Priestess of Pharasma

Grand Magus's page

2,004 posts. Alias of Tensor.


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Say the word white five times in a row:
1 White
2 White
3 White
4 White
5 White


What do cows drink?


Cows drink water.

Natan Linggod 327 wrote:


What do you think?

Because it is not copywritable.

ElementalofCuteness wrote:
What is your thoughts on INT and why many people call it a "bad stat"?

Intelligence is a bell-curve statistic and most people are average;

and in fact half of all people are below average, by definition. Those people
feel small compared to high INT characters. They don't know why, however, and hence
label INT the "bad stat" as a defense mechanism.

A Hunchback with legs is a happy Hunchback.

Shortly thereafter will be the p-test.

In an analysysi of variance (ANOVA), you have two or more groups of data about your mom. The question is "are any groups different from the others?"

At the center of the solar system shines the Sun, it sucks up entropy and makes you fell better.

It's so easy to fool you using Cognitive Warfare.

David M Mallon wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Man shocked to discover source of headaches for 5 months is pair of chopsticks inside his skull
I swear, I've seen this before somewhere...

Yay. It is called Cognitive Warfare. It didn't really happen. arfare-awareness-and-resilience/index.html

Driving permit? It can have children.

In the 17th century people started to realize there was another advanced civilization on Earth about 23,000 years ago, and also the Earth is not the center of the Universe.

About the same time emerged our current view that stars are celestial bodies similar to our Sun. The sun of god and the saviour of your mom.

For the sake of the sky see your mom. thus spoke sasquatch. and it was good.

1.1 Your Mom.
1.2 The Role of your Mom.
1.3 Your Mom as Research.
1.4 The Scale of Your Mom.

Elixir of Astral Clarity

The Elixir of Astral Clarity enhances the imbiber's perception and insight, granting brief glimpses into the ethereal realms. Caution is advised, as prolonged or frequent use may lead to heightened sensitivity to astral disturbances.

One must start with moonstone dust (1 oz) gathered under the light of a full moon. Followed by the essence of celestial orchid (3 petals), which is only found at the highest peaks during the celestial alignment -- when the stars are right. Plus, a generous quantity of starlight nectar (1 vial). This can be aptured during a clear night sky, under the open constellations.

To begin preparing the Alembic, cleanse the alembic with a solution of crystallized dew and silver vine essence. Ensure purity for optimal distillation. Then, grind the moonstone dust into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Infuse it into springwater, allowing the mixture to absorb the lunar essence for one night.

Next, pluck three petals from the celestial orchid and crush the petals and add them to the moonstone-infused solution. Carefully pour the starlight nectar into the alembic, ensuring not a single drop is wasted. Distill the mixture under the shimmering light of captured starlight until the essence is fully extracted.

Combine the moonstone-infused solution with the celestial orchid emanation and the distilled starlight necrtar. Stir gently, heat the mixture over a controlled flame, allow the elements to fuse.

Finally, transfer the elixir into a crystal phial. Place the phial under the light of the next full moon for final empowerment. The elixir is now ready for use.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Grand Magus wrote:

I would like to live in its decline, so that I can ride around on a motorcycle fighting for gasoline and energy.


I've changed my mind. This sucks.

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I have given up on money and now home school children.

How Thick Should A Coin Be To Have A One-third Chance Of Landing On Its Edge?

I asked an AI why david isn't a millionaire?

As an AI language model, I do not have access to your financial situation or personal circumstances. However, becoming a millionaire usually requires a combination of factors such as hard work, dedication, sound financial planning, and sometimes, a bit of luck. It's possible that you haven't yet achieved millionaire status because you haven't yet fully utilized these factors, or perhaps you have faced unexpected challenges or obstacles that have hindered your progress.

