
Justin the Big's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 45 posts (51 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

+2 for the reprint.

Liberty's Edge

This is the second Danzig based reference on a Paizo blog that I have seen. This ain't no random lyrics yank. Fess up! Who's the fan?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who is the Danzig fan???!!! Made my day when I read the title of the post.

Liberty's Edge

carborundum wrote:

Just seen this thread - I pre-ordered the Cookbook and RC, and witnessed first-hand Lou's awesomeness in his valiant attempt to get that beached whale back into the water. I'm one of the many who will one day get the finished products. Oh yes, they will be mine. (whaddya mean delusional?)

This is me as well. Pre ordered both, still hopeful after all this time.

Liberty's Edge

Hi Folks,

I received this order in the post in two packages which turned up a few days apart. I did not however receive the chase cards deck in either box.



Liberty's Edge

12 people marked this as a favorite.

If Paizo made plush toy goblins I'd buy a dozen at least for my kids and nephew. Just sayin...

Who else wants a cute, cuddly, plushie goblin?

Liberty's Edge

Jessica the Gray Maiden.

Liberty's Edge

I love you Paizo! Gamer heaven baby!

Liberty's Edge

This is me as well. I have been waiting for RC since it was open for pre orders and even though I was excited that LPJ might have had it I thought it was a great set up and execution of an April Fools prank. Dude's apologizing where he probably by all rights doesn't have to and that is decent of the man. Chillax folks.

Stereofm wrote:

I was not offended(despite having all my preorders stuck), and honestly, while the situation with sinister is unpleasant, the fact that it was april fools was quite a clue, and I think maybe we should all chill out.

Now, about those Recon Cougars ...

Liberty's Edge

Hi Liz,

The package containg those three products arrived today, post marked 17/12/10. All good here, do not send replacements.


Liberty's Edge

Liz Courts wrote:
Justin, it looks like the package might be lost, so I am creating replacements to go out with your next subscription shipment. If the package arrives before then, please let us know!

WOW! Thanks Liz! That is great. I will be certain to inform you if it does arrive before hand and if it arrives afterward I'll be sure to mark it return post and let you know. Yet another great reason to love Paizo! You have made my day.


Liberty's Edge

Hi Folks,

This order was shipped in 2 packages back on 16th December 2010 and I recieved the Bestiary 2 and Lords of Chaos in the first week of January but have not yet recieved the other three items which I assume was the second package. I was just hoping for confirmation that it has indeed been shipped and if so do you have any advice on how much longer I should wait before wrting off the package as lost or stolen? I'd like to be as certain as possible that it will not arrive before reordering.


Liberty's Edge

Heya Folks,

Ev erytime I attempt to check out it takes me to the Sign In page and then when I sign in it directs me back to the front page. I've checked everything on my end and it seems OK. Is it a technical problem at Paizo?

Liberty's Edge

I think alignment is an important mechanic to the game as well as for roleplaying. It's how it is implemented or perhaps how it is understood or misunderstood that makes it an issue.

Liberty's Edge

This book has a great article about realism.

Liberty's Edge

+1 for the contest to name something on the HAM.

Liberty's Edge

I have a succubus as a villain and she needs a lair. It is a world where a succubus right out of the book is a powerful foe for anyone concerned and is a creature of myth and terror. I am yet to consider a cool lair but a brothel is ruled out (too cliche) and so is a noble residence (doesn't work in the current setting dynamics).

So what would be an awesome lair/adventure setting for a succubus, urban, rural or local wilderness?

Liberty's Edge

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Monsters, the Bestiary is not for NPC's make a book for that. It has no place in a monster book.

I think that was what he was aiming at. The choice of one or the other.

Liberty's Edge

I think it depends on your setting and it's societal laws. In the middle ages if I can be permitted to use real life as a loose example, medieval soldiers were permitted to loot as part of their income. It was pooled and the divied up by their lord and distributed accordingly. It was not seen as evil or unlawful as long as you didn't try to keep someting yourself which was considered theft; to the victor goes the spoils. Strangely enough, pirates of the Golden Age of piracy had an almost identical code of practice and they were criminals themselves!

