Doompatrol |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
There's a discussion on whether you would buy another 1st edition pathfinder book, but I think the much more important question is what would people want in it. No point in a new book if it has very little the community would actually be interested in.
The first suggestion is more for new players. I consider the Kineticist to be one of the best beginner classes once you get past the rules, it's thematic and has interesting abilities and by 4th level a typical player will only need to worry about blasting and 2 utility powers, it doesn't overload them with options. But that's the thing, that is once you get past the rules, I know long term players who won't give it a look. It could really do with a tidy up in terms of explanation.
The second is for advanced, I enjoy the class but using it's own unique system means it really gets the shaft in terms of items and options. I think there is one official metamagic equivalent rod but it's priced at maximised greater, at that price it may as well not exist. Perhaps tiers that are restricted by the type of blast, basic, composite to mirror spell level and allow access at more affordable levels.
Other than that off the top of my head I can only thing I can think of at the moment is a focused necromancer class.
VoodistMonk |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |
An actual Necromancer could be fun.
I would like an official Glossary... a reprint of pretty much everything official in a common format/layout of content... and above all else... consistent language that separates fluff and flavor from the actual descriptive texts.
Alphabetically sorted, catagorized and chaptered by type (feat,trait,whatever)... those nifty little notches in the edges of the pages that separate A from B...
Open it to "B", and see EXACTLY what Bladed Brush is supposed to do. Without room for question or personal opinion.
Open it to "S", and see if the Scatter Sling's 15' cone originates at the sling, itself, or a point within its range... without question or room for opinion on the matter.
One final book called "This is how it is, how it was always meant to be."
Doompatrol |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I would like an official Glossary... a reprint of pretty much everything official in a common format/layout of content... and above all else... consistent language that separates fluff and flavor from the actual descriptive texts.
That could be done I guess, maybe even alone some fans to take care of it and clarified because it would be a lot of work.
Idea I had for a nercomancer would be a rag and bone man. Store undead in their cloak but could only actively control a fixed amount in number and HD, to avoid the issues that typically come with the animate dead spell. To make up for this limitation they wouldn't require onyx and could nominate a skeleton or zombies that would return from dust after spells are restored.
VoodistMonk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Neat approach to the Necromancer... I like it.
Instead of the zoo/army associated with necromancy as we know it in PF1 now, trim back the number and add class features that make up for the lack of overall HD in your control. The free/lessened cost is a huge plus.
Could easily provide the "white necromancer" non-evil archetype, even an Alchemy-based archetype, and possibly a summon-based archetype where you summon undead rather than raise them?
Maybe incorporate/steal/borrow from Agent of the Grave, and have a late level ability to ease the passage into Lichdom, or otherwise becoming undead, yourself, and retaining your free will and Intelligence and class abilities.
SheepishEidolon |
Ultimate Mutation, to allow characters to become more monstrous, permanently. There is material for that, but it's scattered all over the books: Synthesist, demonic implants, mutant template, corruptions, magic items etc.. Further, they are not necessarily compatible, and some are banned or gated behind GM's goodwill, depending on the table.
So I'd like a dedicated class or multiple, with permanent self-modification as major class feature. No pool of points, no limited daily uses, permanent. The rest of the book could be spent on a compilation of existing material, maybe with some advice, additions and balance changes.
DungeonmasterCal |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
An actual Necromancer could be fun.
I would like an official Glossary... a reprint of pretty much everything official in a common format/layout of content... and above all else... consistent language that separates fluff and flavor from the actual descriptive texts.
Alphabetically sorted, catagorized and chaptered by type (feat,trait,whatever)... those nifty little notches in the edges of the pages that separate A from B...
One final book called "This is how it is, how it was always meant to be."
I really like this idea. Toward the end of its life, D&D 3.5 crammed a lot of rules from various sources together into one book that was actually pretty handy.
