
Jeff Harris 982's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. 411 posts (3,622 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.

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Don't they call swamp shrimp...err crayfish, or crawdads, or some such...

oh, yeah, I am still alive...been a while, this year, err last year now, has been, err was, challenging to say the least...

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Glad to hear you are doing pretty good there KC, and yes, I am still alive, just been...well, long story, too long for here, or anywhere. 2023 I am expecting you to treat me and the wife a heck of allot better than your friend 2022...I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE :)

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lisamarlene wrote:
Today I learned that the German term for a lower back tattoo, aka a "tramp stamp", literally translates as "ass antlers".

As a man with a lower back tattoo (soooo! not low enough to qualify as a TS, also got it way befor that was a thing), I nearly spit out my coffee, though gotta say, kinda like ass antlers, leave it to the Germans to coin that...

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Themetricsystem wrote:

Well... I'm pretty disappointed in my local police force and leadership.

Stopped out to get gas and pick up drinks last night and saw three squad cars pulling over a single car in the parking lot, six officers rummaging through the vehicle looking despondent and frustrated with the middle-aged AA driver just sitting quietly and annoyed on the curb waiting for them to stop tearing his car apart, seems like they'd been there for a while and was just trying to remain patient.

Five of the six police officers were clean-shaven heads and wore the trademark ugly "Hawaiian-print" button-up shirts under their vests in leu of a normal uniform. It may have seemed weird until I remembered that this is something of a uniform/fashion trend to communicate to people that they're card-carrying members of the Proud Boys and/or the "Boogaloo."

Urge to say unkind things about law enforcement that are Proud Boys or Boogaloo rising! Already not a "big fan" of 'Merikan police, but ones such as those...biting tongue now, hard.

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Brian Bauman wrote:
I somehow missed all the requests for submissions, so I'll have to present Cosmo, the bestest boy, via a short video of him exploring freshly fallen snow on Twitter.

Love all the fuzzies of Paizo, though, I have to...

Good boy Cosmo..


We named the dog Cosmo...


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NobodysHome wrote:

Vanykrye'll like this one.

I was trying to describe my hardware requirements to GothBard. And I realized they're very simple:

"Can I drop it in a jar of jam?"

It's an amazingly good test: If you can drop it in the jam, rinse it off, let it dry, and still use it, then it's "good" hardware.

RASPBERY, no one would dare give me RASPBERRY... LONESTAR!!!

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NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Great, another thing I dislike about Florida, alas, the wife has planned our vacation for July there...

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captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

I am going to strongly encourage him to write letters of complaint to the appropriate deans.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

Sounds like a super s*$%ty school and he should probably transfer somewhere interested in higher education rather than just your money.

Interested in money AND power-tripping! Wait no, I think I already said that is double plus un-good. In all seriousness, what is wrong with these professors...teaching ='s good. Expecting the best from your students ='s good. Helping them reach said best ='s good. Loading them with work while you drink scotch over break and laugh at their missery ='s not. good. at. all.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Not naming names, but when a friend at another company mentions that their executive leadership is being compared to Zap Brannigan and Prince Farquaad in the public All Hands chat, then maybe, just maybe, that company has an employee morale issue...

"What is the worst job in this man's army Kif? Being your assistant?! No, being YOUR assistant!"

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NobodysHome wrote:

And it continues...

...Impus Major's significant assignments are due Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, so he wants to move the family game from Tuesday night to Thursday night. Since he has no classes on Friday, that should be great, right?

Nope. Just this week he has a take-home test and a written essay, due on a day that he has no school.

I'd love to take these teachers and randomly throughout the summer say, "No, sorry. You have an unscheduled work day today, and your pay will be docked if you don't show up! Get to it!"

If you don't have class session that day, you can't have assignments due that day. It's common courtesy, and should be common sense at a community college where a significant percentage of the students is people who have REAL jobs and need a reliable schedule from their teachers.

Bad monkey...Professor likes to play power games (only thing I can fathom as to motivation)..BAD MONKEY! Prof needs to be called into school over the summer randomly and forced to write on a black board, in chalk, for 8 hours straight "T is for teaching, not tormenting." Or maybe the classic "I will stop being a D-bag"

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captain yesterday wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
No idea what any of that is, but on an unrelated note we're getting a few inches of snow tonight so I get to go out on a snow run. Should be fun!
Turns out I was right! Both my guys came in drunk and surly. Not so much fun for them but a whole lot of fun for me.

I shouldn't snicker as hard as I am about that...but then again, no ones perfect...

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Also, it was a fine name, until that no talent arse clown put out an album.

What can I say, Office Space is a personal favorite, and hits WAY too close to home...WAY...TOO...CLOSE.

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Freehold DM wrote:




I lost so much weight I can take my pants off without buttoning them.

I can fit into my old freaking JNCO jeans.

Holy s*%*.

I knew it, I am not the only one who still has a pair or two of their old JNCO's!

DO it Freehold, DO IT!!!

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who wouldn't want to be a were-velociraptor...as long as you could control the change that is...otherwise that would get...messy and hard to explain...

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Hoping for the best for your dad there Feros, had a scare with my own pop's last year, so I totally get it. Good luck man!

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Appreciating the grit there LM, also, mmm, home baked bread! Having yanked a shoulder and finger back into socket and/or alignment in my day, I also appreciate that it does freaking hurt. Glad you are generally ok though, aches not withstanding.

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Still feeling salty at the loss of the Buffalo Bills to KC, gorram it, SO CLOSE, but Mahomes does it again. GRUMBLE GRUMBLE SNARL TEETH GNASH!!

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Hang in there LM!

Hey there John Boy!

