Bob of Westgate |
I had a fun character that I made, but never got to play for a way of the wicked campaign. she was a Halfling summoner with the childlike feat. maxed out bluff and disguise. she was on death row because she'd pretend to be a child who's parents were mugged and lure strangers into the alleys to help her parents and once there her eidolon, or summoned monsters would murder them while she watched enthralled by the gore

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My first PFS character was an Elven Necromancer with max ranks in Craft (Confection). In his off time, he would constantly be crafting sweets and candies in the shape of children and babies. Some GMs allowed me to use them for effective tribes if there was a particularly successful skill check involved. Good times.

Wiggz |

Rules for the character.
Can only use Paizo material.
Must be a core race.
Anything else goes. I'm wanting to see if I can make something creepy. Psychological horror comes to mind specifically. I'm open for any suggestions that falls within these rulesets. Think of that one person who people mysteriously die around, or the sweet happy-go-lucky serial killer. Maybe the girl who wakes up every morning to find something dead underneath the sheets. The more creative the better. I want to see what the minds of this forum can produce.
The Gravewalker Witch with its 'spell poppet' always seemed creepy as hell to me.

HowFortuitous |

If you want to take creepy in a different way, the pain taster may be what you are looking for.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/n-r/pain-taste r
A prestige class devoted to people who suffer horrible pains for the purpose of gaining strength. You want to creep your party out? Spend an hour a day chanting while slicing up your hands, or eating broken glass. Slice up yourself for bonus damage, whip and trip people, max out ranks in heal for the purpose of torture and go to work.

Arksangiel |
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Rules for the character.
Can only use Paizo material.
Must be a core race.
Anything else goes. I'm wanting to see if I can make something creepy. Psychological horror comes to mind specifically.
Human Sorceror, Crossblooded (Aberrant/Undead). Uses his extraodinarily long reach to deliver undead touch effects (chill touch, ghoul touch, vampiric touch), and plays off of the bloodline fluff to look pale and gaunt.
Then, you focus on charm and dominate person abilities to exert control over both living and dead enemies using the undead bloodline arcana. Attempt to dominate and maintain a hold over at least one creature at a time. Make them wish they were dead, and after they die, raise them and use the corpse again.
But be perfectly friendly to the party, help them achieve physical perfection so you can use them as ideal skeletal specimens when they pass on...

Adahn_Cielo |
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First things first:is your party okay with you playing an evil/creepy as f**k character?I'd advise to talk with them first to avoid disaster.
Personally, I second the daemon harbingers:Folca, deity of Abduction,Strangers, and sweets, has the net as favored weapon and a Black Stork as unholy animal. Creepiest thing that ever got wrote in a PF book.
If that's too much, go with Nalmungder(maybe I'm mispelling the name), He Who Waits Below The Stairs, Daemon Harbinger of basements,closets and delusions of safety:you could build the creepiest serial killer ever!
"Mommy, there's a monster in the closet..."

Blindmage |
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If you want to take creepy in a different way, the pain taster may be what you are looking for.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/n-r/pain-taste r
A prestige class devoted to people who suffer horrible pains for the purpose of gaining strength. You want to creep your party out? Spend an hour a day chanting while slicing up your hands, or eating broken glass. Slice up yourself for bonus damage, whip and trip people, max out ranks in heal for the purpose of torture and go to work.
There's nothing bad about that!
*looks around shiftily*What?
Nothing to see here. Move along

