my player's can foster roleplay between themselves and fill the gaps without having me to jump in to keep it going. Part of what makes this work better are background tie-ins. Again, this isn't for everyone. But if you can tie your background in some way to other characters then this creates more scenarios for interaction.

5) Team division. I have a tentative team breakdown that I used to create two parties that I then used for player selection. Before I share that, I'm interested to hear if there are certain players you do (or would rather not) play with from among the selectees. Post it here or PM me if there are certain player's backgrounds that you feel work better together than others or if there is just another player you really enjoy RPing with. I'll try to pool these requests and post a group up into separate threads after that.

6) Finish your crunch. While I referenced this during selection, I did not check it or make sure you followed my rules because that wasn't important to me. Make all your changes and get ready to start the game.

7) Last but not least, I picked YOU as a player more than I picked your character. Your character showed me what you can create and what you want to play, but with that being said if you want to change something to better fit the party or aren't feeling what you wrote please talk to me about it and I'm sure we can make it work. My 12 selectees are a little light on arcane so someone may need to accommodate that depending on how the party classes and roles flush out.

I have more stuff about my play style and what not, but I'll save that until we break into two groups. In the meanwhile, jump in and say HI and start talking about the above items. I'd like to try and be finished with all of the above in no more than a weeks time. There is no rush, but I'd like to get started with at least team breakup by the end of this weekend if possible.

Here's a quick reference of what you guys submitted:

CampinCarl9127 - Laurel Thestia - Cleric - Divine Support/Channeler/Melee
caster4life - Samalgee Dorn - Oracle Healer/Support/Buffer
Dakcenturi - Aralah T'forc - Inquisitor Ranged, can switch hit | Traps/Survival/Divine (Inquisitor/Monk)
Drogeney - Feena - Sorcerer- arcane caster blaster/support
ElegantlyWasted - Varryk Swiftshot - Ranger - Ranged Combat/Divine/Survival (Infiltrator Ranger)
Hrothdane - Marya Ilyinichna Belova - Cleric - Cleric, big party buffer and heals, plus some slashy slashy
Kittenmancer - Damian Catus - Paladin - Ranged, channeler, healer (oradin)
motteditor - Mithralline Pierce Cavalier - Melee charger
PatheticWretch - Vlad the Heretic - Fighter - Fighter/Barb; Melee damage and tanking
Phntm888 - Sarela Falrin Witch - Support & Debuff/Witch
stormraven - Rajuna Two Fangs - Rogue - Skills+ | Rogue / Warpriest
Tiessa - Rose - Shaman - Shaman (Speaker for the Past) - skills/support/cc

1 person marked this as a favorite.

An unknown cataclysm thrusts the heroes into the Boneyard, where souls are judged after death... but the heroes aren't dead! Trapped in a tomb that isn't their own, they must use their wits and might to escape. The grim and otherworldly psychopomps who serve as the shepherds of souls are divided on what to do with these unexplained arrivals. The heroes must negotiate treacherous psychopomp politics and journey through a landscape of gloom and nightmare before walking the Dead Roads that can lead them home!

Hello potential players! I'm looking for a group of 4-6 players to embark upon a journey with me! Please review the information below before submitting an application so that you can understand what I'm looking for.

I'm planning on keeping the recruitment open for at least 14 days and a maximum of 21 days. I'm fairly certain we will have plenty of applicants in two weeks, so I'll play to close recruitment on 11:59 PM, Saturday 4/13/19. If for some reason I'm not satisfied that I have enough, I'll extend it another week to 4/20.

Good luck to everyone and I hope to see you on the other side!

The recruitment worksheet is available here.


1) Read ALL of the information presented in this post before asking questions.
2) Read the player's guide available here.
3) Understand that I want to hear about your your concept more than I want to hear about your crunch. I don't look at stats to determine if you will be selected in this game, the build is not important to me right now because I'm selecting you to build a character to play this game. I'm more concerned with your character background, motivations and goals than I am with mechanics. If you get selected then we'll worry about the stats.
4) An understanding of your experience to both Pathfinder as well as play by post roleplay. I'm interested in your posting style and I'd like you to link me to an example of your games that you want me to see (it can be on other sites that Paizo). I will be up front and let you know that if you do not have a lot of PbP experience then I am predisposed to not select you for an AP. I want to see your resume and make sure you are committing to putting effort into this game.
5) Add a new line to the RECRUITMENT WORKSHEET with all of your information. (Please do not modify other entries that are not your own). If your entire entry is not complete by the deadline then I will not consider your application complete.


