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![]() Ciaran Barnes wrote: I completely feel what you're saying, but surely you know that this is the internet, and lacking elements conveyed by actual human interactions, ideas and then opinions become our faces. I doubt these arguments happen often at the gaming table. That quite possibly could be the case. It is my hope that the post will reach a genuine person where confusion had set in from reading to many others opinions and thinking otherwise. However if I'm in error and just over analyzing post then it is even better because people are past that point. So hard to often literally "read" into the posters true meanings. ![]()
![]() So I have seen a lot of message boards lately where someone ask for help with something or why one thing is better than another. For those new to the game and a few that aren't so new there is no wrong way. Create a character that fits the image in your head and ask for help with that if needed, but I don't think anyone should ever worry about being a specialty wizard of sonic because less monsters resist that element when the character they day dream about summons fire as if the nine hells have been awakened. Also of note the best thing about RPG's is that you can change anything you want to fit your group and your play style. Many groups everywhere create house rules to add or minus from the campaign to tailor to their needs. Nothing is set in stone unless you make it that way. ![]()
![]() Mercurial wrote:
Yeah it was directed at you and I wholeheartedly agree that the roleplaying is the most important part. When I was first taught to play using second edition the whole game was played by thinking outside the box where the rules were used only as the base for the character and not how the campaign would go. ![]()
![]() In response to your original post I have always liked the thoughts that a class should be more powerful if it is more challenging to play. I personally like wizards a lot a because while at low levels you aren't a powerhouse, if you make it through all the challenges you are more than a force to be reckoned with later. ![]()
![]() I didn't actually think to much on this until I read your post. When I play now it is all about getting the most out of my character through roleplaying. When I first started playing (about 20 years ago) there was always another character if this one died, and since we played every other day there was always plenty of chances to get the roleplaying in. Still wish I could play every other day though. ;) ![]()
![]() Very excited about this! If there has been anything I have seen from the Paizo staff, it is that they don't just jump in feet first or make decisions on the fly for no reason. A lot of people talk about all the other failing MMO's and our sketchy about another. However, none of the others cared about most of the players in general as Paizo has shown that they do. One of the biggest reasons WOW is still around is that they will semi-cater to the gamers. I think Paizo's strength in this area at the very least gives them a better shot than most. On that same note look how many paper and pencil games are out and Pathfinder is kickin A$$. ![]()
![]() This is actually something I have done before and took a lot of time to make everything work out. First was that everyone started at what we eventually called 0th level. Basically the character is their stats to begin with and the PC's roleplay into the class they want to become at 1st level. We usually make it about 500xp to get to first level which goes away once they actually get their class. Each class gets a bonus that would semi replace magic items, ie Fighters get +1 AC every other level. However, this style can be extremely brutal but fun if done right. Also when we do this instead of taking out damage reduction we just changed the system so every reduction has a type instead of a number, ex +1-+2 just becomes metal, +3-+4 just becomes silver and so on. If you want no magic items just take out the creation feats. If you just want them rare then make it known that they cannot just gain a feat, but have to roleplay it being trained to them somehow, perhaps by a celestial. ![]()
![]() jeuce wrote: I'm starting my first session as a GM, I'm looking for pointers as to get players to role play. any suggestions? I have gotten people to role play in groups I have joined when the other people would say "he doesn't come to role play, he just comes for (insert reason)". The trick is something that one of my DMs told me once when I first started to DM and that is people will only be as involved as you are. Being a DM is easy, but being a good one is hard. If you don't already have one you might want to check out getting the Game Mastery Guide for Pathfinder. If I had to give any set of tips I would say always remember what you tell people: NPC names, locations, magic....etc (I have a small notebook to write things I use when I pull something off the top my head) and try to involve everyone through planning, example being monsters that everyone can be effective against and a story that involves each person separately but gives a good reason for the rest of the party to tag along. Hope this helps. :) ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