Proley |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

In the caravan that comes to town every second Thursday of the month, there is a baker. He makes many things but his specialty is pies. They always sell out as his pies are renowned through out the inner sea. He's charming, and always quick with a joke, when he finds a child crying, he gives them 2 pieces of pie, one for themselves and the other to share with a friend. He likes bringing the community together and helping people connect with each other, often sponsoring banquets and feasts.
He's well liked by the townsfolk he meets, but there are stories that even the beasts of the dark forests and craggy mountains love his pies so much, that they allow him free passage, even leading him to secret berry patches and orchards tended by the green spirit itself.
He's a generous individual, he stops at hospitals and shares pie with the plague victims long forgotten in quarantine, bringing some light to their dark existence, a beacon of hope and joy in a cruel, dark world.
He's an Anti-Paladin, his pies delight the humans as they're made with the freshest ingredients. His pies delight the monsters, as they're made with the freshest villagers. He spreads disease through pies, he encourages the gathering en mass of the public so as to spread the disease further and wider. He uses his charitable nature to earn favours that start small, but then grow into bigger and better things. The only ones who know his true nature are those locked away in sanitariums whom he visits regularly so he can witness their suffering. They're assumed insane at their insistence that the pies are poison and that this kind soul is a monster, some even having been moved to rabid assault on this paragon of virtue. He uses his networks of favours to protect his true work.
He'll kill you with disease, or have groomed a lonely child into an angry assassin, he'll have tricked you into murdering your family in a bout of insanity as the pathogens he spreads find their way to your brain. And while doing so, he'll be warmly welcomed into your village, into your home. People will line up for hours for a chance to thank him for his presence. He'll have killed you with a handshake loaded with plague, which you spread to your family at a banquet in his honour, and then he'll depart knowing you'll be dead by the time he returns a month from now. And when he returns, he'll find your child, alone and sobbing, he'll offer your son a pie, and your son will look into your killer's eyes and say "Thank You."
Boost Charisma sky high, Craft: Baking, Profession: Baker/Event Co-Ordinator, Invest in Bluff/Diplomacy, Pose as a follower of Torag (Community and Craftsmanship). Be friendly to everyone, and celebrate every occassion with Pie. Pick up Coward's Mark, Demon Fever and Mindfire to be your disease weapons, and watch as communities unravel in your wake.

The Wizard Burke |
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Evoker who studies how magic affects his own body. Likes to use his spells on himself, and relies on a large supply of healing potions to keep himself healthy. Make him a worshiper of Nethys and half him experiment solely on one side of his body.
A character interested in demon grafts. Motivations can vary but whatever the justification this guy is obsessed with replacing parts of his body with mockeries ripped from fiends.
Honestly, a suitably philosophical and reasonable cleric of any of the evil gods could be really effective. If you can come up for some decent arguments, really reasonable ones for your deity, you'll wig the shit out of them.

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A cleric of Zon-Kuthon. Lost his parents tragically, and couldn't cope with the pain of loss, so he turned to the god of pain and loss. Believes that there's some sort of honor in suffering, or has simply forgotten what it feels like to be happy. Attends the funerals of strangers whenever he gets the opportunity so as to "congratulate" the bereaved. Prepares his spells in the evening, and his prayer takes the form of crying himself to sleep at night.
A gnome summoner. He himself is a perfectly pleasant fellow, but his eidolon appears to be a horrible undead monstrosity of peeled-back skin and stitched-together viscera. It can also talk, and will randomly start describing horrible things at odd intervals. If anyone asks why this ordinary gnome has such a ghoulish eidolon, the gnome can only shrug, but the eidolon insists his form on this plane is an expression of its master's true soul.

Gingerbreadman |

- A beautiful witch with the child scent hex and some other creepy ones who has a familiar with the evolved familiar: Tentacle feat.
If others think this is about hentai its their fault and you can chide them for being gross.
- Sadly not for PFS: Racial heritage: troll + gift of sight feat.
- Again a witch: Just use vomit swarm as your trademark spell. Creepy enough.

