
JBiggs78's page

Organized Play Member. 202 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Hello all,

Begrudgingly I need to cancel my subscriptions to the adventure card game and class decks.

Thank you.

Jan Beighley, Jr.

Hello all,

I received my Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes 4 shipment today and found that my Hakon was missing his right arm. It looks like the figures were not taped down into place and two of them had gotten loose, I assume this caused his disfigurement. Is it possible to receive a replacement?

Thank you for all you guys do... love everything Paizo.

Jan Beighley, Jr.

I dumped Dex with a party of Alain, Imrijka, Seelah, Kyra and Balazar. With Imrijka using strength for her ranged and nobody else really using Dex for much it seemed like the safest dump.

Sharaya wrote:

Yep. That's totally what I meant to say. But yesterday was a long day and I failed my wordsmithing check...

Beautiful.... Thank you so much Sharaya.

Just to clarify, they weren't missing, just poorly shrink wrapped which I think caused major damage to several cards and minor damage to the bulk of the pack. I counted it as an 110 card pack that had all the monsters, barriers, weapons and most of the spells.

I'm sure you guys know what I meant, but just wanted to make sure.

As always thanks for everything!

Also, if it's at all possible, I would like to have the shipping expedited so as that I might receive the replacements asap. I'm willing to cover the shipping with my card on file if need be.

Hello all,

I just received my Wrath of the Righteous base set and the pack of cards that starts with Wight and ends with mirror image was pretty badly dented. The shrink wrapping was very loose on that particular deck. I can provide images if needed. Is there any way I could get that portion of cards replaced?

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Tanis O'Connor wrote:

looks around, counts the number of copies on her desk

says nothing

Pure unadultered evil.

It's killing me that peeps are receiving when I haven't even shipped yet. The demons are eating my shipment. I know it.

Katina Mathieson wrote:

Hi Jan,

Thanks for letting us know about this! I'll go ahead and get a replacement card sent out to you shortly. I think most of us here have OCD to some extent when it comes to game collections, so we wouldn't want you to be short a card. :)

Once it ships out, the warehouse should send you a confirmation email to let you know. If there's anything else I can do to help out in the meantime, don't hesitate to ask.


Thank you so much!

Hey everybody,

I was doing an inventory of my Skull and Shackles set cuz you know, it's Thursday and all and I noticed I was missing a copy of Magic Weapon. As much as I do not want an additional basic spell in the box, my OCD is asking if I may have a copy sent to me.

Thank you muchly,
Jan Beighley, Jr.

Hello all,

My order listed above for the Iconic Heroes #2 set was moved to my sidecart. I would like that order to be shipped ASAP but didn't want to hit the button and release my other preordered sidecart items. Could you please release this set to ship now?


Myfly wrote:

Paizo should introduce besides bury and banish: destroy... You could get a much better effect, when you destroy the card (rip it apart) afterwards. Then increase the difficulty level ... And suddenly Paizo will sell more BASE SETS... Unexperienced PACG players then have to buy two or more base sets/adventure packs when they fail the adventure path :-)


In case you successfully completed the adventure path... Then some of the destroy cards are gone. Trying to go thru the same adventure path again the difficulty level will be automatically higher for you (you know what is coming, but some helpful boon cards are missing). Cool mechanism to improve :) not only the replayability..

Chaos Orb anyone?

Druid is Lini

Hi all,

Regarding my order for Iconic Heroes Set #1: I received my debit hold on my account, but I've been showing the order continuing to pend and I'm not seeing an option to move it to ship as soon as possible. Could you guys help it get into my hands?

Thanks as always,

Hello all,

I received my card game portion of the order above, but my great golem sale items have not been sent. Please review.


Myfly wrote:

Today I saw a post for Black Friday Sales at CoolStuffInc:

It is only 24 USD.



In Germany I paid 59 Euro for the SS Base Set which is 75 USD. So that is triple!!!

I am a lit bit upset... Why it is so expensive in Germany? According too the current price loss it looks like to many games were produced or in other words the sales numbers are not as anticipated.

That makes me feel bad as I paid too much for it....

That is Black Friday in the US. I bought presents for the kids last night for half price. New items.... It's an American phenomenon uses to increase sales to end the 4th quarter. You should not think it reflects some sort of decreasing popularity for the product.

I think Lini has to be included in any optimal party. Her ability to add a d4+4 to any check allows her to close any location in RotR.

