
Eldred the Grey's page

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I have been visiting the site since 2005 but my first post wasn't until 2012 just spent the seven years between lurking.


Time to wake this thread back up again. The last PF metal mini's that Reapers done was for the Hell's Rebel's AP. The last plastics not counting any KS figures were a mix mash of Iconics from Occult Adventures and ACG classes. Just a current update on what Reaper has put out, I know the pandemic really screwed with things. But thats our current totals. Hopefully everyone can straighten themselves out and it helps out all parties involved.


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In this area is where the Owlcat CRPG's are.

Hope that helps.


I haven't assigned a diety or Domains since it doesn't currently realy matter at the moment.


A very rough stat block of my Mystic Theurge.
Name: Symrisa Winterglade
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Class/Level: Cleric3/Wizard5/Mystic Theurge3
Statistics: Str; 9 Dex; 14 Con; 12 Int; 18 Wis; 14 Cha; 12
Resistances: Fort;+6 Ref;+5 Will;+11 Init;+2
BAB: +5
Feats: Selective Channeling, Toughness, Scribe Scroll(B), Extend Spell, Spell Penetration, Craft Wonderous Item(B), Combat Casting, Dodge
Skills: Appraise +12
Craft(Sewing) +11
Diplomacy +7
Heal +11
Knowledge(arcane) +15
Knowledge(nature) +12
Knowledge(religion) +13
Perception +10
Sense Motive +11
Spellcraft +18
Cleric Spells:1st: Shield of Faith, Obscuring Mist, Entropic Shield, Cure Light Wounds
2nd: Aid, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Sound Burst
3rd; Searing Light, Cure Serious Wounds
Cleric Domains:
Wizard Spells: Cantrips:Arcane Mark, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost
1st: Hydraulic Push, Shield, Magic Missle, Colour Spray, Unseen Servant
2nd: Protection from Arrows, Acid Arrow, Whispering Wind, Fog Cloud
3rd: Hydraulic Torrent, Dispel Magic, Haste, Heroism
4th: Ice Storm, Stoneskin, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Wizard School: Water
Combined Spells (1st), (2nd), Channel Energy(2d6), Channel (4/day), Arcane Bond(Ring of Protection +1), Water Supremacy(Su) +3, Cold Blast(Su)(1d6+2)(7/day),
Possessions: 19600
Combat Gear: (Symrisa's Silken Gloves: Bracers of Armour +2 Cure Light Wounds (3/day)8875(custom item)),
Gear: Ring of Protection +1, Masterwork Rapier, Masterwork Longbow, 20 Arrows, Amulet of Natural Armour +2

I have the possibility of having her dive in to help out during a major fight. So majority of cleric spells will be heals with some buffs. But I am thankful for the advice, I tried compairing the NPC Codex Mystic Theurges but only the 2 high level ones were wizards. So thanks for the builds, should help me going forward building MT's.



I am building a important Elven NPC to be a advisor and mentor style character for PC's. She will be a crafter with a Cleric 3/ Wizard 5/ MT 3, this is set in my FR/PF mash up so domains currently don't really matter, I want my school to be Water. I am having trouble with their stats cause I have feats, items and major skills sorted, but the stat layout is bugging me. I am having them built using a modified point build, because of their importance I am using 18 points for them. I just can't work out their build. So if someone can help me out as its getting annoying, I want only one stat at either 8 or 9.

So help please.


Welcome back Dark Mistress, yes the boards have changed, for good or bad I don't know. But glad to see some of the older faces back again, hopefully the boards might pick up a little. Enjoy some topics on the boards and hopefully you will find threads that will hold your interest again.


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I would only consider this a win if 1ed through to 3.5 were made Creative Commons, they can do what they want with 6th or whatever they want to call it. Just let the old games and their srd's go and focus on their future, they can do whatever they want with that. But still this is a win of sorts so kudos to everyone, may your Dungeons remain full of treasure and your Dragons be TPK machines of Epic scale.


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I don't play 2e but I never swore off Paizo for it, I just haven't found any threads that I want to put any significant time into.