I can't think of any new classes, feats, bestiaries, etc needed, with the possible exception of these two:
A). A bestiary completely dedicated to statting up monsters from various folklores around the world with the abilities the legends say they're supposed to have and
B). A more balanced version of the AD&D2e book "Player's Option: Skills and Powers" which would also include a unified spellpoint system. My players and I LOVED "Skills and Powers" because it allowed us to build a character almost exactly as we envisioned and could be used to create a "classless" version of the game. As it was, the system they created was, at least to us, wildly unbalanced, but we knew that going in and just had fun creating the characters.
Melkiador |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hmm. I feel like we had enough source books. More APs would have been nice.
If I had to come up with something, I’d like a priest class that uses arcanist style casting. Give it some good class features like exploits to allow you to mix and match your perfect divine servant to suit your deity.
A necromancer feels a little too specific to be its own class to me. What kind of archetypes would something like that have?
VoodistMonk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hmm. I feel like we had enough source books. More APs would have been nice.
If I had to come up with something, I’d like a priest class that uses arcanist style casting. Give it some good class features like exploits to allow you to mix and match your perfect divine servant to suit your deity.
A necromancer feels a little too specific to be its own class to me. What kind of archetypes would something like that have?
Necromancer class archetypes:
White Necromancer (non-Evil variant),
Undead Summoner (uses summoning mechanics instead of raising corpses),
Alchemical Necromancer (uses Alchemy instead of magic),
Undead Fleshwarper (makes one big scary minion like an Eidolon),
Divine Necromancer (for whatever reason I assume a base of Arcane),
Undead Champion (makes oneself into an Undead monster)...
Neriathale |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
A sourcebook for the Keleshite lands. They may do a 2E one eventually, but I find the 2E books not to my taste - the artwork to text ratio is so hight that it feels like there is only a superficial amount of information being given, and the whole ‘world trashed due to Tyrants Grasp’ is the default setting.
Dragon78 |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
one more splat book where every class gets 6+ pages each.
Stuff I would like to see.
-A good version of the Shifter(with some alternate versions like a better version of the adaptive one).
-A lot more Kineticist wild talents, alternate burn mechanics, reprint of the void element, and alternate elemental defenses plus fixed wood and void versions.
-Reprints of the Unicorn and Phoenix(both fixed) sorcerer bloodlines plus new ones like Giant, Lycanthrope, Vampire, etc.
-A lot of bloodlines for the Bloodrager that the sorcerer has.
-New Oracle mysteries and curses plus a finished version of the mute curse.
-Alternate options to replace class features such as bombs, channel, etc. with other things.
-Alternate versions of class features like studied combat, studied strike, weapon training, etc.
-Dragonrider(Cavalier) and Dragon Master(Hunter) archetypes.
-New companions/mounts such as aberrations, dragons, constructs, magical beast, mutant animals/plants/vermin, oozes, undead, etc.
-A Priest class variant of the Cleric.
-A spontaneous Cha based caster version of Druid(Primalist?) plus more nature bond options.
-New damage dealing cantrips(alignment based ones for clerics, sonic based one for bards, fire, elec., and negative energy ones for wizard/sorcerer, and force and psychic ones for psychics.)
-Feat that increases all cantrip damage.
-A few new spells like lesser regenerate(4th), fire and elec. based damage dealing spells for Psychics(pyrokinesis and bio-electricity), etc.
-Dex to damage options.
-More Alchemist discovers, Rogue talents, rage powers, hexes, etc.
-10 universal Oracle revelations that any Oracle can choose including one that lets you add spells to your spell list that fit your mystery such as all fire spells for the flame mystery.
-No magic items and few feats and spells.
-and more....
Doompatrol |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Neat approach to the Necromancer... I like it.
Instead of the zoo/army associated with necromancy as we know it in PF1 now, trim back the number and add class features that make up for the lack of overall HD in your control. The free/lessened cost is a huge plus.
Could easily provide the "white necromancer" non-evil archetype, even an Alchemy-based archetype, and possibly a summon-based archetype where you summon undead rather than raise them?
Maybe incorporate/steal/borrow from Agent of the Grave, and have a late level ability to ease the passage into Lichdom, or otherwise becoming undead, yourself, and retaining your free will and Intelligence and class abilities.
