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My apologies for the late response, things come up and most of them not very pleasant. I am looking for a presentable straight up archtype that I might get my DM to green light for a future campaign.

The Blight Druid only has one ability that is appealing towards the vermin, as does the desert druid, but just not close enough. The verminous hunter is appealing if it were only a druid archtype and didnt have the vermin focus ability, instead had the step-by-step vermin wild-shape abilities of the vermin keeper.

Anyone have a suggestion for a way to create a Vermin Keeper style archetype for Druid or a Pathfinderization of the existing prestige class/

Depends on the DM.
With my groups current DM a slow crawl might take on up to six or seven years to play, as at medium progression I think Rise of the Runelords is going on its third year... So depressing. Finally on the last book though but... so depressing...

Caius wrote:
Any reason you don't want to just slap the advanced template on them?

I believe the reason for giving the creature the half-fiend template is to give it additional powers/abilities (including smite good) to use against the party who are over geared for the normal garden variety versions of anything thrown their way of their CR.

I have a question on behalf of a fledgling DM - Can you slap the half-fiend template on a demon, devil, or other type of fiend as a sort of advancement?This would probably be in addition to increasing the creatures hit dice.

I believe he is strictly going by the "The party should be at _____ by this point in this adventure" and adding creatures as he sees fit, increasing monsters stats/levels, and others.

I am acting as a mouth piece for my group. They've come to me with issues but haven't confronted the GM themselves. I thought I'd come and see what the boards thought of the matter.

One issue I have is this: He is a second ed GM and does not believe in wealth by level, believing the 'less is more' mentality when it comes to magical goodies and wealth. A player coming into a game, even at higher level, can suggest items to start with but...
I do believe a GM has final call and all, players can try and defend themselves/others and plead their case. He worries that people will kill off their char to bring in one with better gear than the rest of the party.

The party is second level as of the end of the last session. Before that for four sessions we were first level, including the limited beating encounter with the monk, the boar, and others.

The party size ranges from 3-6. Most of the previous sessions we have only had 3 members present, one sessions we had 4, and only last session did all 6 appear.

My group has recently started up the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and our GM seems to be pulling a few questionable moves.

The frist of such moves is that the gear dropped from goblin is worthless to the pcs. It cannot be sold to vendors for quick cash as it is holds no monetary value being made from the garbage and such. So we generate no revenue from this.

Second, our group has a number of GM's in its ranks and from quick math they say that as far as experience points gained per kill/trap/scenario we are being short changed.

Third. Monsters have been buffed. We do run the epic 25 stat build but it caps a characters stat at 18 after racial adjustment. Goblins and such run around with 8+ hit points each with double digit numbers (part size ranges per session with 3-6), increased number of enemy combatants without the experience points to follow, and increased enemy stats. Goblins and goblin commandos with 16 strengths is a lot to handle.

Other things come to mind as well, but this is the skinny of the gripe. Please advice.

Not a bad thought, a reincarnate spell coupled with a limited wish or wish to get a specific number of the die roll might be able to be done.. just expensive.

Brambleman wrote:

Possibly you could use reincarnation, but it may not change you into into an aquatic race. You roll on a chart so if you roll 100 on the chart (DM's choise not listed) and your DM chooses an aquatic race....

Not exactly cut and dried though. (Core Book)

I am looking for a way to have my characters race changed magically via spell, ritual, or other magic, and have a template added on on top of that (the amphibious template for those wondering), how would I go about doing so? And which books might I find these in?

For best designed class I think I will throw my lot in with:
1. Magus (though would like a light armor archtype)
2. Monk (though would still like 1/1 bab)
3. Sorcerer (bloodlines were a nice touch)
Nothings perfect

TOZ wrote:
If you can find me an example of Positive/Negative Energy Resistance in the rules, I would say yes.

Tome of Horrors has a monster feat Resistant to Negative Energy that can be taken twice, each granting 5 resistance to negative energy damage/healing.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Paladin: Add +1 to the paladin’s energy resistance to one kind of energy (maximum +10).

