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Organized Play Member. 371 posts. 17 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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This was always my favorite set of adventures. I always thought of it as a mini AP, before there were 3 issue APs. Personally, I liked the very early days of Golarion best, as it was much more open world.

I got the "Extinction Curse" AP as part of a Humble Bundle a few months ago. I'm planning on running it in Khorvaire, but Aroden has me in a bit of a bind. Part 2 has the players in his dilapidated temple. He is quite significant to the backstory.

Aroden stole the orbs that make up the towers on the story from the troglodyes in the underground. He also infused them with his energy, and when he died, the magic began to fail.
So the question is, who is Aroden in Eberron? All the world's major players are either evil or not on Khorvaire. Eberron's gods are also not an option.

Has there been any official word on buying singles? I could use a mitt full of electrovores and the garaggakal looks perfect for a Mythos setting.

Don't forget the Doritos and Mountain Dew monsters from back in the magazine days...

I know what I want for my avatar!

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Not to spoil anything, but there can be some really neat options for shirrens if the campaign continues a certain way, or if a DM wants to use some of the tasty tidbits dropped in "Fate of the Fifth". Playing a shirren can give you some great role playing options.

I really like this set. Although I paint my own minis, and proudly so, I might buy some of this.

Is Jason Bulmahn that big in real life or is that just photo editing?

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You guys have got to get Logue and Pett on this one. They did some of the original horror circuses and theaters in Golarion.

Dumb question, but where can I get Arueshalae's cards?

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Such a shame to see litter in Golarion's oceans. Did anyone else see the plastic ring 6 pack holder at the bottom of the float?

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I said it before: we really need a Fumbus and Droven book. I'd buy it, then put it in the library for everyone to enjoy.

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I really liked the little softcover book that came out when PF online came out. It was called "Thorn"-something, maybe? I could care less for the part about the Goblinworks game development, but the rest is pure gold. So many hooks in there and lots of little points about the village and its residents. That book was a total sleeper hit for me. I'd like to see this again for the online version of Kingmaker. Even if the stat blocks are in another format, I'll still buy it if it's as good as its predecessor.

I looked through the last bit of the magic items section on crafting your own magic items. Not an overly inspiring part of the Core Book--it's really lacking. Anyway, I decided that to have enchanted clothes, you would have to have masterwork clothes. I added +150 gp to the cost of a basic set of clothes. Thematically, this represents special fabrics that take to enchantments, whereas normal cotton etc. won't. I decided that it would take up the armour slot, just to keep things balanced.

My setting of choice is Eberron, and it makes sense that enchanted clothes would be an item available for purchase in large cities. Not everyone runs around in armour. Magewrights who are tailors would offer enchanted clothes for purchase.

I totally forgot about the decrease in value of selling things, thank you very much for reminding me. I do like my low-level consumables.

When I read the rod of create water, I thought it would be create food and water, so I way overpriced it. We're in the city working for the university, so I'm quite familiar with arcane cantrips, divine not so much. The wand is actually worth about half the stated amount, as it only has 28 charges.

Thank you everyone for the great responses! I'm off to build a few treasure caches, as I'm apparently a bit cheap with the loot.

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I full well know the snow is melting and the Shirren should be coming out of hibernation or the bumblebee dance or whatever they do out there in Winnipeg.

I had some great customer service moments working for Wal-Mart. You'll never know what the Wal-Martians will do next. One time someone took a crap in a crockpot and put it back on the shelf. I thought it was hilarious and everyone thought it was me who did the deed. It wasn't my crock of s~&*, that's for sure.

Anyway, I got an excellent deal on the first Starfinder AP at the FLGS and I'm converting it over to PF1. There seems to be a great difference in price for things like arms and armour, being that the SF version is way more expensive than the PF versions. Why? This does explain why the first volume of the AP had so much treasure. I also assumed that owning a ship and upgrading it was one of the major draws of the AP and this is why there is a larger amount of treasure than in a PF AP.

I'm hoping you will comment and help me sort out my awkward treasure situation.