I'll probably homebrew it at some point. I would probably use the Occultist ability as a tough template so around half your level of basic skeletons zombies, number shrinking for more powerful.
For good or non-evil, it would probably be an option for intelligent servants you've made pacts with from the negative energy plane, who serve time with you so they can move on, trading the evil raw power for intelligent minions. Even though mechanically it could end up being very similar I would avoid the summon idea because of how common it is already.
At level 20 may as well make the capstone a choice of Lichdom or Vampire, it's level 20, may as well have fun, also an Oracle choice that gives lycanthropy
Jon Goranson |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Lots of good ideas here! Thanks!
New Paths Compendium does have a White Necromancer which a player used in a campaign and it was good. It has an option Priest, a Warlock, and Theurge as well, all twenty level classes. And more! (I'm not affiliated with it but I do like the options.)
What I would want are books that expand the Unchained rules. (with full hero lab classic support, preferably) Now, this may end up being small as there is a lot in Unchained already. I use three action economy in my PF1 games already, with 3 actions on their turn and one reaction outside of their turn. I'm also pretty forgiving on what that reaction is. Maybe they use it to move out of the way on another player's turn, for example.
I like the consolidated skills, mainly because I like Athletics and Acrobatics as good, generic skills to handle, STR and DEX based actions. I do like the proficiency levels of PF2 as a way to show when certain things can be made. I want to see cleaned up feats or at least pared down. This assumes the same number of feats to allow options. For example, maybe all metamagic feats that add one level are one feat and a spellcraft check. Although, I wouldn't mind Ancestry feats as well as adding them as separate feats gained every other or third level on top of the standard feat. I'm not for bounded accuracy, at least not forced, but fewer bonus types to AC, maybe non armor type is limited to five, could do that.
I do like PF2 multi class rules and wouldn't mind some way of allowing that as an option, where feats or skill points control when things are learned in the second class. But at a third or half rate of base class.
I like bringing back the randomness of 3E. Instead of flat bonuses, make it a roll but make it a roll every round. Bless adds d4 to attack and fear based saves and they get to roll every round. Prayer, then, adds d4 to attacks, damage, all saves, and they roll every round. It's a lot of fun and I have been doing that in my current PF1 games. Could do this for the attribute spells and any spell that is fixed, instead make it variable for more fun with it. (It also allows magic to be more magically and less predictable but hopefully in a fun way.) Heh. This could go on other spells. Blink or displacement give flat fifty percent miss chances but what if that varies by up to twenty percent each time it's rolled?
(Now, yes, anytime this is done, it goes against the players and their characters, who are there all the time and rolling more than any given NPC. That's what the DM is for, to help make sure it's fun and works for the group.)
Now, there is more but this gives an idea basically of what I was hoping from PF2. I don't think a game can achieve balance and would rather see them give advice on how to run unbalanced games by talking to players, setting expectations, and going by rule of cool rather than thinking that one more rule will make it balanced. For example, I rarely see any players take Prestige Classes. If Prestige Classes "broke" balance and did do more things, I think they would be even more valuable and sought after, than what I have seen.
Thanks for the discussion!
Jon Goranson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Oh, I should mention, I do throw out balance in favor of the players, which also means I don't use, in PF1 games, flat bonuses for Bard abilities. I let the Bard roll their performance for Inspire and it can go higher based on the roll. Completely throws out balance but makes the Bard even more valuable and the players love it! Yes, I do it for both sides.
I let concept of the character to guide things more so allow spell casters to create spells on the fly if it fits the character. Or the group says, "Wow!"
Oh, I wouldn't mind seeing a silver standard system. I went back to the non decimal system of coins (1 gold = 20 silver = 200 cp) because I find that to be more real. However, the main reason I want that is so that items aren't so expensive. Top tier PF1 items cost more than the biggest manor house in the most expensive city in Golarion and that makes no sense to me.
Really, I also want more support tools. I am making some of them myself but the idea is all items in an excel spreadsheet with costs and then I can create columns to allow some changes in costs. It's not to create a full on economy to create merchants of the PCs but to have variations in prices.
