I would only consider this a win if 1ed through to 3.5 were made Creative Commons, they can do what they want with 6th or whatever they want to call it. Just let the old games and their srd's go and focus on their future, they can do whatever they want with that. But still this is a win of sorts so kudos to everyone, may your Dungeons remain full of treasure and your Dragons be TPK machines of Epic scale. EtG
The way I read that WotC response to the backlash it sounds like they pushed something out without putting it through the Hasbro legal team first. It has the reading of someone who believes so strongly that they are right but have had more knowledgeable people tell them they arn't. I can imagine Hasbos marketing and social media team wonder why they are trending, find out and tell the legal department and the s*+& storm went from there. However it happened I have concerns for what WotC might attempt in the next 6 months. They have been backed into a corner and can be very dangerous to contain any violance they might choose. My 2 coppers worth EtG Additionally: Its unfortunate that PF1ed is not in a state to be granfathered into the ORCL(yes I know its called ORC I prefer the future looking idea and that class).
Having watched various videos, read various articles and the discussion on here, I gives creedance to the fact that this smells of a monopolisation attempt. I do not need to remind you that governments don't like monopolies, see the Activision-Blizzards purchase by Microsoft being opposed by the UK government. Now I know that it truely is just a money grab by Hasbro/WotC but still it seems both shodily put together and with a large degree of praying noone prods too deep. But they forget alot of people who play RPG's are geeks and/or nerds, some of which are now adults with Law Degrees. This going to be a s$$$ show for both Hasbro and WotC since it shows contempt for what came before and the fans and it shows a great deal of ignorance. But hey only time can tell, but thats my 2pence worth. EtG
Alertness- Perception bonus need I say more, also helps sense motive.
This is my ones for certain NPC's.
This is a walkthrough of the CG and it was based off the 1ed rules so treasure is 1ed appropriate. This. EtG
Carla the Profane wrote:
A Debit card does work since thats what I have used to buy stuff over the years, but it does need to be a Visa or Mastercard Debit card. Thats my 2 pence worth I don't know if its helpful, but I thought that a good proportion of Europe use debit cards. Also I am a Scotsman so take it as you will. EtG
I posted in a thread that was somewhat similar that if they did it would be yes. Mostly a few more NPC Codexes would be excellent, a compendium of the various master's style books gathered in one place add in Inner sea magic and some other random info. Something that would give you more teams/squads for Ucamp and more settlement qualities and disadvantages. Gives GM's 3 new books and players an new book. EtG
Okay busting this thread back out for a minor update. Okay so first thing was the original amount the farmer earned per week. Technically it should be 9.5gp per week not 9 so the new 39 week total is 370.5gp, I turned 5 of the 13 week into crafting jobs so that added another 37.5 and left the last 8 weeks as untrained for an additional 5.6. So new overall total is 413.6 per annum. But its a different story if you use the farmer from the NPC Codex instead since they have craft (carpentry) +6 and profession (farmer) +5. So the totals are 292.5gp for 39 weeks, 40gp for 5 weeks and again 8 weeks at 5.6gp. So their total is 338.1 per annum. Now if we add the additional income from the wife we get an additional 36.4gp per year. So Farmer A now has 450gp per year income and farmer B now has 374.5gp per year. Now if we take off lifestyle costs for both adults as an average cost and add in 3 children at poor the total to remove for both is 348gp per year. New totals: Farmer A has 102gp a year profit
Just an update to the basic premise using the original Gamemastery Guide NPC farmer and comparing him to the NPC Codex farmer. Thanks EtG
1. Undead
Undead- Obvious for fallen civ.