I think I would run Valeros, Seoni, Lini and Merisel and feel very confident. I could be convinced to go Seelah over Valeros or Ezren over Seoni, or Harsk over Merisel, but that list is what I'd run with.

Its all a balance of how streamlined they want our decks to get over the course of OP. I do agree that some of the characters (Zarlova in particular) could use some fleshing out, but I don't think we need to be at a point where every single upgrade is the perfect one for the character you are using. If that were the case, then we would end up with characters that would surpass anything that could be created through the "normal" adventure path.

For example, I always wanted one of Seoni's items to be the Necklace of Fireballs in RotR, but everytime I had it come up, it was Valeros that encountered it and he always flubbed the check, no matter how many blessings might have been played.

Anyway... I do think there are opportunities, but I wonder how much of it was intentional.

I don't think the promo cards were designed with a specific deck in mind as the power level of the promos definitely does not increase as you get deeper into the adventure path. I believe that the P label is sufficient.

Hey Sara and crew.. just curious as to the status as I haven't seen my authorization yet and I know its gotta be about time for you guys to head out. I always look forward to that email :)

Ok... so we can't upgrade using normal rules and then use a card feat to select a non basic card - essentially upgrade times two. That's how I played it, but I wanted to make sure I did it right.

Hey guys - This may be clear, but I'm not getting it. I checked the guid and I didn't see any mention of how card feats are handled.

You handle your upgrade at the end of the scenario as is normal, but what cards do you have access to in relation to your card feat? Do you have to pull a basic item to fill the slot?

I think what I like about the concept most... especially everybody resetting... is that it really makes that pile of cards that make up your deck even moreso your life. But I do agree that one player should not be arbitrarily told "NO... this is how the game works for you and only you!"

Its all a matter of how you look at it. Say in a 4 player game where there are no effects that allow you to discard a card off the blessing deck, in that case players 1 and 2 will get 5 turns, players 3 and 4 will get 4 turns. The experience for player 2 and 3 under the old system are different. Player 2 can not exhaust their resources the same way player 3 could in the pre FAQ world. I really have no issue with making player 2 and player 3 have to play the same game. The problem now is that players 1 and 4 still get to play under the old rules.

I really like the idea of making all players have to reset their hands at the conclusion of a failed scenario. It makes it so that everybody has to play the same game and that last ditch efforts to finish a scenario before time runs out are risky. Anything that provides a little more risk in this game I am up for.

Myfly wrote:
JBiggs78 wrote:

I will say that what I would definitely drop 20 bucks on would be a module styled continuation - AP 7 if you will...

I definitely have very little interest in buying the same banes with a slight make over, but new villains and scenarios that I could use my conquering heroes against and in? That would be awesome.

On the RotR AP6 villain we rolled 107.... How many MORE dice do you want to roll ?

My idea is to introduce stronger and smarter villains and henchmen for the hardcore version of course they can be new or improved.

And for OP more surprise cards... So 2 new 55card packs

I don't want to roll any more dice, but I do want to be able to use my ap 6 cards that I didn't really get to use... And I'd rather get new, harder scenarios than pay for slightly reworked henchmen that I already bought.

Just my two cents.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Why do you guys think you should you be able to use all your resources regardless of consequences at the end of the game, when that applies to no other part of the game?

I was thinking this as I was catching up in the thread. I have no problems with something that makes us have to think about how we use our resources, even if it is more of an edge case. It adds one more thing that we have to be mindful of, there is nothing wrong with that.

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I will say that what I would definitely drop 20 bucks on would be a module styled continuation - AP 7 if you will...

I definitely have very little interest in buying the same banes with a slight make over, but new villains and scenarios that I could use my conquering heroes against and in? That would be awesome.

This is a edge case being blown up out of proportion. Ranzak getting additional explores is a benefit, if you want to limit that, then don't check off the 3... if you want to have the option, then it is stated above that unofficially you are free to use the explores as a you may ability. I really don't understand this line of argument.

Myfly wrote:

There is a limited number of boons, on my part i am willing to WAIT until the Guardian Battle Axe +2 will be released in an upcoming adventure path...

And if it is just an issue of versatlity and not functionalit so I CAN WAIT.
Soon there will be with WotR more boons available,...

