Jorsalheim's page

Organized Play Member. 175 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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MagicJMS wrote:
It looks like for some reason Paizo didn't include the three levels of the Tanessen Tower maps in their "Tomorrow Must Burn" PDFs. Has anyone made these on their own?

I see that they're not in the interactive maps, but they are in the adventure.

The first floor (or sixth floor) is on page 41 and the other two floors on page 43.

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Darrell Impey UK wrote:

Page 59, Ghlaunder: "Cleric Spells 1st: goblin pox, 2nd: vomit swarm (Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide), 3rd: insect form"

Oh yes? Is this preperation for the forthcoming APG in August, or a mistake referring to the 1E version?

In the appendix you'll se even more references to the APG, and I'm pretty sure it's the upcoming one.

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The Mechanical Carny on page 86 says it's possible to replace some of its Berserk-abilites (Berserk and Berserk Slam) to other listed abilites.
But the stat block does not show any Berserk-abilites.

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Fumarole wrote:
Jorsalheim wrote:
The Bida can grab people. But how do you guys calculate the DC to escape from it's grab when there is no Atheltics in the stat block to use? Assume it's Expert or Master in Athletics? Use the same DC as it's Constrict? :)

From the Bestiary, page 5: "Skills The creature is trained or better in these skills. For untrained skills, use the corresponding ability modifer."

Athletics isn't listed in the bida's stat block, and its strength is +6. This means the bida's athletics DC is 16.

Thanks, sometimes the answers are there, right in the book. Just not the ones I was looking in :-)

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Valantrix1 wrote:
Ok, early in the adventure you come across a piece of treasure called a staff of marvelous medicines. I haven't come across this anywhere before. Am I missing it somewhere, or did this get cut for space? Any suggestions on what I should replace it with

Not presented as a staff, but it could have these properties:

CRB p 574

And give it the staff traits maybe?

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Cruel Illusion wrote:
Are there any new ancestries and/or heritages in this book?

I think it's only new thematic Backgrounds for the regions, and a new Archetype for each region.

But in October you'll get the Character Guide, and that's going to be filled with new heritages and four new ancestries and nearly 100 new ancestry feats.

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Blave wrote:

Before I answer, note that this is my interpretation of the rules. The rules on gaining Focus Points aren't exactly written very clearly, and some people will argue that you start with 2 Focus Points because you have two Focus Powers (Wild Morph and Wild Sape). I however, do not think this is the case.

Is this really an discussion out there? Yeah you get two Focus spells, but neither the Wild-order or the Wild Shape feat says that you increase the Focus pool. Leaf and Storm says that you do increase the pool, so that should also point to how Wild should be read. I thought that the text was clear, but then English isn't my first language ;)

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Deadmanwalking wrote:
Voss wrote:

Huh. I imagine that claiming a Hellknight fortress as their own (abandoned or not) will never cause the party any grief, or cause any hard feelings or antipathy among other groups anywhere on the continent.

It's fine, it's all fine here.

Given that it's the Order of the Nail (who are all about bringing civilization to savages) and it's currently abandoned to what they likely regard as savages, taking it over and fixing it up (and thus 'reclaiming it for civilization') is almost certain to win their friendship more than their dislike. This is particularly true if one of the PCs is interested in becoming a Hellknight (which one of the player's guide backgrounds suggests).

Plus, even if they objected, as long as the PCs claim is legal by the laws of the land they're in the Hellknights have their hands tied.

I also think that the player guide background you're probably talking about also hints on why the Nail will accept it.

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One wild guess on why one would select to show liveplays of their stuff on Geek & Sundry: Their 2 million subscribers on YouTube. It's going to reach a lot more people than doing a liveplay on Paizo's own YouTube-channel.

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To the 2nd point. Though they don't have any story element, I would think it's possible to use the random scenario templates as stand alone scenarios or "side quests".

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BR Dinketry wrote:
I'm still hoping that we actually get physical cards one day!

The last line of the blog:

"And in the near future, they’ll also be available as a print-on-demand card set from our friends at DriveThru Cards. (After they go live, we’ll mention it in a future blog.)"

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In the Example of Play in the rulebook the first player plays blessings and uses the hour on the same check.

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Rysky wrote:


The mention of "Core Rulebook" made me think it was for 2e.

Oh, I wasn't thinking about that. Sorry if anyone got things in a mix :) But since this was a question about the adventure path box, I thought it was nice to refer to the core box rules. :)

The mention that there will be brief conversion notes in the rulebook in this blog post.