Dragon- Now some can/will live in ruins and can easily be individually powerful enough to destroy most things dependent on its age. Finally Extraplanar- Demons, Devils and Daemons. Choose your poison and insert how you feel. Lost experiment , Trapped servant etc. EtG
This is my expansion of the Dottari with numbers, equipment and additional personalities. Dottari::
The traditional watch/guard for the city they can be identified by either the cloaks with a red eye of Aroden on it or a surcoat with the same insignia. To separate each of the branches of the military forces each group has an associated colour attached to each of them. This colour usually is the border of the cloak or surcoat. Regidottari: Yellow Condottari: Blue Rundottari: Grey Dottari: Green Each branch of the forces are frequently competing against each other and the Hellknights, with frequent disputes over jurisdiction. Commander: Duxotar Iltus Mhartis(NE hm ari 3/ rog 3) Under the nominal command of Duxotar Iltus Mhartis, the nephew of Lord Mayor Arvanxi the pleasure loving Iltus tends to delegate as much of his responsibilities to his deputies as possible. Now this has led to differing levels of effectiveness, corruption, and political factionalism amongst the various branches. Regidottari::
Commander: Durotas Lhiana Strikis (CE hf mag6) A brutal and corrupt commander who only ensures the loyalty of her troops through better wages, bribes and the ability to gain political contacts. Believes herself to be more important than she truly is, considered nothing more than a plaything by various members of the cities elite. Troops: 210 An assortment of political hacks and corrupt individuals this group patrol the Regicona region of the city where the various nobles and the cities more influential residents reside. Equipped with better armour and weapons than the traditional dottari member they wear half-plate and carry long-spears and longswords. Notable Personalities: Lieutenant Fermis Volx (CE hm clr3(Nocticula)/rog1) a secretive convert to Our Lady in Shadow he works quietly to ensure the steady corruption of this city. Always careful since he worships a demon lord he has taken great care to keep his following both small and unobtrusive. Major Tordeth Kendire (LN hm rog 4) the quartermaster for the regidottari he spends most his time ensuring that the troops are well paid, equipped and supplied. A long-time veteran of the service he maintains his position due to the Durotas ensuring that he is well compensated for his service and the fact that it allows him to hobnob with the rich and powerful. Gem Puddleflash (CN gf alc2) a literal firebomb in the mist of them, Gem is considered both extremely valuable to the group but also extremely unstable. Gems personality switches between humour and malice and the drop of a pin, the other members of the regidottari step carefully around her. Condottari::
Commander: Durotas Scasi Bolvona (NE hm sum 5) An ambitious and connected native of the city who achieved his position fairly quickly but has had to temper his climb due to an indiscretion that produced a half-elven daughter. Troops: 210 An eminently bribeble group of individuals that patrol the various canals and straights that link the islands that help makeup part of the city. Much like the regidottari the condottari are better armed and armoured than the common dottari member. The armour of the condottari is half-plate while they carry long-spears, longswords and bows as the main weaponry. Notable Personalities: Roberta Nersta (NE hf brd 3) is a cousin of commander Bolvona and often acts as his personal assistant and information gatherer. Toger Togerrson (CN dm ftr 3) an old friend of Bolvona’s he is granted a great deal of leeway in his duties and has an agreement with Scasi to split any bribes that they might gather in a return for information. Captain Galesh Haraldsson (CG hem skd4) the son of a Ulfen trader and a priestess of Calistra he has currently managed to exceed people’s expectation of him and is often used as the face of the condottari. Dottari::