Then if desired paizo could release from adv path to adv path a free pdf list which "old" boons would could be optionally added for those people who like to have a bigger optional boon base for their class deck. This pdf-list could be modified for each new adv path to even provide more variance/versatility....

BUT now back to my suggested "hardcore bane for base set game play and OP bane cards" 110-cards pack, what is THIS thread ABOUT.
I definetly see chance for this, as you said, not for functionality but more for an issue of versatility :-)))))

Let the dark evil banes loose in the USA, they are at least slaughtered when they reach Europe by some mighty Heroes which are brave enough ;-) to face them HA HA ....
We Europeans finally save the PF world from the ultimate dark evil spreading ;-)))

Are YOU BRAVE enough?

Sigh... this thread clearly went off the rails.

I don't think there is an instance of those of us in the US being scared or not brave enough for the Myfly Hardcore Bane set, however, you have not even remotely suggested anything as far as what that kind of set would encompass or why it is really needed. What kind of different abilities or monsters/barriers are you suggesting? How much S&S have you played yet? Perhaps you might find that what you are looking for is already there. The current setup in S&S and especially in OP is definitely a step up in difficulty from RotR... and it isn't a matter of just increasing numbers or adding abilities.

The new difficulty comes from subtle combinations of increased difficulty on banes and more punishing locations. Your resources get put more to the test and there are more skills that are tested. At first glance you might not even notice that the difficulty has changed as most of the numbers appear to be similar, but I am finding that these devs might... just might... know what they are doing.

And that being said, I believe your suggestion is not something that would really benefit the game at current time and as was stated above, might actually be quite damaging to OP.

Also... I, and many people, yourself included, love this game and this community. I think the community and especially Paizo and Lone Shark, which give us all of this, deserve more than to have suggestions that amount to giving something for nothing (additional promos, updates - free of charge). We all want this to be successful, we all want the game to grow and to offer additonal opportunities for us all to enjoy more... I would be willing to pay MORE to ensure that would happen... I do not expect, nor would want, Paizo or our retailers to take a loss on anything.

ryric wrote:
JBiggs78 wrote:

That mock up for the base set box is pretty sick! I notice that we're looking at April too. I'm glad it didn't get squeezed into the Feb slot like it initially would have been.

I'm also excited at the prospect of the 4th set coming in Octoberish as opposed to releasing at Gencon.

Not me. I like the Gen Con release, saves me on shipping and I get to play the new set with all my friends that I only see at Gen Con. No new set means I have to haul a set up with me and back if I want to play it.

I get what you're saying completely, and maybe it's my own overreaction to launch this year, but it would seem that the timeframes separating themselves for launches of new rpg ap's and card game ap's might help overall and give an overall better consumer experience. Or maybe the 4th set will be expedited. Whatever works best for the overall good of the game itself I shall support.

Have you played the OP scenarios using the OP rules? I don't think anything using hardcore rules of any sort would be consistently winnable.

That mock up for the base set box is pretty sick! I notice that we're looking at April too. I'm glad it didn't get squeezed into the Feb slot like it initially would have been.

I'm also excited at the prospect of the 4th set coming in Octoberish as opposed to releasing at Gencon.

It seems as though the devs have hit a sweet spot in S&S where the difficulty level is increased enough that you are forced to expend resources throughout the course of each scenario making it harder to make some of those anticlimatic rolls at the end. There are still some situations where it may happen, but I'm finding the clock to be a greater factor in the regular game and a major factor in organized play.

I'd rather the team continue to try to focus on giving us different variants of in game play and continue with the class decks (with 31 iconic classes there is a long way to go).

Even of more importance than generating more content is to be able to consistenly deliver the content that currently exists before trying to do even more.

I thought that already happened :S

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in a span of 14 months two base sets have been released, five additional AP's for RotR, an additional AP for S&S, numerous promos, seven class decks, and we have another base set scheduled for release ~ February. We have unique boons that will be released with the Iconic Hero minis, there is an adventure mat, character mats, a forthcoming adveture case and branded sleeves.

We are not hurting for content. We are presuming there will be more class decks.

Myfly - bro - buddy... You are clearly very enthusiastic about PACG, as is everybody that is on these boards I think. But I think you may want to pump the brakes a bit. The game and its system are growing. Its great... I love it. I personally play 4-6 times a week and am anxious for every bit of content that comes out, but how about for Christmas we let Mike, Tanis, Chad, Vic, Gaby and anybody I am forgetting enjoy some holiday time themselves before pumping out the next wave of PACG goodness....