This can work in a fantasy RPG too but on so many more levels. How does the local government think of these practices? Does loot go to the government, churches, guilds, victims families etc? Do they get a cut of any loot? What about magic? Maybe the local wizards guild get a cut? What about monster races? Goblins, orcs, kobolds etc? Do they have any rights of ownership in the local law system and if not can the government lay claim to looted goods? Does legal looting apply only to those approved for it? Soldiers at war, registered adventurers and the like?

Lots of cool options and premises to work with regarding this issue. IMO a LG is permitted to loot unless it is in any other way deemed illegal or immoral by the society of which he is a part.

Liberty's Edge

At Gen Con Erik Mona asked at one of the seminars (I know this thanks to the Pathfinder Chronicles podcast #5) if fans would prefer a Bestiary 3 full of new monsters or a book filled with pre gen NPCs in the same vein as the GMG but in greater diversity. I wanted to join the masses from the seminar in casting my own vote for the NPCs.

Liberty's Edge

Nice! Quickly Chronicles became one of my most favourite podcasts. Awesome job folks!

Liberty's Edge

Rite Publishing wrote:

@Justin the Big

If you want new Races and Classes I suggest our pathfinder rpg pdfs.

You can find them HERE

Yep! Got 'em already!

Looks like I'll pick up this product too!

Liberty's Edge

I love them both. They both a style and game play that fits in the gaming world and at the table. I couldn't have a game without either.

Liberty's Edge

I think we should have the option for rules for Epic play. I am all for Epic play but have found I have only played a small amount of games that had epic PCs. We hardly ever used the ELHB but we took joy in knowing we had it there if and when needed.

Even if we don't all see the point of Epic surely we can all concede that the option is a valid one? A game for all seasons and a game for all gamers.

I would hesitate to endorse epic rules/NPCs monsters etc in Golarion though for the shoe horn reasoning stated earlier. Maybe one of the other planets in the universe however......

Liberty's Edge

Is this an extra planar gladiatorial adventure and setting? Any new classes/races/feats/magic/monsters?

Liberty's Edge

I love the idea of psionics and even used them in both 2nd Ed and 3.5 Ed but the system just doesn't seem to blend well with the rest of the game mechanics. I always overlooked that hiccup and soldiered on but I'd much rather a system that is a much smoother blend. I'd like a system that is a mind magic; physic powers that are in part related to magic.

I guess the big issue is that magic can itself be defined as psionics, that is to say the study or practice of using the mind to induce paranormal phenomena. Telekinesis and clairvoyance spring to mind.

I can really see a place for it in fantasy games. I see the sorcerer with his heritage related prowess, the cleric with the divine blessings, the wizard with his ancient tomes of forbidden knowledge and the psion with their disciplined mental magic. To me they would be an elitist type either looked down upon by others or looking down on others who don't possess true power from within.

Liberty's Edge

You guys at Paizo keep bringing out great products and advertise great products and I am buying way to much stuff and spending an insane amount of time on your website, reading, shopping and all that other internet-y kind of stuff.

At Gen Con Oz in 2009 Jason Bulmahn said that you's have some new subscriptions coming up that I might have found to my liking, namely a Financial Advice subscription and a Marriage Counseling subscription but I'd like to go one step further and propose a Paizo Addiction Support Group subscription.

I think Paizo have a duty of care to the monsters it has created by continually producing kick ass products.I have a demon sized monkey on my back and need one hell of a stick to discipline the critter.

As soon as you guys have set it up, sign me up for all three and my wife as well.

Any chance for a Pathfinder miniatures subscription while you are at it?

Liberty's Edge

How odd. I have just realized upon pondering this question that we call it neither. We call it gaming. eg. "Are we gaming tonight?", "We were having a game last Thursday when Dave's elf came across...".