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The way I read that WotC response to the backlash it sounds like they pushed something out without putting it through the Hasbro legal team first. It has the reading of someone who believes so strongly that they are right but have had more knowledgeable people tell them they arn't. I can imagine Hasbos marketing and social media team wonder why they are trending, find out and tell the legal department and the shit storm went from there.

However it happened I have concerns for what WotC might attempt in the next 6 months. They have been backed into a corner and can be very dangerous to contain any violance they might choose.

My 2 coppers worth


Additionally: Its unfortunate that PF1ed is not in a state to be granfathered into the ORCL(yes I know its called ORC I prefer the future looking idea and that class).

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Here is the Roll for Combat interview with Mr Ryan Dancy.



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Having watched various videos, read various articles and the discussion on here, I gives creedance to the fact that this smells of a monopolisation attempt. I do not need to remind you that governments don't like monopolies, see the Activision-Blizzards purchase by Microsoft being opposed by the UK government. Now I know that it truely is just a money grab by Hasbro/WotC but still it seems both shodily put together and with a large degree of praying noone prods too deep. But they forget alot of people who play RPG's are geeks and/or nerds, some of which are now adults with Law Degrees. This going to be a shit show for both Hasbro and WotC since it shows contempt for what came before and the fans and it shows a great deal of ignorance.

But hey only time can tell, but thats my 2pence worth.


Check this thread sounds like you are having the same problem. It requires you clearing your cookies both PC and Browser.


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Alertness- Perception bonus need I say more, also helps sense motive.
Arcane Strike- Bonus damage is always handy.
Blind Fight- Cirumstantial but useful.
Cunning- More skill points please.
Dodge- A handy bonus not always wanted but useful all the same.
Extend Spell- My go to metamagic feat, get max duration out of certain spells.
Improved Critical- YMMV but I enjoy increased critical range and not spend all my cash.
Leadership- Game and Group specific but useful when its allowed.
Nimble Moves- Handy little mobility buff.
Toughness- Bonus HP for everyone.

This is my ones for certain NPC's.
Master Craftsman-Allows certain non-casters to craft a limited pool of magic items, useful for certain games.
Run- Cause more movement is handy.


Unfortunatly Gamebanshee hasn't done a detailed walkthrough of Kingmaker, if they did I would have had that one linked. Gamebashee do some really good walkthroughs including a rough idea of the random treasures that could be found.


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This is a walkthrough of the CG and it was based off the 1ed rules so treasure is 1ed appropriate. This.


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Carla the Profane wrote:

Hi Paizo!

About 5 years ago I posted here requesting additional payments methods for us europeans: getting a creditcard is not possible for all of us since you need a certain credit score to get one, and prepaid creditcards are being slowly banned by the EU for money laundering prevention.

Is there any chance that we can give you our money using Paypal, debit cards (Ideal / Mollie) in the future?

I'd like to buy adventures now, but can't since no one in my direct network owns a credit card!

A Debit card does work since thats what I have used to buy stuff over the years, but it does need to be a Visa or Mastercard Debit card. Thats my 2 pence worth I don't know if its helpful, but I thought that a good proportion of Europe use debit cards. Also I am a Scotsman so take it as you will.


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I posted in a thread that was somewhat similar that if they did it would be yes. Mostly a few more NPC Codexes would be excellent, a compendium of the various master's style books gathered in one place add in Inner sea magic and some other random info. Something that would give you more teams/squads for Ucamp and more settlement qualities and disadvantages. Gives GM's 3 new books and players an new book.


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A number of PF mini's are plastic. New PF mini's period from Reaper would be nice. The last release was from the Hell's Rebel's AP.


I took a good bit of advice from here and removed the good alignment from the gloves. I have kept it for the torc however as I want to keep the feel of a good god having blessed it, there would be an evil version with a Profane bonus to armour. Only problem I have is creating creating one for neutral characters but I may just go for a Luck based bonus.

Once again thanks and sorry about this very delayed update.


Also I have Magic of Faerun and will be intertwining that alongside the various pf item creation rules to get an approximate.

Finally fixed it. Required clearing all my cookies, browser and pc and 2 patches to work but now we have liftoff.