A quick down and dirty google search puts Wizards of the Coast in between 200 and 500, Paizo between 11 and 50.

It would be pretty much unprecedented as Paizo doesn't generally combine these products into one physical product as was mentioned previously. I think the only compilation that was put together ever was The Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition - and that was to celebrate the company's anniversary and the first full fledged adventure path published.

So in short, I wouldn't anticipate anything beyond the PDF's on this product.

I can't choose a name for any characters :S I choose the class and then the drop down doesn't seem to populate. Is there a current issue?

I'm with Vic on this one. Not one token card jumped out at me as being poorly laid out, though I'm not a fan of Vika's outfit, but we can't love everything, right? Aren't they standard with the other token cards representing the adventure paths (Skull and Shackles and Rise of the Runelords instead of Rogue Class Deck?).

I do know I like the logos and their placement. It makes sorting very easy and I would hate to lose inherent functionality to cater to an extreme subset (those wanting to design their own playmats) when I imagine most will either use those that are made available by Paizo or use the cards themselves.

Got mine too... anxious to get some use out of my class decks!

Oh wait, yeah... I got it.

That scenario looks pretty crazy. The strategy isn't coming right to mind... gonna have to have it all in front of me I think.

Ilpalazo wrote:
Joshua Birk 898 wrote:

People are misconstruing my statements about Seltyiel. Is Seltyiel fun to play? Yes, I think so. Is he a viable character? Certainly, particularly if he gets supports from other characters. But, even if you compensate for his weakness(and yes, I do give him Besmara's Tricorn), I find that he brings less to the table than any of the other seven characters in I have played in Skull & Shackles. He is exceedingly narrow in focus, and isn't significantly better at the combat than other combat characters.

I think most folks like Mechalibur, Joshua and Orbis who have assessed the strengths of various S&S characters have always had a caveat saying that these are all relative assessments compared to entirety of the roster. No doubt Seltyel is a fun character to play no matter what, and is a viable play option. Anyone wanting to try out his unique spell&blade mechanic is likely going to enjoy themselves.

What I think they are saying is that in the context of the entire roster of characters available to you in S&S, Seltyel is on the lower scale of the power curve, specifically regarding his very narrow utility as a combat specialist and little else. Seltyel comes up short in a number of ways when compared to a Damiel or Alzhara or even Jirelle.

Does that mean they are saying that no one should play him? Absolutely not, and there are many on these message boards saying that they are absolutely enjoying their run with the magus.

I think this is correct, although I scoff at the "even Jirelle"... I think Jirelle is THE most underrated character in S&S. She can do anything, she may not have that one thing that makes everybody look at her, but she can do everything well.

We'll see more as things play out more. One thing I do think is great about PACG is that every character is different in each player's hands with the way they play. My Damiel may not be as efficient as somebody elses for example. There were wide ranging opinions on RotR Lini ranging from she wasn't good to she was broken (she was... d4+4 on literally every check you make is beyond ridiculous). We're all looking at the same game, but we see it different. I love that.

Woah, woah woah guys... hug it out.

That being said, the whole Damiel as unbelievable and Seltyiel/Oloch (to a degree) being awful thing has been completely overdone. I like Damiel, but after playing through the Wormwood Mutiny with him I'm not seeing him as being on Lini (RotR) level. He is extraordinarily prepared. With a Tot Flask and one PoHealing he should never ever be at risk of dying and without blessings to be utilized. I actually prefer Feiya in that grouping (party of Damiel, Feiya, Lini, Oloch and Ranzak - the I was waiting for the character add on crew).

Seltiyel is just as capable in combat as Damiel, he only lacks the ridiculous level of deck cycling (and wisdom d4 is definitely worse than charisma d4). No matter how you cut it, Damiel has 7 potential offensive slots at the beginning and there aren't enough alchemical attack potions to give him more than 4 (1 weapon, 3 potions) at outset. It is possible, inevitiable even, that he will end up with struggling to have the right item on hand when a monster shows up.

Seltiyel's group was a smaller set - 3 man party with Valeros and Alzahara - and he performed well. After having played through AD1 with everybody and AD2 with everybody but the add on crew, I'm comfortable saying that Seltiyel is actually solid with the potential to be better than that as time goes on.