We are all fans of Pathfinder to the point that if we were asked specifically we would call it Pathfinder, an game based on the worlds most popular RPG, Dungeons and Dragons.

Liberty's Edge

MicMan wrote:

These fonts are very hard to read - when viewing the PDF versions on an ereader "very hard" becomes "impossible".

So please, Paizo, stop using these fonts for something that can be easily read.

I love 'em! As player handouts they have a great atmospheric feel to them and my players are quite fond of them too.

I loves me some Paizo funk.

Liberty's Edge

Whooo! Will there be new azatas'? (he hopes excitedly)

Liberty's Edge

Now that Paizo have spoilt me with full colour products in their Pathfinder line I have to ask; is this book full colour?

EDIT -Nevermind. I just saw the previews on the KQ website linked above. No full colour :-(

Liberty's Edge

Me too! Same problem.

Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:
Justin the Big wrote:

Yep. I got a Book of the Damned in each package. In the package meant to contain the Map Pack was a second Book of the Damned instead.


In that case, I will put a replacement copy in with your next subscription shipment. I apologize for the mix-up.


Cool. What should I do with the extra copy of the book?

Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:
Justin the Big wrote:

Hi Folks,

I recieved my order with two copies of the Pathfinder Chronicles Book of the Damned Vol 1 and missing the Map Pack:Extradimensional Spaces. What is the procedure to rectify the order.


Your order was broken up into two packages. The Book of the Damned was supposed to have been in one box and Map Pack: Extradimensional Spaces was to have been in the other. Have you received both packages, yet?


Yep. I got a Book of the Damned in each package. In the package meant to contain the Map Pack was a second Book of the Damned instead.


Liberty's Edge

Hi Folks,

I recieved my order with two copies of the Pathfinder Chronicles Book of the Damned Vol 1 and missing the Map Pack:Extradimensional Spaces. What is the procedure to rectify the order.


Liberty's Edge

Am I the only one who remembers the seduction scene? I think it is the innkeeps daughter who tries to seduce a PC back to the cellar for a wee bit o rumpy pumpy. She actually disrobes entirely in her attempt and thats when dear old Dad walks in. It adds some conflict for later on in the adventure. You might like to censor that bit or maybe have her in a chemise instead!

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Ten days before the launch of their much-anticipated Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Paizo Publishing today announced that the first print run of the book has sold out, with all preordered copies on their way to stores for an August 13 release.

Congratulations Paizo! Here is to a long and gloriuos rule. You all deserve it. Thanks a bunch.

Liberty's Edge

Snow Crash wrote:

Hi, I live at Caboolture (Brisbane Australia Northside) Was looking for a regular pathfinder game to join maybe once a fortnight or something.

I have been gaming for 23 years and have a regular group that I GM for. However I am looking for a regular organised game to play in. Not really interested in society play, definitely more interested in character development as opposed to min/maxing combat.

Anyone out the in BrisVegas area looking to start up a group?

Yeah. I live in Redcliffe but a lot of my work is at the Abbey Museum. I'd be keen to get involved if the times are good.

Liberty's Edge

Bladesinger wrote:

OK, this is something of a Rant, but I'm a little miffed, to say the least. What gives ? Arghhhhh......

Sighs. Anyhow, Despite my disappointment, I love Paizo and I'm seriously looking forward to the Pathfinder RPG. It looks great and my group can't wait to try it out.

Sorry for the Rant.

