
Mandrake the Mad's page

516 posts. Alias of Ragadolf.


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Hey guys, I'm having a bit of 'builder's block' ;P

(Keep in mind that my PC 4E generator is the last one that was downloadable before they went to online-only last year, and I cannot afford to renew my subscription. So it's basically a year out of date.) ;P

Let's see, I've made Manny a storm wiz, an ice mage, there's not many summon spells on my generator to make him a summoner. (Although the idea of manny talking to an invisible friend, and then calling him/it up to fight is attractive!) ;) Other than the obvious fire spells, there's not many more 'types' of mage to make?

Just trying to keep Manny interesting. And keep you all guessing about him! :)

Manny sniffles, rubs his nose on his frost covered sleeve.

"Sound' guud tuu me. Ah'm gettin a co'd. AH-CHOO! Lousy cold. Whoever t'ought that COLD would make guud magic anywaeee?" He grumbles, bundling himself up for the trip.

And now to make my way to the PC creator, and for the latest incarnation of Manny! Bwahahah!

"Wha? Chicken skin bumps? Yeah, that sounds about right,..." Manny mutters in agreement, being completely fascinated in a pattern of icicles on a nearby tree.

I will try to level up to 10 soon!

Manny simply sniffs.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish." He says, peering down his nose at the two former cultists.

He doesn't seem particularly unhappy, or overjoyed, at the action. He turns his attention back to the others. At least until something shiny catches his attention again,...

Manny follows the others, muttering into his beardcicle. Snatches of what might be song can be heard,...

"Surfin' USA,... Lalalalala,.lala,. Margaritaville,..."

Manny rolls up his sleeves, then grabs his staff, wedges it between one of the captive's legs, and uses it as a lever,...

1d20 ⇒ 4 +5 from half level? If so then total = 9

"How DO bad guys always manage to eat so well?!?" The elderly mage huffs,...

Lvl 10?!? Yay! Will update asap. Whenever that is! ;P

Manny stretches as he wakes, his old bones creaking and popping noisily. At least one crack is loud enough to cause both the mage and his companions to pause with concern,.... then Manny moves again, proving that nothing is (permanently) damaged. He seems in good spirits, his cantankerous self back in full grouch before Akahale even has the coffee brewing. The wizard peers myopically at the weary dragonborn.

"You don't look so good. At least, I don't think so. It's hard to tell with dragon-folk. But you've looked better. I think,..."

"The willies? Oooo, I had those once! When they get really bad, all you gotta do is hunker down, and scoot! Heheh,..."

"No, wait, that's not the willies, that's,... ???"

BTW, I'm going to New Orleans for a convention this weekend (Anime & games) so I'll be incommunicado until Monday. :)

Hadarai the Third wrote:
"Graf is correct. I think either this place or that amulet is still trying to exert control over us."

"Really? I hadn't noticed anything." Manny says with wide eyed innocence.

rolling D20
1d20 ⇒ 14

Manny watches the others converse, following Grafire's discourse appears to make the mage's eyes glaze over.

Manny sing-songs in the background, mostly under his voice, something about 'Akahale and amulet sittin' in a tree,...!'

He snorts at Grafire's suggestion.

"Sure. I suppose we could. The question is, is it worth the trouble?" He grumbles, giving the prisoners the 'Elderly Eye'. (Which is similar to, but far less potent than, and not to be confused with, the 'Evil Eye'.)

Leaning on his staff, the elderly wizard points after Akahale.

"Follow the leader!" He shrugs.

Sorry so slow posting, Kids are back in school and University starts Monday. I have to actually do work now! ;P

Manny watches the head fly from the altar and roll with keen interest. When it stops, he politely raises both hands and claps softly but rapidly. Golf Clap! :)

At the mention of searching, Manny blows a raspberry.

"Where's a stupid familiar when you really need one, huh?" He mutters, reluctantly joining in the search,...

Does that mean I can change the move action to move the hand to the leader instead of the beserker? :)

Just in case it doesn't,...

"Hey, who,... wha?!? Wait jes a frikkin minute! What IS this, 'ring a around the rosie'?!? Do I LOOK like a freakin flowerbush to you punk? Is that it? You think I am a gardenia set here to amuze you? Hey! You! I'm Tawlkin heah!" Manny shouts at the beserker as it (literally) runs circles around him. He motions frantically, and the ice hand moves past the aged wizard to swipe at the dangerous aberration once more.

"Third time's the charm!" Manny growls as he swings,...