Thanks again!
Dragon78 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Though at this point I would settle for a Bestiary 7.
-Reprints of all remaining 0HD races, planar dragons, Oni, Mountain Troll, all the remaining creatures from Kingmaker and Jade Regent APs, etc..
-Stats for all the remaining Kaiju.
-New Azura, Oni, and Rakshasa.
-More dragons from different cultures/myths.
-Giants based on myth, not terrain/element.
-Some unique legendary creatures like Cerberus and/or Fenrir.
-New types of Griffons, Sphinxes, and Unicorns.
-No demons/devils(we have enough).
-and much, much more.
Sysryke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Though at this point I would settle for a Bestiary 7.
-Reprints of all remaining 0HD races, planar dragons, Oni, Mountain Troll, all the remaining creatures from Kingmaker and Jade Regent APs, etc..
-Stats for all the remaining Kaiju.
-New Azura, Oni, and Rakshasa.
-More dragons from different cultures/myths.
-Giants based on myth, not terrain/element.
-Some unique legendary creatures like Cerberus and/or Fenrir.
-New types of Griffons, Sphinxes, and Unicorns.
-No demons/devils(we have enough).
-and much, much more.
If we're looking for more creature goodness, I'd love to see more creatures from the fine, diminutive, and tiny size categories that are autonomous and interesting, if not actually powerful. Non swarm creatures, critters that can still be interesting as solo or small group encounters.
Andostre |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
A more balanced version of the AD&D2e book "Player's Option: Skills and Powers" which would also include a unified spellpoint system. My players and I LOVED "Skills and Powers" because it allowed us to build a character almost exactly as we envisioned and could be used to create a "classless" version of the game. As it was, the system they created was, at least to us, wildly unbalanced, but we knew that going in and just had fun creating the characters.
A classless ruleset would be a nice endcap for any 3.x system. It doesn't make business sense for them to do that earlier in a system's life since any new classes they put out are competing against any classless-ruleset-version of the class that a customer might make.
(And I guess it doesn't make business sense for Paizo to crack open that 1E pandora's box when they're trying to sell 2E, but I digress.)
But I would like to be able to design new types of PCs that I can create without having to multiclass or archetype into something with a lot of abilities I don't care about. The ability to be able to pick and choose abilities for a class would be a lot of fun.
SunKing |
Though at this point I would settle for a Bestiary 7.
-Reprints of all remaining 0HD races, planar dragons, Oni, Mountain Troll, all the remaining creatures from Kingmaker and Jade Regent APs, etc..
-Stats for all the remaining Kaiju.
-New Azura, Oni, and Rakshasa.
-More dragons from different cultures/myths.
-Giants based on myth, not terrain/element.
-Some unique legendary creatures like Cerberus and/or Fenrir.
-New types of Griffons, Sphinxes, and Unicorns.
-No demons/devils(we have enough).
-and much, much more.
All for this. I loved the Bestaries; they were all good. #6 was probably one of my favourites. They never ran out of monster ideas, as proven by some of the new monsters showing up in PF2 that weren’t in PF1.
SunKing |
Also, I would have liked another Unchained book, that maybe offered an optional stunt/challenge system, as per ‘Iron Heroes,’ by unknown developer Mike Mearls.
And - I’m a bit hesitant to say this in a game with an already complicated combat system, but I would have liked some playing around with combat options, maybe to include ideas that resembled ‘Elephant in the Room,’ or some of the interesting options posited on this site.
Melvin the Mediocre |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
I want the Crafty Crafter's Guide to Crafting and Special Materials.
I have always wanted to have rules that did things like base the quality of armor crafted from skins and scales to be based on the natural armor of the creature you used to craft. That way the plated of an ancient red dragon could be used to craft epic armor, while the plates of a juvenile would be less impressive.
