Devargo Barvasi

Gideon Black's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 112 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.


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Dark Archive

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Thanks Adam that'll help with a lot with figuring out what I should throw at my group. *insert evil DM laugh here*

Dark Archive

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Well with my outdoorsy rural spirit and such I would worship Erastil. It fits my lifestyle and ideals.

Dark Archive

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So I'm sending my group into the Sodden Lands soon for part of my campaign. I have everything I need ready to go...except the weather. I've read the Inner Sea World Guide and looked on Pathfinder wiki but it's day to day weather still isn't me at least. I know it's a swampy landscape with fens, bogs, swamps, rivers and such, rains as much as in Seattle and Vancouver. But "perpetually storm battered" is stumping me.
Does that mean it's hurricane force winds and rain all the time everywhere in the Sodden Lands? Is it just a weekly hurricane or two rips through the land? Is just the coast perpetually storm battered?
Wanting to know so I can make the terrain and weather conditions accurate and so I can pre-plan my survival checks for my group. Cause if it's storming and raining all the time I have to add vocal restrictions and the wind level and frequency of course affecting ranged attacks and sight...and maybe flying debris. So any further insight on what you all think the weather would be, or if any Paizo staff has an answer, I'll take what I can.

Dark Archive

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So couple days after hearing James L. Sutter was going to India, my brain went, "What's the odds on Paizo putting out a Jalmeray module or even an adventure path soon (in development terms)". I mean they've set the stage with Occult Adventures. I doubt James will not come back from India without inspiration for a Jalmeray themed product. Or just as likely maybe his next novel will be set there.
So lets discuss this; what's the odds in the next year more likely 2017 a Jalmeray themed adventure path will come out? Or James L. Sutter's newest novel will be set there?

Dark Archive

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Well at the moment, House Derexhi operative. If you had asked me a year ago it would have been huntmaster and deer herdsman.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

First off, thank you for the critique, I appreciate you taking the time to help everyone improve. Now back to my item;
Oh my god, that was a terrible bonehead mistake, considering I had priced it out as a +2. Had it included in the cost and everything. I can't believe I forgot to put down it was a +2 halberd. I was so worried about the mechanics and the math and description of the abilities...even had it looked over by two other people and they didn't catch it either. It's always the simple things you miss. Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall. Oh well next season lol.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Critique away, thought I had a good one, this time.
Auramoderate divination; CL 5th
Slot slotless; Price 64,000 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
This halberd’s only decoration is an intricate silver etching of an eye, it’s pupil a rose colored gem. The eye seems to stare, almost as if it’s studying you.
This halberd sharpens your wariness, granting a constant +2 insight bonus to initiative. The wielder can choose one target within sight as his focus and after the target is chosen, the halberd mentally aids the wielder in anticipating the target's every move. The wielder gains a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class versus the target but due to this intense focus he suffers a -2 Armor Class penalty versus other foes.
Upon the first successful attack the target must pass a DC 18 Will save, or the mental connection strengthens, granting you a +2 insight bonus to attack and damage rolls versus the target. If the target passes the Will save he blocks further focus and is immune for 24 hours. Due to the mental connection, whenever the target misses you with an attack, the insight bonus to attack and damage increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5) as the target's concentration slackens from anger.
The wielder may change the target being focused on once per round, doing this resets the attack and damage bonus.
RequirementsCreate Magic Arms and Armor, anticipate peril, anticipate thoughts; Cost 32,000 gp

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Everything seemed to fit so well in making this item...where did I go wrong folks?
Auramoderate divination; CL 5th
Slot slotless; Price 64,000 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
This halberd’s only decoration is an intricate silver etching of an eye, it’s pupil a rose colored gem. The eye seems to stare, almost as if it’s studying you.
This halberd sharpens your wariness, granting a constant +2 insight bonus to initiative. The wielder can choose one target within sight as his focus and after the target is chosen, the halberd mentally aids the wielder in anticipating the target's every move. The wielder gains a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class versus the target but due to this intense focus he suffers a -2 Armor Class penalty versus other foes.
Upon the first successful attack the target must pass a DC 18 Will save, or the mental connection strengthens, granting you a +2 insight bonus to attack and damage rolls versus the target. If the target passes the Will save he blocks further focus and is immune for 24 hours. Due to the mental connection, whenever the target misses you with an attack, the insight bonus to attack and damage increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5) as the target's concentration slackens from anger.
The wielder may change the target being focused on once per round, doing this resets the attack and damage bonus.
RequirementsCreate Magic Arms and Armor, anticipate peril, anticipate thoughts; Cost 32,000 gp

