ForgottenRider's page
Organized Play Member. 128 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
Will you be adding pregens for any of the other 6 classes?
I don't think I've seen anyone mention that the Bonded object take up an item slot. PRD wrote: If the object is a ring or amulet, it occupies the ring or neck slot accordingly.
I'm still broken hearted over the sunder rules.
I hate racial favored class options. These should be something that anyone from that class can take. The role player in me wants to play a halfling sorcerer because I have more fun playing small races but the roll player wants to play a human, half-elf or half-orc for the extra spells known. This is half a class problem so I think I'm ok saying this here.
Seem like you can't go wrong playing a halfling with the childlike and pass for human feats. Children of the Corn, little sisters from Bioshock Vivian from Dawn of the Dead
MisterDoug wrote: ForgottenRider wrote: MisterDoug if you want to do Sir Bearington you might want to use the spy and the master spy. Damn, and I thought I was being original! Or maybe I saw it a few years back and its now popping up in my head. Damn my unconscious plagiarism! Sorry. I know how you feel. Back in 3.5 I played a Tibbit (a race kind of like a halfling that can turn into a house cat) psion named Boots. One of the people I played with said in his other game someone was playing an awakened house cat psion named Boots.
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He tries to kill the cleric after he fails to steal from her, then he tries to say that the rogue he help build is againsts the rules?!?! I wouldn't want this person at my table.
Gurby wrote: Rynjin wrote: Your rules lawyer is either a liar or he doesn't deserve the title. Or both. If he can't be trusted, he shouldn't be the "rules lawyer". He's a Liar and a Cheat in my opinion.
so a Katana is legal. at the time of the game he showed something that I can't find now, that said it wasn't due to not being 1 handed weapon and something else about length. Swordtrained: Tengus are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with sword-like weapons (including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).
Characters can use a katana two-handed as a martial weapon, but must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana) feat to use it one-handed.
The tengus can use that sword one handed
Give undead a con score. To me it makes no sense that a halfling skeletal champion would have more hp than a dwarf skeletal champion.
My wizard charges 65%. I see on these messages boards all the time people saying the party should chip in to buy the cleric his first wand of CLW but that has never happened for me. I do it because even though there is little reason for me to cast hast on myself the party loves it when I can pull out a want to cast it on them. So yeah I charge over cost but this way I can have items that you would like for me to use on you when the time comes.
I do it because I like being the one that's in charge of the party's disposable funds. We are playing kingmaker right now and something just happened that hit our kingdom in the coffer hard and my wizard was able to just give the kingdom 50,000 GP. Everyone else had they're gold spent. I think if I hadn't done this it would have been the end of the campaign.
IlleSapiens wrote: Working something I'll likely run by you guys later, but... first...
I can't for the life of me find the rules on large weapons anywhere beyond what you've said. I've googled "Large weapons pathfinder" "large bastard sword" etc. Can't find s*@*. So a link or a page number from whatever book it is in would be great. I checked ultimate equipment and they only have the stuff for small and medium bastard swords or w/e. So yeah.
It's in the core rule book on page 144 under Weapon Size in Inappropriately Sized Weapons:
PRD wrote: Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can't make optimum use of a weapon that isn't properly sized for it. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn't proficient with the weapon, a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.
The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder's size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can't wield the weapon at all.
Azaelas Fayth wrote: Dot. +1
Detect Magic wrote: He might not suffer a penalty sight-based Perception checks, but he might suffer a penalty on all ranged attack rolls (due to his lousy depth perception). I am one of the best shots with a gun that I know. I think it's because most people are thrown off by having to close one eye
edit: I am bad at throwing thing
I've been missing an eye since birth (39 years) and I can see having a penalty to perception to spot thing maybe -1 or -2.
Sorry found it. Its in the bestiary
Edit:Thank MacGurcules
o.0 That is so cool. What book is it in that you can take a Roc as an animal companion?
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My cloak of elvenkind is made with real elves. Are your girl scout cookies made with real girl scouts?
Any possibility there will be options to do counterspelling as an immediate action in the Mythic rules or would this be to strong to combine with Wild Arcana and Inspired Spell?
You can find all familiars here.
edit: fixed link
Would he be able to take Tattooed Sorcerer?
Looking at Endure Elements Communal I would say yes to both. I am hitting the FAQ tab because I'm only about 65% sure on that. At the very lest I know you can use wands of those spells.
If it's female we can fix her up with Treantmonk
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Joegoat wrote: And yes the dead magic would work against the dragon as well but he is still looking at being able to fly, use breath weapons, be colossal and have his damage reduction, all against pc's that would at best be completely mundane with no ability to cast a including spell like abilities It would lose it breath weapon it's supernatural.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote: The trait system determines class skills instead of your class.
The trait system is composed four trait groups, with everyone having one of each: ethnic background, childhood events, hobbies/interests, physical. Each adds a small bonus and three class skills chosen from a pool of five.
That is genius.
Edit 100 Posts
I notices you got werewolves under Iconic Creatures and was wondering if you were going to use any other lycanthropes. I think it would be cool to have a war between wererats and ratfolk under the streets of London or some other big city.