In the rules it says that drawing a hidden weapon is a standard action. As you axe was in your bag and less available then most weapons it seems fair to me. In this instance it even uses the word weapon instead of item. I think that this could have gone either way but wouldn't think to harshly of your DM because of it. ![]()
![]() gnomewizard wrote: So yeah does anyone else have the problem that I have? When someone asks me what I did on the weekend I just say I played D&D. They usually nod, and are fine. However, if I say Pathfinder they get all confused, and say what is that, and of course then you have to get into the whole D&D 3.5 to 4th ed. and how paizo changed the face of gaming convo. They usually look at me sigh and say something like oh TMI, Blah whatev. etc. So it is just easier to say play I played D&D. I feel like a Paizo traitor, a real 20th level Benedict Arnold, and I am a Paizo Purist. What can I do? somebody please help. I used to say I played D&D until I ran into a 4e enthusiast, so now I say Pathfinder. You never know when you will run into a fellow gamer. By the way no offense to those that like 4e. I tried it and just found that it wasn't my cup of coffee. :) ![]()
![]() I have to agree with Mnemaxa on the no level cap. I'm not a big fan of premade adventures so seeing books for that wouldn't interest me nearly as much as the actual rule set. Epic abilities, feats, and spells (that don't work off seeds) would be a definite plus. A bestiary with epic level monsters would also be a must, even if some are just a few upgraded versions of whats in the other bestiaries. It would also be nice for the feel of the game to seem epic so feats and abilities almost seem to have a god like quality to them such as a new stackable trait that can't be gained until higher levels. Kind of like how dodge stacks. If the book that gets put out is as good as the core book then it will be worth the wait. ![]()
![]() I would say don't worry about it. I have killed a few PC's and had a few of mine killed as well. This may be just the groups I have played in but it also helps to let players know they aren't invulnerable and keeps them from doing things their characters normally wouldn't because they aren't afraid to die. ![]()
![]() I can tell you first hand that the DM should probably re-inspect his personal involvement into the PC’s gear and story. I have made this mistake myself a couple of times when I thought the person would like the stuff I had given them. It turned out that, that wasn’t the same picture in their mind. I have since learned to give players the option of the taking the powers given and asking ahead of time how they would like to see their character develop. On that note I don’t believe on most occasions the DM should have any real control over a PC or their back round. However, players shouldn’t act surprised either if the DM ask them to come up with something different because it seems improbable to have happened. ![]()
![]() Recently I bought an Ipod Touch. Of course the first thing I did was look for apps that could help me as a gamer. I was very disappointed to find that most things on the internet where months if not years old. On that note so far I have found two that I would like to share, and get some feedback on what others have found.
![]() Before we get started I want to make it clear that this thread should only be for constructive comments and not complaining about how someone bumbed into you. 1) Me and the two friends that went found that the room where the banquet was held was too small and very crowded. As this seemed to be a main focus for the event, we were kind of dissapointed at that. Perhaps there is a movie theater or something similar to handle larger quantities of people for a low price. 2) The room where the Paizo stuff was sold was perferct for the stuff that was there, but we would have liked to see some more things from other vendors(Probably meaning a bigger room or the use of two). When we went to some of the game stores around the area(as we are from Nevada), we found everything we wanted and more. Perhaps some of the local shops might rent a booth or room from Paizo at the Con. The things we were hoping to see where a larger selection of dice, books, and mainly miniatures. 3) While the panels were very informative, they seemed to be lacking the show and tell feeling. I was expecting some powerpoint or maybe doing some hands on stuff, but found mostly Q&A. ![]()
![]() Spacelard wrote:
I think alot of what you do depends on how you play or what you want for your group. I personally like when players get things that make them feel as if they earned it... Especially in this case where any wizard worth noting is probably going to teleport away before he dies. As a DM you will always have the ability changes things within and out of the game. For example I let all of our wizards copy spells into their book for free because it doesn't change the fact that they still have to memorize their spells for the day and I can always adjust any fight as needed. |