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Fox Mulder, F.B.I.'s page

31 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


NobodysHome wrote:
Fox Mulder, F.B.I. wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, since Woran is talking about launching us into space and all...

I'm really coming to the opinion that as of November, the United States will STILL be suffering hundreds (if not thousands) of deaths a day from the coronavirus, it will be the *only* country in the world where the virus is still uncontrolled, the election will come around...

I envy you your boundless optimism...


...and there will still be people who vote for the incumbent because of his "excellent job" managing the virus.
In other breaking news, the sky is blue.
Who told you about the sky?!

You TOLD me you had ANSWERS!!!!!

That doesn't sound like something I'd say..

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, since Woran is talking about launching us into space and all...

I'm really coming to the opinion that as of November, the United States will STILL be suffering hundreds (if not thousands) of deaths a day from the coronavirus, it will be the *only* country in the world where the virus is still uncontrolled, the election will come around...

I envy you your boundless optimism...


...and there will still be people who vote for the incumbent because of his "excellent job" managing the virus.
In other breaking news, the sky is blue.

Who told you about the sky?!

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Scientific Scrutiny wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I am scared of horses.

That's healthy. Nothing can be that big and subsist on an all-plant diet. Sure, ranchers cover the killings up by faking UFO abductions, chupacabra attacks, Bigfeet... but it's all horses. HORSES!!!!

The Truth Is Out There. And It Has Hooves.

Who told you that! Was it the smoking man!?! He told me he gave me the only poster!! I want answers, damn it!!!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
God, am I tired.
Have you tried sleep I've heard that helps?

Who told you that!! Where's my sister!!!

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Earth-chan wrote:
Maybe black hole swarms are why aliens can't contact us.

Yes, let's go with that.

There's nothing more to see here.

The cake was never here.

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At any rate, happy birthday Kileanna, if that is your real name...

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Who told you there are farmers in the Midwest!!

I'm seriously asking.

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Aliens you mean.

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Or The X-Files.

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Who told you what day it is!

Look out Scully, he could be Mayan!

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
The Man always tryin' to keep us down.

Just another plan

Perpetrated by The Man
Tryin' to keep us down.

Which man! Is it the smoking man! I need answers!

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The truth is out there.

Treppa wrote:
Or X-Files.

Go on...

Go on, and please, be as specific as possible.

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Drejk wrote:
Fox Mulder, F.B.I. wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Well, the jig is finally up! But it wasn't my retired friend; it was a friend of my brother's who went through her own weight loss journey a couple of years ago, so I'm not surprised she noticed the moment she set eyes on me. But it was fun to listen to her gush. "How could anyone NOT have noticed? You're like a rail! I don't think you HAVE another 25 pounds to lose!"
She probably hadn't got the memo about conspiracy...
please, go on...
Nobody knows about that conspiracy...

So you like going around circles do ya, well I can last all night Poindexter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Well, the jig is finally up! But it wasn't my retired friend; it was a friend of my brother's who went through her own weight loss journey a couple of years ago, so I'm not surprised she noticed the moment she set eyes on me. But it was fun to listen to her gush. "How could anyone NOT have noticed? You're like a rail! I don't think you HAVE another 25 pounds to lose!"
She probably hadn't got the memo about conspiracy...

please, go on...

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
More fun questions: (any alias can answer one, but for best effect it should be a different one for each :-D) How has Lois Lane's uterus not exploded from internal pressure the first time she and Supes performed the horizontal mumbo? (or her mouth, whatever, I don't know what she's into) I mean...some things are performed by involuntary muscles and, well, the moment of....you know...involuntary muscles cannot be restrained by force of will.

Tell me more about this alien coupling.

And, please, be as specific as possible.

Sharoth wrote:
Who? When? Where? How? Why? What?

I've been asking those very same questions for years....who do you work for and how long have you been watching me!!!

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And who told you about option x?

Was it Deputy Director Skinner, man that guy's been riding my ass lately.

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Tell me more about these Aliens.

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Do you know where my sister is?

shakes him by the shoulders dramatically

What did The Smoking Man tell you! Who do you work for! Answer me damn it, I demand answers!

Scully! Give this man a cavity search!

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The truth is out there.

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What else do you know?... Who told you?... was it the Smoking Man!... where the f!@! is my sister!... The truth is out there!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, okay but only because you said he knows who took my sister....

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Was the thief smoking?

How many tentacles did he have?

Should Agent Scully run lab tests on anything? You sure? The more lab test shots she has she gets a bonus, I'm sure she'll cut you in :-)

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Have you seen my sister?

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Have you seen my sister?

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Tell me more about this.. tea, does it.. speak to you, has it told you where they took my sister!!

Cause you know if it did.... problem solved, I'm good :-)

In the meantime, Agent Scully here is prepared to do a cavity search...

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I'd like to talk about aliens if you don't mind....

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I'd like to hear more about these Alien Entities....