Better_with_Bacon |
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Here are some ideas that have been kicking around the noggin (squick levels can go from "umm..." to "Dear God, No. We have to call the authorities)
Summoner thatwhorships Lamashtu, 'births' her Eidolon/Summoned Monsters
Alchemist whose extracts/infusions/mutagens are in the form of syringes.
Halfling Summoner with Pass for Human and Childlike Feats & 'Tentacle Monster' Eidolon (Squicky levels can really vary on this one)
Very Respectfully,

Shub-Niggurath's cousin Al |
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Make a clown Bard. And make him the friendliest person of the group.
He will be the party face, always disarming even the worst of tensions with his antics. He will support his allies in battle, and he will charm them all with his hilarious clownishness.
And he will be a devout follower of Shax, with the Demonic Obedience feat and all that entails. His friendliness is no bluff, but his devotion is absolute.

Ganryu |
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A Forlorn Elven wizard who is utterly obsessed with keeping his companions from ever dying, so he delves deeply into necromancy because he can't bear to lose anyone else...ever...again...
What about an elf supremacist who's utterly convinced of the other race's inferiority to elves?... But he doesn't hate them. He pities them. And he quests for a spell powerful enough to turn all humanoids on golarion into elves.

Abraham spalding |
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Halfling Paladin with child-like, bodyguard and in harm's way. Later on get combat patrol.
Most people freak out when they go to stab a wizard and this kid runs out and jumps in the way.
Helps if you scream out, "NO NOT MY FATHER/MOTHER!" when you do it. Take ranks in perform(acting) and play dead afterwards.

Zathyr |
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Seem like you can't go wrong playing a halfling with the childlike and pass for human feats. Children of the Corn, little sisters from Bioshock Vivian from Dawn of the Dead
I've actually really wanted to play a creepy child type character. I think it would be a lot of fun. For me, at least. :3
The idea grew from bits and pieces kicking around in my head but really got rolling when I saw the transparency mutagen. It's 3rd party and I probably wouldn't use it, but I just love the idea of some of the creepy things you could get up to with invisibility. Hide in Plain Sight works just as well, really. Or any spellcaster with invisibility spells, preferably able to cast Still and Silently. Or just be a ninja. Creepy ninja child. Mmmm. Maybe mix in Hungry Ghost Monk for fun.
It's all in the tone, really. And the right look on your face, almost like you're staring through them..
sneak up on someone
whisper: "I see you."
"Let's. Play. A game!"
attack them
"Tag! You're it!"
Stare glassy-eyed at them as you slowly fade away.

Remy P Gilbeau |
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This is a character I personally play. A half-orc Scarred Witch Doctor with the Shadow patron. While learning his spells for the day, he kneels before his tribal mask, cutting the symbols of his spells for the day into his flesh. Liquid shadow dripping from the wounds and slithering along the ground as he chants in orcish in a trance-like state. Whenever he casts a heal, the wound vanishes from the injured party member and appears on his own body, closing and adding a new scar to his vast collection. His bone-beaded dread locks reaching for people to deliver curses and spells of death, and his favorite spell, he lifts his hideous mask and black oily bile bursts from his mouth, forming a thick black ooze in front of him which bursts into hundreds of thousands of spiders, crawling and biting over his enemies.

Proley |
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A very caring support/buffer, played like your standard stereotypical overbearing mother. Make sure the other players are well fed, in tip-top shape. When you're staying in an inn for the night, make sure your party (whom you refer to as your children, of course)have the best rooms. Ensure they get all the rest they need.
Be the most attentive person they've ever met, and shower them with love and affection. So long as they call you Mother, of course. Roll will saves everytime they talk to a woman, if you fail, you're jealous and angry she's trying to take them away from you, be petty and scornful of her. If anyone else provides healing, buffing, or cooks for them, do the same will saves.
Bribe shopkeepers and such to swoon over the PCs, as their self-esteem is very important. Anyone less than friendly to the PCs is immediately on Mother's naughty list. The Naughty list has consequences.
At an appropriate level, they all get homemade jewellery consisting of an Onyx Gem of varying sizes, as a token of your undying affection. Keep them in the best shape you possibly can, so that when they die, you can rebirth them into undeath. Of course, until the first time you raise Johnny, they'll all just think you're an overly attached mother, when in reality, you were just ensuring they'd provide you optimal corpses.

