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Organized Play Member. 371 posts. 17 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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This was always my favorite set of adventures. I always thought of it as a mini AP, before there were 3 issue APs. Personally, I liked the very early days of Golarion best, as it was much more open world.

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Not to spoil anything, but there can be some really neat options for shirrens if the campaign continues a certain way, or if a DM wants to use some of the tasty tidbits dropped in "Fate of the Fifth". Playing a shirren can give you some great role playing options.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys have got to get Logue and Pett on this one. They did some of the original horror circuses and theaters in Golarion.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Such a shame to see litter in Golarion's oceans. Did anyone else see the plastic ring 6 pack holder at the bottom of the float?

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I said it before: we really need a Fumbus and Droven book. I'd buy it, then put it in the library for everyone to enjoy.

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I really liked the little softcover book that came out when PF online came out. It was called "Thorn"-something, maybe? I could care less for the part about the Goblinworks game development, but the rest is pure gold. So many hooks in there and lots of little points about the village and its residents. That book was a total sleeper hit for me. I'd like to see this again for the online version of Kingmaker. Even if the stat blocks are in another format, I'll still buy it if it's as good as its predecessor.

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I full well know the snow is melting and the Shirren should be coming out of hibernation or the bumblebee dance or whatever they do out there in Winnipeg.

I had some great customer service moments working for Wal-Mart. You'll never know what the Wal-Martians will do next. One time someone took a crap in a crockpot and put it back on the shelf. I thought it was hilarious and everyone thought it was me who did the deed. It wasn't my crock of s&%!, that's for sure.

Anyway, I got an excellent deal on the first Starfinder AP at the FLGS and I'm converting it over to PF1. There seems to be a great difference in price for things like arms and armour, being that the SF version is way more expensive than the PF versions. Why? This does explain why the first volume of the AP had so much treasure. I also assumed that owning a ship and upgrading it was one of the major draws of the AP and this is why there is a larger amount of treasure than in a PF AP.

I'm hoping you will comment and help me sort out my awkward treasure situation.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Being hard of hearing, I'd love if it was subtitled properly or if a transcript would be made available.

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I smell a Fumbus and Droven book on the wind... Smells kind of briny and sour. Now if only Fumbus could steal a shoe for the other foot.

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That last photo(?) crosses the uncanny valley for me.

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

I am at a strange place with this AP.

The summary for the whole thing puts me off, as it has a too high fantasy feel (and also sounds almost the same as Legacy of Fire, efreeti invasion and all) but the individual books descriptions all sound good.

Actually, this is what draws me to this AP, like a moth to a flame. (Pun totally intended!) I've been wanting to use the Alluria Publishing Cerulean Seas setting since I bought it last winter. The idea of bubble cities works well for me, and there are teleportation pools in the psionics book, so I think this could work. Not a journey to the sun, but the steaming hot core in the deepest parts of the ocean, where aboleths and other evil creatures swim.

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Meanwhile, in Canada we have been having an epidemic of people getting stuck in donation bins and dying. Apparently, since 2015 eight people have died this way. It's sad, because most of these people are the kind of people who are given the clothing inside. The bins were designed to prevent theft. Really, if you are trying to steal a coat from a donation bin, you're probably the kind of person who needs such an item, not a Kramer wanna be who's selling vintage ski jackets on ebay. Just let them steal the damned things. It's not worth anyone dying over.

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Today's nerd conversation:

My 5 year old nephew: "Spider Man is awesome!"

Me: "Batman is cooler than Spider Man."

D: "No way, Spider Man is way better than Batman. His powers are way better. Batman's got nothing on Spider Man."

Me: "Batman could totally own Spider Man. He could buy him three times over. He'd make him shine his shoes or something."

D: "Yeah, that's true."

Me: "He'd like hire him to clean houses and stuff. He'd be like, "Peter, are those your cobwebs over there? I thought I told you to dust this place, man'."

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It's not the first time "Dramatic Changes" in a story line or setting happen to foreshadow a new edition. Monte Cook states how in "Ptolus" he foreshadowed the move to a new edition by having another moon in the sky. When the moon finally revealed itself, the PCs were reborn in the new edition. I thought that was darn clever.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love the sea monster. Who produces that miniature?

