Dwarf Wizard

Harbek Toruun's page

212 posts. Alias of Kip84.

2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

The Crossing Inn is a well-worn, heavy wooden structure perched above a row of keelboat docks on the east bank of the Trank River, south of the Phlan Path. It is a single level, with short perimeter walls and a towering faceted roof around a large central stone chimney. Upon entering, Krissina, Sera, and Glenda find a large, wood framed octagonal common room used for both eating and sleeping. It can comfortably hold up to 50 travelers overnight, and a good deal more if they squeeze in. At the moment, there is only a few staff with even fewer travelers.

A large man with a heavily scarred bald head watches you from a massive table near the front, next to a window. He fits the description of Romsan, the man who asked for you all to come... After a moment, he calls you over.

"Krissina, right? These are your friends? Welcome to Crossing Inn. I'm host and proprietor, Romsan Kal. I'm expecting another, a Paladin. Hopefully he'll be here soon, so take a seat and have a drink on the house."

One of Romsan staff comes over and he pours you each an ale from a clay jug, the front door opens again and in strides Hung and Rakish... the whole place tenses up and everyone is staring at the lizardman. It takes a minute before the staff member realises that Glenda's mug is overflowing and spilling onto the table. Romsan grabs a big cudgel and brandishes it, ready to charge...

2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

Discussion thread is open,

Please post with your character alias and let me know if you're spending any downtime or doing any shopping etc.

Also please add a tagline in your alias's Gender, race and class level fields similar to Rakish's.

The thundering boom of distant drums has emanated from the dangerous Twilight Marsh for the last tenday. Since they began, overnight disappearances of individuals and theft of valuable livestock have plagued farms, travelers, and small settlements around the Twilight Marsh and Trank River. The lizardfolk clans of the Twilight Marsh are immediately suspected. However, if the rumors are true, the clans are acting far more aggressively and ranging much farther outside the marsh than normal...

You've heard of these disappearances and thefts, and that the Inn keeper of the Crossing Inn, Romsan Kal, is organising search parties of hardy folk.

Rules for joining this game:

1) An AL legal PC of level 1-4

2) Post rate, I will do my best to post at least once a day on weekdays and I'd expect the same of you. Posting on weekends can be much more fluid for me sometimes I can post a lot, sometimes I'll only be able to post once.

3) Post your action even if it's not your turn. This speeds up the game. Actions can be reposted if necessary, and I can always alter your action to best suit you and your party.

4) Experience required: None! Even if you've never played 5e or AL, you can join!

5) Number of Players Required: 3-7

6) Acceptance is First Come, First Serve! Recruitment ends in one week or when we reach capacity. If you're new, have your PC built by the end of the week. If you're experienced, please point me in the direction of your log sheets.

7) A note about time zones. I live near the east coast of Australia. I've not found this to be much of an issue when running games but it's worth noting.

2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

Please dot this thread so the campaign is linked to your campaigns tab :)

Gameplay will begin as soon as characters are finalised.

2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

Discussion Thread open!

While in the city of Phlan or traveling nearby, you encounter this handbill posted on a wall or tree:

handbill wrote:
WANTED: Holy Knights, Blessed Warriors of the Gods, and other bold slayers of the Undead. Reward commensurate with risk. For particulars, contact Doomguide Yovir Glandon at Valhingen Graveyard, City of Phlan.

This is an Adventure's League adventure for levels 1-4.

This is an official game, so if you have an AL character, please have your log sheets and character sheets available for review.

If you are new to AL or do not have an eligible character, please use the following link to make a new character starting at level 1:
Adventure's League Players Guide

All players are welcome. New to AL? That's ok! New to 5e? No problem! Have any questions? Just ask.

Requirements for acceptance into this game:

  • Legal AL character of level 1-4
  • Previous log sheets, if any
  • A commitment to post at least once per 24 hours during the week for the duration of the game and to advise when you won't be able to post for more than 48hrs.

