Crafting with temporary feats

Rules Questions

Say I get a temporary feat from Paragon Surge. Would I be able to use the floating feat to get "craft magic item" and... craft a magic item? Or does the limited time that I have it for messes me up?

Crafting is normally 8 hrs work. Even if you speed it up to 4hrs the spell lasts 1 min per level. This is also the sort of thinking that can give a dm a nervous twitch.

Well, when do I have to cast it? Do I make the check at the beginning? At the end?
If at the end, cant I just take a standard action to cast it at the end? (If I am allowed bathroom breaks during the 8 hour craft session, I should be able to cast a spell)

LOL, Renen, this is a conversation you need to have with your GM.

I would interpret the rules to say that you have to have the feat the whole time you craft, not just at the beginning or end. But maybe your GM is more generous than I am.

Well, I am playing in one of those online "multiplayer" pathfinder. And everyone gotta make things themselves, having no NPCs. I wanna craft myself some mavic armor. But spending a feat on that...

Also, if im a spellcasting oracle. How bad is it to weak heavy armor if im not proficient? (Since im not making attacks)


I have similar idea.

Being 10th level sorcerer (and 11th level caster due to crown of kobold king) with four lesser metamagic rod of extend.

So I can cast 12 times paragon surge to get Craft rod for total of 264 minutes = 4 hours of accelerated crafting + additional 24 minutes for casting and small pauses.

Does my character meet prerequisite to craft rods?

"If time is dedicated to creation, it must be spent in uninterrupted 4-hour blocks"

If you're spending 24 minutes casting spells, that's pretty obviously a significant interruption

Edit: You could probably get the 2-hour's worth of work, though

Honestly you'd probably be better finding a hireling with the requisite feat
(That's possible, right? Crafting an item where one character has the feat and the other has the spells)

This may be the best abuse of paragon surge I've seen yet, not that I've gone looking.

Renata, the 24 minutes referred to was extra time the rod gave him past the 4 hours needed. The castings only take 12 rounds, which I don't think is a significant interruption. But yes, using a hireling for the feat and providing the spells yourself would work.

Natural 1s, personally I would let it work and make the full 8 hours' (if accelerated) progress... but I'm not your GM, whom you definitely need to consult on this one.

That makes sense, I wasn't sure where the 24 minutes of casting came from anyway. Just misread the post I think.

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An Alchemist could produce Infusions of Paragon Surge, and then have someone else inject them at regular intervals.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
This may be the best abuse of paragon surge I've seen yet, not that I've gone looking.

Only way to do it with nerfed Ring of Continuation

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Natural 1s, personally I would let it work and make the full 8 hours' (if accelerated) progress... but I'm not your GM, whom you definitely need to consult on this one.

I am inclined to use rules for Adjusting Character Wealth by Level so there will be no wealth benefit – but no necessity traveling for cities to buy expensive magic items.

Renata Maclean wrote:
"If time is dedicated to creation, it must be spent in uninterrupted 4-hour blocks... You could probably get the 2-hour's worth of work, though"

Seems reasonable even with strictiest GM following RAW.

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