Here are my guidelines to determine if this is the PbP for you:

Post as often as is necessary to keep the game moving. This may be once a day or it may be 3 times a day if the action is really moving. I check the boards morning, afternoon and evening and I'd like to see at least 1 post per day from everyone minimally. If you only check the boards every few days, this is NOT the PbP for you.

I am going to do my best to keep this game moving. If it slows down then it's my job to get it moving again and I may push to keep the action rolling. Because of this, if you don't take your turn in combat in a timely fashion and we're waiting on you I may GMPC your action or delay you for that round. If you're going to get upset at with for doing this, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Perseverance is preferred. This is a long-lasting story arc split into multiple chapters with multiple parts per chapter. If you don't think you can devote the time to hang around for at least a year, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Communication is key. Whether it is letting me know of a vacation where you might not have internet access, questions about some minutiae of game play, or simple clarifications; communication is how I gauge how engaged my players are, and how I can tune the adventure so that everyone is enjoying themselves. If you don’t think it’s important to let the other players and GM know when you aren’t going to be able to post for a week, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Roleplaying. I LOVE ROLEPLAYING! It's why I'm here. As mentioned above, I like for my players to take the lead in a goodly portion of the adventure. Cues and clues will be given to prod, but I'd rather you go off on a wild hare chase rather than be spoon-fed copied portions of the AP over and over. If rolling dice is your go to solve each problem or your character is the strong silent type, this is NOT the PbP for you.

Quality posting. Do you know how you get when that hamburger you ordered doesn't look anything like the picture on the poster? That's how I feel about craptastic posts. No one (but you) is forcing you to rush a post out the door, so take your time with it. Obviously there are situations when you are mobile and can't compose a post, I'm not talking about that. If you preferred playstyle is to let the others do the talking, while you toss in one word responses, and like to roll for social skills with no explanations, this is NOT the PbP for you.

HAVE FUN! This is one of the most important, because if you aren't having fun, why are you playing? Of course, this applies to everyone else too. So, don't be a jerk. If you want to have fun, then this is IS the PbP for you!!!


  • CHARACTER ALIAS : Create an alias on the forum for your character and populate it with their role, background, description and motivations.

  • ROLE (CLASS INFO) : What is your character contributing to the party? Are you a melee attacker? Are you crowd control with lots of skills? Are you the face and divine caster? If you know your class and archetypes, this is the place to list them. More important that though, I need to tell me how you project your role in the party to play out. I will be grouping similiar roles together and selecting among types to try and build a fairly balanced group out of it.

  • BACKGROUND : A character background will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Why are you in Roslar's Coffer? Be creative! Explain those traits, feats, skills and class features your class has!

  • DESCRIPTION : A physical description will allow you and the other party members to visualize your character.


  • Core are preferred, some Featured races will be allowed.
  • ALLOWED RACES - CORE: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Humans
  • ALLOWED RACES - FEATURED: Aasimars, Catfolk, Dhampirs, Ifrits, Oreads, Ratfolk, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings


  • 20 point buy.
  • No stats below 8 or higher than 18 before racial modifiers.
  • If you are dumping a stat I fully expect you to RP your character to be lacking that ability.


  • All Paizo-published classes and archetypes permitted. Ask GM approval if concerned.
  • Witches are allowed, but Slumber Hex is not allowed.
  • I'd like to avoid animal companions, familiars, followers or mounts. If you take a class that uses them, please select an alternate type to replace these class features.


  • Most Paizo-published feats are permitted, no third party feats allowed.
  • Banned Feats: Leadership & Antagonize.
  • Crafting is allowed, but any custom gear requires GM approval.
  • At +1 BAB you gain Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Deadly Aim for free.
  • All players receive a free Teamwork Feat from the approved list. At level 4, players will receive a receive an additional free Teamwork Feat.


  • Two traits total from Paizo-published sources, one of which must be a campaign trait from this AP. You can find the player's guide linked above.
  • You may optionally take a drawback to add a third trait, however, if you take a drawback you better RP the drawback in your characters personality and expect I will try to do so as well.