Ice hand to the rescue! again! ;P

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 262d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 8) + 10 = 20

Manny sneers at the beserkers futile attempts to wiggle free. The elderly mage eyes widen as Akahale is hit, and drops. He glares at the seer, turns back to the beserker, and squeezes again. Hard.

"Do be a good fellow, and hurry up and die, won't you old chap? I have another customer waiting,..." The mage grins, and the unlikely looking rictus grin on the red-splattered scarecrow wizard is anything but comforting,...

Minor maintain, auto-dmg:(Cold) 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Manny squints, frowns, and makes a very slow and deliberate grabbing motion, again.

"Stand STILL you lil',..."

Same as before, Sustain Minor, Attack standard;

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 242d8 + 10 ⇒ (4, 5) + 10 = 19

"THAT'S better! Now stop squirming! This won't take long!" He cackles.

"OH for the luv of all that's magic, will you PLEASE simply SHUT,... UP!?!?" Manny cries. And with a harsh, deliberate gesture, sends in his icy construct,...

Minor-Sustain hand, Move-move hand to attack, Standard- Attack!

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 122d8 + 10 ⇒ (6, 1) + 10 = 17

Oh dear, THAT can't be good,...

"If there is ONE thing I canNOT stand, it is someone WHINING! More than me I mean. But I'm an old man, I've EARNED the right! Right?" He asks, losing concentration and sending his icy construct completely off course,...

Thank you Hadarai! <cross fingers> Taking immediate save with +5 bonus:

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

YES! Another for the visiting team! :)

BAthed in the glow of Hadarai's divine illumination, the elderly wizard stumbles and shakes his head. He slowly lifts his head, his bedraggled hair and beard forming a frizzy halo around eyes that are startlingly clear. He slowly turns his head to lock eyes with the last beserker.

"Your turn?" He asks sweetly. "Hang on, I'll be right with you,..."

Are we supposed to be making a save attempt vs the Daze at the end of each round? Or is this an UEOE power? Well, since I can only do ONE thing, period,... time to chase a bad guy! :)

"Ewww,... That's gross." Manny makes a face that causes his wrinkles to wrinkle even more. He flicks his bony wrist, causing the ice sculpture to mimic his action and flick bits of red to the floor. He turns slowly around, peering myopically until he grins at the sight of the other creature next to Grafire.

"Ooo! A dishrag!" He cackles, and the ice hand turns and ponderously makes its way towards Grafire's dance partner,...

Wait, does using my minor to maintain mean that I can't even use my move to move the ice hand to the next target?!? !@#$%^,... :(

Is it save time yet? 1d20 ⇒ 4

Ah, thx for the clarification Fabes! (I really need to actually READ the combat chapter in my shiny 4EPH.) ;P

Question (rules of course, still learning this system) ;P Since My 'attack' was technically a minor (maintain spell) that still leaves him one action to do, as he is still stunned, correct? I would love to shift one square diagonal to get away from the other one! :) Also, do I try to save vs stun now? If so;

1d20 ⇒ 1

EDIT- Nevermind,... (sigh) :)

Manny reels slightly, obviously still dazed. (Even more so than usual.)
He squeezes his ice-sculpture hand once again around the smart-mouthed creature of evil.

"Squeeze him Jafar! Squeeze him like a grape!" The mage encourages himself in an unusual, raspy voice.

Minor-maintain, auto-dmg to ice hand target; 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

"ow. OW! Ooo, red. Wait, isn't that supposed to be INside of me?!?"

Manny shakes his head groggily.

"Wait jes' a cottin'-pickin' minute pilgrim! Whar' d' yeh think yer goin? We ain't done yet!" The mage declares, or at least, tries to proclaim with more than the usual slurring. He blinks.

"Will the three of you please stand still?!? Ah what the heck, It's usually the one in the middle,..." He mutters, making another grabbing motion. The icy construct obediently attempts to recapture it's former prisoner.

Let's try this again! :) Ice hand grabbing same guy. Vs Ref.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 292d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 1) + 10 = 16

Ok, I'm dazed, how many actions do I get? IF I still have a move, I want to shift a square to get out from between these guys! Do I try to save vs dazed now?

save vs daze: 1d20 ⇒ 8

"Whoo! Hey, I haven't seen THAT color in a long time!" The addled mage says, staring at the light refracted from his ice hand construct.

Thx Fabes! (Ok, now this is getting confusing, but if my math is correct,...

Current status; HP:37 & NOT bloodied

Manny blinks, obviously as surprised as our opponents that he is still standing. He takes a step to the side. Shift one square South

"Now then. Where were we?" He asks with an evil smirk. He raises his hand.

