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ForgottenRider's page

Organized Play Member. 128 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Liberty's Edge

Any possibility there will be options to do counterspelling as an immediate action in the Mythic rules or would this be to strong to combine with Wild Arcana and Inspired Spell?

Liberty's Edge

I want to convert a character story from forgotten Realms to Pathfinder. In Faerun the story went that my parents stole an elven artifact from a powerful human wizard and were planing to escape to Evermeet. The wizard finds out they're plans, cast wish; I wish they were prevented from escaping to Evermeet. Before my parents make it to the island my mother gives birth to me a halfling.

What I'm looking for is a place like Evermeet. It doesn't need to be for elves. Just where race A (my parents) cant take race B (me they're child). I want to play a sorcerer, but can change class for a race like dwarf if it fits.