
Kard Warstein's page

130 posts. Alias of Kardiak.


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Basically I planned on having a reoccurring villain, Body Shield would go rather well with that. The plan was he would bolster his armor with his fallen foes, and retrieve them as needed as weapons.


Ah hah! In this situation the Ogre wouldn't have that power, but that's something I can extrapolate an answer from. Require the grapple/pin, then go with improvised weapon attack/damage, and apply the damage to both. Maybe require a two-size difference rather then 1.

If you wield a humanoid, and hit another humanoid with said improvised weapon, would both the weapon and target take damage?

Weapons don't degrade when using them unless the target has rules stating otherwise, but I assume that is because weapons have a default hardness that protects them from normal use. I find it difficult to believe that if an Ogre slams a human into an elf as a club that the human wouldn't be adversely effected by being used in that manner.

Are there rules regarding this? If not, how would you manage this situation as a GM?

Goblin Squad Member

An important thing for do-gooders to remember is without players on both sides of the good/evil spectrum this game will be incredibly boring. With that thought in mind, bandits and assassins will need places they can train and gather as it will allow them to provide content for those of us guarding caravans and doing body guard work. The PfO Community all has the same 'rights' to advance their characters in their chosen play style, and Pax Aeternum has no interest in infringing on those rights.

As Ambassador Pagan points out, we will defend our members, allies and territory with all our might. This does not mean that we don't want it to be a good fight, however, and for that to happen those we are in conflict with need to have the opportunity to enjoy the game and train as well.

Kard Warstein
Harbinger Thane of the Nation of Aeternum

Goblin Squad Member

Now I'm hungry.

Goblin Squad Member

Man, having a busted computer for 2 weeks really shows how much these forums can move. I'm hopelessly behind on my lurking!

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome listen, I'm really happy with what GW had to say :)

Goblin Squad Member

Just like last year, the Table Top games are takin' off again. I hope everyone's enjoyin' their games before the game ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Glad to see you apply, Gozer, it's an impressive app to read. I'm looking forward to the next two weeks :)

Goblin Squad Member

Real life always comes first. If your in a raid, or a party, and you have to bail because of kids, wife, pet, or other real life aggro, it's always understood. We just ask that if you know before hand these types of interruptions will be taking place, to allow that to factor in for what events you sign up to participate in.

As far as other games are concerned, it's a matter of split loyalties. We don't mind if your not part of the Pax guild on a server you play on, but we ask that you don't join other guilds as we like to keep our numbers focused on common goals, not fracturing around the server like overheated electrons.

We have a lot of hardcore pvpers, and they are more then willing to take up the mantle so others don't have to be involved in combat if they don't want. If you wish to remain in town, or be a non-combatant, we will have people available for guard duty, or gathering the things you need to craft, etc, so you only have to engage in combat if it's something you actually enjoy doing.

Obviously this doesn't take into account warfare, settlement attacks, and that type of thing, as the nature of a Sandbox game means you'll more then likely end up being attacked at some point. When these things happen, there will be players with the right skill sets to deal with it so our non-combatants don't have to, either by answering the bounty, getting vengance, or being there to prevent it in the first place.

Goblin Squad Member

yeah, Rawn did an awesome job on the new site. I'm loving the social interactiveness it has now :)

Don't work yourself to the bone, Dak, we still need ya!

Goblin Squad Member

Probably drinking that keg in his off time ;)

Goblin Squad Member

From all the options and discussions I've seen so far on this, I think Option 4 is the way to go.

Goblin Squad Member

Eve does do this, but eve also allows for hundreds of members in a corporation. Here we're being limited to a small group with the single-CC of 20 or so.

Goblin Squad Member

Been havin' a blast playin' with folks in EVE while we practice working together and learn more about the things the CCP crew built that the GW crew are referencing. The more I play, the more I find myself fiending for the Early Enrollment release of PfO.

I got to say, from what I've heard I was apprehensive, but it's not scary or chaotic or anything of the sort. Quite a great experience, and I hope it helps prepare us for what's to come.

Goblin Squad Member

No doubt, gratz Karrick, and welcome Valthalion. It's always nice to see our family grow :)

Goblin Squad Member

True that, glad to have you Valthalion.

And thanks for stopping by, Feel Good. Apparently the Doctor is in ;)

Goblin Squad Member

That may be, but I can't understand a thing they said.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the invite, Andius.

And as to the subject of jokes, if ya can't laugh at yourself then you got more serious problems than bein' the butt of a joke ;) Bring that stunty humor, we got big shoulders, so heap it on :P

Goblin Squad Member

I really like the idea of using Leadership to be the driving mechanic behind Formations.