Great! I have that book as part of a Humble Bundle I purchased years ago. I will certainly have a boo. Thanks!

I did consider the PCs missing treasure when I read the sections in the book. Most of the treasure in this volume actually doesn't require a perception check. The awesome sword requires a STR CD 14 to retrieve, which I thought most martial characters could make without problems.

I'm converting Starfinder's first AP over into Pathfinder and decided that turning tempweave armour into an enchanted Traveler's outfit would be the way to go. However, I can find no information on making enchanted clothes. I want to add endure elements to the clothes, as this most closely mirrors the tempweave as I have researched. Also, enchanted clothes will give the PCs an interesting armour option, as essentially this will replace an armour item in my house rules. Endure elements is not on the "permanent" spell list, either. How much would it cost to make endure elements permanent? How would you determine the cost of making such an item? If there is official cannon on the Emperor's New Clothes, that would be great; I would happily buy the ruleset.


After careful reading of the Core Book on calculating treasure amounts for your PCs, I determined the following:

At level one, the average wealth of a core class PC is 115 (I averaged the classes.) I subtracted this from 1000, then multiplied by 4 (number of PCs) to get 3540 as the total amount of treasure they should earn before hitting second level.

Then I went ahead and calculated the cost of all the treasure items in "Eulogy for Rosalar's Coffer" that the PCs would get before level 2. I got a staggering 9257 gp worth of treasure. I calculated the bead of blessing as costing 600 gp and the potion of Cure moderate wounds at 300 gp each. I calculated the wand of create water at 6300 gp. I probably screwed up here because...

The treasure earned by the PCs in Paizo's core product is astronomical compared to what I determined my PCs should be earning. What am I doing wrong?

Wyrwoods! Might we finally have an answer to what to use for Warforged?

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Being hard of hearing, I'd love if it was subtitled properly or if a transcript would be made available.

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I smell a Fumbus and Droven book on the wind... Smells kind of briny and sour. Now if only Fumbus could steal a shoe for the other foot.

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That last photo(?) crosses the uncanny valley for me.

I certainly think I'm the hero that makes things worse by trying to fix them. I have no skill ranks in Knowledge(Home Improvement). Any more tantalizing details? For me, these sound kind of like Tian Xia dragons, the atypical kind that are revered, until they are mad at you.

Will the PDFs of subscription products drop on monday? I can wait for the paper copies, but to have the PDFs would be nice.

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

I am at a strange place with this AP.

The summary for the whole thing puts me off, as it has a too high fantasy feel (and also sounds almost the same as Legacy of Fire, efreeti invasion and all) but the individual books descriptions all sound good.

Actually, this is what draws me to this AP, like a moth to a flame. (Pun totally intended!) I've been wanting to use the Alluria Publishing Cerulean Seas setting since I bought it last winter. The idea of bubble cities works well for me, and there are teleportation pools in the psionics book, so I think this could work. Not a journey to the sun, but the steaming hot core in the deepest parts of the ocean, where aboleths and other evil creatures swim.

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Meanwhile, in Canada we have been having an epidemic of people getting stuck in donation bins and dying. Apparently, since 2015 eight people have died this way. It's sad, because most of these people are the kind of people who are given the clothing inside. The bins were designed to prevent theft. Really, if you are trying to steal a coat from a donation bin, you're probably the kind of person who needs such an item, not a Kramer wanna be who's selling vintage ski jackets on ebay. Just let them steal the damned things. It's not worth anyone dying over.

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Today's nerd conversation:

My 5 year old nephew: "Spider Man is awesome!"

Me: "Batman is cooler than Spider Man."

D: "No way, Spider Man is way better than Batman. His powers are way better. Batman's got nothing on Spider Man."

Me: "Batman could totally own Spider Man. He could buy him three times over. He'd make him shine his shoes or something."

D: "Yeah, that's true."

Me: "He'd like hire him to clean houses and stuff. He'd be like, "Peter, are those your cobwebs over there? I thought I told you to dust this place, man'."