Dark Archive

I'm thinking by the time I get to play this the vigilante will be officially out so I'm going to a human Chelish vigilante zealot of Milani or Calisstra. Backstory of a disposed noble family that moved to restart their lives. A loyal Chelish merchant by day, the infamous "Black Rose" by night and when ever combat is necessary. I figure I can incorporate my party members into guards for my goods while martial law is going on.
Back up characters are tiefling rogue, half-orc brawler and a castellan in service to the bank/church of Abadar.

Dark Archive

I think the Vigilante class can work well in PFS simply with a couple requirements. First limit the scenarios they do and second make it know to your fellow pathfinders what your secret identity as a vigilante is...they're commiting the same acts of violence and theft so they can't really expose you to the authorities. Especially if your character doesn't commit crimes outside of society missions.
For that matter your vigilante isn't going to seem weird that he changes into a diferent person when social matters end and action is needed. Alchemist pull a Mr. Hyde and hulk out in combat as do barbarians, druids turn into animals...having an alter ego isn't any weirder. Heck going with the social identity as cover for your group and when the action starts, they provide a distraction so the vigilante can change. I talked myself into a new character.

Dark Archive

I doubt it will change Cheliax as whole, from what I've gathered from the information given. I read it as the city has been in a state of rebellion for years and this AP will just settle the matter.

Dark Archive

I'm hoping with this AP that we see the return of the monkey grip feat or something better or at least a magic pair of gauntlets that resizes weapons when you grip them. But at keast there's he Gorum's magic powder from Inner Sea Gods to help with shrinking items.

Dark Archive

Well damn, I was hoping to have this book for my gaming event in January.

Dark Archive

She's a magus gladiator as they decided, had there been more room for background. the Black Rose comes from almost dying in serpent's run arena, the arena manager made the comment that death didn't want her yet. Pharasma is associated with black roses hence "Black" Rose Quinn. In reality the character is based off my wife (and luckily looks like her too), who I call my black rose, stemming back to our first date. And yes, I have my copy of the comic already and ordered like 15 more for friends and family lol.

Dark Archive

The Quinn part of the name is the last name of the character. I know cause I created her lol. I created it around the start of June, before the new iconics were presented. The given name was Rose Quinn (a nod to Harley Quinn), with the Black moniker tagged on. It was explained in the background I wrote but most of that got cut in the comic.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Congrats to everyone involved in Goblimworks and Paizo for PFO. Now I wait patiently (being Canadian) for my first month Beta spot....unless of course you have an spare alpha test spot, just saying. My new gaming computer is ready and waiting.

Dark Archive

Its sponsored by the game store and if I run it I'll be the only pen and paper rpg. I know about making sure I have pre gen characters ready. If I run it I get a room for the day and a sign up sheet. I figure out the layout from there.

Dark Archive

I was asked by my gaming store yesterday if I would/could set up a pathfinder rpg game(s). Now its flattering but I'm not sure if I can plan it in the 10 days notice. I think I could but I'd like some advice from regular con GM s. Do I run just a basic intro game or say 4th level or both. Do I get people to register before or day of or such. I'm a noob to all this, so just looking for any advice. Thanks in adavance

Dark Archive

Has there been any thought on making beginner box versions of we be goblins and we be goblins too? Figure that might bring in more new players.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Just to catch up, the fulliment system has happened yet I hope. The last I heard about it was in a previous goblinworks blog post. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Thank you very much Mr. Dancey, I'm very much looking forward to the finished game. How abouts does the Fulfillment system work?