It's important to keep in mind that everyone's journey is different, and financial success does not happen overnight. It may take years of hard work, persistence, and smart decision-making to accumulate a significant amount of wealth. It's also important to note that being a millionaire does not necessarily equate to happiness or fulfillment. Focus on setting achievable financial goals, living within your means, and taking steps to improve your financial situation. With dedication and perseverance, you can work towards financial security and success.

Here are some practical steps you can take to help increase your chances of becoming a millionaire:

1. Develop a clear financial plan: This should include short-term and long-term goals, as well as a budget and a savings plan. Set specific, measurable, and achievable goals to help you track your progress and stay motivated.

2. Invest in yourself: Invest time, effort, and money into developing skills that can help you earn more money in the long run. This could mean going back to school, taking courses or training programs, or pursuing other professional development opportunities.

3. Live within your means: Avoid overspending and living beyond your means. Instead, try to live below your means by cutting unnecessary expenses and being mindful of your spending habits.

4. Invest wisely: Investing your money in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, or other ventures can help you build wealth over time. However, it's important to do your research and seek advice from financial experts before making any investment decisions.

5. Network and build relationships: Building relationships with successful people in your industry can open up opportunities for growth and development. Attend networking events, join professional organizations, and seek out mentorship opportunities.

Remember that becoming a millionaire takes time, effort, and patience. Don't be discouraged if you haven't achieved this goal yet. Keep working hard, stay focused on your goals, and seek out opportunities to improve your financial situation.

"Two classes of people lose money; those who are too weak to guard what they have; those who win money by trick. They both lose in the end."

- Henry Ford

While you are here,
I have an announcement:
Nano technology is fake.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I tried it for a week once. Wasn't a big thing.

Amazingly both of OPs links still work.

And yes. Yes I do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Twenty six letters is not enough to express every human thought.


- every Bingo winner

Sauron of the Savage Land wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:

... stuff ...

I need to take the life-force of others in order to sustain my own being


Behind the curtains are
Unseen things. When the bell
Rings they run out into the
Night, under the moon light.

Tomorrow when Ann returns
Home to sleep during the day,
Each dream she sees chases the sun away.

Will you let it happen again?
It seems likely.
Too many people prefer to eat
Candy and cake, than mercifully
Hold hands with a sun beam.

Remember the first day you saw an
Elephant? It was walking in a parade around
Town. For some reason the baton whirling monkey was
Unaware it to was part of the show.
Remember when the elephant stepped very
Near the monkey's head, too near in fact?

Well, that is when all hell broke loose.
Hats flew up into the
Air as onlookers screamed.
To their horror, the show was over forever.

Yet upon reflection,
One will see this is how it had to be. That is,
Unless you have never seen an elephant before.

Here and why it happened.
Another town was having a parade and it had a
Van leading the way down the parade route.
Everyone at this parade was smoking weed.

Stoned they were.
Tons of reefer was on the the ground.
Over there was a
Lolly pop and
Everyone who wanted one
Never got one, because they had a van instead of an elephant.

Nerds gunna nerd

An >update<

What ever happened to differential thrust vectoring. I mean, it was all the rage and then dissipated.
Tom Cruise was doing it in his latest jet movie too wasn't he? huh?

You know how you don't like that one toy you have. You never play with it. But as soon as another kid wants it and starts playing with it, you all of sudden want it and start crying over it?

Well that's happening with the moon now.

Moon War !

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>This< may be a good, new data set we can submit.

Chuck Dixon has a living "Conan" comic. Fantastic!

Comics Directory

Just started reading >this< FREE BOOK for nerds. It's called Money something, something....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

> Here < is a Bot repository. Maybe one of them is that online friend you chat with late at night?


captain yesterday wrote:
That would be correct.

Converted amount ($1,000,000 base) for today, 2022 back to 2013 => $786,283.74


It's been almost 10 years:

1. Are you a millionaire yet?

2. Why not?

Grand Magus wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:

I've written a computer simulation of a battle between Humans and Dwarves.