Bit of exciting news here, I am four novels away from owning every TSR and WotC novel ever published (to date, that is). And yes, I do also own all the PF novels, and a pretty dense collection of other classic SF and Fantasy books, I have a library, gotta be filled, or I would be doing it wrong. :)

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NobodysHome wrote:

In "reassuring but silly" news, yesterday we received a letter from our insurance company formally approving Impus Major's 3-day hospital stay.

On the one hand, it's a little late to take him to the hospital now.
On the other hand, it means the whole overall treatment and care will be approved for coverage, greatly reducing the chance of the bill breaking $2000.

Hey calling that one a win (the second part anyway), big believer in taking wins where one can get 'em. You should send them a huge bag of pennies!

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Vanykrye wrote:
Pretty sure most people would remember a picture of a Kate Moss lookalike licking an arrow.

Van's not wrong LoL

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Drejk wrote:
I have finished the last (out of order) DLC for Borderlands 3. There were some unfinished side quests, including one annoying boss that killed me multiple times and I wasn't going to farm suitable weapons nor trying other builds to fight her.

Betting you mean the terror that is Hemovorous the varkid queen. She is worth it on decent mayhem levels due to the good dedicated legendary drops, but she is a pain in the arse to kill. I have an armory the gods themselves would envy in that game, what mayhem level and character level/type you doing Drejk, I could send you some weapons and such. Heck, we could coop if you want, I have plenty of badarse level 72 characters.

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

I have 2 cats, both older. There's Lou, originally named Luke Skyfracker; he's a graying orange tabby that still thinks he's a kitten until he has to jump down from somewhere high.

The other is an all black cat named Olive. She is enormous and instead of being petted she prefers to be violently scratched, like most dogs I've had in the past.

Not as odd as one would think, we have quite a few cats (cat rescue folks we are) but Honey Bee, our old (18) tortie likes to be spanked...don't ask how we figured that out, it was an old room mates doing.

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NobodysHome wrote:

And now begins the ultra-fun game of, "Wait for the U.S. health care bill".

We have fairly good insurance, but my assumption is that we're going to easily hit the out-of-pocket maximum ($2000 in-network, $6000 out-of-network) because somewhere, somehow, taking our kid to the hospital with an inflamed heart isn't a fully-covered service.

I may be surprised; Impus Minor's $31,000 broken arm surgery ended up costing us a little under $800, but the whole, "You'll have no idea what you're going to pay until you receive the bill," approach to medicine really is quite terrifying.

(Impus Major almost started trying to deny treatment because he'd heard so many horror stories of COVID bankrupting families, so we had to reassure him that our insurance would cover almost all of it.)

Making a nasty face about U.S. health care. Though awful noble of the lad to worry bout the costs of treatment. Just glad he is home and ok, though hoping the Lady's Favor kicks in one more time and you don't get a mountain of a bill. No one should go broke because of medical care, the very fact it does happen in this nation is infuriating. Gettin' off my soap box now :).

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LoL NH, however, glad you are on the mend Impus Major, don't take TOO much advantage...just a moderate amount of advantage. :)

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Nothing worse than waiting and unanswered questions. Now, as always, may the Lady's Favor be with you and Impus Major.

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Crud NH, Lady's Favor be with you Impus Major.

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Happy New Year all you glorious folks!!!

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Happy New Year's Eve there John!

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The wife and I are going to consume delicious preserved meats, fancy cheeses, have some wine, and relax. Perhaps we will watch some of the new season of Big Mouth...just to dirty up the otherwise clean fun of the evening, also perhaps some board games with the neighbors.

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uggg, poor lad. Hope ya feel better there soon Impus Major!

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poof, still say hello to Steve for me, still good folk that one. Also no offense taken KC.

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I live AGAIN...wait, this isn't where I thought I was going...dang it!! NO...not jail...with...all of...YOU!!!

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Good afternoon there John!

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I suspect Freehold won't give this one up..to be fair, there is a running joke between myself and my writing buddy and co-owner at Flying Pincushion that someday, we are going to craft the used kitty litter golem, which may or mayo-not (yep, went there) be as bad or worse than the mayo golem.

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For some deep seated reason I find the idea of a mayo golem more disturbing than a blood golem...

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Premium Captain Yesterday...guaranteed to not hit your mailbox with plow blade, and have great hair while doing it!

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Hey there John!

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Happy B-Day KC!!

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KC, that lamp is haunting my dreams now...if it dispensed rum, I would consider MAYBE letting it stay in our house, maybe...

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NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Anyone that can't build a fire so it does not smoke bomb the neighborhood should never be allow to have bonfires. It is not really that hard, you know, for those who have a decent working knowledge of how fire works, what good dry wood is, and how to you know, put them together. What can I say, I take fierce pride in building nearly smokeless fires in all sorts of challenging environments and weather. Rather useful for a person who loves to camp, druid powers baby!

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lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
*slithers into Lisa's kitchen and steals a plate of pierogi*

Zapraszamy! We made four dozen.

Also, the kids just set out a glass of my krupnik and a slice of poppy seed cake for Santa. No cookies and milk at this house.

Heck yeah! krupnik! The wife and I like that particular adult beverage, Santa is gonna be flying 85 MPH and weaving like a loom!

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Best Holiday wishes to all, and to all may you have only good gaming in the year to come!

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yummy oyster mushrooms!!!

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Gorram it, now I want a McRib for lunch...

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Donated what I could to your buddy there NH.

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Happy B-Day Freehold!

Also, I like that house...Lincoln huh...

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Congrats Feehold!

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That makes sense. Only thing I would use a flame thrower for at my job would be to melt and destroy my work PC, buzzing, freezing, lagging little bugger has it coming...it is like 13 years old, that is like over 120 in computer years, glorious death by fire...

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Yep, quite sure our cats believe (and are likely right) that we belong to them, as feeding crew, cleaning crew, and petting stations.

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Hey there John!

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