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I love the way the witchwarper sounds like it is going to play, but the character art just looks so clunky. Why all the chonk?


Is anyone else confused by these two knacks. the level two seems better except for the higher level ability to get underwater and flying vehicles.

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My favorite part about starfinder is how completely modular the classes are. An entire party of players who all chose to play a single class can build each PC entirely differently.

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Did anyone else notice that in the red shift revolution art from the competitors section they have drawn the Worlanisi as being incredibly tall?

I know it's not posted on the product page but I was wondering if anyone knew from some other source which species were actually going to be included into the new book?

Leon Aquilla wrote:

Whelp, we got our answer. Interstellar Species.

I'm happy about the new rules for creating my own species (Space Centaurs here I come), but eh...I don't think we needed an "Advanced Species Guide" for Starfinder. It already has way more options than Pathfinder 2e.

However I WILL take the NPC list!

Other than Pact Worlds there hasn't been any NPC lists, something I criticized Near Space for. I know what a generic mercenary's CR should be, or a Hellknight, or Iomedaen. I have no idea what your average Vesk soldier's CR should be, or what equipment comes standard in their armed forces.

Wait where is this info from, how do I confirm?


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Also corpse fleet ships are canonically usually not airtight.

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Kishmo wrote:
Does anyone else remember, in one of the 2021 PaizoCon or GenCon panels, some Paizo Person saying that there was a new "god of awakened AI & sapient star ships that is itself an awakened starship" in Galactic Magic? I swore someone said that, and I remember being really excited about it...except, it's not there :D

I, too, remember something like that being said, and was also excited. I now believe the statement might have been about Accelsys, who's avatar is a spaceship, and the thought about it being about awakened AI and sapient starships was more of my inference as a fan rather than the explicitly stated fact of the situation.


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Xenocrat wrote:

Asmodeus doesn't have some divine right to be worshipped. It's not weird that a sophisticated, cosmopolitan society like the Pact Worlds doesn't have a critical mass of devil worshippers. In PF1 his status as a core god was contingent and historically new with the ascension of house Thrune establishing a base of operation and positin of superiority in one of the most important nations of the setting that no one else could successfully invade and overthrow during at least the last several decades.

If you need a deity of law in Starfinder, Abadar has you covered. The slavery and tyranny aspects don't fit in the Pact Worlds, you either need to be in control of some territory ala Cheliax/Thrune or competing for individual souls. He's just being outcompeted in the modern era and no significant planetary governments have been successfully held by his worshippers

I mean it is mentioned that a Malebranche (read Minor devil god) rules an entire planet in the book, which is then by default a subject of Asmodeus. And in the back of one of the adventure paths we learn of a "vacation" planet owned and operated by hell. Not making an argument for giving Asmodeus more love in any future books, just adding more info.


i cannot find a reference to gneblin on the starfinder page you provided.

Ashbourne wrote:
Zo! wrote:
Ixal wrote:
The main reason why people would visit Eox would probably be its lax laws and the ability to engage in certain vice without reprecussion (at least regarding the law).

"Heh, I sponsored a band that was going through Dead Suns for an Eoxian concert! They were a great band, with a really badass name, We ate Golarian. They didn't think much of Eox's vices, though. They kept whining about the lack of restaurants, bars, toilets and the like. Though one of them had a little fling with my assistant, Wazasha, and it only took a major healing at clinic to restore him afterwards, so there is that...."

Eox's restaurants and accomodations for the living leave much to be desired...

Sounds like someone deserves an "I went to Eox! and survived!" T-shirt

note to self "get-rich plan," install pay to use toilets on Eox!
I can see people rebelling against that idea chanting "flush free or die!"

So the musical Urinetown takes place on Eox.


Ixal wrote:
Sputt wrote:

There's a new movie out, and it's in a 3d format. You want to transmit it to the next planet over. Distance and transmission speed isn't something you can change without handwavey "space magic!".