  • We will be using the Background Skills system from Unchained.
  • 2 free skill points will be awarded at first level to be used between Craft, Profession, or Perform)


  • Max gold for your class.


  • Max per Hit Dice at level one, 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.


  • No Evil alignments.
  • Read the Alignment section of the player's guide before making your selection.


  • Characters may worship any deity but must be within one step of their alignment.


  • XP: The group will level up at the same time based on when I feel it is appropriate within the campaign. I will not be handing out XP individually for encounters.

Allied Spellcaster
Back to Back
Broken Wing Gambit
Circling Offensive
Collective Recollective
Combat Medic
Coordinated Defense
Coordinated Maneuvers
Distracting Charge.
Duck and Cover
Enfilading Fire
Elemental Commixture
Extend the Bulwark
Feint Partner
Ferocious Loyalty
Intercept Charge
Look Out
Phalanx Fighter
Seize the Moment
Share Healing
Shake it Off
Shielded Caster
Stealth Synergy
Swap Places
Swarm Scatter
Swarm Strike
Tandem Evasion.
Tandem Trip
Target of Opportunity
Team Pickpocketing
Topple Foe
Tribe Mentality
Underhanded Teamwork
Unusual Origin
Wounded Paw Gambit


I've been a Pathfinder GM for many years now and have run hundreds of different adventures ranging from Quests, Society Play, Modules and numerous Adventure Paths. I run live games, virtual table top games and play by post games with my local group of friends as well as for complete strangers. I've been on these forums for enough years now to learn what the right balance of games is for me and I'm ready to take on a new group to start an adventure. I do my best to make myself fully available to you through my email, discord, or whatever method you wish to reach me.

I enjoy roleplaying more than rolling the dice and I only play this game because I love the story that we create together.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

We're off once more!

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

The group traveled the Lost Coast Road. All roads enter through Magnimar's south side, since the north side contains the port. The Lost Coast Road enters the last gate to the East (the Sandpoint side), into the Alabaster District.

The party spends the day shopping and immersing themselves in the wonders of the City of Monuments, amazed by the offerings and availability of powerful magical items throughout the city. Towards the end of the day they spend a few hours gathering information about the Foxglove townhouse and discover that is located in the same district that they are in.

After about an hour of drinks and asking around, the party finds the location of the Foxglove townhouse and heads there. It's a quaint little three story building that shows no visible light or movement inside, but it's still not quite dark out yet.

Perception DC18:
The grass, bushes and overall landscaping are a bit of a mess. It appears that someone hasn't taken care of the property in what you assume to be several months.

How would you like to proceed?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We are going to play Dragon's Demand, a module that will take your character from 1st to 7th level!

Adventure Summary:
Founded by a famous dragonslayer, the small town of Belhaim has become a sleepy rural community just off the beaten path, a settlement where everyone knows everyone and strangers are the talk of the town. But when Belhaim’s peace and quiet is shattered by the sudden collapse of the last standing tower of its founder’s castle, things quickly bloom out of control. Why were there bodies of kobolds amid the rubble? What’s the sinister secret behind the strange sounds of flapping wings in the night? And what’s happened to local wizard Balthus Hunclay, who’s not answering knocks on his door? The collapsed tower had long been an eyesore to the cantankerous old man—could he have had something to do with its destruction? And what of the rumors of strange stirrings in nearby Dragonfen? Has Belhaim’s ancient draconic nemesis returned?

This is a game for players who are new to play by post on Paizo's forums and are looking to get into a PbP game but haven't been able to get selected elsewhere. So if you are new and have been looking for a game and haven't had the luck of getting in one, now is your chance!

I'm unsure of the responses we will get to this since it is restrictive, but hopefully it's a week or less. I've already invited a few new people who failed to get into a previous recruitment of mine to play here and I'm giving them until tomorrow to respond before I start pulling from this recruitment thread.

I've already established 2 players in are in and I'd like to target a group of six, so I'll be selecting between 1-4 additional players based upon who responds to my PMs. I'm looking for people who don't have more than a few active games they are playing in here and have around 500 or so combined PbP posts or less to their account.

Once I get a full group together I'll outline the build requirements, those are not required at this time as I'm selecting players not characters.