Way back in first edition, as I recall anyway, the module "the Village of Hommlet", there was a mage building a tower that had figured out putting succubus blood in the mortar made it impossible to teleport through the walls. I think there could be all kinds of cool little things to do with monster bits, as well as special metals and woods. Does drinking the blood of a grig make you jump farther? Do sails made from phase spider silk allow you to sail into a fabled kingdom?
There could be new classes that use these components, like blacksmiths and hedge wizards. They don't cast magic, they create it like the dwarves in Nordic myths.
Senko |
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I'd like a book of alternate systems. That is a non-vancian system for casting, a unified system for all the different powers like panache and grit, something like 1st ed psionics (if less complicated) that could give any PC psychic powers so you could have a fighter who could heal with the power of their mind, a different skill system (possibly including the idea of adventuring and non-adventuring skills) and so on. Not really revolutionary but just offering other options for players to use.
UnArcaneElection |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
Mainly here to Fave the "tidying up" proposals, although I'm not against all of the other proposals.
Of course, this thread reminds me yet again that what I really wanted was a bug-fixed 1st Edition, not 2nd Edition. Pathfinder 1st Edition gave us effectively D&D 3.75, and so I wanted the equivalent of D&D 3.875 . . . .
Eldred the Grey |
I can think of 2 to choose from a NPC Codex2 and a book that pulled feats/traits/spells/City Traits etc from lots of sources and some rules pulled from Weapon Masters handbook(name?) and Armour Masters toolbox(name?). The first book would be usefull for GM's and book to would be extremely useful for both players and GM.
TriOmegaZero |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Do we really want more updates like Snowball in Ultimate Wilderness?
UnArcaneElection |
Do we really want more updates like Snowball in Ultimate Wilderness?
That's one of the things that it's good to keep around for -- they kept both versions, whereas Archives of Nethys only kept the most recent one. (Although this isn't always true -- RIP original Scarred Witch Doctor.)
VoodistMonk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
An official, illustrated hardcover combining all the lists threads... like the inconsequencial flora/fauna list, the things found under a rock, the rooms of a spaceship... all the little details that make the world rich, and the experience grand.
I don't need anymore spells or weapons or feats... I haven't even read half of what's already out there... much less got to actually play with even a fraction of possible content to date. I chose PF1 because it's dead in the water, and what is here is what we got.
But a book about things that make a world deep and magical... like tiny moths that protect Halfling children from giant mantis bugs, or nuclear flowers that evaporate half mile craters every couple years... outdoor places that add a sense of awe or wonder.
I don't need any new or inventive ways to kill things, we got plenty of that. I would like a book that providings the GM with possibilities. Details that add to the environment, and make the story better.
PS. Also, an official re-edit publishing of every class, archetype, feat, spell, item, and rule... to date... using a singular, codified, and concise language that leaves little to no room for "interpretations" by the reader.
Andostre |
An official, illustrated hardcover combining all the lists threads... like the inconsequencial flora/fauna list, the things found under a rock, the rooms of a spaceship... all the little details that make the world rich, and the experience grand.
Heh, if Paizo were to re-publish user content from their forums as official content... that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
However, the users involved could get the lists together and put it on the new Print-on-Demand feature, Pathfinder Infinite. The service has a profit-sharing feature, apparently.
It might be too many different authors to manage, however.
PS. Also, an official re-edit publishing of every class, archetype, feat, spell, item, and rule... to date... using a singular, codified, and concise language that leaves little to no room for "interpretations" by the reader.
That sounds like another viable Print-on-Demand product that Paizo could put together, actually. I bet they won't, but I have to imagine enough people would buy it to make it worth their time.
Arkham Joker |
. Cleric should just go away and be replaced with a less martial priest class. We already have the more martial cleric with the warpriest.
Yup.... as soon as the Warpriest came out it invalidated a chunk of the Cleric. IMO it should have been along with the Rogue, the first class to be Unchained. And in a big way.
In reality Warpriest = the original concept of Cleric. Warpriest should have been around since Day 1.
The Divine family tree has always been missing a D6 class, and sadly this absence has only served to jumble up and confuse the rest of the tree. Even the psychic classes have a D6 option!