This game is expected to last anywhere from 4-12 weeks. If you do not post within the required time, you will either be botted or skipped, depending on the scene.

I of course will make the same commitment to post once every 24hrs to keep the game moving and to advise you of any unexpected absences.

Adventure Rewards:

  • 450-600 XP
  • 1 Permanent Magic item

I'll be recruiting 2-6 people for this game as I have a spot already reserved for AL DM (aka Bookrat)

Recruitment is on a first in best dressed basis and you don't need to have your character created to reserve a spot.

2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

Discussion is open.

2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

Posted in Neverwinter's city sqaure, taverns and inns, you saw the following flyer:

Enterprising Miner, Gundren Rockseeker, seeks hardy folk to deliver supplies to Phandalin. Enquire at the Wyvern's Rest inn.

For whatever reason, be it need for coin, general wanderlust, or trouble with the local authorities you decided to meet with the Dwarf and took the job. Through many rounds of ale the red bearded dwarf told you that he and his brothers have discovered "something big". He was clearly very excited and more than a little secretive but you agreed to join a party of folk to drive a wagonload of supplies to Barthen's Provisions, a trading post in the rough and tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days travel southeast of the city. The pay was to be 10 gold pieces each upon delivery.

After organising the supplies Gundren set out ahead of the wagon party on horse, along with a warrior escort named Silder Hallwinter, saying that he needed to arrive early to 'take care of Business'.

You've spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you've just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You've encounted no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail...

You should be able to click on the link "Lost Mine Maps" under my alias to join the Roll20 game and see an area map of the road you've been travelling.

Enterprising Miner, Gundren Rockseeker, seeks hardy folk to deliver supplies to Phandalin. Enquire at the Wyvern's Rest inn.

Anyone interested in playing through the DnD Starter Set adventure Lost Mines of Phandelver? This game would use Roll20 for maps so if that's a deal breaker for you, sorry : /

Character Creation:

  • Abilities: Standard Array, or 27 Point buy.
  • Races: Players handbook races are preferred but if you'd like to play something from another source then run it past me. (No Drow or Aarakocra)
  • Characters start at first level.
  • Equipment: Taken from Class and Background.
  • Feats and Varient Human are allowed
  • Spells may be chosen from the PHB, Elemental Evil players companion, or Sword Coast Adventurers Guide.
  • Unearthed Arcana character options will be allowed on a case by case basis.

    House Rules: My one house rule is that Inspiration can be used after the roll but before the GM tells you if you succeed or fail.

    If there is enough interest, recruitment will be open for 2 weeks.

  • 2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Please check in with your character alias

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps


    Episode I


    It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has spread from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere the Empire’s tyranny can be felt.

    Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor’s minions, agents of Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above Brentaal. Known to be a vocal opponent of the Empire, Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy.

    In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can reach the Senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for liberty rages on, and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn. . . .

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    Episode I


    It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has spread from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere the Empire’s tyranny can be felt.

    Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor’s minions, agents of Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above Brentaal. Known to be a vocal opponent of the Empire, Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy.

    In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can reach the Senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for liberty rages on, and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn. . .


    The Dawn of Defiance campaign opens some months after the rise of the Empire, with the Clone Wars a very recent and vivid memory for most beings in the galaxy. The Empire has begun tightening its grip on star systems throughout the galaxy, and Darth Vader stands at the newly declared Emperor’s right hand, crushing any opposition and hunting down the last remnants of the Jedi Order.

    In these short months since the fall of the Republic, many have joined the Empire willingly, including the Core Worlds whose Human nobles stand to benefit a great deal from its tyranny. Similarly, many others have begun rebelling against Imperial oppression, finding themselves driven out of their homes (or worse) and forced to live in a galaxy that tolerates no opposition to the Empire.

    I am looking to recruit 3-4 PCs for this game. I have one player already who started this module with me under a different gm earlier in the year.