You already have space magic as according to the core book messages take 1d6-1 hours intra-system, specifically breaking the laws of physics. So the only question is bandwidth.

And if you do not want to use space magic, there are always technological means to ensure large scale communication between planets like laser communication between relay satellites in orbit of the individual planets.

You know, with just some cursory googling, I found out that Pluto is only about five and a half light hours away from the earth. And only 4-6 light hours from the sun dependent on its orbital location. Which makes the 1d6-1 hours rather within the realm of possibility and you can always just say it takes the maximum five hours to send an interplanetary message, if that makes you feel better.


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So when scrolling over the art in the new blog about Jessica Catalan joining the
Starfinder Team, the art identifies itself as "Many Souls Android". What do we think that means?


While mech rules do seem interesting. I'm pretty stoked for the more robust hacking rules. and lore always makes me wanna buy the new books.

Claxon wrote:
Those sound like fine house rules, but I strongly doubt Paizo is going to make any adjustments. It works fine as is, even if it misses thematic mark a bit.

Every race with alternate ability scores and racial traits worked fine as is and then they gave them new abilities when they expanded on those races in later books, specifically the aforementioned Android. This thread is to start a discussion of ideas and is in direct response to the survey that Paizo themselves put out about expanding on the races that we have already seen. My hope is that this thread will help show excitement for seeing new things about planar scions, at the very least it will be fun to discuss,


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In the Character Operations Manual we are introduced to the Xenomorphic Android and the ways in which it would change an androids base abilities. With the Starfinder Species Survey, Pathfinder 2E making Planar Scions a versatile ancestry, and the Dawn of Flame using Ifrits of ancestries other than human, I would like to open the discussion of the changes that might be made to Planar Scions abilities when they come from other races.

Ex. Lashunta Ifrit- Both Lashuntas and Efreeti have telepathy in some form, but RAW Ifrits do not. I put forward that Lashunta Ifrits should still have limited Telepathy. Also, Lashuntas naturally have the cantrip Psychokinetic Hand and Ifrits have limited uses of the spell Overheat, these could be replaced with a modified version of Telekinetic Projectile that instead of 1d6 Bludgeoning damage would instead due 1d6 Bludgeoning and Fire. This could be contextualized as losing fine motor control provided by Psychokinetic hand and adding a bit of the natural affinity for fire to a inborn telekinetic ability.

seth47er wrote:

In Starfinder A.I. can attract a soul once they become complex enough that is a thing and Its how S.R.O. and androids came about Right?

And in the star-ship operations manual they talk about ships with V.A.I. will eventually grow into proper A.I. and gain a soul right?

So finally getting my point, a lot of gods in pathfinder/Starfinder had a mortal soul at some point right? So by that extension can a Star-ship become a God?

So in summation, Is there such a thing as Star-ships soul? And what would a Star-ship god be like? You know other than having the Travel cleric domain.

Triune the all code is a combination of three AI that had ascended to godhood separately and then united into one. So a starship AI could canonically transcend to godhood but there is already a god of AI.


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I think a hanakan would ne the best choice for a velociraptor like race.
- Greystoke

anyone know what the sea skeleton is?

Wouldn't that just be an SRO?

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Does anyone know what's coming after "Fly Free or Die"? Usually we would know by now right?

I miss this so much!!!!!

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
...But I even enjoy armor Solarians so some would say that utterly discredits me.
I for one don't. My first Starfinder character, who I am still playing, is an armor Solarian and he's still one of my favorites! His solar armor looks like angel wings!

My Armor Solarian is a worshiper of Besmara and his armor takes the form of black kraken tentacles that manifest out of his tattoos.


C4M3R0N wrote:

I'm curious if xenomorphic androids are a valid choice in this campaign?

As for a suggestion, I'd say Rome or another large, historic "peak" society could be fitting. Probably New Rome though if you're pulling real history into it though.

Yes all android options are viable, and this will end up being a planet within the Starfinder universe, so no real history.