I asked that a while back both here and reaper as I want the NPC's from owlcats Kingmaker and the 1sted beginer box black dragon. Supposadly(sp) there are plans but who knows since the global situation seems to have really fubar'd some deals through no fault of either party.


(fyi I will take the dragon in the standard bones line if it is ever offered.)

OmniMage wrote:
What does 6/9 and 4/9 spell casting mean?

It means out of maximum magic levels. So Wizard is up to 9th level spells so would be 9/9, a Bard has 6th level spells at max level so is known as a 6/9 spellcaster. Paladins have up to 4th level spells as a maximum so is known as a 4/9 caster. Hope that helps.


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Darkwood Club
Heavy Mace
and a particular favourite the Gladius

Simple and thematic weapons which all fill a niche but can also allow you to create a solid/memorable character around.


I can think of 2 to choose from a NPC Codex2 and a book that pulled feats/traits/spells/City Traits etc from lots of sources and some rules pulled from Weapon Masters handbook(name?) and Armour Masters toolbox(name?). The first book would be usefull for GM's and book to would be extremely useful for both players and GM.

Is there any more information about Asylferund outside that attached to the various PC games.


Most items I try to create, I use already existing items to base them off. This is only really the second time I have tried to either create a true custom item or convert an item from older editions of D&D. This was the case when someone helped me update/upgrade the old Adventures/Knaves/Travelers robes and me trying to create an item similar to but less powerful than this.

Thanks for the links all it really helps me think this out, particullarly since this is for an important NPC that may help out. I have given her a higher WBL for an NPC to allow for her to have some custom items.


I was basically aiming for Pizza Lord's suggestion which was a flat 10 temp hitpoints. I had yet to work out how I would have the temp hp regenerate throughout the course of the day. Like possibly 1hp/per hour. I do see your point about the alignment particularly at 30% I thought that 20% would be better or 10% at least.


OmniMage the CLW is Spell Level*Caster Level*1800. So I am having it done at CL 3 so its 1*3*1800=5400. The alignment bit is for thematics it is more for the Torque which can easily be switched for both good/evil using sacred/profane bonus to AC.

The final point you said doesn't realy sync with how I interpreted it since the main ability(False Life) now takes up a slot, any additional powers would be slotless since the slot is already filled. Also it is a pure defensive item, similarity is the protect the wearer from taking actual damage.

Thanks for the feedback though particulary since the alignment restriction is realy only for GM reasons. Although if a player wanted to use the same rule for the item then I can make exceptions dependant on player and reason.


I have created some personalized/custom magic items for a Mystic Theurge NPC I am using. Since this NPC is important I thought it thematic and a good use of the feats that I created her with. Now on to the items in question.

1st Symrisa's Gloves

Bracers of armour +2, along with cure light wounds 3/day
So the math is 4000 for the +2 AC
5400 for the CLW 3/day
Now here is the tricky part for me since the CLW is 3/day that means we divide its cost by 1.66(5/3=1.66) which gives us a new base cost for the CLW part of 3250.
Now we add these together using the rules that gives us 8875(4000+(3250*1.5)) and we gave it the ability to be used by good characters only that then gives us the new total of 6213(8875-30%).

2nd Symrisa's Torque
+1 Sacred bonus to AC is 2500
Continuous False Life is 20000(2nd*CL5*2000)
Now add together this becomes 23750(20000+(2500*1.5))
Then since these are both defensive powers we can combine them using the similar powers rule so our new total is 22813(20000+(75% of 3750)).
Again Good Characters only gives us now 15970(22813-30%).

I think this is correct but if I messed up somewhere could people tell me where and show me how. Many thanks for any advice and help given.


Here is the most recent update.

My order arrived safe and sound so thanks for the prod.


Thank you for that, also forgot that customer service had a forum tab so thanks for moving this.


Is there a problem with my order as it shows as still being pending despite being ordered over a fortnight ago. I recieved the email about the art of dragon book but I thought it would have been cleared after that. If there is any info about it could you let me know, many thanks.