PBP GUIDE: If you are new to Play By Post, please read through Painlord's guide to play by post gaming here.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Hello and welcome to a game for the new kids! After seeing so many of the new guys in my previous recruitment not get a game, I felt bad and decided that I'd start one just for folks who don't have a lot of play by post history here on Paizo's forums.

I went through my previous recruitment and sent a PM to five people to see if they were interested. I'll give them two days to check in and we'll see how many people we have. If we're short a full group then I'll open up recruitment and grab whatever we need.

Hello potential players! I'm looking for a group of 5-6 players to embark upon a journey in Nirmathas! Please review the information below, but most importantly check out the steps in the Application Requirement sections to see what I'm looking for.

I'm planning on keeping the recruitment open for at least 5 days. If we get a ton of responses than I may shorten it and if we don't get any I may extend it. I'll give at least 24 hours notice before I close it if I close it early.

For now, just dot in and say hi. I'll get the requirements up once we get a party going. Gameplay is also open for dot and delete as well.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

The morning of the Spring Market Festival dawns grey and cool, the last clouds from yesterday’s rains still wandering slowly eastward, but the golden sun creeping over the horizon promises warmth and light in the hours to come. The small village of Phaendar wakes with the brightening morning, its small handful of streets beginning to fill with merchants, travelers, farmers, and all the many tradesfolk who have assembled to sell and buy, swap and bargain. The large oval that is the Market Green in the town’s center – fully half the size of the entire town, close to 75 yards across its longest stretch – quickly accumulates wagons, tents, carts, and stalls of all shapes and sizes, along with food vendors, entertainers, shouting children, strolling sweethearts, bemused grandparents, and more.

A veritable maze of stalls fills the Market Green in the center of town and there seems to be no limit on things to see or do. In the very center of the green a maypole has been erected and is the site of particularly lively dancing. A large group of children are watching a puppet show, seemingly featuring a jester, a town guardsman, and a crocodile; while a juggler has also succeeded in drawing a fair sized crowd. As well as stalls selling practical items and foodstuffs, there are also a number of stalls selling curios and 'antiques', some with vastly exaggerated stories behind them.

This is the raucous setting in which you find yourselves on this Starday, the first day of Gozran. As you too walk the streets and alleys of Phaendar and its market festival, you see old friends, long-standing rivals, and strangers aplenty, all going about their lives in this sudden bloom of prosperity. While commerce aplenty happening in the Market Green, the festival events in the surrounding town are largely focused on four locations: the Phaendar Trading Company, which seems to be acting as a central clearinghouse of information on who and what can be found where in the festival and the Market Green, in addition to doing a brisk business in its own right; the Taproot Inn, which has offered its hospitality to many of the town’s visitors, and which is currently hosting an outdoor stage where a Varisian woman in exotic-looking silks and shawls is singing and dancing before a rapt audience; the Riverwood Shrine, where the faithful can offer their prayers to Desna, Erastil, the Green Faith or any other good- or neutral-aligned deity, and where the well-known Caydenite priestess (and ex-Chesnardo Ranger) called Aubrin the Green is demonstrating her archery skills to an ooh-ing and aah-ing crowd; and Oreld’s Fine Shop, an otherwise unremarkable alchemist’s shop that is home – today and tomorrow only! – to local celebrity Wee Patterson, the Tiniest Aurochs, a miniature aurochs the size of a large dog who acts as the Market Festival’s pint-sized mascot. A sketch artist sit nearby, charging 1 gp for a ten-minute charcoal sketch of you and Wee Patterson together, a memento you will no doubt treasure forever!

Everyone can jump in with a brief summary of your day during the festival. When everyone is here we will start with the conclusion of the first day of the festival.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Welcome players, I'm excited to get our game going!

Obligatory GM pregame speech: I'll be rolling and tracking passive perceptions and initiatives for the group and the enemies. In order to keep combat as streamlined as possible I will likely be grouping both players and enemies into logical groups as best I can.

My goal is to keep things moving for the group and not stagnant in any area too long. If you have suggestions on how to keep the game moving, please post them up for all to see. Most of you are quite experienced on the forums and I'm sure you are used to seeing the same pitch from your other GM's.

