
Justin the Big's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 45 posts (51 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who is the Danzig fan???!!! Made my day when I read the title of the post.

Liberty's Edge

Hi Folks,

I received this order in the post in two packages which turned up a few days apart. I did not however receive the chase cards deck in either box.



Liberty's Edge

12 people marked this as a favorite.

If Paizo made plush toy goblins I'd buy a dozen at least for my kids and nephew. Just sayin...

Who else wants a cute, cuddly, plushie goblin?

Liberty's Edge

Hi Folks,

This order was shipped in 2 packages back on 16th December 2010 and I recieved the Bestiary 2 and Lords of Chaos in the first week of January but have not yet recieved the other three items which I assume was the second package. I was just hoping for confirmation that it has indeed been shipped and if so do you have any advice on how much longer I should wait before wrting off the package as lost or stolen? I'd like to be as certain as possible that it will not arrive before reordering.


Liberty's Edge

Heya Folks,

Ev erytime I attempt to check out it takes me to the Sign In page and then when I sign in it directs me back to the front page. I've checked everything on my end and it seems OK. Is it a technical problem at Paizo?

Liberty's Edge

I have a succubus as a villain and she needs a lair. It is a world where a succubus right out of the book is a powerful foe for anyone concerned and is a creature of myth and terror. I am yet to consider a cool lair but a brothel is ruled out (too cliche) and so is a noble residence (doesn't work in the current setting dynamics).

So what would be an awesome lair/adventure setting for a succubus, urban, rural or local wilderness?

Liberty's Edge

At Gen Con Erik Mona asked at one of the seminars (I know this thanks to the Pathfinder Chronicles podcast #5) if fans would prefer a Bestiary 3 full of new monsters or a book filled with pre gen NPCs in the same vein as the GMG but in greater diversity. I wanted to join the masses from the seminar in casting my own vote for the NPCs.

Liberty's Edge

You guys at Paizo keep bringing out great products and advertise great products and I am buying way to much stuff and spending an insane amount of time on your website, reading, shopping and all that other internet-y kind of stuff.

At Gen Con Oz in 2009 Jason Bulmahn said that you's have some new subscriptions coming up that I might have found to my liking, namely a Financial Advice subscription and a Marriage Counseling subscription but I'd like to go one step further and propose a Paizo Addiction Support Group subscription.

I think Paizo have a duty of care to the monsters it has created by continually producing kick ass products.I have a demon sized monkey on my back and need one hell of a stick to discipline the critter.

As soon as you guys have set it up, sign me up for all three and my wife as well.

Any chance for a Pathfinder miniatures subscription while you are at it?

Liberty's Edge

Hi Folks,

I recieved my order with two copies of the Pathfinder Chronicles Book of the Damned Vol 1 and missing the Map Pack:Extradimensional Spaces. What is the procedure to rectify the order.


So does anyone have an in game use for a d30? I bought one because I am a total dork and I'd love to hear other gamers uses for them before I come up with my own.

So can anyone comment on the content of this magazine? Specifically is it 3.5 or 4e or a mix of both?

I have to admit, I was not a fan of Paizo in the beginning.

I was doubtful that the handover of Dragon and Dungeon magazine from WOTC to Paizo would be anything but a mistake. The Polyhedron stuff in the back of Dungeon only made me more doubtful and then finally when my subscription was messed up and I missed issues and received others so late that the news stands were in front by three issues, I was vexed to say the least. Attempts to fix this were met with repeat issue being sent out and being charged against my subscription. I canceled my subscription and stopped buying the magazines for a spell until my anger cooled. After a time I started again but with doubtful wary eyes with each step and turn.

With each step and turn however, I found myself growing in appreciation of Paizo. My mistrust grew into grudging respect and then finally outward admiration for Paizos' products and loyalty to their customers and fans. The magazines went from strength to strength and although I dearly wish for the magazines to come back in print form, I am thankful that their demise has brought to light some of the best 3.5 RPG products that have ever seen the gaming table. Now it is ironic to say the least that I am a vocal supporter of Paizo who it turns out have some of the best and most dedicated designers, writers and gamers in the industry.

Lisa, Eric, Jason and the whole team at Paizo, here is to you. I lift my tankard and dedicate my next 10 natural 20's to you. Here is to a healthy and prosperous future for the company and all within.

Thanks for all you have done and for all you are doing.


Is there any chance at all that we might see a Paizo presence in Australia next year?

It would be awesome to catch up with you guys and gals.