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I always thought that some of the best opportunities for toe-curling, flesh-crawling Creepy can come from good, or at least neutral, characters.
I played a Dirge Bard once (and nothing wholesome can ever come from Dirge Bard. Nothing) who was a recently reformed follower of Menxyr. As you do.
Having fallen in with a group of Pharasmarites and determined to get away from her questionable past now she had seen the error of her ways, she over-compensated in a big way.
Dressing in bright and cheerful colours, disregarding personal space and greeting everyone she met with a nasal "Hey, -friend-", I made sure that each and every sentence she spoke was dripping with sleaze, obsequisousness and smarmy compliments.
She liked to give people Great Big Hugs.
For me, the best kind of unsettling effect a character can have is when the party waits and waits and waits for the inevitable betreyal... and it never comes.

Proley |

Do you game with a regular group? If so, make a character as close to the DM, or his family members as possible. The character itself won't be creepy, but the creep factor comes from only responding to the DM's name, and the fascination and familiarity you have in order to pull it off. Try to play the character as true to life as possible :)
Bonus creep! Take Leadership, make the Cohort yourself, and always insinuate a bizarre relationship dynamic between the two. Whether you be best friends, lovers, etc... it can make the DM very squimish. Plus, they'll one day face the issue of killing themselves, at which point you (the player) look at the DM (the person) and announce you'd like the xp for killing the DM, and thus technically, every person, monster, animal, construct, etc... in the world. Announce you're level 20 now, and leave the room, never to be seen again.

Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
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Make a witch/ summoner with a small sized eidolon.
Talk about how she once loved a demon, and how she lost him long ago.
Constantly rock the little eidolon to sleep at night whispering, "Mommy loves you."
Take the ability to brew potions out of small children. Delightfully feed children to your eidolon while clapping excitedly and when confronted by the authorities make sure to tell the eidolon to thank the parents involved for the meal.
Go overbearing extra crazy mode. This brought to you by a kids show i watched recently. :P
Take the summoner mommy thing one step further, "For the night is dark and full of terrors."

Umbranus |

I had a rather unsettling pc once. He was a cleric of some evil god, one who openly accepted human sacrifice. At the start of the campaign the other group members made me make a vow to never sacrifice a party member. I accepted but made a point, repeating it on occasion, who was a party member and who wasn't.
We had some NPCs with us and only some of them were accepted as belonging to the party.
While clearing an abandoned hideout for our own use we encountered some undead which the other cleric tried to turn. But I controled them instead, using them to "disarm" magical traps.
In the end, while being creeped off by my pc the others argued about who could get the rooms beside mine because everyone accepted that my pc was the savest to have around in an emergency.

AndIMustMask |

@OP: my advice is to not go for mechanics if youre trying to be unsettling. Thats something for you to roleplay. My 2 copper on the matter: the most effective ways are in the little things. Sure you can play a shambling groaning qlippoth spawn with the wasting curse to squick your teammates, but its too in-your face about it, so they'll eventually just ignore it and move on. You need to keep it consistent and subtle or the effect will be reduced or lost entirely.
Maybe they collect useless or strange things (fingernails, eyelashes, bottle corks, etc.) without any apparent interest in doing so, maybe theyre entirely benign but work off of a completely alien morality system (where most people think in black/white/grey, you think in yellow and purple). Maybe theyre a high-functioning sociopath. Have something off about your character that isnt readily apparent, but leaves the other players uneasy of what it might imply.
Obviously this is easier done in a morally grey or evil campaign, but even good guys can be creepy. Just leave the other characters with lingering questions about you that they dont neccessarily want answered.
You can flavor the character mechanically for creep as desired. maybe dark tapestry oracle or a similar witch, or take the opposite approach and play something completely normal, such as a fighter or ranger.