Commander: Durotas Saria Roccin (CG hf swb 6) A strong determined commander who has a personal hatred of the Hellknights from Citadel Rivad she does her level best to both frustrate them and avoid being targeted by them. Troops: 420 An efficient and loyal group of soldiers who patrol the largest district of the city with an aim to keeping the people safe and everything moderately quiet. They traditionally wear a chain shirt with a sur-coat with the city logo and carry a heavy wood shield. Weaponry consists of bows, spears and short swords. Notable Personalities: Captain Silvas Botas (LN hm clr 5(Abadar)) a strong supporter of law and a solid commander who has the respect of his troops and superiors due to effort to keep the peace and ensure that the health of his men come first. Is known to go out on patrol with his troops and is known for doing his best to help bring prosperity to his district. Lieutenant Herstan Faulk (N tief-m wiz4) a teifling who has exceled in the dottari during his short time in the service. A hard worker who is willing to give his troops a second chance and supplies them with the occasional spell to keep them alive. Silvas Emberwood (CG em inv3) a valued member of Saria’s force, Silvas is a long-time resident of the city having lived and worked in it prior to the civil war. Rundottari:: Commander: Durotas Arik Tuornos (N hm rgr 8) A cynical but fair commander who tries his best to keep from wasting his troops life’s and prevent factionalism from damaging his forces. Troops:330 A pragmatic but proud group of soldiers who are aware that this posting is a for those socially expedient. Armed in much the same way as the common dottari they are kept well trained and have a solid level of experience dealing with the threats that reside in the ruined quarter of the city. Notable Personalities: Lieutenant Mari Atenarr (LG hf ari1/pal2) considered a rebellious child by most members of house Atenarr she has the full support of her grandfather Turin Atenarr the patriarch of the family. On occasion is known to be a bit abrupt with her troops she is never less admired for her willingness to get involved in any conflict. Vhari Koltes (CG teif-f sor4) a ball of energy who seems to never stop talking, she is accepted by her fellow squad members for both her arcane skill, knowledge and sense of humour. Major Eccobar Drumanis (CE teif-m ftr6) a longtime enemy of Commander Tuornos, this sadistic being couldn’t care less about the lives of his troops just that the job gets done. Has had to curb his scheming and wastefulness since a scion of house Atenarr is under his command and that has brought increased scrutiny, much to Eccobars displeasure.
Thanks for trying to help lynora its been nearly 3 years. Just find that at times talking about it even if it through the internet can help. Sometimes it might just be for a few hours but it does help. So thank you for the positive thoughts. In my belief that's what this thread is about, letting people express their problems but also letting them know they aren't the only ones having this battle. Arran.
Beware of hammer breakages!!!! This is a public service announcement, due to the spam increase we are noticing increased wear and tear on banhammers. This led to an unfortunate spam being hit with copyright infringement rather than spam. So be wary maintain your hammer at all times ensure proper maintenance and have spares. End of public service announcement. EtG
Could we please get a little flag or hammer sign next to them after we have flagged them for spam. Its hard to keep track of which ones I've flagged cause of the colours being fairly similar. Outside that we need to fix the hammers mines getting worn down with this lot. And continue the good work also. EtG
I am pretty happy with pathfinder but I did like the PrCs that existed in 3/3.5 the only beef being that some of them actually encouraged some useless multiclass combos to enter. Case in point my all time favourite PrC is the Fochlucan Lyrist which was at its core a Bard/Druid combo but it also insisted on evasion. So now instead of just 2 classes and 5 levels now is 3 classes and 7 levels. But the fact that some of the anoyances that I had with 3/3.5 are gone(crossclass skills) but at times I feel PF is just a tad complicated. EtG
First off happy New Year to everyone and I am well aware that I said I would be off till mid-January but I finished this little project and thought I would share it. Now this is only the basics to allow GM's to convert BG & TOSC to pen & paper rpg. You will have to create the quests and encounters yourself but this should help with some of the aspects that you will need. OK this is part conversion, part homebrew and part mash-up so forgive me now onwards to the meat of this project. And yes I am well aware I already posted some of this info in another thread but this tidies it up and adds some more flavour to it. Gods:
Adbar- LN Wealth, Law, Trade- Domains- Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel Favoured Weapon Light Crossbow Beshaba- CE Mischief, Accidents, Bad luck- Domains- Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Luck, Trickery Favoured Weapon Dagger Bhaal- NE Murder, Hatred, Strife- Domains- Death, Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War Favoured Weapon Dagger Brigh- N Artifice, Craft, Metalworking- Domains- Artifice, Earth, Fire, Knowledge Favoured Weapon Light Hammer Calistra- CN Lust, Revenge, Seduction- Domains- Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery Favoured Weapon Whip Cyric- CE Madness, Greed, Power- Domains- Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, Madness, Void Favoured Weapon Longsword Demeter- N Agriculture, Community, Seasons- Domains- Animal, Community, Plant, Weather Favoured weapon Spear Elistree- CG Dancing, Moon, Skill- Domains- Chaos, Charm, Good, Darkness, Nobility Favoured Weapon Bastard Sword Gozreh- N Nature, Oceans, Sky- Domains- Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather Favoured Weapon Trident Helm- LN Defence, Guards, Protection- Domains- Glory, Law, Nobility, Protection, Strength Favoured Weapon Bastard Sword Lissala- LE Obedience, Rune, Tyranny- Domains- Evil, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Rune Favoured Weapon Whip Mask- CN Intrigue, Shadows, Thievery- Domains- Chaos, Darkness, Knowledge, Trickery Favoured Weapon Longsword Mystra- NG Magic- Domains- Good, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune Favoured Weapon Starknife Ogmha- N History, Knowledge, Music- Domains- Air, Charm, Knowledge, Rune Favoured Weapon Longsword Pharasma- N Birth, Death, Fate- Domains- Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water Favoured Weapon Dagger Saranrae- NG Healing, Redemption, Sun- Domains- Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun Favoured Weapon Scimitar Shandukal- CN Adventure, Travel, Wind- Domains- Air, Chaos, Glory, Trickery, Travel Favoured Weapon Greatsword Tempus- CN Battle, Strife, War- Domains- Chaos, Destruction, Glory, Strength, War Favoured Weapon Battleaxe Tymora- CG Adventure, Good Luck, Mischief- Domains- Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel Favoured Weapon Shortsword Urgotha- NE Gluttony, Plague, Undeath- Domains- Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, War Favoured Weapon Scythe Settlements:
Note- Basic items worth 10gp or less can always be found in Hamlets
Basic items worth 50gp or less can always be found in Villages Basic items worth 100gp or less can always be found in Small towns Settlements larger than this have a 50% chance min to have any non-magic item under 2500gp available. Metropolises change this to a 75% chance. Baldurs Gate
Friendly Arm Inn
Ulgoths Beard
Elf- Moon-As Core
Sun- As Core but for -2Con, +2Int Wild- As Core but for +2Dex, -2Int Wood- As Core but for +2Wis, -2Int Aquatic- As bestiary Shadow- As Core but for +2Dex, -2Cha Drow- As bestiary- Essentially all Demon/Daemon/Devil worshipers the odd non-evil drow are those that have a significant amount of shadow elf blood in them. Approximatly 1 in every 25000 drow will be non-evil. Dwarf- Shield- As Core Gold- As Core combat bonuses vs abberations instead of goblinkin and giants. Duergar-As bestiary Gnome- Rock- As Core without the bleaching Forest- As above but with a racial bonus to hide instead Svirfneblin- As bestiary Halfling- Lightfoot- As Core Strongheart- As Core but for +2Dex, +2Wis, -2Cha Ghostwise- As Core but for +2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha Human Ethnicities- Calashite- Chondathan- Damaran- Gur- Rashemi Illuskan- Mulhorandian- Untheric Netherese- Rashemi- Talfiran- Tethyrian- All of the human racial groups are as Core but with ethnic languages each cultures native language in all cases except where noted. The reason for Untheric is that it is mostly Mulhorandi of Untheric descent active in the western heartlands. Half-Elf- As Core Half-Orc- As Core Monsters:
Dragons- Young Adult being the main age/size limit with older dragons appearing increadably rarely. Green, Black and the occasional Red for chronomatics. Silver, Gold, Bronze and Copper for metallic.
Feats: Calashite- Proficient with the Scimitar and Falchion and a +2 bonus to Bluff and Bluff becomes a class skill.