I'm looking to start a synthetic campaign. Players will only be allowed to play Androids, Amarantah, SROs, and Trinir (Borai and Varculak are ok if they were an Android when alive).

What I am looking for is the name of the nation in which they live and maybe some towns or regions. The nation is a monarchy whose royal "family" and houses is made up of androids.

The working name is Apparaterras, a clumsy portmanteaux of apparatus and terra.

Starfinders Gods and Magic book seconded

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The board games in armory keep being brought up as a ridiculous pricing example, but these games provide a specific and extraordinary effect. Your players want to buy shoots and ladders tell them its a credit and move on but if they want to purchase the uber rare magical version of ultra risk that guarantees to sharpen their mind it might be more expensive and harder to find.

Senko wrote:
Asimar and Kitsune for me.

Aasimar And tieflings are in alien archive 2.


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Berselius wrote:
I'm also now hoping we get a Xenodruid class! :D

Mystic with the xenodruid connection.


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I can't get to the website!


Thread necro but with the addition of COM it makes for some new choices to make. Also, decided to focus on the characters as we first meet them and not any of there upper level changes:

Keyleth: Xenodruid mystic of course.

VAx'ildan: stays a operative but the specific choices may have changed.

Pike: mystic maybe a healer with a soldier dip or a crusader taking heavy armor and shield proficiency.

Grog: easily a wrathful warrior soldier. THought it might be good to make him a gravity dweller human with the adopted racial trait (stone giants)

Percy: royal scion themed Experimantal weapon (long arm) Mechanic with also taking sniper proficiency.

Now for the interesting bits.

Scanlan: with the addition of a charisma caster witchwarper we can use this for scanlan, but i think it might be more thematic to make scanlan a magical expertise envoy with the spell gem improvisation.

Vex'ahlia: could stay an operative with stunt and strike instead of trick attack, but there is the new hunter soldier style and soldiers can use dex, both with a bow of course. The real fun question is does she have the creature companion feat chain (which would lean toward soldier) or is she a skyfire centurion with an uplifted bear friend nicknamed trinket?


Thread necro but with the addition of COM it makes for some new choices to make. Also, decided to focus on the characters as we first meet them and not any of there upper level changes:

Keyleth: Xenodruid mystic of course.

VAx'ildan: stays a operative but the specific choices may have changed.

Pike: mystic maybe a healer with a soldier dip or a crusader taking heavy armor and shield proficiency.

Grog: easily a wrathful warrior soldier. THought it might be good to make him a gravity dweller human with the adopted racial trait (stone giants)

Percy: royal scion themed Experimantal weapon (long arm) Mechanic with also taking sniper proficiency.

Now for the interesting bits.

Scanlan: with the addition of a charisma caster witchwarper we can use this for scanlan, but i think it might be more thematic to make scanlan a magical expertise envoy with the spell gem improvisation.

Vex'ahlia: could stay an operative with stunt and strike instead of trick attack, but there is the new hunter soldier style and soldiers can use dex, both with a bow of course. The real fun question is does she have the creature companion feat chain or is she a skyfire centurion with an uplifted bear friend nicknamed trinket?

My Particular interpretation is that androids don't "need" to breathe, but they do. Their body, being based off of living organisms, still has a function that acts like lungs. This leads to the absence of air being meaningless but the presence of something that is not air is very important. Both the breathing in of toxins and poisons in the air as well as drowning now are feasible dangers for an android.


playable robot race called SRO is found in the pact worlds book.

Still a fan of Starfinder Wednesdays, always catch the vod. But that being said with the fan club thread being moved to a different page I always forget to check the thread. Which seems to be a moot point anyways since the thread mostly seems to have died since the move.

ok but Batman is definitely a gadgeteer operative, improved unarmed combat feat, you could give him the icon theme for the fame of bruce wayne.

If you are going to GM there is probably no better second book than the first alien archive. It has the npc creation rules that are invaluable.