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

I have a small problem, I'm hoping someone at goblinworks can help me. I pledged on the newest kickstarter for goblinworks, but due too other withdrawals and such when my pledge payment was taken out it got declined. Now due to all the notices sent getting automatically put in my junk mail I wasn't aware of it being declined. I found out 5 hours too late past the deadline to fix it. I'm hoping that Goblinworks will hopefully help me reinstate my pledge.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Never did see my item. But after the first week I didn't get back to vote as much as figured I would. Not sure what to think now.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Let the brainstorming and second guessing begin. Good luck everyone.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the vote of support Wamulus. There's two main gaming stores in regina that I'm sure I could convince. As well there's saskgames which is a province wide organization that I'm hoping to involve too. There's good potential...just working on planning so far.

Dark Archive

I was at my gaming store about 3 weeks ago and found out the store co-owner had never heard of PFS till a week earlier. I was a bit shocked,and we talked about it and he said it could be something to look into. Now I'm guessing I might have to end up organizing or at least put a bit of phone work into setting things up. I know there's a province wide gaming organization, but it doesn't have any pathfinder event, a couple 4th edition but its mostly card and boardgames.
Part of the problem is I live in a small enough city, that I have a 45 minute drive to just get to the next city (Moose Jaw to Regina)to get my gaming material. So I have no idea, how well I could organize PFS.
Looking for advice, on any part of this... Is it do able just one person, ideas on convincing the store owners to help/sponsor. I'll take any advice I can get about now.
I'm figuring just off the people I know I could bring to the table my group of 4 plus me, plus depending on factors and timing another 7 maybes, and this is not knowing how many in Regina.

Dark Archive

In book one our gillman rogue (pirate)/ranger(freebooter) died by reefclaws, while picking crabs. This was due to his severe addiction to the rum, which had dropped his con to 2.

Dark Archive

"ACK! *Poof*"
Coined by my wife's sorcerer at the start of Age of Worms. It caught on with the rest of the group as through out the entire campaign she had the horrible habit of one spell killing monsters.

Dark Archive

Not too give anything away, but for the first two, it'll be not a lot of useful, later on a bit more but still I wouldn't. I'd say disarm or bull rush. Disarm is always useful and bull rush is great for prone attacks like trip, plus the odd chance you can knock them overboard.

Dark Archive

Like tormad said, the eidolon is basically just another pc. It's still a 1st level creature on a ship full of npcs of a higher level.
Or if you want make the summoner need a bonded item to focus on summoning their eidolon.

Dark Archive

I bought it for my ten year old daughter, she loves it. She's made herself a universal wizard and is doing great so far.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Testing to see if I got my goblin

Dark Archive

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Well the great thing about the pirate them plot hooks to lead to those side quests are easy to come up with. Roll perception they find a message in a bottle about a side quest item, from a dying sailor talking about what island its on. Storm throws them of course need repairs search the island they land at. A map with vague hints in a captured ships captains quarters. Rumours in a bar. Rescue a stranded sailor he rewards you with a general description of the island that a side quest item is on. That clockwork toucan have it somewhere they land on the coast to get fresh water. Have it follow them cawking at them till they devise a good plan to varies it.
Just some ideas, hope that's what your looking for.

Dark Archive

I would think witches are more common then most spellcasters. It seems they get chosen by something or wish for power and something grants it or its inherent or something. Witches have been in every culture for centuries. Just think how many people you've seen talking to their "pets".
Summoners I see being more like conjurers who got noticed by an outsider that took a shine to them. Or in the case of assimar and tieflings a relative decides to be protective. Whch I think summoners would be more rare.

Dark Archive

Fury born is my favorite now out of pathfinder material. My all time favourite is true bane, +2 bonus after the first hit, it turns into a bane whatever you just hit.

Dark Archive

So I don't have a pathfinder society venture captain in Saskatchewan. The closet one us in either in Winnipeg or Edmonton. So will that still work, sending my request to playtest to one of then?

Dark Archive

You have to remember the creation process. If the cleric player hasn't made one before, the amount of things to decide is hefty. A cleric has to pick a god which leads to picking domains, domain spells. And after that still has to pick their daily spells which isn't limited by how many he can know, but by how many you have access to in books. 62 spells to pick from level 1 spells. Plus the choice of god colours your whole character. It might just be he doesn't know where to start and needs help.
The paladin just has to put in stats and pick feats and gear. Kinda easier to build. So if your basising it on having a character made up already that might be a bit premature. Go off the players not the players characters.