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th3razzer wrote:
Athenos wrote:

Is it just me or are the maps in the PDF, lower rez than usual?

Especially the ship interior in the back of the PDF is low-rez for me. I can barely make out any details.

I am seeing the same thing, too. It's not just you. Why are they so low-rez?

It looks like they had an issue with the maps in the PDF this time, because I just bought the PDF and have the same problem. And some people in the Costumer Service forums also has it.

I'll hope they upload a better version soon :)

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Reading and loving it :)

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sweetestsadist wrote:

First of all, the word proficient by itself is meaningless to people unfamiliar with the game.

Um... You'd think that would be explained in the rules? I would think many of the words is meaningless more or less for people unfamiliar with the game without reading the rules/learning the rules from someone familiar with the game.

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While I do like the layout of the cards, I also find the background kind of busy and those curly lines in some of the art strange. Why draw those over some of the fine art. But I'm looking forward to more of PACG, and it will probably make sense as I get the cards in my hands this spring/summer :)

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It's out.

Big Spoiler!:
And a new playable race :)

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I accidently pronounce Shardizhad Charizard all the time...

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I will try it out if it's Android friendly. And I really hope this wont work on my phone. I fear for my work efficiency. ;)

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Andrew K wrote:

I'm talking about his powers only, so definitely not 12. Still the same local help in combat, and the weapon recharging (sure, they gave him a power he already gets, but earlier). To me, the powers make the character, not the skills. Those are a major part of the characters, and are something I really expected to be unique. I'm at least waiting to get the Fighter class deck now. I was going to pre-order it, because I wanted all 3 Valeros, but now I'm going to wait and see if he has anything powerwise that really separates him from the other two.

Of course he could have new powers. The powers don't make him Valeros, having a fighter theme to them would. They could give him new powers that still fit a fighter. Being Valeros doesn't mean you have those powers, it means you're a fighter.

I'm not going to convince you but here's my point of view on this.

1. Ok, there is two changes in his pre-role powers. The same is with Merisiel, but she looses her sneak attack to some new finesse power. The other two returning friends I don't know much about. And we haven't seen anything from the roles yet.

2. I think character is more than just powers. Skills and cards is pretty important. It's the combination of fun powers, skills and cards that makes a character the character for me.

3.I understand that you would wait with the deck. We don't know much about any of the decks, so I would wait with them all. What we know is probably that the 7 iconics will look somewhat as the previous versions, but not a exact copy. And there is three other characters in those decks that will be different.

4. And here is probably the point where we disagree the most :)
I see Valeros as the iconic character Valeros and understands that he, just as Merisiel, will look somewhat like his former self. Not an exact copy, but he's still the charmer that can swing the blade, and now probably keep from drowning. So when I bring out the S&S version of Valeros, I will feel like it's a character I know. Some differences, but it's my old buddy. He's just not a generic fighter that have a brand new power set. Now. We still don't know how his roles will work. And the other fighters from the Class decks aren't revealed (other than picture and some naming). But I think you will find what you're looking for there. These are named characters. I think that having Valeros powers is much being Valeros. Having one of the three versions of Valeros or the other three characters from the Fighter Deck, that is having a fighter.

But hey, I understand your point of view. I just like how they are treating the iconics. I play a lot of Nintendo. Mario is still Mario with some tweaks in the first couple of levels. But every game gives him new/different upgrades/powers later in the game.

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Andrew K wrote:
The_Napier wrote:
Andrew K wrote:
I look forward to the role cards, because only seeing the character, I really feel like Valeros got screwed. Yea, his skills were tweaked a little, but his base powers are basically the same.
Afraid I rather fail to see how he's been 'screwed' - they always said the new versions of old characters would be very similar though not exactly the same. Unless you're saying you think his base powers are not strong enough already?
I'm not saying he's screwed in how powerful he is,but in how unique he is versus his Runelords counterpart. I can understand having similarities, but his powers have barely been changed at all.

12 changes in his pre-role character. How could they have changed him more? I can understand the want of completely new Powers, but then he's not Valeros anymore is he? :)

I like the differences, and I can't wait to see how his roles look.

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I was so sure I was going to play Jirelle and Lirianne and one more for my first group. Now both Alahazra and Seltyiel seems quite interesting. And Oloch. And Damiel has bombs...