    Character Creation rules:

    -4d6, drop the lowest for ability scores (You may do a complete reroll if you are unhappy with your first set. (Keep the best set)
    -No Ewoks, races from other sourcebooks are allowed as long as they are appropriate for the time period.
    -All classes available
    -Max starting credits for your class
    -Please roll (and pay) for Weapon licences as per pg 118-119 of the core rules if you want to be able to tote your weapons about on imperial controlled worlds.
    -A short backstory showing your characters motivation to fight against the Empire and a reason to be on / heading to Sel Zonn Station would be appreciated.

    You may have simply come to the station for the same reason as many to rest, relax, refuel, and prepare for the next leg of your journey OR you might be a criminal escaping justice on Brentaal, a fugitive Jedi on the run from the Empire, legitimate traders or businesspeople passing through, or nobles who have traveled to investigate their financial interests.

    Join Quinn, Brayken and Faunra in tracking down the Bandits that raided Kassen's Crypt!

    This campaign is following on from a Crypt of the Everflame PBP but some of the players have decided not to continue. So I'm looking for 1-2 characters. To be clear you will be jumping on board at the beginning of the module.

    Character Creation

    Level: 3 (average +1 for hp above 1st level.)
    Point Buy: 20 points
    Classes: no Gunslingers, Ninjas, Samurai or Swashbucklers (Sorry just my personal preference.)
    Races: Core rulebook
    Traits: None
    Alignments: No evil
    Starting Gold: 3000gp

    The continuing characters are a Rogue, a Fighter and a Ranger.

    Your Character has grown up in or has recently made their way to Kassen a town on the border of Nirmathas and Lastwall. There you've been contracted by a Pathfinder named Cygar to track down some bandits that raided Kassen's Crypt a few months ago and recover the artefacts they stole.

    This game is not for PFS credit.

    Join Quinn and Brayken in tracking down the Bandits that raided Kassen's Crypt!

    This campaign is following on from a Crypt of the Everflame PBP but some of the players have decided not to continue. So I'm looking for 2-3 characters.

    Character Creation

    Level: 3 (average +1 for hp above 1st level.)
    Point Buy: 20 points
    Classes: Core, (archetypes, feats and spells from the APG are allowed. If you really want to use something from another book run it past me and I'll probably ok it.)
    Races: Core
    Traits: None
    Alignments: No evil
    Starting Gold: 3000gp

    The continuing characters are a Rogue and a Fighter.

    Your Character has grown up in or has recently made their way to Kassen a town on the border of Nirmathas and Lastwall. There you've been contracted by a Pathfinder named Cygar to track down some bandits that raided Kassen's Crypt a few months ago and recover the artefacts they stole.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Picking up right where we left off

    During a lul in the harvest feast while the mayor is off mingling with some other townsfolk, a man dressed in dark greys and browns approaches the head table. " Good evening, honoured heroes. I am Cygar, a member of the Pathfinders. I've been speaking with the Mayor this afternoon and well he's told me about the bandits you found that had raided the Crypt. I'm a little concerned that they only seemed to be after these amulets but left everything else intact. That kind of thing always stinks of some powerful artefact... I think these Bandits need to be tracked down and I'm hoping you will help me. If your interested meet me at the docks in three days time. " he nods and then melts back into the crowd.

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Post below if your interested in continuing with the series and please dot the gameplay thread so the campaign will appear in your Campaigns Page.

    Once more into the breach!

    I'm looking for one or two players to join. Preferably an arcane caster and possibly another melee type.

    Here are the Character creation Guide lines laid down by the original Gm:

    Sources: Core Rulebook
    Point Buy: 20 points
    Classes: Core, no archetypes
    Races: Core
    Traits: None
    Alignments: No evil
    Starting Gold: Average

    The party has a Cleric, Rogue and a Fighter.

    We are about halfway through but there is still fun to be had!