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This is one and is another thats a few of them. Sorry for any problems.



I placed an order a few days ago and was perusing the store and kept having issues with various pages involving miniatures. I clicked on the link to open the page and then it doesn't really load. You get the name of the page and then nothing between that and Paizo info bar at the bottom of the page, the gap was non-existant. This happened in the general miniatures pages and the clearance pages.

Sorry this is the best info I can give, its Win10 and the most recent version of Chrome if that helps.



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Here is the latest update from March.

If you have some old issues of Dungeon magazine issue 143 might be what you are after.


Do we know if Owlcat has said anything about adding the WotR PC classes alongside the additional race options to Kingmaker? Since I am assuming the Kingmaker Class and race list will be the core of WotR alongside the additionals that have been unlocked in the KS. Also will they increase the archetype list up to 5 for each class. Couldn't find much info on Owlcats own forums.



I use as a way to show if there is something going on in the region with the following being an example: Limited Imports- Due to adverse conditions items get changed out less frequently. However that might not be true for everyone just my 2pence worth.


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Here is the latest blog Update.

I was hoping that it would be released in time for Christmas as I wanted to make a bulk purchase and the trio of books would be the prize. But waiting til possibly May or June to make my purchase isn't too bad just hope the mini's that I would have bought alongside it are still available. But many thanks for the update.

Keep well and stay safe.


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Okay busting this thread back out for a minor update.

Okay so first thing was the original amount the farmer earned per week. Technically it should be 9.5gp per week not 9 so the new 39 week total is 370.5gp, I turned 5 of the 13 week into crafting jobs so that added another 37.5 and left the last 8 weeks as untrained for an additional 5.6. So new overall total is 413.6 per annum.

But its a different story if you use the farmer from the NPC Codex instead since they have craft (carpentry) +6 and profession (farmer) +5. So the totals are 292.5gp for 39 weeks, 40gp for 5 weeks and again 8 weeks at 5.6gp. So their total is 338.1 per annum.

Now if we add the additional income from the wife we get an additional 36.4gp per year. So Farmer A now has 450gp per year income and farmer B now has 374.5gp per year.

Now if we take off lifestyle costs for both adults as an average cost and add in 3 children at poor the total to remove for both is 348gp per year.

New totals: Farmer A has 102gp a year profit
Farmer B has 26.5gp a year profit.

Just an update to the basic premise using the original Gamemastery Guide NPC farmer and comparing him to the NPC Codex farmer.




I have Kingmaker and I am considering Battletech, but the reason I need the new PC is I want to get Monster Hunter World and Necromunda Underhive Wars but my laptop can't handle the better quality games. So a new Desktop is the goal since I will get a bigger desk at the same time, gets me back into mini painting properly then.

Thanks for the Recommendations though.


Its part hard work and part mental fortitude, only issue is for how much longer can I fight it. But that's why at times I nip on this thread to vent or ramble a little since "talking" about it helps if only for long enough to regain control.

Thanks for the support.

To all those who suffer from this just remember others can help, even if it means we try to should some of your burden onto ourselves. If that can help someone else, even if only for a short while, it is something I will do and I am sure others would as well. The fight is long and hard but the reprieve we and rpg games can give, hopefully is worth it to you.

Again Thanks to all and to others Remember you are not alone.



Two months on from my last post I have had 3 panic attacks, held off a panic attack whilst out shopping and its still hard as ever to hold off the suicidal thoughts. Even though everything is opening back up slowly I can't face the outside world again so the reprieve was short. But it has allowed me to save some money so I can build a new PC, aiming for what should be the back to school sales in September. Also still want the Kingmaker hardback and its pf1e companions. How are you and remember that their are people who suffer mental health alongside you, we can help even if only for a short while.

Sorry to ramble just needed to clear my head.

Keep Well and still try to have some fun.


If anyone still has a copy of Power of Faerun would it be possible for you to post the info about the merchant companies it would be greatly appreciated. Still messing around with my modification of the western heartlands.

Thanks in advance.


Yet still so far!


Check the announcements here I am waiting for release ideally even if its just for the NPC book for pf1ed.


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