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Logan Harper She/Her's page

1,175 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


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Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Our apologies that there wasn't a digital subscription thread this month. We, unfortunately, encountered an issue while running fulfillment on those orders yesterday and we are working with our tech team on the issue. Thank you for your patience!

Customer Service Representative

7 people marked this as a favorite.

CS has given the warehouse team the thumbs up to begin shipping sub orders.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

May scenarios will release on June 1st. Order creation will be May 31st.

To help us get your products to you without a delay, we urge you to ensure your payment methods are up to date. Please let us know if you need any assistance with your subscription(s) by emailing customer.service@email.com This ensures we can process your order as quickly as possible.

The following items will be included in May's digital releases:

Pathfinder Society Scenarios:
• Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-15: Cavern of the Sundered Song

Starfinder Society Scenarios:
•Starfinder Society Scenario Intro: Year of Redemption's Rise
•Starfinder Society Scenario #5-02: Road to Reconciliation
•Starfinder Society Scenario #5-03: Combatant's Concerto: Fugue of the Traitor

Pathfinder Bounties:
•Pathfinder Bounty #19: Grim Tidings (non-subscription)

Starfinder Bounties:

Pathfinder One Shot:

Starfinder One Shot:
•Starfinder One Shot #4: Before the Storm

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Our warehouse team has been working hard to get these sub orders out, while simultaneously getting things ready for PaizoCon. They have shipped out the majority of sub orders but there are still some left that warehouse will be working to get shipped as soon as possible. We will keep this thread updated and if you have any questions or concerns about your order, please reach out to us at customer.service@paizo.com. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in JUNE

•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products

•Pathfinder Adventure Path:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #180: The Smoking Gun (Outlaws of Alkenstar Book 3 of 3)

•Pathfinder Maps:
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Enormous Dungeon

•Pathfinder Lost Omens:

•Pathfinder Adventure:

•Pathfinder Accessories:

•Pathfinder Pawns:

•Adventure Card Game:

•Adventure Card Game Class Decks:

Starfinder Products

•Starfinder Adventure Path:
Starfinder Adventure Path #46: The Perfect Storm (Drift Crashers 1 of 3)

•Starfinder Roleplaying Game:

•Starfinder Accessories:
Starfinder Alien Archive 3 & 4 Battle Cards
Starfinder Spell Cards Supplemental

•Starfinder Maps:

•Non-subscription Paizo Products•
Starfinder Alien Archive Pocket Edition

•Subscription Products by other Publishers•

•Comics: —
•Battles: —
•Miniatures: —

•Non-subscription Products by other Publishers•

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, [JUNE 9]
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, [JUNE 13]
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, [JUNE 24]
•Street Date for Paizo Products: Wednesday, [JUNE 29]

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please email customer service.

Customer Service Representative

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed some inappropriate posts.

Customer Service Representative

12 people marked this as a favorite.

We have given the warehouse team the thumbs up to begin shipping subs.

Customer Service Representative

6 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:

Oh my god, that typo in the title is going to haunt me.

I don't suppose the mods can fix it?

Edited the typo in the title per Keftiu's request.

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Our Director of Community will be looking into this today and, in the meantime, I've gone ahead and moved it to the PaizoCon forum.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

April scenarios will release on April 27th. Order creation will be April 25th.

To help us get your products to you without a delay, we urge you to ensure your payment methods are up to date. Please let us know if you need any assistance with your subscription(s) by emailing customer.service@email.com This ensures we can process your order as quickly as possible.

The following items will be included in April's digital releases:

Pathfinder Society Scenarios:
• Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: Guardian's Covenant
• Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-14: The Tomb Between Worlds

Starfinder Society Scenarios:
•Starfinder Society Scenario #4-16: Hope for the Future

Pathfinder Bounties:

Starfinder Bounties:
•Starfinder Bounty #3: A Green Place (non-subscription)

Pathfinder One Shot:

Starfinder One Shot:

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shipping update! The warehouse team has finished shipping out sub orders. If you have any questions or concerns about your order please email us at customer.service@paizo.com so we can take a look :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Customer Service Representative

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in MAY

•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products

•Pathfinder Adventure Path:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #179: Cradle of Quartz (Outlaws of Alkenstar Book 2 of 3)

•Pathfinder Maps:
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Shadows at Sundown
Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Campsites

•Pathfinder Lost Omens:
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall

•Pathfinder Adventure:
Pathfinder Adventure: Shadows at Sundown

•Pathfinder Accessories:
Pathfinder Alchemy Deck
Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs

•Pathfinder Pawns:

•Adventure Card Game:

•Adventure Card Game Class Decks:

Starfinder Products

•Starfinder Adventure Path:
Starfinder Adventure Path #45: The Culling Shadow (Horizons of the Vast 6 of 6)

•Starfinder Roleplaying Game:
Starfinder Drift Crisis

•Starfinder Accessories:

•Starfinder Maps:
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Drift Crisis

•Non-subscription Paizo Products•
Pathfinder Book of the Dead Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults Special Edition Hardcover
Note: This Abomination Vaults compilation hardcover is not included in the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription. Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscribers who preorder Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults will receive a free PDF when their physical copy ships.

