Jacob Motteditor, Template Fu, (1/2) Wasko bros. Thomas LeBlanc, Feros
So many Top 32 have chimed in before we even get to 25 posts.
Owen? Neil?
*looks ahead for SKR & Clark*
I have missed y'all!
EDIT: uhm... err... To the original questtion: aye, Tim. I find the prospect... interesting.
(so interesting my heart rate has just jumped :)
If it helps, as one of Wayfinder’s assistant editors-in-chief, I’ll be involved too.
It's annoying when you get inspiration for something with less than a week left and everything else going on keeps you from ironing those ideas out >_<
If any of you have any unfinished ideas, I recommend you get them written down asap, and work on them while the inspiration is still with you.
Test it on an NPC in your home game, run it past your friends, see if it's a feat or spell they'd pick for their own PCs. Ask someone you trust to spell check it, grammar check it or critique it. Ask your group's canon-savant to look for holes in your timeline or geography.
It might sound like punishing yourself, but practice is practice.
It could be of use to you, in a future issue or elsewhere.
And it's nothing to the punishment you'll give yourself, if the next issue's theme is announced, you know you once had an idea that would fit, but you're staring at a blank screen, unable to recall a word of it.
I'm working on a flavor piece that mentions fey from several sources (the Bestiaries, a Pathfinder Campaign Setting book, and even an Adventure Path volume). Is there some standard I should be using to make things easier for the editors should the submission get accepted?
A quick pass through parts of Wayfinder #17 shows references to Bestiaries written out in parentheses (Bestiary 6) and an Adventure Path reference in superscript (AP #57). Should I stick with these? The multiple Bestiary parenthetical references seem quite repetitive, break up the prose, and tend to run up the word count.
P.S. - Got my physical copy of Wayfinder #17 around the same time He'sDeadJim got his; it looks Arr!-some!
The best thing to do for us is actually to leave us good notes using comments in Word. Then we can figure out if things actually need to be referenced or not. If you're not using rules elements, we often only include references for particularly obscure things.
Bear in mind that siphon structure has a duration of concentration, and it's not as powerful as it looks. Plus you need a target object to siphon from, and can't take more than it's hardness. Combine that with attended objects getting a (fairly easy) Fort save, and I think it holds up. Now, you can abuse the spell by weakening your own adamantine longsword (or whatever), but it's still capped by caster level.
With PaizoCon behind us and Wayfinder 17 in people's hands (physically and digitally!), plus the Bestiary released, I thought I'd take a moment to remind people that the next issue is open for submissions.
Be sure to read (and follow) the guidelines to maximimize your chances of inclusion. I look forward to seeing everyone's submissions!
I'm Eric, I cut my hair relatively recently and wear it short now, I'm 6'4", bearded (or maybe goateed), personable, and you can ask pretty anybody at PaizoCon to point me out and they will ;)
I will most likely be found at or near the bar. Or maybe skulking around in panels. Or possibly somewhere else. But probably at the bar.
The way the Con has worked (and I assume will work) is that there is an event lottery before hand. This includes games run by Paizo staff, freelancers, 3PP folk, and anyone else who wants in. These games are generally not PFS, and will list what they need you to bring, which is often dice, a pencil, and a desire to play.
After the lottery is settled, PFS games open up on a first come-first serve basis. The answers here will likely serve you better than I will, since they come from VOs.
Pick up games are also fairly common, with people using every available space in the hotel, including a few dedicated rooms.
So there are absolutely plenty of games, PFS or not.
People start lining up about 2 hours ahead of time. If there's someone you desperately want to sit with, get in line at this point. If you have a list of 3-5 people, you're probably okay closer to the 1 hour mark. If you don't mind sitting in a corner with Cosmo, show up whenever you feel like ;)
There's about half an hour to eat and chat, longer if you were at the front of the line, shorter if you were near the back. While tables generally only have 1 Paizo staff member, there's often guests of honour, freelancers, PFS VOs, 3PP publishers, and other awesome folk, so every table has the potential to be an amazing experience. Because Paizo staff get in early, they're often mid-meal or done when the masses pour in.
Then there's the presentation, during which people might still be having coffee, dessert, or drinks, but very little talking is going on. The reveal of upcoming products, thank yous and other miscellany takes 1-2 hours generally.
After the banquet is the trivia contest, and the main evening of BarCon. Both are a ton of fun, and if you've never done the trivia, I recommend giving it a whirl.
Of course, this is just my experience. Your mileage may vary.
Glad to see a lot of you are enjoying the book! It was my first attempt at developing a Player Companion, and I probably couldn't have asked for a better team of freelancers whose work I could build upon. Also, having John Compton do a 2nd check over my work (not to mention all the help during my dev pass) really helped make this product turn into something pretty rad.
Anywho, just excited to see people enjoying the content!
I have a few more questions concerning the monster masquerade material in the book if that's okay. Are they purely meant for use with feats and skills? I.e., basically wearing a 'monster suit'? Or is there magic involved, making them something more along the lines of polymorph magic?
It's designed to be a mundane set of feats that grant some monster disguise abilities.
The new Druid archetype sounds really cool. I'm guessing since it makes your Druid more weapon focused the mechanic trades out wildshape?
I'm also interested in the Oozemaster, largely because if it doesn't have an ooze companion I have no idea what it would do. Bombs that drop oozes on your enemies instead of explode, maybe?
I inserted this as a side trek into my iron gods campaign as the party was travelling from Torch to Scrapwall.
I kept the main NPCS as is, but omitted a few things since my party was only level 4. In the end, most of the encounters were resolved peacefully, to Krondarr's dismay. Krondarr was a lot of fun to roleplay and was enjoyed by all.
In fact Krondarr joined the party for a day or 2 and eventually decided to ** spoiler omitted **
Eric Hindley
Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Boxhead
Il'l poke my nose in here from time to time. Just to see what's going on. And maybe say something. Who knows? I'm not terribly important either, really, but I do have a say in what Wayfinder does, and I do love a contest.
While not nearly as exciting as Tim's post, I'd like to remind people that we still have room for advertisers in this issue. Your ads will be seen by everyone who attends PaizoCon in glorious print! That's pretty amazing!
Have a look at the first post and contact us at wayfinder.fanzine@gmail.com to get in on this wonderful opportunity.
I have a specific question about using the "Pursue the Iron Princess" side-trek. "spoilered" to avoid revealing inappropriate details to players.
** spoiler omitted **
I'll have look at the AP volumes and see if I can't come up with some advice for you.
Given the geography involved, the answer can be no. :(
This is just MY suggestion, and Eric may have better ideas....but I think the solution is ** spoiler omitted **
Just my take on this....
Tim's idea is great, but feel free to use this as well:
Let the PCs meet Krondarr wandering through Scrapwall, searching for his stolen bride. Alternatively, move the tribe into the city limits and run the opening encounter as written.
You can set the dungeon at the entrance to any other mini-dungeon, or add it as a separate location, depending on the needs of your game.
Alternatively, you can relocate the tribe and run it between adventures 1 and 2, Krondarr can help even the odds for a lower level party.
Saturday and Sunday are the "meatiest" days in my experience, with Friday night being an excellent add if you play PFS, or get into a cool lottery game. I personally think even just Saturday and Sunday would make it worthwhile, but everyone has their own preferences.
"Doors" is a weird question. PaizoCon is in a conference hotel, so the doors don't really close. Most days things kick off around 8am, but the hotel restaurant, cafe, etc., are open earlier than that (6am? 5am? I have no idea, early.).