
Kodyax's page

Organized Play Member. 307 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.

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Of the two hard cover books for general play we're getting this year this is the one I'm looking forward to the most. I'm interested in seeing what PC options come of this and if there will be any more monsters. I hope they will have material on the Dominion of the Black or the Dark Tapestry or both.

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I am very excited by this. I hope the playtest for the new classes drops soon I am eager to see what they will be doing with all four in this new edition but especially the oracle and the witch.

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Woohoo! Now I can convert the monsters form the 1E Bestiasries! Especially my favorites, which include everything Lovecraft and along those lines just about every monster known to be associated with the Dominion of the Black.

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My birthday is the last day of July. I signed on for the main book subscription service. I do hope this means that by the time my birthday rolls around I will have more toys to include in the pre-gens I intend to make for the furry con I will be attending the weekend before Halloween as well as a few things for my ysoki solarion to dream about using in starfinder society.

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Sounds good, I am expecting a reprint of the Technology guide with all the gear from Iron Gods thrown in for good measure.

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I like how they are going to be putting an emphasis on alien races become playable. I did like Spelljammer but at the same time I also liked Dragonstar.

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Compound bows can be nice, you have pulleys that negate the whole calibration for strength thing and a few models have a small quiver built in. But I'm also a big fan of Green Arrow...

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If we can get them sure, and for the children, the giff are a race of humanoid hippo folk from Spelljammer. I for one would be amused if they managed to get in.

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Sentient AI quest givers anyone?

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Spelljammer and Dragonstar were wonderful. I see starfinder as potentially the next step in the evolution of science fantasy space opera gaming. And to add my 2cp on Spheres of Power I love it, I was a backer for it and in my home brew games it replaces the traditional magic system.

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There is a lot of speculation but little real info as of right now. I am excited to see this and look forward to having fights with the Dark Tapestry next year and beyond.

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Definitely something to look forward to.

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Babylon 5 had some interesting bits to it as did Farscape but when it comes to Space Opera I am a bit of a junkie.

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Some things may get delayed but I am sure it will be same as it is now. There will be good stuff and there will be crap. Certain publishers I see are going to be chomping at the bit to churn out material for and these are people to me with a proven track record of greatness. Like anything else it's a case of wait and see. They just announced the book this weekend people. It's going to be over a year till we get anything. For right now look at projects that already exist in this genre and get what looks interesting with an eye towards revamping things as needed when the time comes to convert. But that's what I plan on doing; the mileage of other people may vary.

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I have already heard LJPD is doing something and as someone who buys 3rd party materials often I am glad to see this.

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Raid the UFO community for ideas as well as Science Fiction.

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I am another one that loved Spelljammer and Dragonstar. I kind of consider the one the evolved form of the other. As soon as I can pre-order this in print and pdf I will. Although this said if it ever comes down to Pathfinder and Starfinder I'm sorry but Starfinder will win for me as I am a big space opera.

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A Babylon 5 approach might be interesting actually.

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The Dark Tapestry as one of the major adversaries for this line is something I for one would love to see. Cosmic Horror, as in a lot of the stuff Lovecraft and friends wrote about would fit rather well. That's just my opinion but right now I am just giddy this is being done.

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Babylon 5
Space Battleship Yamato
Captain Harlock
Captain Future
Buck Rogers
Flash Gordon

the list of inspirations is practically endless.

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From the look of things one of the things I am hoping they will avoid is the whole humanocentric view of everything that has annoyed me since I started playing this game in the late 80s. I am of a wait and see attitude. There has not been much announced yet but what has been promised looks promising.

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First there was Spelljammer and it was good. Then SJ evolved in Dragonstar and it was greatly improved then as well. What wonders will Starfinder bring us? I for one am very anxious to find out.

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One of the aspects of SpellJammer that impressed me back when it came out and still haunts my dreams today is the exploration aspect. The linking of campaign worlds was nice but I liked the idea of doing a kind of Star Trek thing. With this and a few other projects I have already supported, there is a lot that can be done. I look forward to this with great anticipation, hope and trepidation.

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My all time favorite D&D setting is SpellJammer, it's been that way since I played lupin ranger in the 90s and has not changed one iota since then. I am hoping for more support for humanoid animal races like cat folk, rat folk, grippli and vanara; maybe expand this to include a race of humanoid canines and/or bears. They could be treated as PC available, and thus friendly, alien races for all I care as long as there is that option. Space Opera is resplendent with this element. In the d6 Star Wars game I played Shistavenan Wolfman Jedi Heck, tap the folks at Legendary Games and ask them to allow the dog folk race they developed for their most excellent Legendary Planet AP to exist as an option here. Or make some provision that this is compatible with Aethera, especially the one large race they created for that setting. There is a lot of potential here and I hope to support this as fully as I can.

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Please tell me this will have an organized play associated with this or at least an expansion of PFS with more races allowed for players. This is a definite want. I will be watching and anticipating this with baited breath.

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Looks like somebody is trying to take a page out Pinnacle's (Savage Worlds) playbook and make a nice convenient pocket sized version of the main book. I whole heartedly approve of this and will definitely be buying at least one physical copy for myself. It will make a nice travel size of the main book.

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I'd like to see ranger archetype that gives him the spellcasting of a hunter and retains favored enemy, favored terrain and most of the class's other features.

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If you would do something with Irish Celtic myth I would appreciate that. Not to mention anything out of Germany.

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Keep it coming, I am extremely anxious to see this fund.