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Maybe, just maybe "The Pit" will feature in the next Pathfinder Module? Bonus points if you put a pendulum trap in there somewhere. I would.

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Outpost Zed. Oh Canada, I thought that was great.

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Thursty, you're a smart cookie. How do I make an NPC minotaur brawler with the avalanche whatever archetype? I don't want him to have the standard axe in the Bestiary 1 profile 'cause he's a brawler. He doesn't need an axe when he charges everything with those awesome horns.

His background is from the Eberron: Stormreach book, he is Kolos of the Red Ring and in my campaign he's something of a s#&~ disturber. He's trying to create a union of sorts for gladiators and generally making enemies of the stable masters and in turn, one of the mayors of the city.

Also, speaking of freelancing, have you considered writing for Raging Swan? One of my other favorite authors, Richard Pett, wrote for them recently. Since Logue seems to have crawled down a hole somewhere, I don't think we'll get a RS village backdrop from him. So you should totally write one to scratch that itch. They also advertise as having one of the best freelance rates in the business...

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Excited for the quests. Hopefully they will tie nicely into "Gallows of Madness" as a continuation for new players into the land of Isger.

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I ordered centipede bones minis from reaper. When they came I was upset because the picture showed 2 different minis. I wrote them and told them I wanted the ones in the picture. They wrote back and told me to rotate one 90 degrees and I'd have the ones pictured. Boy do I feel dumb.

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I like these too. They're nice for the person who enjoys beautifully illustrated and thematic adventures, but who can't afford a whole AP. They also allow adventures in parts of Golarion that have fans, but will not support an AP. I'd like to see something along the lines of what they are doing with the Starfinder AP.

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I heart Richard Pett! Raging Swan is 100% goodness. I absolutely love the dark fantasy offerings from this company. I think this is the first RPG product I've been actively excited over for quite a while.

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Oh, I'm very good at gathering elemental energy while walking slow. I just drag my feet across the carpet, and voila!

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Brad Pitt modeling polo shirts. Who cares what the rest of the movie is about?

Since you are writing the first installment for War for the Crown, and I've yet to see James Jacobs stick his nose in here, can you drop us some tasty tidbits?

Someone has probably already asked and answered this, but what is the Aspis equivalent in Starfinder?

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"So, I know it was my turn to bring snacks today, and I want you all to know that you're my friends and I care about you. That's why I went to the grocery before the game and bought cheese-flavoured rice poofs and coconut water. There's also a container of mixed fruit and veggies. Oh, by the way, coconut water is a natural laxative, so don't drink too much, okay?"

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You know what? Never mind Rocket Raccoon. I think, since you're the Starfinder developer, you should make a space skunk. Just for me. We already have the town mascot, Squirt, in a little airplane on a sign outside the airport. He looks so cute.

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Yeah, Calgary Comic Con has really grown since I was a teenager and into comics. I think that having celebrities come has really helped it take off. It's getting more media attention, especially now that nerd culture has taken off. Everyone's into superhero movies these days.

Honestly, I've never been. I know, shame on me. St. John Ambulance used to provide first aid coverage, so I was planning on volunteering and getting the VIP treatment, but since it's on the stampede grounds, they provide security and first aid. A few years ago, they massively oversold tickets and a lot of people couldn't get in due to fire regulations. There was a big kerfuffle in the local nerd community, that's for sure!

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Cal, sounds like you've visited the area before?

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Plans to come visit Calgary for our Comic Con next weekend? You should ask them to send you as an official Starfinder representative next year. That would be really neat. Ask for a few extra days so I can take you to Drumheller and you can see the giant skunk mascot in my hometown.

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Female human gunslinger. I wanted to do a stereotypical badass pioneer woman who is used to being in a "man's world". Pants, big floppy hat, cigar and all. Kind of an Annie Oakley/Calamity Jane character.

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I'm hoping the cover colour stays the same. I really like that.