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What is the next STarfinder WEdnesday about?

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Most conspiracy theories (lizard overlords, faked moon landing, aliens hidden in area fifty one, etc.) are completely ridiculous. These preposterous theories take away any meaning from the word conspiracy, whose definition is:

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
"a conspiracy to destroy the government"
synonyms: plot, scheme, stratagem, plan, machination, cabal, intrigue, palace intrigue; More
the action of plotting or conspiring.
"they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice"
synonyms: plotting, collusion, intrigue, connivance, machination, collaboration; treason
"he was due to stand trial for conspiracy to murder"

Conspiracies are actual things, such as a conspiracy to commit murder. But tinfoil theorists take power away from what should be considered a serious word and turned it ridiculous.

breithauptclan wrote:
Greydoch wrote:

I had the idea that fusions seals still took twenty four hours to attune, but you could attune more than one at a time. Since it says it takes a minute to put the fusion seal on you could take that minute to switch out two fusion seals. ex. one level five hammer attuned to both a flaming fusion seal and a frost fusion seal (both level five fusions) it can't have both at the same time but it would only take a minute to switch between them as necessary.


Oooh, I like it. Let me repeat this to make sure I have it right.

So the first time you put a fusion seal on a weapon, it takes the normal 24 hours to attune to the item and start taking effect. But then you can remove the fusion seal (and optionally attach a different one) without losing that attunement. By attaching the fusion seal back onto that same weapon, it attunes almost immediately. If you instead put the fusion seal onto a different weapon, it will take another 24 hours to attune to that weapon and will lose its attunement to the first weapon.

This still allows keeping a stash of weapon fusion seals on hand to respond to the current adventure. However, it prevents abuse of doing things like sharing fusion seals with the other players, or immediately using a looted fusion seal.

That is exactly the idea.

breithauptclan wrote:
It does also prevent using your own stash of fusion seals with your own backup weapons and such. Which may or may not be a bad thing. Depends on play style I guess. It also would be easy enough to instead houserule that the fusion attunes to you instead of your weapon, at which point you could use your stash of fusion seals on your backup weapons.

Hadn't really thought about this part, but attuning the seal to yourself is an interesting addition.


I had the idea that fusions seals still took twenty four hours to attune, but you could attune more than one at a time. Since it says it takes a minute to put the fusion seal on you could take that minute to switch out two fusion seals. ex. one level five hammer attuned to both a flaming fusion seal and a frost fusion seal (both level five fusions) it can't have both at the same time but it would only take a minute to switch between them as necessary.


Ravingdork wrote:
Nerdy Canuck wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Nerdy Canuck wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
That already exists, the Launch Tube from Pact Worlds.
And this is what I get for only checking the Core Book.
Do you know of the Archives of Nethys? It's the official rules repository for all things Starfinder. It has all of the races, classes, feats, gear, and other rules from all of the books all in one place.
Yeah, but I've noticed the odd error there, and it's often easier to CTRL+F through the PDF if I remember the language more than the location.

I've found the archive's search function to be more than adequate. Unlike the PDFs, where I can only find a single item at a time, the archive allows me to search by theme. For example, if I want to make a telepath, I can quickly search every feat, device, racial ability, and spell with the word "telepathy." Or when making a sniper, I could reorder the weapons tables to show me all the weapons in order of longest to shortest range.

Though you're right that there is an odd mistake here and there, I usually just hit the "contact us" button in the left sidebar and email a quick link and note to them so that it gets fixed right up (which they're really great about).

My Buddy says he sent them an email about a missing core god and he says they still haven't updated to add him.


You know, once The Character Operations Manual Drops there will be two new roles for starship combat.

I thought it was interesting that they picked a Kasatha For the Biohacker. Must mean that they really want to show off the classes ability to use wisdom as its key stat.

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Verces has the added benefit of being in a constant light state. With constant night or twilight, heists and intrigue can follow a different time table.

