Is reaper still producing PF minis?


The wilderness of the internet ate the first attempt at this. What is going on with reaper and your mini's, since the last PF mini's they produced was from the Hell's Rebels AP. Also if it is still existing will they be able to add the Kingmaker computer game characters and do you know what happened to the Beginner Box Black Dragon that they previewed but never released.


You might want to actually ask on the Reaper boards, but they produced some pathfinder ones during their most recent kickstarter which should be in or hitting retail soon.

Paizo Employee Licensing Manager

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Yep, Reaper is still producing minis!

We don't tell them what to produce, though, so whether or not they make the characters from the Kingmaker game is up to them to determine. We'll help them out with reference materials if they want to make them, but it's up to them to determine whether or not that's a product that's right for their line.

Unfortunately I don't have any information on the Black Dragon. The beginner box was well before my time at Paizo, and the records that I have available don't go back that far. As Duamatef suggested, that's probably a question best asked on Reaper's forums.

Thank You. I will check out reapers forum and ask them.


Glenn Elliott wrote:

Yep, Reaper is still producing minis!

We don't tell them what to produce, though, so whether or not they make the characters from the Kingmaker game is up to them to determine. We'll help them out with reference materials if they want to make them, but it's up to them to determine whether or not that's a product that's right for their line.

Unfortunately I don't have any information on the Black Dragon. The beginner box was well before my time at Paizo, and the records that I have available don't go back that far. As Duamatef suggested, that's probably a question best asked on Reaper's forums.

Is this still the case now (I know covid-19 is an issue.) as outside the paint sets the last miniature they released for the line is Barzillai Thrune. I will ask again on the reaper forums but whether I get an official response or not is 50/50. I really want to get a few of the new Kingmaker companions as miniatures and unfortunately the wiz kids mini's leave a lot to be desired.

Thanks EtG

Is the issue that they are not producing new minis/sculpts or that you can't get previously released ones?

New sculpts mostly.


Yeah, that makes sense. If given a choice, I tend to choose unpainted vs pre-painted. It would be nice to see some newer sculpts in their Bones Black material.

I haven't gotten any of the bones Black but the quality and detail on their metal miniatures competes with and can occasionally exceed GW quality. The base bones is only really good for bigger figures as the stability is there, so hearing some positive words about its quality means I may need to check it out.


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I'm looking forward to getting their paints and I hope they do some PF2 stuff with the new art style.

I really want Reaper to make a Pathfinder-style gug. Preferably in metal, but I'd really just be happy as long as it's not plastic-exclusive.

Time to wake this thread back up again. The last PF metal mini's that Reapers done was for the Hell's Rebel's AP. The last plastics not counting any KS figures were a mix mash of Iconics from Occult Adventures and ACG classes. Just a current update on what Reaper has put out, I know the pandemic really screwed with things. But thats our current totals. Hopefully everyone can straighten themselves out and it helps out all parties involved.


And Reaper has stopped making new metal miniatures too, so any future Pathfinder minis are likely to be in Bones USA (Siocast) plastic or 3D printed. (They refer to some of their new in-house plastic as 3D printed.)

I'm still working on picking up metal stuff in their back-catalog, but it's very disappointing that all that is left in metal is the back-catalog. I've also gathered from posters on the Reaper forum that they're trimming their back-catalog as well.

I do like their paints though. I got the Pathfinder Colors of Golarion Paint sets. (Gug Umber and Shoanti Sienna were the surprise delights of the sets for me. I think they're both in Set #2.)

I don't think I'm ever going to get that Pathfinder Gug in metal. For awhile I was holding out hope.

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