Ironically, I wouldn't call it the Priest (as several 3PP have).... technically speaking, within any church, anybody could become a 'Priest'...its a very vague term.
Apostle or Herald has a nice ring to it!
Melkiador |
Unfortunately, most of the names in that area have baggage. Apostle is probably too specific to christianity. Herald sounds good, but is already used to define the lead follower of a god in Golarion.
Maybe Prophet? But I think priest has the best baggage. Being vague is part of the advantage. Priests of different gods would have drastically different roles in their religions. Maybe go with the warpriest naming convention and use something like magepriest.
How about Ritualist? I could see the class having a ritual mechanic.
Claxon |
The other day I went looking to see if there was an Inquisitor archetype with rage and rage powers, something like the Bloodrager but on the Inquisitor chassis.
I'd like it to have it's spell casting unchanged, but I'm unsure exactly what class features would have to go. It seems obvious you need to trade judgements for rage, an ability to cast while raging, and some rage powers. But not sure if you'd need to trade more.
But a Raging Inquisitor would be pretty cool.
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I can think of 2 to choose from a NPC Codex2 ... The first book would be usefull for GM's
Have you checked out the Book of Beasts: Character Codex Subscription? This is what we are going for with this.
Mysterious Stranger |
The other day I went looking to see if there was an Inquisitor archetype with rage and rage powers, something like the Bloodrager but on the Inquisitor chassis.
I'd like it to have it's spell casting unchanged, but I'm unsure exactly what class features would have to go. It seems obvious you need to trade judgements for rage, an ability to cast while raging, and some rage powers. But not sure if you'd need to trade more.
But a Raging Inquisitor would be pretty cool.
The Anger Inquisition gives you rage at 6th level. You don’t get rage powers and the number of rounds is limited, but you can rage. You can also pick the feat Extra Rage to get more rounds. Extra Rage can be taken multiple times so you could end up with a decent number of rounds.
UnArcaneElection |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The other day I went looking to see if there was an Inquisitor archetype with rage and rage powers, something like the Bloodrager but on the Inquisitor chassis.
I'd like it to have it's spell casting unchanged, but I'm unsure exactly what class features would have to go. It seems obvious you need to trade judgements for rage, an ability to cast while raging, and some rage powers. But not sure if you'd need to trade more.
But a Raging Inquisitor would be pretty cool.
Maybe trading out Judgment, Solo Tactics, and Teamwork Feats for Rage, Rage Powers, Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny Dodge, and Sanctified Ragecasting (works like Bloodrage and spellcasting while in Bloodrage, including the self-buffing rider, but for Inquisitor spells). Also change spellcasting and other remaining Wisdom-based Inquisitor abilities to be Charisma-based.
Claxon |
Claxon wrote:The Anger Inquisition gives you rage at 6th level. You don’t get rage powers and the number of rounds is limited, but you can rage. You can also pick the feat Extra Rage to get more rounds. Extra Rage can be taken multiple times so you could end up with a decent number of rounds.The other day I went looking to see if there was an Inquisitor archetype with rage and rage powers, something like the Bloodrager but on the Inquisitor chassis.
I'd like it to have it's spell casting unchanged, but I'm unsure exactly what class features would have to go. It seems obvious you need to trade judgements for rage, an ability to cast while raging, and some rage powers. But not sure if you'd need to trade more.
But a Raging Inquisitor would be pretty cool.
That only scratches the itch a tiny bit, rage without the rage powers isn't all that impressive. Of course, it is only an Inquisition which can be minor (although some are exceptionally good).
Mysterious Stranger |
With the anger inquisition you still have all the other inquisitors class features. Other than spell I don’t see any of the inquisitors combat abilities that could not be used while raging. About the only things they would have trouble with other than spells are detect alignment and discern lies.
If you really want rage powers there are a couple of ways to get them. VMC barbarian gets a rage power at 11th level. It also gets its rage which should stack with the anger inquisition to give you a much larger pool. You could also take a two level dip in barbarian to get the class feature rage powers. In either case the feat extra rage power will get more of them.