
Harolde Lakatos, Esq.'s page

1 post. Alias of DankeSean (RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4).

Organized Play Characters

Sczarni Damiri Maltof
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Sean McGowan 797
(0 posts)


Grau Soldado
Aariq Rivers

Male Human bard (dirge singer) 1 / sorcerer (VMC) (1 post)
Tilo of Braganza
Arrock Ghostseye

Male Half-elf Bard 2/Magus VMC — 17/17hp — AC 17/12/15—CMB +5, CMD 17— Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 v. enchantment) — Spells 2/2 1st — Performance 8/8 — Perception +7 (+9 vs. surprise, invisble, incorporeal)— Init +4 — Stamina Points 2/2 (18 posts)

Male Kitsune Samurai (warrior poet)/rogue (vmc) (0 posts)
Kalbio of Breezy Creek
Brook Blakes

Male Human Arcanist (school savant) 1 (1 post)
Dead bird
Carrion Jack
(0 posts)

Male Android Shifter (oozemorph) 1 (0 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Distan Baccini

Male Half-elf bard (detective) 2/fighter (unarmed fighter) 2 (40 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Eben MacTeague

*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 119/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 3/3 5th 1/4 4th, 2/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 40/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 3/3, Forzamele 3/3
(2,975 posts)

Endraj Aleallas
(0 posts)
Tweiford Shenk
Francrato Julus

Male Human Summoner (0 posts)
Generic Rogue
(14 posts)
Flying Blade
Hanlon 'Glitter' Prescott
(0 posts)
Harolde Lakatos, Esq.

Male Human Alchemist (Promethean Alchemist) 7 (1 post)
Damon Vancaskerkin

Male Human Mesmerist 1 (1 post)
Hugh Reynald

Male Human Wizard 4 (14 posts)
Man Consumed by Granule Construct Swarm
Injord Rykkard

Male Human Oracle (2 posts)
Stage Magician

Male Half-orc Summoner 1 (0 posts)
Holy Guide
Jenkin Ternham

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3— (191 posts)
Unselm Oldurac
Leuc Joslund

Male Aasimar (1 post)

Male Tiefling (Qlippoth-spawn) Spiritualist (phantom blade) 1/cavalier (0 posts)
Sosiel Vaenic
Sujani Ruhlan

Male Human (Vudrani) Fighter (lore warden) 1 (1 post)