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Our adventure begins in the town of Rhiannon. The slow process of rebuilding is well underway after recent raids by Orcs and Gnolls. Mayor Fellstone, an older man with short cropped dark hair and a beard, has asked you to a meeting at the town hall which is still under construction in some parts.

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    G'day Oberonviking, I'm just getting the threads ready. Are you going to play the pre gen for this one?

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    You've all received an invite to the Lantern Lodge in the petal district. Amara Li is hosting a celebration for the annual snapdragon festival. All attendees are encouraged to dress to impress and your invitations instruct you to meet with your hostess, the head of the Lantern Lodge upon your arrival. Only the luckiest or most influential pathfinders are invited to Amara Li's party. Those that do would be crazy to miss the opportunity...

    Let me know what you do to prepare for the party (if anything) and then introduce your character arriving at the party. 

    As you enter the Lantern Lodge grounds your senses are assaulted by the aroma of blooming orchids and flowing wine mixing with the acrid tang of recently exploded fireworks and the colourful flashes and pops of the current display. The sound of strangely discordant music comes from a duo of Tian women playing an unusual stringed instrument and a reed flute. The crowd mingles calmly, most guests clearly hoping to be seen more than actually paying attention to those with whom they converse, though the plum wine seems to have affected many who now move about the lodge's grounds waving sparkling wands of fire and shooting whirring, whizzing fireworks into the sky above the koi pond.

    Looking for 1-2 first level Pathfinders to join in on First Steps part 2. Participation in part one is not crucial and even if you'll level up to second level at the end of this scenario that's ok. (You just won't be able to follow on to part 3)

    Anything legal for PFS is ok by me. If your completely new to Pathfinder Society <HERE> is a link to the Guide to organised play PDF and <HERE> is a link to what is and isn't legal for play from the non core PF material.

    The current group consists of
    a cleric
    a Sorcerer
    a Magus
    and a Barbarian.
    But don't feel you need to cover a specific role play whatever you like.

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Please post below if you intend to participate :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Fresh of your induction into the Pathfinder Society and after months of training you finally find yourselves in the antechamber of Ambrus Valsins office, the venture captain in charge of the daily operations around the Grand Lodge. " Er, I'm sure the captain will be with you shortly, just chat amongst yourselves while you wait... And don't wander off. " Says the elderly servant who led you all here before he walks out of the room to go about the rest of his duties. The minutes drag on as you wait to be admitted to Ambrus's office and looking around the room you all realise how little time you've had over your training to get to know one other.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    Ok let's get started! Dot this when you get the chance and start building your character if you haven't got one ready to go.

    You'll also need to register with the Parhfinder Society if you haven't already. Let me know if you need help :)

    Just wondering if there is any way for a player of a pbp game to remove/hide a campaign from there own campaign page? I've played quite a few games where the Gms have disappeared and now I have ten campaigns listed when I really only play in four.

    2-1B Med Droid | Star Wars Handouts | Star Wars Maps | Lost Mine Maps | DDEX1-7 Marsh Maps

    cinematic starfield and music





    as the yellow writing fades an Imperial shuttle flashes past The shuttle tracks across the starfield before Imperial Centre (Corusant) rolls into view. The shuttle flies over the endless city scape before docking in a military base as Stormtroopers drill in the parade square. A middle aged officer with grey hair and a well trimmed goatee exits the shuttle and marches through the corridor, barking orders at loiterers. Soldiers passing snap to attention with crisp salutes. The officer opens a door off a corridor and swips a code cylinder across a panel, lights flick on and reveal a younger officer sitting at the front of a tiered seating style briefing room. The elder man is somewhat surprised at the younger mans presence but quickly recovers.

    Please roll your HP Rerolling 1s and 2s.