The question is: Can you choose positive or negative energy as the energy type?

Depending upon the GM in question there is one old saying that holds true:

"Chanting Hastur ends games faster."

Is there a possible witch's ritual or some event that may give the player the option of converting the affliction to a natural form via a ritual/quest/potion or other?
Adds some story, possibly costing him/her xp, gold, and time to deal with the quest and the out of the way hedge witch in question.

I hate to ask, seeings how much time and effort has been put it, but what's the summon time to bring a synthesized eidolon into being?

My primary concern is for a Paladin PC who has become afflicted with the curse. He would like the his paladinhood back but likes the conflicted dark-hero aspect that could be involved with the storyline. He does know abut the condition.

I didn't see this mentioned before and doubt it has any influence but:
Does an eidolon benefit from increased ability scores of the Campaign Type?
Low Fantasy (10 point buy)
Standard Fantasy (15 point buy)
High Fantasy (20 point buy)
Epic Fantasy (25 point buy)

And before the animal companion is brought up as in defense of a no, one of the main abilities of the standard summoner class is the eidolon, whereas a druid has the benefits of wild shape and full spell progression... I am not trying to diminish or slander the capabilities of the druid, but just wanting to know if it might be a good argument.

Thank you for your time.

If an individual afflicted lycanthropy suffers from an alignment shift due to his/her condition, can they regain their alignment through the Atonement spell and still retain the lycanthropy condition without an alignment shift in the future?

In previous editions, the Wakizashi is classified and given stats as of a short sword including price (variable) and martial weapon proficiency needed to be wielded properly. The variation on price for both katana and wakazashi usually vary due to the masterwork quality (some deem all of this type of weapon to be masterwork) and the rarity increasing price in some areas.

May be returning to WoW myself for a stint if classes allow. Too bad I can't find many from the Alleria server to pal around with.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

favorite aspects:
a reason to run the following soundtracks - Pirates of the Carribbean, Jurassic Park, and jungle ambience.

least favorite aspects:
daily saving throws for everyone! sometimes multiple

DragonMunchie wrote:

Are there any items that help a creature against Light Sensitivity?

Such as the smoked goggles found in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Also, on a similar note note, are there any official updates and/or changes for kobolds as PC's? (as far as stat balance)

Are there any items that help a creature against Light Sensitivity?
Such as the smoked goggles found in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Experienced Pathfinder foursome seek GM plus one more.
Adventure Paths should be able to be provided for if needed.
Location is stable, as is the crew.
Saturday game is the preferred, most days of the month open with scheduled exceptions. Time frame from 11:00am until whenever (8pm-9pm usually).

RuminDange wrote:

I give Con (the attribute not the modifier) as starting hit points + class dice + Con modifier. That tends to help on the survivability of low level characters some.


I agree with RuminDange on giving the characters Constitution score as a bonus at first level only.

I prefer to give the following as a standard:

1st level Hit Points: Constitution score + class hit die + Constitution modifier. After first level, the standard rate applies (class hit die + Constitution modifier).

Wealth: Player's choice (approval required): Standard average allotment +20%, standard rolling +10%, or standard average allotment + special.

Trait: Standard two. Some traits must have approval before selection.

Feats: Pathfinder only, and even some must be brought before me for approval (those outside Core + APG).

I have an unfair reputation as a heavy handed/killer game master. I only wish to be amused...

Devilbonded template.
Various elemental, entropy, psuedonatural, outsider based templates.
And, while we're at it, anything else that hasn't been plundered from the H.P Lovecraft vault, H.R. Geiger invention, and things of horror from various horror writers (Clive Barker, for example).

If it's strictly from various d20 texts, some of the material from D20 Modern and its Menace Manual, Call of Cthulhu d20, and maybe some of the Farscape d20.
C'mon, Luxans. You know you want to see 'em.

With my crew we have been thus far successful in Rise of the Runelords with a 35 point buy system, though the AP was upgraded giving the npcs/monsters an additional alotment of hit dice and attribute points, or an increase in overall number of said mobs.