"Ah yes, Corporal Punishment!" He squeezes his hand, and the ice hand follows suit, squeezing it's occupant again.

Sustain minor, automatic cold dmg for the squeezee, :)

1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

"Excuze me." He says to the brute standing almost beside him now.

"But would you mind not breathing down my neck? Your really not my type. Grafire? Would you be so kind as to escort this wolf-in-creep's clothing from my personal space? Hm?"



Ah, thank you! (HAs it been that long already?) ;P Ah, good times, and so many bad Manny jokes! :)

MAnny peers back at the raven, as if hoping to make it flinch first. AFter a bit, (several minutes actually) he gives a small sigh, and seems to deflate a little.

"Is it my time already? And here I thought I'd go out in style. Or at least surrounded by pretty girls. I could even deal with the girls trying to kill me, as long as I get to go out surrounded by pretty girls."

Manny looks back at the raven. WHen he speaks he sounds almost,... normal.

"I'm terribly sorry. We made a promise. I made a promise. And I assure you that I don't give such things lightly. But if I'm really talking to you, and not my imagination, then I'm probably not in a position to keep my word. Sorry. Do keep an eye on the others won't you? They really are lost without me."

"Especially Akahale. I sometimes think that he's not quite all there upstairs!" Manny stage whispers in a voice that could easily carry across the room. If they were in a room. And sounding like his 'normal' self.


Cool. Um, I apologize in advance. But Besides being busy in RL, I seem to try to keep up with 6-7 PbP's at the same time too. (Notice I said I TRY to keep up) ;P
I'm pretty sure this isn't any ordinary daydream, even for Manny! :)
What would/does Manny know about ravens in relationship to the world we now inhabit, and the local deities/devils, etc in particular?

Meanwhile, I'll go with just being Manny! :D

"Urr? Hello?" Manny peers myopically at the obviously unusual raven.

"S'funny. I don't remember ordering the chicken." He muses wryly.

"Excuse me. I seem to have lost my way. You don't happen to know which way to the battle do you?" He asks the raven politely.

"My companions and I are in the midst of fighting some very bad people, If you can call them that, Who are in possession of relics which do not rightfully belong to them. While my companions are normally quite formidable, these creatures are quite nasty. And I'm afraid that my friends will be lost without me." He explains to the raven.

Manny leans back thoughtfully.
"Talking to a raven. People are going to think I'm crazy!" He says, straight-faced.

If I take all that dmg, I am at -4. HOWEVER, I do not have access to my full info here at work, and he has a staff of Gathering, which can catch certain energy tossed at him. Do yo know if the orb he was hit with was one of those dmg types? if so, he can interrupt, catch it, and use it to power his next spell for more dmg.

If you don't have that info available, I'll look it up when I get home tonight. :)

(Wow. At neg AND stunned. This stinks.) ;P

Manny frowns. He is obviously extremely perturbed that the villain dared to dodge his giant, icy hand.

"Yes yes. Blessings abound. Very nice. Good to know. Now will someone tell Mr buck-ugly to stand still so's I kin squish 'im?!?!" The mage grumbles, gesturing once more, the mobile ice sculpture following suit,...

Let's try it again! sustain minor, reattacking the same guy! Vs Ref, if hit cold dmg and grabbed. If try to escape, use my Ref or fort def.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 302d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 2) + 10 = 13

Manny back to 24 Hp and back to being bloodied. Again. :P

Did that 13 HP include taking only half dmg UEOMNT due to my robe's power? If not, then I only took 7 dmg, and I'm NOT bloodied.

"Ouch. Stoopid bad guys. You are SOOooo smushed!" The cantankerous mage proclaims, making another grabbing motion which the large icy construct mimics,...

ATTACK OF THE ICE HAND! (rolling from memory here)
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 192d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 8) + 10 = 19

Current HP now up to 37, and NO longer bloodied! Sorry for the delay, thanks for keeping me moving. And no worries DM, I can never resist me some Manny-speak neither! ;P (Which actually, explains a lot. Don't think about it too much, it'll give you a headache.) :)

Manny's Icy hand drops the now squished creature of darkness. The elderly mage shakes his withered hand, and the large Icy copy duplicates the gesture, shaking off bits of badguy to the floor. The icy hand turns towards the nearest new opponent.

"Next Victim! Step right up! No waiting!" The elderly mage gleefully chortles.