•Subscription Products by other Publishers•

•Comics: —
•Battles: —
•Miniatures: —

•Non-subscription Products by other Publishers•

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, [May 5]
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, [May 9]
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, [May 20]
•Street Date for Paizo Products: Wednesday, [May 25]

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please email customer service.

Customer Service Representative

pauldetyrion wrote:

Hi there,

Sorry to be opening a thread for this problem, but I sent in a ticket 5 weeks ago to the customer service e-mail but have not received any response from the initial automatic reply.
Is the customer service team swamped at the moment?


Unfortunately, I am not finding a ticket for you in our queue, please send us an email to customer.service@paizo.com and we can assist as soon as possible.

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe I am caught up with granting PDFs to those who have commented here but please let me know if you are still missing your BotD PDF :)

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was able to manually grant Book of the Dead pdfs to those subscribers missing it and I believe I successfully granted it to everyone who was missing them and had their book ship out! Of course please let me know if you are still missing pdfs :)

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.


@NikkiGrimm- I responded to your ticket yesterday :)

@Eru the One- We are also looking into the Book of the Dead pdf for the special edition sub and hope to have this updated for everyone soon!


Customer Service Representative

This should be resolved now :)

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It looks like the PDF issue should now be resolved but please let us know if you are still unable to access your PDF once your sub order has shipped :)

Customer Service Representative


I responded to your CS ticket this morning.

Customer Service Representative

7 people marked this as a favorite.

We are aware of the issue that is occuring with the AP PDF and are working to get it fixed. Thank you for letting us know and for your patience :)

Customer Service Representative

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Customer Service has given the Warehouse team the thumbs up to begin shipping sub orders! If you have any questions or concerns about your order please contact us at customer.service@paizo.com :)

Customer Service Representative

phant0m wrote:

Hi Team,

Just prepping for our local CONS here,
I seem to be missing a bunch of orders...

For some reason, the shipping was changed to non ups on a few of these

13535710 - No Tracking
22052815 - No Tracking
24247498 - No Tracking
26853718 - UPS 1Z7W101A6799788985
30132045 - UPS 1Z7W101A6791464928

Also on order 36532516 I'm missing the Fists of the ruby Phoenix 1 -3
It was also not crossed off on the paperwork you sent


Please start a ticket with CS at customer.service@paizo.com, and we can gladly assist you with this as soon as we can :)

Customer Service Representative

malcolm_n wrote:

Hey all,

I've tried to reach out to customer service since December when I attempted to cancel my Lost Omens Subscription after receiving City of Lost Omens (I didn't want the map pack). Instead of replying and/or canceling the subscription, I received notification in January of a failed payment for the pack I didn't want. I replied back because that message said to reply back if I was cancelling. Still nothing.

Now it's April, and I signed into my account to make sure I'm getting my Book of the Dead. The January pending charge is still there for the Lost Omens Subscription. There has been no response from customer service, and the subscription hasn't been removed as requested in December, and again in January (twice).

I want to keep my Pathfinder Rulebook subscription in anticipation of Book of the Dead, but I really need help getting somebody to finally deal with this other one for me.

Thank you for any suggestions/help you can provide.


Unfortunately, I'm not seeing anything from the email associated with your account in our ticket system. I've cancelled the subscription for you, but if you need us to assist further, please email us at customer.service@paizo.com and we can gladly take a look :)

Customer Service Representative

Marc Waschle wrote:

Hello Paizo People!

Just went to my account to download some pdfs to prep for an upcoming Convention when I saw that they were not in my list. They say I have purchased them and the date but no Pdf in my digital content.

The two orders in question are:

From January 24th for PFS Scenarios, 3-08 and 3-09

From February 22nd for PFS Scenarios, 3-10 and 3-11

They all say I purchased them on each ones product page, but I have no PDFs.

I wouldn't have know that they didn't actually post/populate/promulgate? what have you if I hadn't went to download them for an upcoming con.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

Marc Waschle


Sorry about that! We are looking into why some customers didn't receive their digital subscription in Jan and Feb but you should now have access to your pdfs. If this ever pops up again in the future, email us at customer.service@paizo.com and we can gladly take care of that for you :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sub shipping has finished but to anyone who reported here that their orders had not yet shipped, I've gone in and given your orders a little nudge and I'm working with the warehouse team to get those orders out.