Orbis Orboros wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
We are discussing this.
Four of my favorite words to see you type. :D

Mine too... but it also gets me hating a little bit. Like... I want that to be my job. Sometimes the haters are gonna hate.

Orbis Orboros wrote:
JBiggs78 wrote:
Orbis Orboros wrote:
MightyJim wrote:
Although most of the discussions in other threads suggest you're not supposed to JUST add the 3 or 4 boons you want whilst ignoring the others, so you've still got to find and acquire them...

You do have to find and acquire them, but you're certainly not supposed to have to put the entire class deck into the base set. Things quickly get out of hand with the numbers of boons when you start looking at other class decks.

EDIT: I'm not a dev, so I could be mistaken. But simple logic suggests I'm right...

Mike has posted that the unofficial intent is that you add all or nothing in order to keep the power levels balanced, but the overall rule is and has always been that it is your game and your experience so do what feels right.

That's odd to me. I understand the idea of adding crappy cards as well as powerful cards, but to have to add the entire CD gets out of hand if you don't want to show just one class some love.

Maybe I'll make a deal with myself - for every good card, I have to add one (maybe two) crappy cards. IDK.

Thanks for sharing that though. I don't suppose you have a link so I can read how he worded things?

It was here.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rkjb?Using-Boons-from-class-decks-in-Skulls-an d#28

I don't think there is a wrong way to do it, but I do believe that makes the devs intent at least fairly clear.

Orbis Orboros wrote:
MightyJim wrote:
Although most of the discussions in other threads suggest you're not supposed to JUST add the 3 or 4 boons you want whilst ignoring the others, so you've still got to find and acquire them...

You do have to find and acquire them, but you're certainly not supposed to have to put the entire class deck into the base set. Things quickly get out of hand with the numbers of boons when you start looking at other class decks.

EDIT: I'm not a dev, so I could be mistaken. But simple logic suggests I'm right...

Mike has posted that the unofficial intent is that you add all or nothing in order to keep the power levels balanced, but the overall rule is and has always been that it is your game and your experience so do what feels right.

Ilpalazo wrote:
JBiggs78 wrote:
I've played through Fever of the Lost Sea with Lirianne, Jirelle, Lem, Merisel, Valeros, Alzahara and Seltiyel thus far.

How did you find Seltiyel? That's a character pretty much acknowledged to be the "worst" on the message boards here. Interested to see other opinions of him, although our group isn't playing him.

I like him way more than I thought I was going to. I hate his d4 on Wisdom, but aside from that he can do some pretty sick things in combat. He can make do past most barriers with the help of Abadar. He is interesting. He is not optimal. The fact that the average spell in S&S is not as good (IMO) than in RotR doesn't help. But nonetheless, he is fun.

I play solo with every character in different parties that I put together. I like using different characters that do different things.

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Calthaer wrote:
Ilpalazo wrote:
Not a huge deal either way, I'm not convinced one way or another that Damiel is that broken, but a few vocal folks here are basically saying that he is.
Absolutely. None of these shades of grey; such a thing cannot stand. Characters either have to be ridiculously awesome and the coolest and most powerful and bestest thing I have ever seen, or they are abysmally awful and useless completely.

Truth. Sometimes it seems some things get blown up out of proportion and Damiel is on that slippery slope where every next alchemical thing that comes up leads to believing he is just more and more OP.

I've played through Fever of the Lost Sea with Lirianne, Jirelle, Lem, Merisel, Valeros, Alzahara and Seltiyel thus far. Just put together decks for Damiel, Ranzak, Feiya, Lini and Oloch this morning, so I haven't yet used Damiel other than collecting together his basic cards, but seeing peeps talk about him I think about an old Magic article by Chad Ellis - The Dangers of Cool Things - and he seems to fit that mold. You get so fixated on doing these powerful things that you miss the simpler, easier solution right off to the side of it.

Now, Damiel is capable of doing ridiculously cool things... that is very much obvious. He can make some crazy combat checks and use his tot flasks as tutors and give extra explores and buff others and he recharges everything... but I'm still not sure that all the cool factor in the world makes him better than any other character.

For whatever its worth I think Jirelle is pretty ridiculous. She is well rounded and helps the party out with structural damage. Her ability to reroll bad dice is pretty awesome. She makes use of a ridiculous amount of the boons in the set. She is super functional, not fancy, not super cool, but wicked functional.