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I am a huge fan of science fiction, fantasy and horror with space opera being one of those structures I like using to combine all three. It sounds like you are going for a combination of dieselpunk and raygun gothic with this which is just the icing on the cake. I have hunted down material for Spelljammer on ebay. I bought as much as I could of Dragonstar when it came out. I backed Clockwork Gnome's "Sailing the Sea of Stars" and Legendary Games's "Legendary Planet" I could not afford to support Zombie Sky's "It Came from the Stars!" but I made damn sure I bought into it when I could. I will be very disappointed if this does not fund but if that happens I beg you to please keep me posted on how I can help bring this creation to life. Somehow, someway this needs to happen. By the dark will of Cthulhu even if I have to send money via paypal afterwards to get this book published I will do it. I believe in this project that much.

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Already a backer. I really, really want this to fund. I am a fan of both Spelljammer and Dragonstar and support every project that will help me as a GM recreate these settings in Pathfinders.

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I have this from the bundle of holding, in fact this and Anachronistic Adventures were why I bought it in the first p;lace. Great book, a lot of neat ideas. One of these paychecks I need to buy the print on demand physical copy as well.

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I'm a Jukebox Hero; I got stars in my eyes! Yeah, I backed this at the $140 Planetary Hero level. May this get $60K+ and I say that because I want to see what happens when we blow all the stretch goals and at the level I'm sitting at anything else just makes the hardcover that much better.

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I heard them talking about this AP on Know Direction. Science Fantasy is something I really rather like. The fact that it is sword and planet based is just the icing on the cake. I look forward to the Kickstarter whenever it is.

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I have seen a few people mix spelljammer and planescape together which isn't too much of a stretch. This is just my opinion but putting those two together is kind of like mixing chocolate and peanut butter. I mean with SJ you have a vessel that travels the vastness of outer space, however you might want to define that, so giving this vessel the ability to travel to the astral or shadow planes or even the lower and upper planes for that matter is not that big of a stretch in my mind or a deal. Now somehow add in time travel into the mix and you have something resembling the Pathfinder version of Dr. Who, which is not necessarily a bad thing all things considered.

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Put down that chainsaw and listen to me!
It's time for us to join in the fight!
It's time to let our babies grow up to be cowboys!
It's time for us to let those bed bugs bite!

OK, now I need to see when this arrives at my FLGS because this AP I am supporting whole hog!

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The store I patronize is very much in favor of Pathfinder. I have expressed an interest in the whole Iron Gods AP. Aug 14 will come and go and I will have my copy and be happy. Iron Gods is something I have been waiting for since the first Inner Sea book gave me a look at the region.

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I am a big fan of Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction. In everything I do I combine these three elements as much as possible. Traditional fantasy is getting more and more boring for me. I will not have anything to do a zombie or any other type of undead centered property as I prefer Lovecraft flavored horror or splatter punk style stories. Spelljammer, Eberron and Dark Sun are my top three favorite campaign settings for D&D with Ravenloft occupying the #4 spot on that list and probably Iron Kingdoms after that. A heads up to all 3rd Party companies. I can only speak for myself but I will find a way to purchase material supporting this AP. Heck, I'm probably going to go the extra mile and find some way to shoehorn Mythic into this. I did not finish Wrath of the Righteous, I only bought the appetizer entries for Mummy's Mask with no intention of going much further with that AP. But this AP is where my interests lay. This is what I want as a GM to run and as a player this is what I most want to play.

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I did not bother with Mummy's Mask, but Iron Gods I support fully. Now granted I am going to be looking at this as something to be ripped out of Golarion and placed in my own campaign world, but this is something I have been waiting for. I have thoughts of combining this with the Thunderscape and Pure Steam books I got because I was a KS backer on both.

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Another piece of what I will need to take the spirit of SpellJammer and resurrect in Pathfiner falls into place. I will be picking this up definitely.

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Baskin and Robbins makes all those flavors for a reason. That said, the whole Numeria thing is something I know I've been looking forward to for quite some time. Hmmm, maybe I can take the stuff on Alkenstar, combine it with Numeria along with other things and I think I have a weird mash up virtually any all science fantasy cartoon from the 80s.

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I have it and love it, I love the ad for Starlit Seas in the back. Everything about it impressed me. In some ways this is the expansion of Distant Worlds that some of us have been waiting for.

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I'm in at my icon level. I just did a blog on two furry art sites I post stories to promoting this and I liked the project on Facebook. Let's just say, getting up to that dead tree edition is a priority for me.

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I think I may look for players to play Razor Coast as ninja pirates, they take ships by stealth.

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$67K now, but I think I might be a tad obsessed. I love pirates and tikis among other things.

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Louis Agresta wrote:
Kodyax wrote:
If I didn't have work and had G+ working I'd be wanting to join in the fun. But we're just over the $61K mark with 12 days to go. I preordered this piratical puppy back in 3E because I liked the sound of it. Now I'm in for the $110 and crunching the numbers to see if I can afford to up my pledge.

Hey Kodyax,

Sorry you won't be there. FYI You don not have to have G+ -- that's just where an announcement went. You merely have to go to the Refresh and Reload web site at the right time and day (1/14 10:30pm EST).

I was hoping you'd chime in and announce you were in front of a web cam with your full furry on and a mug. We might have just had to add a camera to the chat. ;)

Everyone - I want to let you know I'm not ignoring your questions about shipping and price and the other important mechanics of publishing. They're just Frog questions I'm unqualified to answer.

They'll be by soon.


Heh, sorry to disappoint, but my contributions to the community are in writing and running games like this. I don't have a costume and am unlikely to get one soon. Still I do write about pirates often.

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I want this to fund, I really, really do, I will make an event at the furry Halloween con I go to every year to run this if it funds.

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I'm going to bring material from the Skull & Shackles AP, Cerulean Seas, Sunken Empires, Free Port and info from the one book in the Carrion Crown AP that dealt with Lovecraft for a true Dark Fantasy set in the Age of Sail.