Roanoak was also the inspiration for some of the other AP volumes, if I recall. This one reminds me of the first chapter of Serpent's Skull, which was IMHO, one of the best opening volumes.

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Ha ha ha. That's so funny. I think my niece and I are getting each other Lego for Christmas this year too.

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Yes, but it's 3pp. The review of Cerulean Seas says that it has all kinds of rules, goodies and monsters for this kind of thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm guessing it's a craft beer calendar. ^

I love that I am so blessed. My professor and church collectively gave me $175 worth of grocery gift cards that can also be used for gas.

I love semester break and cuddling with my cat every morning.

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"In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, there are eleven "monsters" (enemy creatures) which are considered "Product Identity" by publisher Wizards Of The Coast, and are not covered under the Open Gaming License, nor are they present in any non-proprietary System Reference Document (i.e. This list includes the beholder, gauth (beholder-kin), carrion crawler, displacer beast, githyanki, githzerai, kuo-toa, mind flayer, slaad, umber hulk, and the yuan-ti."

I'd like to know what the Paizo version of these monsters is. I know what some of them are, but what are they all?

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The fiction really is gone, folks. This was stated in a developer post in one of the Strange Aeons topics. It stayed for Strange Aeons only because the developers really wanted to pay homage to the Mythos with some good fiction. Debatable, since Chaosium offers this as well, and some of it's pretty good.

The Side Treks do actually still exist. What happened was they got rolled into the general adventure, since everyone ran them anyway, they weren't really considered optional.

I really want to see hobgoblins and bugbears come into their own in this one. Classic Monsters Revisited and some revolutionary art really makes them look creepy. I also think this would be a great opportunity for some hex crawl. Then we can have some "side quests" and random encounter tables in the new section. History, rumours, environmental descriptions, some minor but atmospheric items, a new magic item or two... I'd love to see something like Raging Swan does in their weblog or "so what's it like" series for the new section.

What I'd really like to see gone is the editorial. While fun at the time, so much of it becomes dated when you pull back issues to read. If you want to do current affairs, use the weblog. Keep the section, but do "designer's notes" like in the first adventures, little behind the scenes notes or real-world background that inspired the adventure or whatever.

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I really liked the Egyptian Gods write-up in Mummy's Mask, so I'll be glad to see another column like that.

I'm also sad about Crystal not developing or writing in this one. Adventures like "The Harrowing" took traditional ideas and made them zany and fun, I would've loved to see her take on theatrics and the King in Yellow. I'm also sad that Nick Logue isn't writing for this AP. His ogrekin are legendary. If anyone knows what he's up to these days, I'd love to know.

I'm really hoping that Orv gets some presence. The last underground AP we had was way back in Second Darkness, and Golarion was still being developed. To me the underdark represents a sinister parallel world that has so much potential. It's also right under your feet, no advanced magic needed to get there.

In media res can be difficult to pull off. It isn't an often used storytelling tactic, so I'm interested in seeing how the resident demonologist pulls this one off. I'm really looking forward to the King in Yellow's theatrical debut, ever since the great Freeport campaign featuring His Highness, I've been hooked. Oh yes, for those of you who can't wait, check out Freeport's ode to the Mythos.

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Am I the only one more excited about the possibilities of a product subline than the potential content of the dragon book? I suspect like most offerings, it will have things I like and things I don't, but you can't please everyone and that's Ok.

Seriously though, "Legacy of Undead" ? I miss the early days when the Whispering Tyrant had more to do in the world. So many possibilities here, from the Necropolis of Osirion to diseases cures and prevention to other wonderful things beyond my creative comprehension...

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Yay! This is what I've been requesting for a few years now. I was hoping Occult Adventures would have more Lovecraft in it, but James shut that down early on. I kind of feel bad for OA though, the other major rules books got AP love, but OA seems lost in the Cheliax wash. I did really like OA though, at least what I've got to explore so far. Poor OA, at least it will get some love in my War of the Burning Sky. Creatures from the realm of dreams throughout the campaign just lends itself to psychic effects.

