
Kodyax's page

Organized Play Member. 307 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.

I putting this in homebrew because I am not sure where else it could go. I am starting to put together thoughts and plans to create a dieselpunk style campaign using Starfinder rules set underwater. Among other sources I am drawing inspiration for this from such programs as Seaquest DSV, Journey to the Bottom of the Sea, Aquaman, Tigersharks, Blue Submarine No. 6, Stingray, Marine Boy and other various underwater oriented adventure series. The idea here is that in order to survive and explore, the PCs need their armor and equipment to act as a buffer between the outside environment.

I am thinking that the filtered rebreather and thermostatic add ons to armor would be useful in such a campaign and am looking to see how easily one can adapt vehicles to work down there. Most weapons can be made adaptable to such an environment although I am envisioning cryo and sonic weapons working the best with the least necessary modifications. If you will excuse the pun, how far off the deep end am I going with this? Do you have any suggestion as far as media to look at for additional information?

I have this idea for a campaign that will include material from the Skull and Shackles AP, Freeport and Razor Coast among other things in a campaign world that takes inspiration principally from Waterworld (yes, the Kevin Costner PA movie), Pirates of the Caribbean and Pirates of Dark Water with this being the general theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zewxwc1SFeo

In this drowning world there was a cataclysm some 1K+ years before the start of the campaign that flooded the world and it hasn't dried out yet. There are plenty of island nations that are near constantly at war with one another over resources. But there are treasures waiting to be looted on the sea floor both from the remains of civilizations long, long ago and one of the nations has this idea in its collective noggin to sink its own ships and claim it was done by pirates or a rival nation as an excuse to hang the innocent mariners as pirates or go to war.

The PCs are part of the crew of a salvage guild ship specializing in looting all these wrecks. Although if some navy vessel decides they want to take them on suspicion of piracy they will defend themselves and in fact they have effectively raided several warships from the one nation that sinks its own ships that I mentioned above because ships from that navy decided to catch them to fill their quota for the week. Now, given all that information how justified would it be in calling the PCs pirates?

Coming home from Free RPG Day I had a stray thought partially fueled by skimming over the 5E Player's Handbook (I like their ranger class from what I saw of it) and Tome of Horrors 4. The idea was how I could re invent the lupin race for Pathfinder? So when I got home I booted up the laptop and opened up the race builder from the Advanced Race Guide. Here's the result, Could this still be considered a standard race?

Dog Folk
Monstrous Humanoid 3 rp
Medium Size 0 rp
Normal Speed 0 rp
Standard Stats (+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Dex) 0 rp
Standard Language (Common and Dog Folk, Dwarf, Elf, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon) 0 rp
Skill Bonus (+1 Perception, +1 Survival) 2 rp
Sprinter 1 rp
Scent 4 rp
Total 10 rp

I did take one advanced trait in scent but for the race it made sense.

Recently I got the idea I wanted to convert the changelings of Eberron into Pathfinder but change them just enough that it would not be just a straight port and make them something somewhat new. And if this is in the wrong place I greatly apologize.

Masquerader: Albino humanoids with the traits of humans and doppelgangers they are a hidden race for the most part and get by pretending to be other people.

Humanoid (0 RP)
Shapechanger subtype
• Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Medium (0 RP): Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Normal Speed (0 RP): The race has a base speed of 30 feet.
Specialized (1 RP): Pick either mental or physical ability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to two ability scores of the chosen type, and a –2 penalty to one ability score of the other type. +2 Int, +2 Cha -2 Str
Integrated (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.
Urbanite (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation.
Change Shape, Greater (6 RP): Prerequisite: Aberration, dragon, fey, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid type; Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: a member of this race can assume the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid as the alter self spell, save that it does not adjust its ability scores.
Low-Light Vision (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.

Here's a random idea I had for Pathfinder campaign using LJPDesigns's Neo-Exodus as the base setting. Among other things inspiring this are 80s cartoons like Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Spiral Zone and Thundercats as well as maybe the Pirates of Dark Water. I will be making some changes from baseline Neo-Exodus and adding in at least one template from Obsidian Apocalypse.