I plan on using a Google drawing for maps and a Google sheet for tracking militia related items. I have a paid Roll20 account if players would rather use that for a map as well, I'm flexible.

Signing up for a PbP AP is a huge commitment. We are likely going to be at this for years to see this thing through. I can tell you that I'm not going anywhere and as long as the group is committed to seeing this thing through, so will I. We all have moments in life where things get crazy and your time here is reduced. Sometimes I travel for work, take a vacation or get sick. All I ask up front is that you please communicate with us and let us know what's going on.

My email address is, feel free to reach out to me anytime for any reason. I'm putting here in the first discussion post to make it easy to find. If you feel like I'm not here and I should be, you need to send me a personal note or anything else please just fire away.

In one group we setup a Google Hangout group for the party and to chat and stay in touch. In another group they setup a chat in Discord that I was invited too. I'm not saying we need to do either, but both of these worked really well to keep us in constant touch and provide a platform for easier communication. I found this was a more efficient mechanism of poking someone that they are up or dropping someone a quick note of what was going on with them. If you guys are up for this, let me know.


Enough of that nonsense, let's get down to brass tracks. I'd like you to take some time and introduce yourselves as a person (not your character) and begin to flush our your crunch. I'd also like a few of you to make some tweaks to your character to better round out the party. I know a couple of you mentioned swapping classes or archetypes around to make that happen, I'm perfectly fine with that and in some cases I've asked you to make changes.

Several of you are locals to Phaendar and would certainly know each other. Feel free to tie your backgrounds together with other players or some key NPCs. The next post I'll make in this thread will have some information for you on these characters.

Once we get all of the characters setup I will get us started. I don't have a hard date set for this, but lets throw a soft target out there of Friday 12/14. If that's not enough then I'll push it a few days and if you guys are all done tomorrow we will start early.

Let's have some fun!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello potential players! I'm looking for a group of 5-6 players to embark upon a journey in Nirmathas! Please review the information below, but most importantly check out the steps in the Application Requirement sections to see what I'm looking for.

I'm planning on keeping the recruitment open for at least 5 days. If we get a ton of responses than I may shorten it and if we don't get any I may extend it. I'll give at least 24 hours notice before I close it if I close it early.

Good luck to everyone and I hope to see you on the other side!


1) Read the player's guide available here. What I don't want to see is a repurposed character from another game that doesn't fit into the story.
2) Role in the party (This should include your planned/preferred class)
2) Give me your concept, the crunch is not important to me up front. I'm more concerned with your character background and motivations than I am with mechanics right now. If you get selected then we'll worry about the stats. Why are you in Phaendar?
3) An understanding of your experience to both Pathfinder as well as play by post.


Here are my guidelines to determine if this is the PbP for you:

Post as often as is necessary but keep it regular. I tend to check the boards several times a day but less often on the weekends. Ideally, we’d have at least 1 post per day from everyone, as needed, but I understand that’s not always possible. Minimally I'd like to see 4 posts during weekdays. I am going to do my best to keep this game moving. If you only check the boards on the weekends or every few days, this is not the PbP for you.

Perseverance is preferred. This is a long-lasting story arc split into multiple modules with multiple parts each. If you don't think you can devote the time to hang around for at least a module at a time, this is not the PbP for you.

Communication is key. Whether it is letting me know of a vacation where you might not have internet access, questions about some minutiae of game play, or simple clarifications; communication is how I gauge how engaged my players are, and how I can tune the adventure so that everyone is enjoying themselves. If you don’t think it’s important to let the other players and GM know when you aren’t going to be able to post for a few days, this is not the PbP for you.

Roleplaying. As mentioned above, I like for my players to take the lead in a goodly portion of the adventure. Cues and clues will be given to prod, but I'd rather you go off on a wild hare chase rather than be spoon-fed copied portions of the AP over and over. If rolling dice is your go to solve a problem and your character is the strong silent type, this is not the PbP for you.

Quality posting. Know how you get when that hamburger you ordered doesn't look anything like the picture on the poster? That's how I feel about craptastic posts. No one (but you) is forcing you to rush a post out the door, so take your time with it. If you prefer to let the others do the talking, while you toss in one word responses, and like to roll for social skills with no explanations, this is not the PbP for you.