I really like the idea of dreamscapes and some of the ideas presented on dream magic so far and would be happy to see it expanded. I also like the King in Yellow, especially his role in theatre and am happy to see his minions in this AP. I'd like to see Tharazidun get a re-hash as well, I really liked him from Dungeon Mag. I'd also like to see something like the dreamtime explored in this AP or Horror Adventures. I know it's not Lovecraft, but it would be really cool with the dream theme. Serpent's Skull did explore this idea briefly with totem animals in the second volume, but I want something better!

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Oh please more Dark tapestry, Vault Builders, Great old ones and the like. And a really good follow up mini Bestiary.

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Why do I have a feeling this will directly tie in with this year's free RPG day or other promos?

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We have a serious mouse problem in my trailer. It's not as bad as when I moved in, and during that time I'd set mousetraps around the house in spots where I don't want Milo to go, or where I really don't want to pull out the furniture. I'd put one in the ensuite bathroom closet. The door gap is close to 2 inches on this door. Sometimes the mousetraps catch the mice in awkward positions and they don't die right away. One morning I woke up and Milo was doing the "Look at me! Look at me! Look what I caught!" dance. I went over to see what he was so proud of. There was a mouse in a mousetrap in the middle of my floor. I was like, "Good job special needs cat!"

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Way of the Wicked was the original PFRPG evil campaign. I played in it and it was fun.

I also like the 0one Games urban adventures. Both the original Great City serial and the new Sinking serial have some seriously fun potential and lots to build off of. Dirt cheap also. Check out my "Tatterdemalion" review!

Frog God games offerings have that old school feel. They are dungeon crawls with an emphasis on deadly. But that is what they pride themselves on.

Raging Swan is my new favorite. They are on sale this week and have tons to pick from. For delicious free samples, go to their website. I also reviewed their Fane of the Undying Sleeper.

Legendary Games has several modules on par with Paizo's APs. They are designed as plug-ins for the existing APs, but could be used on their own. Beautiful art and layout adds to the appeal. I liked "Cold Mountain".

Kobold Press has a few offerings that look pretty good. I really like their take on civilized Kobolds and their undead empire looks to have a lot going for it as well.

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While I personally favour justice over mercy, I don't think any of the above responses would be fun to play. There is an old Dungeon adventure from 3.5 that involved bringing a fellow guild adventurer's body back from a dungeon where he was felled. That could be fun.

Of course, said character's ghost could always plague the party, or a villain could turn his undead corpse into another BBEG.

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I absolutely love Eberron. My favorite things are the dragonmarked houses, which I totally see as mafia-esque and the planes leeching into the material plane. I love intrigue and politicking, both of which the Houses have strong potential for.

I was disappointed the planes and moons got very little attention, as both could potentially play a major role in defining the cultures and history of the setting. My yuan-ti are also yearning for more development, other than the tidbits in "Stormreach" and "Xen'drik".

Eberron's gods suck. The book devoted to them sucks. Use the PF or FR gods and blend and knead until happy. The cults and Silver Flame are cool, though.

I like to steal bits from other settings and mix them into Eberron, including the "Iron Kingdoms" campaign setting. Think: much more varied warforged everywhere! Also, taking APs and putting them into Eberron gives me so many more ideas to explore. When Stormreach became Riddleport in "Second Darkness", some cool ideas were born.

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This is totally one for the fans. Just proof that they really do listen to us.

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The plague of Deskari has fallen upon the Inner Sea Gods reviews.

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"Now let's say you've finished your first draft. Congratulations! Good Job! Have a glass of champagne, send out for pizza, do whatever it is you do when you've got something to celebrate. If you have someone who has been waiting impatiently to read your novel--a spouse, let's say, someone who has perhaps been working the nine to five and helping to pay the bills while you chase your dream--then this is the time to give up the goods..."

-From Stephen King's "On Writing", pg 210.

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The universe. So many cool worlds with really neat backstories--its like having a campaign setting within a campaign setting. I feel like the planes are tried and traditional, but the planets--more please!

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Seeking position as raptor handler/wrangler. Extensive experience with beef cattle. Will provide own stock prod. Contact if interested.