Using Sustain-Minor to keep the hand going. Using Move action to move it to the next target. (The one closest to me!) :)

Ouchies! Current HP = 24 & bloodied! ;P

Manny stops dancing. He glares at his newest wounds. and back at his attacker.

"You. Ruined. My. Best Robe." He growls through his red-matted beard. His tattered robe shimmers slightly, and the mage becomes translucent. He slowly holds out one of his bony, wrinkled hands.


And a large, icy replica of the withered wizard's hand appears next to the creature trying to perforate him.

"You look tired. Let me give YOU a 'HAND'" The manic mage cackles, sounding strangely distant,...

Minor-activate Ghostphase Robe, become insubstantial UEOMNT. Standard-cast Bigby's Icy Grasp (Vs Ref, Hit-cold Dmg AND hand grabs target, attempt to escape use either my Fort or Ref defense. Sustain minor-grabbed subject takes automatic additional cold dmg, or move hand to another target and attack)

Hand att & dmg: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 242d8 + 10 ⇒ (8, 6) + 10 = 24

FINALLY, my Icy Rays spell, Vs Ref, IF hit; COld dmg AND immobilized until EOMNT. 2 rays, one each at the two targets in 'front' of me (Named in the above post)

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 251d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 111d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 261d10 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

"And THAT'S the way, Uh-Huh Uh-Huh we DO it! Uh-huh uh-huh!"

Manny does a little jig, mostly involving the thrusting of his bony hips. Possibly the most frightening thing you've seen yet,...

AND I'm outta here! see you on Monday!

ACK! Sorry, distracted last night. Will post THIS AFTERNOON! :) Just FYI, I'm taking a long weekend to go to Oklahoma and see family. So I'll probably be AFI (away from Interwebs) until Monday. The good news, when I come back, I'll probably have a new I-phone! :)

"Oh I say, good show!" MAnny golf claps politely.

"Oh, Hah. Hah. Very Clever. No. not really." Manny says deadpan as he steps back to the dubious safety of his fellows.

5' step to the right, now standing between Akahale and Grafire.

"You guys are REALLY starting to bug me! I've got about one nerve left. And YOUR STANDING ON IT!" The elderly mage cries.

Manny holds out his staff and orb, and two pale blue beams shoot from them, one towards each of the nearest enemies, leaving behind a pale sheen of frost on the ground below them,...

SO, move action, 5' step to the right, Cast Icy Rays (Wiz Enc 3) targeting #1 & 3 in front of me. (Unless the 5' step puts me allows the armored dude to hit me between Gra & Had, in which case I won't move!) I don't have the stats on my online PC sheet, I'll roll when I get home tonight,

Yay! current HP 36 :)

Oops. FOrgot to roll for Manny's save vs Red rain now that he's clear of it.
1d20 ⇒ 10

Woot! Wait, it has to be an 11 doesn't it? Grrr. Dmg from red rain: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Ouchies. Current HP 30. NOT bloodied. Yet.

Manny begins coughing. Horribly. You can't tell if he's hacking up red rain, or his own red juice,... which should be INside his body.

Ah! Thank you! I end up just north of Akahale. And MM the ugly standing right next to Gra for 11pts force dmg.

Manny reappears next to Grafire, coughs the red rain from his mouth, glares at the ugly guy standing next to the dragonborn, and blasts it with a contemptuous flick of his wrist.

So, many, pretty, colors,... ;P

Manny Wipes his face, makes a yucchy face, peers through sticky eyes towards the sounds of Grafire's roar, mutters a few choice words, including 'Knight to Bishop's 3!' At least a few of the words must have been magical, because the elderly mage teleports from the stairwell to reappear next to the still growling Grafire.

Wiz utility 6-Dimension door

Save vs red rain: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Red rain dmg taken before save: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Current status: HP: 36, (NOT bloodied), USED: Wiz Daily 9, Wiz Encounter 7, Wiz Utility 6 (I guess I'm just going down the list!) ;P Surges used: 4 Surges left: 5

MAnny wipes at the nasty red mist sticking to his face. He looks as if he has been eating sticky red jam, and is wearing more than he ate.

"Ewww! Really? No strawberry?" MAnny grumbles, stumbling a step back down the stairs as he wipes at his face.

"And you're supposed to serve it CHILLED! Really, what are here, barbarians?" The elderly mage raises his hands, and staff, and orb,...

"Let me show you how it's done!"

And yet another burst of icy winds and sleet blow forth,...

MAnny, 5' step back (down the stairs) (hopefully that will narrow how many can attack me! If not, next round, TELEPORT!) :) Using Encounter POwer Winter's Wrath; Burst 2, TArget: each creature in burst, Hit: COld Dmg, Effect: Blizzard in area last until EOMNT. Area is lightly obscured, and any creature that starts its turn in the area takes +5 cold dmg.