Dark Archive

Well orc and dhampir are allowed according to the players guide. The orc has a full helm to hide his face. The dhampir is a cleric of pharasma, and the drow is a paladin of pharasma (don't ask). The catfolk is a cat burglar uses disguises. And the players guide said to be original with characters to represent the professors career of adventures. So I'm not going to punish them for doing it.

Dark Archive

I may have to talk the group into this idea, no need for a dm means everyone can play at the same time meaning no multiple games just so I can play. And a 100 bucks credit too. Hopefully I can swing a invite being far off in Saskatchewan, Canada lol.

Dark Archive

I took the Viking concept: ulfen sea reaver barbarian, multiclassed into bucaneer gunslinger. An grenadier alchemist is a fun idea too. Just a straight bucaneer gunslinger would be great for a jack of all trades as well as an inquisitor of the pirate queen. The inquisitor is more of a character you can take in any direction to.

Dark Archive

So I'm wondering how far I should take the bias and distrust towards the pcs? The party has a drow, a catfolk, an orc, a damphir and a half elf, so not only are they outsiders, but strange races too. So I realize the bigger cities aren't going to as bias, but all these small rural towns are going to react differently. Do I just raise prices and increase the difficulty of skill checks like the trust chart in HoH or be meaner? Just looking for some advice on this, thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

Magic fang and magic weapon both work for unarmed attacks. And for a roleplaying touch have a sheathed weapon to mislead enemies.

Dark Archive

The monk archetype martial artist allows you to be any alignment too. Something to look at.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

First off, thanks for the invite to check your group out Virgil, but at the moment not sure about guilds. Will probably stay a free agent, to be impartial but I will keep the Golden Flask in mind.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Havarthr, thanks for the offer. And once I get the inn up and running feel free to visit and tell your tales. And if you need some healing or an extra weapon by side, I'm sure I can close up early to help.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

So not knowing when I'll get to start due to the start up plan. But when I do start my goal will be the Ravens Song Inn.
It will be a roadside inn, hopefully well placed, that is neutral ground and safe haven. I'm building it with the goal of creating a meeting place where everyone can hang out tell stories and group up for quests or hire groups for jobs and so on. I'm hoping to build a social hub if sorts. I have a few other ideas to make my place original too, but don't plan on telling till I'm online. Right now I'm working on spreading my idea to build a possible clientele for later. I figure if I make lots of supporters now I'll have help if some wizard tries to fireball my inn lol.
My background story, is of a half elven cleric of Cayden Cailean, working to build his own inn by first adventuring, then running the inn, with help of course. But he occasionally straps on the armour and goes out to lend his healing arts.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

A little bummed I have to wait till January for my goodies, but still worth it lol.
As for a title: Pathfinder Online: World Building.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

I can see the physical stats having an effect on your character, that makes sense. But charisma and the other mental shouldn't affect your appearance. I mean your head isn't going to get bigger the more intelligence you have.
And not to be a downer but you can make a muscular, fit and handsome fighter. But aren't you just going to put him in full plate and put a helmet over their head? Which covers everything anyways.

Dark Archive

Surprisingly, not to some but still, the divine classes are all good solid character options. Paladins are good all around if you are a solid roleplayer. Inquisitor is a jack of all trades give them a level of rogue and they can do anything. Clerics and oracles are solid buffers and blasters (depending on what you pick) with armoured staying power. On a lesser respect cavaliers, alchemists and gunslingers, but they are more specialized.

Dark Archive

My wife plays as well and she has been enjoying playing a monk a lot and is thinking of a rogue next for carrion crown. Both are good solid characters that would fit with the quiet, logical folk. As well both can be built to follow an archery path. Rogue also fits with her being able to problem solve, but not quite vocal. Monk also fits there as a monk may know what to do, but not how to speak their mind due to their training. So if she wants to have a good concept I'd try one if those two.

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