    This adventure will be set shortly before the completion of the first Death Star. The Rebel Alliance is beginning to become more than just a nuisance. You have been selected from various divisions of the Imperial Army to form a new commando unit to spearhead battles, investigate rebel sleeper cells, and control and react to rebel terrorism in the core worlds. Everyone have been chosen for their outstanding excellence in a particular field of expertise. We cannot allow the rebel scum to destroy everything that we have worked so hard to build!

    The Imperial Viewpoint:

    Not all Imperial characters are evil, soulless beings in thrall to the Emperor. By the time of the Battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine has been in power for nearly three decades. For many of the young men and women serving in the Empire's military forces, Emperor Palpatine's rule is all they have ever known. In their eyes, imperial rule is the status quo. Their parents might remember the frightening years leading up to the Clone Wars, the campaigns against the Confederacy and the duplicity of the Jedi.

    The past shows that Emperor Palpatine has single-handedly saved billions of loyal citizens from the enemies of his people, bringing the Republic back from the brink of anarchy. At a time when a strong hand is required to control the senate and the corruption that riddles it, the Emperor is unafraid of doing what is necessary. In the following years, he ensures that peace and prosperity become the right and privilege of every loyal imperial citizen. To deny these truths is to deny reality. A generation of loyal imperial citizens stand ready to defend their way of life. History is written by the victor, and Emperor Palpatine's victory over the Jedi has been told and retold a thousand times.

    Character Creation:
    Rules system: Saga StarWars (Main books used will be: Core rules, Galaxy at War and the Rebellion Era Campaign Guide. Material from other source books may be used after approval by the GM.)

    Species allowed: Human only

    Classes not allowed: Jedi. (also no one may select the force sensitive feat. Even rudimentary training in the force would have had you picked up by the Inquisitors long ago.)

    Stats: The following array will be used for stats
    Stat Array:
    17, 15, 14, 13, 10, 9
    Don't forget to add 1 to Two stats at Lvl 4

    Starting Level: 5

    The recently promoted Captain Quan Jenkins is looking for 5 specialists to fill the positions on his commando squad, think things like:

    Slicer (Computer hacker)
    Heavy Weapons specialist
    Mechanic/Demolitions expert

    Torchwood1879 (click for campaign page) was so much fun that I'm having trouble letting go as a player. If your interested and believe you could make this game your own I would be really grateful.

    A place to discuss the game :)

    It's been a tough 26 years for the new colony of SouthWelshland. The magic that makes life so easy in Londinium does not seem to function the same way twice in this strange land. Continual flame street lamps blowing up and almost burning Sydinium to the ground in the first year. Teams of unseen servants set to work the land going wild and even attacking their masters. Even the great sky ships come crashing to the ground randomly without any known cause!

    The solution was to build the colony on the back of prisoners, a solution that is also helping to clear out the streets of Londinium without the pressure of adding extra dementional space to the prisons!

    In 1813 a path was found over the great mountain range in the west. Lush grasslands were found on the other side and Governess Maquarie ordered a road built to the other side and the first inland town called Bastion (Bass-Tee-on) to be founded. In 1814 thirty-four convicts set out to build the road under the whip, which brings us to our story...

    Four convicts sit in the shadows of the great mountains watching the sun fall in the west. Caught for crimes real or imagined, chained together and forced to build a road, Bralla, Bruce, Roland, and Rueben.

    Today is the anniversary of the founding of SouthWelshland and 8 of the guards are celebrating over by their own bonfire about 65ft away. Two guards are posted near you (about 15ft away) to watch over the convicts but they've snuck a bottle away from the party and as the darkness deepens you watch them drink themselves into a stupor. Perhaps tonight is the opportunity for a daring escape!

    The four of you are chained together by the right ankle and the chain is bolted to a stake in the ground. You also don't have your gear, except for perhaps one secreted item as small or smaller than a dagger (slight of hand DC14)

    The camp is surrounded by bushland except for the area you've been clearing for the road. Ghostly white trunks of gumtrees sprout out of the thick underbrush. A couple of miles to the south on a hill, you can see the lighted window from a house of some kind.