The players needed the increase after that point, rarely going beyond 3 encounters in a day before needing to rest to regain spells.

We also have used this in Curse of the Crimson Throne, but in this the monsters had increase hit points (to roughly maximum), but this was with a variable size party (ranging from 3-5 depending if all showed up or if folks dropped).

Is the Holy Warrior Cleric option from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting still a legal viable option for aspiring Clerics?

I'll add my two electrum in here.
Give the Magus an option for the medium and heavy armor, some like a little flexibility in their movement, this way it stems away more from the Eldritch Knight.
In their place, I suggest the following:

Canny Defense (Ex): When wearing light armor or no armor, and not using a shield, a magus adds her Intelligence bonus (if any) level to her Armor Class as a dodge bonus while wielding a light or one-handed weapon. If a magus is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.

Intuitive Strike (Ex): While wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon ad not wielding another weapon or shield in her off-hand, the magus may add her Intelligence bonus to hit and damage on melee attacks.
When making an intuitive strike, the magus cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield. A magus' precise strike only works against living creatures with discernible anatomies. Any creature that is immune to critical hits are also immune to a precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from an intuitive strike.

Carpy DM wrote:
looks around for the Words of Power playtest...

Maaaybe some words of power inserted into the Magus class.

A running gag of epic purportion to break the manotony.. And eat the players horses.

In 2nd E, this took the form of a Great Wyrm Green Dragon with alot of time on his hands.. So after a botched attempt to kill him and take its horde, he went out of his way to torment them with little pranks and such, and glaringly visible illusions.

Horses, not just for gryphons anymore!

Maveric28 wrote:

Hey all, thought we'd look for a few new players... established game group has been off n' on for last decade or so in Sacramento/Roseville, but "real life" is interfering with some schedules and we find ourselves looking for more players.

We currently have two Pathfinder games, one is a pretty full campaign that goes every other Sunday, approximately 11 or 12 to 6 p.m. The other is an alternating every-other-Saturday campaign, which is being scrapped in favor of a brand new campaign. We currently have 3 solid players (not including the DM) and we prefer 5 or so, so that means we have at least 2 open slots. We're scrapping the old campaign (Shackled City) due to a constant change in casting, so once we have a solid group of players picked out, we'll start a brand new Adventure Path.

Anyone interested? Questions?

To be helpful, this Pathfinder game is just within a few miles of Thunder Valley Casino in a very nice neighborhood. Being a player in the Saturday game I can tell anyone giving this a second look that the team is very fluid, rolling with punches and the players know quite abit on the rules.

I'm considered one of the resident arbitrary rules lawyers of the team, moving in favor of both players and DM alike to create balance. This works for and against us, as I'm known even to be fair enough to shoot myself in the foot by revealing things in the situations in my actions.

The Saturday campaign will likely be opening up into a new adventure path as, with the lack of the preferred number of players, we don't have a core to go into the Adventure Paths, or back to another lengthy campaign.

Food and drinks must be suprlied by the players, though most of the cast does share. Rides might be able to be provided, depending upon location.

If someone is interested please reply, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

James Jacobs wrote:
DragonMunchie wrote:

On varient ability

16 You have oversized limbs, allowing you to use Large
weapons without penalty.

Would this potentially allow a monk to deal unarmed strike damage as a Large creature?

Yup; the monk's size doesn't change so his unarmed strikes don't change.

I thankya much. M'crew was debating this and I was giving them the responce that it didn't state it and they were going with the defense "but it's implied" with the retort of nowhere in the entry does it state that this ability grants the powerful build extraordinary ability. So much debate insued.

On varient ability
16 You have oversized limbs, allowing you to use Large
weapons without penalty.

Would this potentially allow a monk to deal unarmed strike damage as a Large creature?

Welcome to the show!
If you're are looking for a GM or players, you can always look at various meetup group sites, post at your local gaming store, and there is always the possibility one of the fellow posters might be in your area and looking for their gaming fix as well.