Please sir, don't apologize. I too found that the way my local store handled things was crap. I buy Paizo stuff from them alot; stuff I missed out in in the past and could have ordered it from Paizo (as I do with a lot of stuff) but thought I'd like to pay a little bit extra and support my FLGS. So after my order of stuff arrives I decide to pick it up on Free RPG Day and it turns out I spent $400+ AUD on Paizo products and was told that they only had one Beastiary and that they (the shop) were keeping it. They gave me another free product that I had interest in whatsoever that sadly will never get played 'cos I love my Pathfinder and 3.5 D&D. I constantly spend $220+ AUD a visit in that shop maybe twice a month sometimes more so if my loyalty and spending doesn't count as a valid qualifacation for the Beastiary than I don't know what does. My FLGS can go jump and I'll continue to get all my stuff from Paizo and as for Free RPG Day? Well, I'm over it.

Liberty's Edge

Christopher Rocco wrote:
JustintheBig wrote:
So can anyone comment on the content of this magazine? Specifically is it 3.5 or 4e or a mix of both?

HI. I am the editor-in-chief.

Sorry, I was just checking posts and didn't see this until now.

Dragon Roots handles both 3.5 and 4e material. If you are only interested in 4e material only issue #2 has 4e material.

I hope that helps.

That helps a lot! I'm going to buy one right now.


Liberty's Edge

Lisa Stevens wrote:
JustintheBig wrote:

Is there any chance at all that we might see a Paizo presence in Australia next year?

It would be awesome to catch up with you guys and gals.

We would be interested in coming down under next year, but we would need some help from GenCon Oz to help us not take a bath in coming down. The good news is that the organizer for GenCon Oz was in touch with us this year and, even though we couldn't do it this year, we left the door open for 2009. So hopefully it will all work out!


So as Gen Con Oz gets closer in 2009....any chance? Door still open?

Liberty's Edge

Fatespinner wrote:
During a fairly short-term Eberron game I was in, the DM allowed us to make a choice when using an action point. Either add 1d6 to the existing roll (as normal) or reroll the check with a d30. Obviously, adding 1d6 to the existing roll guaranteed that it would be better than whatever you rolled previously, but re-rolling it altogether on a d30 gave a chance to make a significant difference (though it was possible to roll worse than you started).

I was was thinking of something like that. I think that could work really well. How has it tiurned out in the games you've used it in?

Another one which comes to mind is random monsters/npcs/weather/items and other variables that you could make a table for.

Liberty's Edge

JoelF847 wrote:
I've used them before for random birthdates of characters - d12 for month, d30 for date. So far, I haven't had much else that I've used them for.

That is a good one. Random dates. I'll be using that. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Rock On! This was something I was lamenting the lack of just the other day and was just now about to post this very request. It pays to research the boards before posting.

Liberty's Edge

thelesuit wrote:

If anyone cares here is the list of Professions I allowed in one of my more pseudo-medieval campaigns:


Awesome job CJ! I was just yesterday thinking of compiling my own list and your efforts are a great springboard. Thank you for sharing.

So I guess this means that these skills are important to me and my gaming group. We mostly use them as PC background or for NPCs and to us they are still important. We do have a house rule which states an adventurer mat remove up to 2 skill points per level from these skills and relocate them but only if he has not used the skill or has good reason to show that his character is no longer pursuing his original vocation. This works well for us when for example, a fighter who was originally a farmer no longer works as a farmer and does not imagine himself to ever continue in that line of work because of his great fortune and fame in being a hero.

The only issue I have with Craft and Profession is that an adventurer who uses such skills can continue to gain ranks with minimal effort if he so chooses to do so yet the NPC Expert who does not gain levels can never become the best in his chosen field unless he adventures himself. This means that the chef who has been a chef all his life and spent time perfecting his art can be trumped by the party cleric who cooks a campfire meal for his comrades now and again all because he can turn undead and vanquish his foes where the poor old chef cannot. This is a minor gripe and I imagine probably never becomes an issue in any game. Just thought I'd mention it.

Does anyone have an idea on how the chef can compete against the adventurer in the world of culinary arts? Or any other professional/craftsman vs the average adventurer? We usually work a solution into the roleplaying side of it a la Steven Segal from Under Seige for example:"Yeah, well, I also cook." Love to hear some other ideas.