Chondathan- Proficient with the Greatsword and Light Flail and a +2 bonus to Appraise and Appraise becomes a class skill. Damaran- Proficient with the Bastard sword and Heavy Flail and a +2 bonus on Sense Motive and Sense Motive becomes a class skill. Illuskan- Proficient with Battle Axe and Throwing Axes and a +2 bonus to Intimidate and Intimidate becomes a class skill. Mulhoranidian- Proficient with the Khopesh and Whip and a +2 bonus on Knowledge(Religion) and Knowledge(Religion) becomes a class skill. Netherese- Proficient with the Glaive and Light Flail and a +2 bonus to Spellcraft and Spellcraft becomes a class skill. Rashemi- Proficient with the Greatsword and Battle Axe and a +2 bonus to Knowledge(Nature) and Knowledge(Nature) becomes a class skill. Talfirian- Proficiency with the Broadsword and Shortbow and a +2 bonus to Stealth and Stealth becomes a class skill. Tashlan- Proficient with the light Repeating Crossbow and the Scimitar and a +2 bonus to Craft checks. Tethyrian- Proficient with the Light Hammer and Longsword and a +2 bonus to Sense Motive and Sense Motive becomes a class skill. Luck of Heroes- +1 luck bonus to AC and can reroll 1 skill check 1day and take best result Blooded- +2 to Initiative, +2 to Perception and +1 to Fortitude Saves Bullheaded- +2 to will Saves, Immune to the shaken condition Serpent Blooded- +2 to Reflex Saves, +2 bonus to saves vs poison Mind over Body- +1 insight bonus to AC, 1day use will save in place of a Fortitude Save. Merchant Scion- Can sell items at 60% market value instead of 50% and a +2 bonus to Appraise and Profession(Merchant) Wealthy- Start with an extra 400gp, +2 Diplomacy Bonus vs Nobility. Contacts- +2 bonus to Diplomacy to gather information, gain a contact for every 5 levels you possess contact will be a NPC with 1d6 levels. The contact can be used 1week to sell a single item for 80% market value or get a +2 bonus on anyone skill check. Naturebond- +2 bonus to Fortitude saves, +2 bonus on Stealth Check and on Survival checks.
Forgot I had finished this and thought you might like to see my updated version of Saltmarsh. Saltmarsh
Hope that you like it. EtG
More specifically the fact that I optimize my character to fid a concept and what roles I wish them to exhibit. The fact that its also given to people who maximize their character to the nth degree is a bit annoying. My optimizing is to hopefully cover gaps and provide usefulness to a party while still holding onto the core concept for the character. Its just a pet peeve about the usage of that term that's all. EtG
As an aside this is not an excuse for anything but I suffer from depression and used the boards as a way to escape for a time. Unfortunatly it bubbled over to the boards for the first time and hopefully the last. Someone up thread said to take a break for a while and after the weekend I will probably avoid the boards till about mid January. Fingers crossed that this helps. ALL THE BEST FOR 2017 & ENJOY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. EtG.
I will start this with saying that I am a regular poster now but have been a watcher since Rise of the Runelords came out. Now I don't know if this is a trend, fad or the end of an era but the boards to me are no longer a fun place to visit all the time. Part of this is the disappearance of long time posters or just their self imposed exiles but the boards have become a less fun place. I haven't seen Set, Dabble, Ryjin, Spalding, Purple Furry Cat Gnome, Ashiel and DTBone but the boards are both more quiet, empty and less enjoyable than before. Some of this is possibly due to life, bans or just time but I also notice Jiggy less and TOZ isn't everywhere. Its also annoying with some posters attempts at levity Captain Yesterday and his infinite aliases for example and the more not really hostile but abruptness of the boards. I am well aware that this is my opinion but the Messageboards no longer feel like they did, whether this change is good or bad I cant tell. My honest opinion is that the fun and enjoyment of the boards has gone I'm just hoping that its a short lived thing but I honestly cant tell. Sorry about the rant but this has been bothering me for a while now, hopefully thing change. Anyway thanks for your time. Arran Out.