I hate to ask, but when might we expect the Player's Guide to come out? Prep time is everything.

I am currently playing a construct crafting wizard and came across the clockwork mender, I'd like to be able to make a swarm version but can't seem to find any rules for it, any suggestion?

If this is in the wrong catagory, m'apologies.

I think the princesses get the trait/feat Disney Princess as a bonus, granting +2 trait bonus on Perform (singing) checks and Perform (singing) is always considered a class skill.

Though I haven't seen the Hellknight class I'd say the concept is interesting, but Red Mantis Assassin is very nice in concept and look.

I'll throw my lot in though with Shackles Pirate, for the flavor associated with it, and the art.

Ceefood wrote:

according to rules shurikens are treated as ammo in that they are destroyed when they hit & a 50% recovery if they miss

if I am wrong please correct me here

my main question is - if you make a magical version which has the returning ability (which is allowed since it is a thrown weapon) would the shuriken still be destroyed if it hits ?

I know this would be expensive but this would allow a monk to keep a small supply & be able to attack at range regularly without having to replace them - especially since they are 2x more expensive than x-bow bolts & 4x more expensive than arrows

I would also think since they are composed of metal entirely they shouldnt be destroyed as easily or at all unlike bolts or arrows which have a wooden shaft which can be easily broken

From my understanding the issue with shuriken as ammunition is they they are usually lost instead of broken after they miss, but I've never had a DM say they weren't recoverable after a successful strike.

And like a dagger, I don't see any problem with the returning enhancement being placed upon them, it gives the monk a reliable ranged attack after being used, and being a monk weapon with five enchanted in this way ensures that even when flurried they can get all the attacks in in a given round.

Turin the Mad wrote:
nidho wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Only problem with this is that in Pathfinder there is no such thing as gauntlets of ogre power.

This is true, but still the OP must be using them or he would not ask for this item...

Maybe he plays a mixed 3.5/PF game, who knows.

Very true.

At least it's not as bad as it could get in 2e/1e: *massive damage* output with that combination. Instant death to giants et al was an added bonus... say in the Against the Giant series. ^_^

I've been given the task afew times to put together magic items for the DM in a campaign. I approached my DM and wanted to add the property to a weapon I was forging in game for a unique little Paladin of mine. So I reached out to the boards to find out the possible cost and see if anyone could/would brainstorm on the matter.

The Gauntlets of Ogre Power were upgraded though kept a lower strength, more to give influence to the strength/power of an Ogre.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Aura moderate transmutation; Caster Level 8th
Slot hands; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 16,000 gp
These gauntlets are made of tough leather with iron studs running across the back of the hands and fingers. They grant the wearer great strength, adding a +2 enhancement bonus to his Strength score. Both gauntlets must be worn for the magic to be effective.
In addition, whenever the wearer is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the wearer is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him or her and also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him or her.
And finally, if the wearer of the gauntlets meets the remaining prerequisites of the feat awesome blow (Strength 25 with the gauntlets, power attack and improved bull rush feats), it grants the feat as long as the gauntlets are worn.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, enlarge person; Cost 8,000 gp

I posted this elsewhere, but think it'll do here ^_^

I thought of afew altered familiar feats that might be nice additions to the summoner, conjurers, and druids alike.

Alternate Eidolon
General Feat
Prerequisite: Summoner level 1, Charisma 13.
Benefit: Through a varient of the primary summoning ritual, the summoner may summon an alternate eidolon, forging a link with the new entity built upon the same amount of evolution points as his or her primary eidolon. This entity is forged, sculpted, and prepared as an alternative to the first, though not a replacement.
To summon this alternate eidolon, the summoner must expend one of his uses of the Summon Monster class ability during the ritual, adding an additional six seconds (full round action) to the casting time.
This alternate eidolon still counts towards the once per day limit of the original eidolon.
Special: A summoner may take this feat multiple times, though for each additional eidolon taken increases the prerequisite Charisma by +2.