If your sub order is still pending please reach out to us at customer.service@paizo.com so we can take care of that for you :)

Customer Service Representative

7 people marked this as a favorite.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in APRIL

•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products

•Pathfinder Adventure Path:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #178: Punks in a Powderkeg (Outlaws of Alkenstar Book 1 of 3)

•Pathfinder Maps:
Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Pathfinder Lodge

•Pathfinder Lost Omens:

•Pathfinder Rulebooks:
Pathfinder Book of the Dead

•Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebooks:
Pathfinder Book of the Dead Special Edition Hardcover

•Pathfinder Adventures:

•Pathfinder Accessories:
Pathfinder Guns Deck
Pathfinder Gears Deck

•Pathfinder Pawns:

•Adventure Card Game:

•Adventure Card Game Class Decks:

Starfinder Products

•Starfinder Adventure Path:

•Starfinder Roleplaying Game:

•Starfinder Accessories:

•Starfinder Maps:

•Non-subscription Paizo Products•

•Subscription Products by other Publishers•

•Comics: —
•Battles: —
Pathfinder Battles The Mwangi Expanse

•Miniatures: —

•Non-subscription Products by other Publishers•

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, [April 7]
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, [April 11]
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, [April 22]
•Street Date for Paizo Products: Wednesday, [April 27]

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please email customer service.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jasonomicon Ex Mortis wrote:
Logan Harper She/Her wrote:
Jasonomicon Ex Mortis wrote:

I sent an email in over a month ago and am still waiting for a reply.

Is there somewhere besides customer.service@paizo.com to get assistance on an order?


Our sincerest apologies, but I am not finding a ticket under that number or one from the email associated with your account. Could you please resubmit your request and we will take a look!

Here is what I sent in before, I will resubmit via email again also

"Hi, I am a backer of the Kingmaker kickstarter. I went to Gamefound to update my address and found it was closed and I was unable to change my address. Also while I was there, the website showed I owed 93 cents.

I send an email to gameon to resolve both of these issues and they told me to email you directly as the pledge manager is closed. Can I update my address and pay the balance so I can get my game when it comes out?

Jason Luke"

Thank you!! We will be responding shortly.

Customer Service Representative

Jasonomicon Ex Mortis wrote:

I sent an email in over a month ago and am still waiting for a reply.

Is there somewhere besides customer.service@paizo.com to get assistance on an order?


Our sincerest apologies, but I am not finding a ticket under that number or one from the email associated with your account. Could you please resubmit your request and we will take a look!

Customer Service Representative

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Quick shipping update! Shipping has been going really well and the warehouse team may even get done early :) Of course, if you need any assistance with your order or have any questions or concerns, reach out to us at customer.service@paizo.com!

Customer Service Representative

19 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
The biggest question is why that specific bad actor gets to continue to do these things. As Tender said, he had that list in his profile, and then it was removed, and then it was back. What's to stop him from adding it back again?

The user has been permanently suspended.

Customer Service Representative

12 people marked this as a favorite.

We have given the warehouse team the thumbs up to begin shipping orders :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

These should be unstuck now :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I should be all caught up with this thread but of course let me know if I've missed anyone! I'll check back in on Monday, have a great weekend all :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Should be all caught up fulfilling subs for everyone who has posted in this thread but please let me know if I've missed anyone :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone here who has posted about their missing scenarios should now have access to them but please let us know if we missed anything and thank you for your patience! :)

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are currently looking into this, thank you all for letting us know!

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are aware that the Bounty and One Shot have not yet been granted and we will be working to get those fulfilled asap :)

Customer Service Representative

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed some posts and responses. It's okay to be frustrated but let's be kind to each other instead of bickering.

Customer Service Representative

Removed an inappropriate comment and response.

Customer Service Representative

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed some personally harassing posts and replies. Please be kind to each other.

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Friday everyone! The wonderful warehouse team has been working hard all week to get these subscriptions to you and they are on track for getting orders shipped out on time. If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please send us an email. Have a great weekend :)

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:

If anyone preordered any of the Mwangi Expanse bonus minis, be sure to check your orders to ensure that they didn't get pulled into this order by mistake. You will want to ask Customer Service to push any "Unavailable" items back into your sidecart so that they don't hold up the rest of your order.

(Unless someone from Customer Service says that they are already going through all the Pending orders to sort that out, of course.)

I believe I have found all the orders being affected by this and moved the minis to customers' sidecarts for them. If anyone still notices this on their order, please let us know at customer.service@paizo.com so we can get that taken care of for you :)

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm so sorry I meant to update this thread yesterday when we gave warehouse the thumbs up to start shipping orders, but it looks like shipping is going smoothly so far and of course please email us at customer.service@paizo.com if you have any questions or concerns :)

Customer Service Representative

Removed on off topic comment.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Removed some off topic comments.

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