David knott 242 |

If you ever read Stranger in a Strange Land, you could go for a character with a strange upbringing and even stranger values. The main character in that book had no problem with cannibalism (whether he was doing the eating or being eaten) but reacted with horror when somebody expected him to walk on grass.

Ravingdork |

Dustyboy |

Nothing is as unsettling as targeting children
Core rulebook? How about a racial heritage halfling halforc? He does his best to look like a really tall, hairy, and muscly human child... and pulls it off, pretending to be an orphan to manipulate the party to protect him, and getting handouts from strangers.
I've made a mickey mouse arcane trickster/soul drinker/arcane archer who murders children after luring them with illusions into the "Enchanted forest of happiness" and eats their souls, resurrecting them as zombie kids which he then repaints as happy critters using said illusion magic once more.
He's also into slaving.
It's only good if you can do the mickey voice.
also there's the pesh magic and alcohol based things, With alchemist and sorcerer you could make someone who literally just drugs all his enemies into being his friends.
Anyone who harvests organs for trade on the black market
A total redneck gunslinger/druid/alchemist who's primary rule is "As long as it aint gay it aint against nature" along with his hatred for elves interbreeding with other races... And an especially deep hatred for drow. Because he in some elven KKK or something
A wizard who has an off screen sex/torture/human experimentation dungeon in some sort of extra dimensional space, Who acts as though he abhors death and is only willing to use non-lethal damage.
Another odd sexual thing is gaining as high of an effective druid level as possible, which is comically a horse or a dog. then giving it a grapple build and saying the horse/dog is trying to hump everyone and you just gave it spiked barding. eventually you can have up to three effective druid level 17 horses if you play your cards right, and they just can't keep their libidos in check

JoeJ |
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Any race, any class. Speak softly and refer to people, including yourself, in the third person. Other people are "it." And have the character narrate their conversation. For example (speaking in character to an innkeeper): "He tells it to go get two bottles of its best wine." Other times have the character just narrate what another character is being asked/told to do: "It goes and gets two bottles of its best wine."

Suthuri |

Any race, class: diviner, with incredible scrying abilities. This character has no respect for anyone's privacy and absolutely no social boundaries. The character would shamelessly share the most intimate and personal secrets of every person in the tavern while speaking with his or her adventuring party as a matter of light conversation.
The wizard's greeting, "why you haven't changed at all since I saw you last, which was when you were sleeping earlier this morning in the inn a league from here. I am sorry the bed was not that comfortable! But really, it must be exhausting tossing and turning as you do."
The wizard's parting, "I would say farewell, or see you later, but truly, it would be absurd, when I, at least, see you all the time! Be well or not as you may, for I shall know. For as you know, I am always watching."

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Lamontius wrote:A Forlorn Elven wizard who is utterly obsessed with keeping his companions from ever dying, so he delves deeply into necromancy because he can't bear to lose anyone else...ever...again...I really like this one
I suggest you pick up a copy of the novel, Johannes Cabal Necromancer, it'll give you some ideas of how to play this kind of character

Sissyl |

A fighter. Someone who sees the world in terms of Good (us) vs Evil (them), doesn't raise an eyebrow about horrible monsters trying to eat him, nor about killing people. He shows no respect for the dead, showing no restraint in taking the possessions of his victims and paying no mind to sanctity of graves. A number of deaths and resurrections have left him emotionally dead, seeking only combat and treasure...

JoeJ |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
A fighter. Someone who sees the world in terms of Good (us) vs Evil (them), doesn't raise an eyebrow about horrible monsters trying to eat him, nor about killing people. He shows no respect for the dead, showing no restraint in taking the possessions of his victims and paying no mind to sanctity of graves. A number of deaths and resurrections have left him emotionally dead, seeking only combat and treasure...
IOW a player character?

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A gnome fighter with a 5 strength and using full plate armor and a tower shield. So encumbered that at best he moves 5 to 10 feet as his move action and is unable to hit the broadside of a barn due to the penalties to attack. But you sure can irritate the he'll out of your gm with this walking turtle.