About 100 years or more ago there was a meteor shower that rained down day and night for about a month solid. Riding in those meteors was a great and terrible force for evil as a Star Spawn of Cthulhu was transferred to the surface of Neo-Exodus. Aided by the aboleth and renegade members of the First Ones a great and terrible ritual was enacted that completed removed all cavians, p'tan and enura from the planet and erased the memory of them ever existing but instead giving rise to a new race of beings known simply as the kymera.

Quickly consolidating its power the star spawn took over as the new sovereign and god of the First Ones. It then set about creating and implementing eldritch machines capable of blotting out the sun from sentient beings while leaving the land untouched and creating areas where the wills and minds of all sentient beings are reduced to little more than mindless slaves under the complete control of the First Ones. These Shadow Zone Projectors as they came to be called have been spreading out all across the globe in a bid for power and control.

But as one might imagine there are those among the nations of Neo-Exodus that would see this stopped. The projectors can be destroyed and with this destruction people return to normal. In some regions there are even mercenary groups of adventurers that specialize in seeking out and destroying the projectors as well as hunting down the ones responsible. These groups are often referred to as Raiders of the Shadow Zone.

I am building a series of scenarios for a science fantasy campaign where the players are all members of a traveling circus. I am drawing inspiration from certain cartoons from the 80s as well as the Final Fantasy series, especially the last one on the Playstation. Where I find I need some advice on is the general roles of many of the classes I will be allowing as GM. I will be using materials from Pure Steam and Thunderscape as well as Neo-Exodus and Obsidian Apocalypse for this. Psionics is also a possibility. Roles that can be filled by Rogue Genius classes are also encouraged. Classes I am not allowing include the Paladin, Inquisitor, Witch, Magus, Gunslinger, Ninja and Samurai for various reasons. Any suggestions?

If this does not belong in this forum, direct me where it goes and I will do my best to move this thread. I just picked up the Advanced Class Guide this week and am extremely pleased at what I am reading but it did dredge up something I have been working on in my own mind. I am fairly sure I got the balance right but I want to know is what I am building an alternate class or an archetype for the ranger?

As of right now I have two names for what I am calling an archetype for the ranger class: Feral Ranger or Rescue Ranger. The ACG classes I am drawing on for this are the Brawler and Hunter classes although I kind of want to pull in the Spirit Ranger archetype from the APG into this as well. The main concept for this is a druidic warrior who eschews most weapons in favor of his or her own fists and feet, I am thinking of this being especially friendly to a lycanthrope hero or something along the lines of manimals out of GR's Advanced Bestiary or the Ferran race from Thunderscape might prefer over most other archetypes for rangers.

The class gets medium BAB, d8 hit die, proficiency in only simple weapons and light armor in exchange for use of the spell tables of the Hunter class and the Unarmed Damage Table of the Brawler as well as Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Spells are chosen from the Druid and Ranger lists. Other than these tweaks I change nothing, although I am tempted to add in the feature exchanges of the Spirit Ranger archetype from the APG as well.

For the changes I am proposing, is this still an archetype or am I building an alternative class instead? Is it still balanced enough for play? I think it's balanced but I want an outside opinion.

I am looking to tweak the Mana Wastes Mutant, principally so I can apply it to a Skum but also so that it works in my own campaign world. First of all I'm removing the non-lawful requirement and then I'm reversing the penalty to charisma to a bonus and I'm not necessarily require the first ability to be disease and lastly I'm changing the name to Xeno-Water Mutate. The idea is this is something the aboleth put in place in a largely flooded world to create new potential slaves. I'm also thinking of using this to coincide with an illustration I saw in Book of Vile Darkness where a goblin is dipping another goblin into some goop and the result is really ugly. Now here is the question, would I need to increase the CR of the creature any more than is already dictated by the template itself?