Goblin Squad Member

What do you call a psionic gnome escaped from prison?

A Small Medium at Large!

Goblin Squad Member

Hark wrote:

So basically, useless newbie gear is definitely a thing, and awesome powerful gear is also a thing.

Personally, I hope that crafters will be able to make gear better than unless newbie gear day one. The first goal of a new character should be to buy a set of basic player made gear.

I like the idea of having those of us in Early Access having to struggle a bit. Crafters should have to level like everyone else, not simply start off able to make better gear then people can get. Just as Settlements will have to be built over time, so should player's skills. By release, there will be plenty of crafters making good things. For the early access folks, though, I'm all about earning that standing instead of having a 'comfortable' starting place.

Goblin Squad Member

Hey Kit!

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, no Toreg was a bummer. I heard before they were going to offer race-changes to beta testers for new races that came out later, I wonder if there will be a similar offer for clerics being able to change deities.

Goblin Squad Member

First no halflings, now no Sarenrae... but they'll have a bow!

Goblin Squad Member

So Ssin's changing her main. Again. Kard's goin' through women so fast he'll start to think it's him!

Goblin Squad Member

Well those stretch goals sure look interesting

Goblin Squad Member

I wonder what the stretch goals are...

Goblin Squad Member

First off, I do not nibble, that requires more teeth then I got. I'm a furious gummer, however.

Second, good work Pax on the push! We've hit 50 votes, and the crowdforger only has 60k to go!

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome, it's always fun to get together with an old group of friends and enjoy a good raid. Gotta hone those killer instincts!

Goblin Squad Member

So anyone want to take bets on if Lyon can convince Kailara to play a dwarf?

Goblin Squad Member

This is an awesome idea. Since I can't afford it though, I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way: Earn it in-game ;)

Goblin Squad Member

That covers me and mine :)

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome Valthalion, glad to see you on our forums. I really liked your app, and am looking forward to the next two weeks. That said, Lyon and the Thalion crew are a great bunch, and I'm sure they'd love to say high if you choose to bounce around back in lotro. I believe their kinship's on the Landroval server.

Just don't let Lyon's aversion to pants scare you away.

Goblin Squad Member

This is a great idea, talk about taking crowdforging seriously. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Why, you've never had Mushcakes with Warstein syrup?!

Goblin Squad Member

Guess this is what happens when an Elf and a Dwarf get that syrup in 'em.

Goblin Squad Member

Ezekial Krows wrote:

They just had to go and toss in some more add-ons, didn't they?

*Kisses his bank account goodbye*

I feel ya, wish I'd a gotten a fistfull of duckets for christmas.

Goblin Squad Member

mainly, more of the same. Last year was a blast in Pax, looking forward to this year being the same :)

For those who haven't found it yet, the Talking Head open RP thread has started. It's a fun way to help flesh out your characters

Goblin Squad Member

Happy New Year, and congrats to Krow and Areks in becoming our latest Wardens!

Goblin Squad Member

Glad you were able to check out the game last night, sorry nobody died Beilian. But there's always next week.... muhaha!

Goblin Squad Member

Gettin' ready for the first table top game I've had in 2 weeks. Long wait, but I think there's a high enough probability of a party wipe that hopefully the last game of the 2012 will be a good one.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm hoping they get more into how transporting goods from point a to point b will work, how the road system will work, fast travel, etc. I've seen some interesting discussions on it here on the forum's, but I'd like to see where they see it going.

With the whole video question thing their doing, this might be a good time to get that answered... ohhh Areks!

Goblin Squad Member

Finally listened to all of the second half of Mark's interview, awesome stuff.

Goblin Squad Member

Good stuff so far, anxious to see more.

We're also still working on developing the Bloodwolf Clan's backstory. As soon as we finish that, we'll move on through all our other sections and continue fleshing everything out. Please let us know your ideas, particularly you Hounds!

Bloodwolf Clan Ideas Thread

Goblin Squad Member

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LDG: Now we get very, VERY personal. Do you make a Halfling or a Gnome, and why?

Ryan Dancey: No opinion. I’m a dwarf fan.

This is awesome to see! Dwarves have been neglected in many games, imo, with a Dwarf fan involved behind the scenes the stout folk shall finally attain their rightful place at the head of the table! (in a tavern near you)

Goblin Squad Member

We'll just have to see about that!

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome, thanks for the heads up!

Goblin Squad Member

Is there a plan after the kickstarter to create your own site with your own forums for PfO or are we going to continue using the Paizo forums? The reason I ask is these forums aren't the most user friendly, particularly due to lag.

If this has already been answered, I apologize :)

Goblin Squad Member

That's what happens when your bed is a hammock strung up between two kegs.

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