Omnius wrote: ForgottenRider wrote: I think my problem is I want to use them for everything now Concept: Seductive Bard.
Answer: Ratfolk! I'll call her Minnie Mouse
p.s. I have a friend that hates Minnie Mouse Seductive Bard = easy
blackbloodtroll wrote: Ratfolk are awesome. They make better Alchemist, but good Wizards.
How could you not like Ratfolk?
I think my problem is I want to use them for everything now
Mage Evolving wrote: ForgottenRider wrote: Here Here
fixed ??? When I scroll my mouse over both it says they are the same web address but there is something wrong with my link
Buri wrote: Corset of dire witchcraft and the familiar statue for the witch. +1 to the dc of a hex with +4 to ac and a statue to hold 500 levels of spells makes losing a familiar not as frightening. How much does the statue cost. I want to play a witch, but been to scared too because of that.
I like solution 2 also. Its how I use alot of those spells. Am I missing something with teleport. It says teleport wrote: All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you.
lol round one I hit me and a friend. Well sorry all looks like the rest of you drown. Thats just bad. I hope that not how it work.
Thanks I finds it funny but also got a little scared when I seen this.
Wow did I do it wrong. Just last sunday my 9lv wizard cast water breathing (9lv = 18 hours). Round one I hit me and a friend (9 hours each). Round 2 moved and hit another friend (6 hours each). Round 3 another friend (4.5 hours each).
I love making magic item. The idea that this item could be around for a lot longer then my character is what bring me to it. I hope this book will finely let me put my maker's mark on at lest one artifact, something that the ELH didn't even let me do (not very epic).
I love making magic item. The idea that this item could be around for a lot longer then my character is what bring me to it. I hope this book will finely let me put my maker's mark on at lest one artifact, something that the ELH didn't even let me do (not very epic).
EDIT:sorry reposted in the right thread
My question is why is it under heavy blades for fighter weapon treaning
Blades, Heavy: bastard sword, chakram, double chicken saber, double walking stick katana, elven curve blade, falcata, falchion, greatsword, great terbutje, katana, khopesh, longsword, nine-ring broadsword, nodachi, scimitar, scythe, seven-branched sword, shotel, temple sword, terbutje, and two-bladed sword
Is it like the two-bladed sword
Kryzbyn wrote: Oh...we could all be cartoon versions of Cheers folks in a celebrity episode of Scooby Doo... I can see myself as Shaggy but I dont post enough
and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids
Wow thanks everyone. I come here all the time to read the forums when I'm bored. Didnt know that skill was so good, you definitely changed my perception (pun intended).
Dont forget to get things for your familiar too.
Mirrel the Marvelous wrote: ForgottenRider wrote: Sauce987654321 wrote: I've had some lame moments with deities from some DMs. They would use them as a means to an end just to beat players with the DM stick. I hate it when this happens. The main reason I bought 4E was I heard Mystra was dead. The bad news Bane was still alive. Even worse than that, Elminster (who in some supplements had technical divine rank) is still alive, he was the stick a former DM used to hit us with, to the point that we wanted to find some way to do him in. Our Rogue suggested placing and activating a Feather Token (Tree) in his underpants. Another one that gave us problems was Lolth. My DM found a Lolth hit squad in a dragon magazine. After that we couldn't kill a drow cleric that was higher than 3rd lv without them hunting us.
Sauce987654321 wrote: I've had some lame moments with deities from some DMs. They would use them as a means to an end just to beat players with the DM stick. I hate it when this happens. The main reason I bought 4E was I heard Mystra was dead. The bad news Bane was still alive.
PhelanArcetus wrote: Deadmanwalking wrote: PhelanArcetus wrote: But I'm throwing away nearly 60k gold over the course of 10 levels by paying for scrolls and scribing costs, Huh?
By my calculations, the GP cost to get spells is as follows (assuming you take Loremaster from 9-18, it's a bit less if you 8-17):
5th: 4 x 125 gp + 4 x 250 gp = 1,500 gp
6th: 4 x 180 gp + 4 x 360 gp = 2,160 gp
7th: 4 x 245 gp + 4 x 490 gp = 2,940 gp
8th: 4 x 320 gp + 4 x 640 gp = 3,840 gp
9th: 4 x 405 gp + 4 x 810 gp = 4,860 gp
Or 15,300 GP total.
You can copy from other spellbooks, not just scrolls, after all. As is stated in the Arcane Magical Writings section of the book.
This may be different in PFS, but by the standard rules, using scrolls for this is vastly inefficient. Agreed that using scrolls is inefficient. I don't recall ever seeing a standard price on "let me copy a spell from your spellbook please"; where is that coming from? In my case, it's a Kingmaker game, and given that we just were unable to find a 9th level spellcaster in all of the nearest town, I was certainly prepared to assume the worst; that I'd have to have a scroll made. Every game I've ever played, we've had to pay scroll prices to acquire spells outside of leveling up. You can find it on page 219 of the CRB