I'm targeting 1 square behind the guy directly in front of me. That should cover all 5 of the bad guys there, and miss me and allies 5 att rolls, 1 dmg roll:

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 151d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 181d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 311d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 271d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 132d8 + 10 ⇒ (8, 5) + 10 = 23

Dmg Manny takes from red rain, no save (im still in area) 1d6 ⇒ 4

MAnny grins.
That happy smile is the scariest thing you have seen today.
The aged wizard rubs one hand up and down his staff, and despite it's lack of moving parts, it makes a 'Click-clack' sound. Followed by a noise that sounds like;


"Oooo! Lookie! A party! Don't worry fellas! I brought the ICE!" Manny cries gleefully. He points his staff and orb south of the stairwell, and the entire area erupts into hurricane force winds, blinding snow, and biting cold. Mandrake, the Mage Most Mighty has announced himself, and the party is now, officially, begun,... :D

Wiz Daily lvl 9-Ice Storm,

Area burst 3 within 20 squares, Target= each creature in burst (So I'm trying to keep it away from us, but this room is tiny for a storm!) ;P Att vs Fort, Hit: cold dmg & target is immobilized (SE), MIss: Half dmg, and target is Slowed (SE), Effect: Creates a zone of Difficult terrain that lasts until the end of encounter

I plan to target the square just south of green/bald #2. By my count, that should cover all 6 of the guys on that side of the room, and miss us, although 1/3 of the storm will be wasted. I can't see any other place to target it withoiut including US in it! ;P (Unless the stairwell gives us cover?!?) so, 6 to-hit, and one dmg rolls:

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 231d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 141d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 201d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 301d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 231d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 172d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 1) + 10 = 14

After that last brouhaha, Manny uses one more healing surge, putting him at 53 HP (almost full) and has 4 surges left.

Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

"Let me at'em!, LET ME AT"EM!" Manny cries joyfully, brandishing his staff and trying (and fortunately failing) to get around his better armed and armored comrades.

Ditto on hoping that wasn't my one good roll this combat! Lol! ;P

Manny just shrugs.

"Meh. I always hear voices. They stopped bothering me too much when I sang my Banshee drinking song,..."

"Ah! The light at the end of the tunnel!" He squeals girlishly. He hushes quickly at his companions dirty looks.

"I got this,..." Manny says, rolling up his shirt sleeves. He makes a few mystic passes, mumbles some gobbledegook, and sprinkles bat guano in the air.

Then he looks at the others and shrugs.
"Sorry. Old habit. I keep fergettin' you guys ain't carny bait."

He then mutters the true magic words (Ron-Son & Zip-po) Flicks thumb, and places the flame that appears on Akahale's head, where it spreads across the dragonborn's armored frill and glows brightly.

"There you are! Placed for convenience!" The mage says brightly.

'Brightly', get it?!? ;P

Manny can cast a light,... I think. I haven't actually used the new rituals yet. Of course, he's likely to cast the light spell on your hair for convenience sake. :)

Manny grins at the complement. Then he looks thoughtful,...


"What do you think you're doing?!? Oh, nevermind, I see you've figured it out." Manny says, as Hadarai goes sailing across the room,...

BTW, Working late ALL week. Will post when able.

The mage rubs his hands together, chuckling sinisterly.(It sounds more like cackling after the latest brouhaha).

"Oh boy, toys!"

Sorry guys, I haven't seen my PC in 2-3 days. My anniversary, then took my family to New Orleans to see SHREK-The Musical FOR my anniversary, (google it on Youtube, it's worth every penny I overpaid!) and got stuck in N.O till today. ;P

Do I need to save? I lost track[/oox]
1d20 ⇒ 19

The elderly mage looks askance at Hadarai.


"Strange? Of course their acting strange! Their dragonborn!" Manny snorts.

And yes, that's the pot calling the kettle black.

The elderly mage joins the others in examining the diabolical device.
"Hmph. Ingenuity? More like lucky to me. I mean look at this! These levers shouldn't fit here, and the gears are all wrong, look,..."
And the mage begins messing with the device,...

Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Sorry, still busy, but now semi-sane. Mostly ;P

#3 is the one controlling the wrecking ball, correct?

"Just die already you GRUEsome twosome!" Manny growls, sighting down his staff once more,...

When his turn comes, another MM on 3, unless he is already dead. then #4 instead.


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