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It's not the first time "Dramatic Changes" in a story line or setting happen to foreshadow a new edition. Monte Cook states how in "Ptolus" he foreshadowed the move to a new edition by having another moon in the sky. When the moon finally revealed itself, the PCs were reborn in the new edition. I thought that was darn clever.

Wow. You guys start work almost a whole year before an AP is published. I'm curious to see what will kick off 2nd Ed. Sandpoint I think has had its fair share, so let's see what 2nd ed's equivalent will be.

150 published adventures is quite a feat, indeed. I don't think I've even read that many. What are the Order's favorite 10 they've played or DMed?

Of course, if you liked this one, you can always venture to Bloodcove in the old GameMastery "River into Darkness"

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I love the sea monster. Who produces that miniature?

Every cleric should have access to Warded ouch.

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Maybe, just maybe "The Pit" will feature in the next Pathfinder Module? Bonus points if you put a pendulum trap in there somewhere. I would.

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Outpost Zed. Oh Canada, I thought that was great.

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Thursty, you're a smart cookie. How do I make an NPC minotaur brawler with the avalanche whatever archetype? I don't want him to have the standard axe in the Bestiary 1 profile 'cause he's a brawler. He doesn't need an axe when he charges everything with those awesome horns.

His background is from the Eberron: Stormreach book, he is Kolos of the Red Ring and in my campaign he's something of a s~@& disturber. He's trying to create a union of sorts for gladiators and generally making enemies of the stable masters and in turn, one of the mayors of the city.

Also, speaking of freelancing, have you considered writing for Raging Swan? One of my other favorite authors, Richard Pett, wrote for them recently. Since Logue seems to have crawled down a hole somewhere, I don't think we'll get a RS village backdrop from him. So you should totally write one to scratch that itch. They also advertise as having one of the best freelance rates in the business...

The old City of Brass boxed set from Necromancer Games is great, I really enjoyed it. They are putting out a new City of Brass, but it is for WotC's version of D&D. Still, it sounds really cool and might be worth purchasing the PDF for the fluff alone.

The first D&D magazine I ever "bought" was the one about the shadow plane with the really cool scarred rogue on the front. It was given to me without the cover from the truck stop I used to work for. I know you're not supposed to do that, but I've bought thousands of dollars worth of product since, so it worked out for the publisher all right!

Point being, I have a special love of the plane of shadow and am especially excited for this volume.

So far, this seems to have a Reign of Winter vibe to me. Lots of really weird stuff all mixed together to somehow work.

Also, there are adventures available for purchase that involve the PCs waking up dead. One of which is an Asian-inspired idea involving reincarnation.

On another note, I love the playing card art of Eutropia that was spoiled. I think what we need is this piece of art done in a harrowing card style to honour Crystal.

I'm happy Crystal is writing the article to wrap the whole thing up. Reading through it this has been my favorite AP to date.

Standard thickness or WoTC thickness?

Since no one asked it: PF original or 2.0?

I'm not usually thrilled about prepainted minis, as I take great pride in painting my own, but this set does have me thinking I might just buy a few packs.

Will this be available as a free download or is the softcover the only way to experience the adventure?

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Excited for the quests. Hopefully they will tie nicely into "Gallows of Madness" as a continuation for new players into the land of Isger.

The goblin with the pickles is adorable! I'll have to add this to my order.

I'm planning to send PCs to Kaidan in the EN World "The Gift" series of adventures. Problem is, they don't start these adventures until they are level 5. The major adventure hook involves a merchant sailing to Kaiden, and I'd like to have the PCs use him as a patron. What kind of adventure hooks could he offer? I'm thinking of having the PCs gather supplies of some sort, either cargo or boat parts. Any ideas to flesh out these hooks would be great. I'm willing to buy adventures or modules that would work.

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I ordered centipede bones minis from reaper. When they came I was upset because the picture showed 2 different minis. I wrote them and told them I wanted the ones in the picture. They wrote back and told me to rotate one 90 degrees and I'd have the ones pictured. Boy do I feel dumb.