The Humans are killing 1,000,000 Dwarves per second. It's beautiful man.
Maybe we can exterminate all dorfs.


I've added in Carp attacks. The dwarf slaughter (including babies) has increased by orders of magnitude.

I deserve a Mt. Dew.

133. The simulation has been running for years and years. Over 100 trillion dorfs dead.

Keep it moving! Kill the dorfs! Kill all of 'em!

::snickity snackity


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quibblemuch wrote:

Starring Halle Berri!

"Do you know what happens to a VC soldier when he gets struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."

You gain super viking powers?

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
The one question I have about "A science fiction omnibus" is why Asmiov was given two stories but Clarke none. Some bias might be involved in that question. ...

If you are talking about the 2007 book, then by this time Clarke's pedophilia had been well established and it could be he is being cancelled by book makers. dunno.

It was a strategic victory as bloodless for the defeated as for the
victor -- and the less men slain on the other side, the more potential
adherents and recruits for Trump.

Strategy, Hart

During the vietnam war the U.S. Military > tried to control the weather <.

Someone needs to make a movie about this.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

A physicist took the day off from the accelerator at CERN to do some shopping with his wife in Geneva. At ten o’clock, she was to get her hair cut. “Now, don’t wander off,” she admonished her husband. “I’ll be finished in an hour, and when I am I want to find you right here with the car.”

The physicist was sitting in the front seat on his phone when a beautiful young woman tapped on his window. Her car sensor was blinking she had a flat tire, and she owned no jack. Could he help?

He could, but in the process he got quite dirty. Fortunately the young woman’s apartment was nearby, so she invited him up to wash his hands.

Soon, however, one thing led to another. Two hours later the conscience-stricken physicist looked at his watch, which as all he happened to be wearing at the moment, and leaped to his feet. As he struggled into his clothes, and idea came to him.

“I’m doomed unless – so you have any flour here?”
“But, of course I have flour.”
“Good, I need some. An now sprinkle a bit of it over my jacket – especially the sleeves – wonderful!” Then he sprinted out the door.

His angry wife was waiting by the hair parlor. “Listen, darling,” he said, “Let me explain – I’m terribly sorry. You see, a young woman asked me to help her change her tire. What could I say? Then she invited me to her apartment to wash up. Before I knew what had happened we were rolling around on the floor making passionate love---“

“You liar!” cried his wife. “You utter sneak! You stand there, with chalk dust all over you, trying to tell me you didn’t go back to CERN to do physics!”

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
We have the stats for both in pathfinder. should be easy enough to see who wins.

It will come down to tactics.

Godzilla v Cthulhu: Godzilla is well documented being a tactful adversary in battle field conditions. Cthulhu is surrounded by drama and lost his only recorded encounter.

Godzilla v King Kong: Kong is wily, and a monkey-brain has a naturally occurring RNG making predicting his moves a web of guesswork. Godzilla has the advantage at range and has always shown a willingness to enter the grapple. Kong's grapple is fearsome and I've never seen it broken in any of his recorded fights.

However, in both cases, my bet is on Godzilla. Godzilla is the King of Kings. Into the dirt his will be done. Now feel your fear.


All of the dame time!
My d20 rolls a nine
That is not a hit

Cursed banana, -1 to-hit

I roll my dice now
My dice are mean and nasty
They roll only to kill

The Neutrals strike back!
My dice are mean and nasty
They roll only to kill

Somebody posted this on the web, and I think it's an interesting idea to try out:

If an Adventure Day is 6pts of encounters (between Long Rests):
- 0.75 = easy encounter
- 1.00 = medium encounter
- 1.50 = hard encounter
- 2.00 = deadly encounter.

e.g. Per day then, 3x deadly; Or 2x easy + 1x hard + 1x medium + 1x deadly, etc ...

"Capital Investment & Financial Decisions" by Haim Levy

Within the paradox of being comes the realization Robert E. Howard could not whup Conan.

Odd, that.

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