Have fun! This is one of the most important, because if you aren't having fun, why are you playing? Of course, this applies to everyone else too. So, don't be a jerk. If you want to have fun, then this is the PbP for you!


I've been a Pathfinder GM for six years now and have run hundreds of different adventures ranging from Quests, Society Play, Modules and numerous Adventure Paths. I run live games, virtual table top games and play by post games with my local group of friends as well as complete strangers. I've been on these forums for enough years now to learn what the right balance of games is for me and I'm ready to take on a new group to start an adventure.

I enjoy role-playing more than rolling the dice and I only play this game because I love the story that we create together.


  • Core are preferred, some Featured races will be allowed.
  • BANNED RACES: Hobgoblin
  • ALLOWED RACES - CORE: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Humans
  • ALLOWED RACES - FEATURED: Aasimars, Catfolk, Dhampirs, Ifrits, Oreads, Ratfolk, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings, Undines


  • 20 point buy.
  • No stats below 8 or higher than 18 before racial modifiers.
  • If you are dumping a stat I fully expect you to RP your character to be lacking that ability.


  • Most Paizo-Published Classes and Archetypes permitted. Ask GM approval if concerned.
  • One Archetype per Class.
  • Unchained variants of classes MUST be used for Summoners and Barbarians. Monks and Rogues can pick Unchained or Normal.
  • Playtest characters allowed under the agreement you will accept changes to the classes that Paizo finalizes when they go final.
  • If you intend to play Paladin, I expect strict adherence to alignment and decision making.
  • Witches are allowed, but Slumber Hex is not allowed.


  • Most Paizo-published feats are permitted, no third party feats allowed.
  • Banned Feats: Leadership & Antagonize.
  • Crafting is allowed, but any custom gear requires GM approval.


  • Two traits total from Paizo-published sources, one of which must be a campaign trait from this AP. You can find the player's guide here.
  • You may optionally take a drawback to add a third trait, however, if you take a drawback you better RP the drawback in your characters personality and expect I will try to do so as well.


  • 1 extra free skill point at level 1 to be used on Craft, Profession, or Perform (not Perform for Bards)
  • We will be using the Background Skills system from Unchained.


  • Average gold for your class or roll for starting gold.


  • Max per Hit Dice at level one, 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.


  • Good Alignment preferred.
  • No Evil alignments.


  • Characters may worship any deity but must be within one step of their alignment.


  • XP: The group will level up at the same time based on when I feel it is appropriate within the campaign. I will not be handing out XP individually for encounters.
  • HERO POINTS: We will be playing with Hero Points.


  • REQUIRED - BACKGROUND: A character background will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative!
  • REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION: A physical description will allow you and the other party members to visualize your character.
  • MOTIVATION: Your character should have a strong personal investment in the area, a reason to oppose invading monsters, or no pressing reason to return from whence they came.
  • UNDERLYING THEMESE: Wilderness survival, dungeon exploration, and guerrilla warfare against a far larger and better-equipped army.

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Just like I did for part one, I created a couple of pages of reference material for running book 2. This information is represented in two spreadsheets, one for the players to use and be updated during game play and a second one with all of the hidden information revealed for the GM. I've found that presenting this material to your players will better help them visualize where they are in tracking influence on the key nobles for this chapter. While we were playing either in person or online, they had the spreadsheet open and were easily able to update information for all to see

In addition to the Dramatis Personae, I also added a Stachys tracking sheet where you can show the players what improvements are available with what reward. This is a useful place to track total loyalty points accumulated, side quests outside of town and other bits of information related to their new home.

I hope players and GM's find this as useful as my group did!

Player Reference Sheet


I'm a little confused about the persona phases and when they happen.

Agents of Change wrote:
As a general guideline, PCs should experience about four persona phases per level. If you are running the War for the Crown Adventure Path, each persona phase is called out in the text of the adventure. On the other hand, if you are running a campaign in which leveling up is infrequent, or if you wish to condense personabuilding into a limited portion of your campaign, consider increasing the number of opportunities the PCs receive.

Despite this, I only see one section that talks about 2 persona phases in the entire adventure. If you're using the recommended leveling guide then the players should achieve three levels in book two and with 'four persona phases per level', they should have 12 and not 2. Can someone help clarify this for me? What am I missing?

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