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Pantshandshake wrote:

Really, Starfinder? Belladonna? Does our FTL spaceship's doctor also recommend urethral mercury injections for what ails you?

Or how about a nice laudanum tincture for my dizzy spells?

Or maybe a Magical malady needs a magical cure. Which Belladonna is known for its use in folklore. Besides the fact that a good deal of medicines even in the modern day are derived from plants although after extensive extraction and manipulation. Would you prefer they call the medicine Lycosatril™ for those who won't let lycanthropy get in the way ( Please consult your Doctor to see if Lycosatril™ is right for you)?


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Ixal wrote:
BPorter wrote:

3. Poor little Absalom Station only has 980,000 humans. Cuvacara has 3 million humans. Arl has almost 7 million humans. Yet, Absalom Station is portrayed as the center of human society. This only makes sense if Absalom Station is the primary place where humans can significantly wield power.

And dont forget Striving. That Acanite city has 152 million inhabitans, 13% of it human which means just short of 20 million, making it by far the largest human community in the system.

Yet I doubt that the intention was to make Aballon the center of humanity and they just didnt calculate things through.

It really makes me wonder how those places are supposed to look like. Even the Pact World book doesn't really give me any information about the actual day to day life and actual state of development of a planet. Apparently it needs a big adventure to get some information about that.
Castrovel is in a Dead Sun adventure, right? I have to read that when I get the chance. Triaxus hasn't appeared in an AP yet as far as I am aware. I wonder if it will be as rural as the Zo entry makes it look like or if it approaches an European population density (from the high level description it seems to be the most likely to do so from all planets imo) and what that means to the overal population numbers of Ryphorians, Dragonkin and true dragons.

A little real world numbers that help this make more sense, but about thirty three million people claim Irish descent in america. This compares with the 6.7 million people that actually populate Ireland. Does that make America the center of Irish culture?


I mean there is skittershot. And I'm not sure but I believe most of the SFS scenarios are one-shots.

Tectorman wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I personally wish there were more swords with the operative trait than the sword cane. I'd really like play a character who dual-wields swords, and dual-wielding sword-canes seems kind of silly.

Or just not making the player's decision to play an Operative (a decision that can easily come about for reasons that have nothing to do with weapon choice) dictate what weapons he uses.

"So what class do you want to play?"
"I'm looking for a skillsy type, though not a face."
"Okay, that sounds like the Operative class."
"Sure, I'll do that thing."
"And of course, I can freely assume that you only want to be using pistols and knives."
"I... you... no. Just... no. How are you getting "only wants pistols and knives" out of what I said?"

It was a sucky aesthetic limitation in 4E, and it remains sucky no matter what other games continue to perpetuate that mistake.

The operative property is a mechanics specification and has nothing to do with being able to wield it. It provides a specific benefit that Archpaladin Zousha is looking for. It's not that he cant duel wield swords, it's that he wants those swords to have a specific benefit and probably to benefit from the specific dual wielding feat.


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Berggen wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Would a female sex even be identifiable as such if the reproduction bottleneck was instead with the host? *mumbles off into semi coherent biology...*
Sure, the female is the one that provides the larger gamete, the male is the one that provides the smaller gamete. What's a little unclear is whether the host has a gamete or some other way of providing genetic information, since the host does contribute genetic information.

What I mean is that the traits that define female are the product of the larger energy contribution in growing and maintaining the young, the level of sexual dimorphism tending towards proportional to the difference of energy contribution. The host is apparently the one that would apply to rather than the larger gamete.

I would propose to think of the host like a living nest whose body influences the way that the lifeform within grows. Without getting too graphic, the sexual interaction between a male and female would be mostly the same for an egg laying species. Then we could imagine an extra step in which the egg is laid within the host to continue incubation, much like many insect species who use other creatures to lay there eggs in, it just so happens that this species has a dedicated sex(who won't die) for this particular step of the process.


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