Masters’ Might
General Feat
The binding energies from summoned creature to master are strengthened when they are within your presence.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration).
Benefit: Whenever summoned monsters you control are within 60 feet of you, they are physically inspired force of will and magical might, and gain a +2 enhancement bonus on their attack rolls and saving throws.

Masters’ Presence
General Feat
Creatures summoned by you react faster and more nimble than normal.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration)
Benefit: Each creature summoned by either Summon Natures Ally or Summon Monster spell gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks and a 10-foot increase to its base land speed.

I'm trying to guestimate how much it would cost on a weapon just for the ability to add both the stat adjustments from a belt of giants strength and gauntlets of ogre power, the ability of which is primarily only found on the artifact Hammer of Thunderbolts.

This is both for market price and for construction.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

I thought of afew altered familiar feats that might be nice additions to the summoner, conjurers, and druids alike.

Alternate Eidolon
General Feat
Prerequisite: Summoner level 1, Charisma 13.
Benefit: Through a varient of the primary summoning ritual, the summoner may summon an alternate eidolon, forging a link with the new entity built upon the same amount of evolution points as his or her primary eidolon. This entity is forged, sculpted, and prepared as an alternative to the first, though not a replacement.
To summon this alternate eidolon, the summoner must expend one of his uses of the Summon Monster class ability during the ritual, adding an additional six seconds (full round action) to the casting time.
This alternate eidolon still counts towards the once per day limit of the original eidolon.
Special: A summoner may take this feat multiple times, though for each additional eidolon taken increases the prerequisite Charisma by +2.

Masters’ Might
General Feat
The binding energies from summoned creature to master are strengthened when they are within your presence.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration).
Benefit: Whenever summoned monsters you control are within 60 feet of you, they are physically inspired force of will and magical might, and gain a +2 enhancement bonus on their attack rolls and saving throws.

Masters’ Presence
General Feat
Creatures summoned by you react faster and more nimble than normal.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration)
Benefit: Each creature summoned by either Summon Natures Ally or Summon Monster spell gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks and a 10-foot increase to its base land speed.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Hey there all,

I have been going through a great deal of playtest feedback and speculation over the past few days. It has become obvious to me that there needs to be a few adjustments made to the summoner for balance reasons. Although I would not say that these changes are final, from this point onward, they are part of the class for playtesting purposes (this includes the Pathfinder Society Organized Play). I need to implement these changes to get a bit more productive feedback, since the issue seems to be skewing results a bit too heavily.

Feel free to post comments and feedback concerning this rules change in this thread, but leave other issued out of this discussion please.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Eidolons and Equipment
Eidolons are limited in the amount of gear and equipment they can use. Their forms tend to shift over time, making certain types of gear impossible to use properly. Eidolons with the proper training and the limbs (arms) evolution can wield weapons. They suffer the normal penalties for wielding more than one weapon, regardless of the number of arms they possess. Eidolons cannot wear armor, due to their shifting form, but those that take the proper feat can use a shield. Eidolons can use some magic items. Each eidolon can wear up to two rings, if it has the limbs (arms) evolution. Each eidolon can wear a single magic item in the following slots: eyes, head, neck, and shoulders. An eidolon with the limbs (arms) evolution or the tentacle evolution can drink potions.

Any magic items possessed by the eidolon fall to the ground when the eidolon is sent back to its home plane, regardless of the reason. If this includes cursed items, the items immediately return to the eidolon when it is summoned again.

Rules Changes
In addition to the above language, the following changes are made to the summoner.

- Delete the sentence from the Summon Monster I class feature that reads: He can cast this spell as a...

Egad, that's alot of posts to sift through! I caught on late unfortunately, and though I agree with the removal os the evolution that allows armor and shields, can we instead have the Eidolon pick up the feat for weapons (simple, martial, exotic), armor proficiencies (light, medium, heavy), and shield proficiency?

Thanks! aaand please don' smite me, I'm still catching up if this has already been covered.

If anyone has a link or knowledge of a Pathfinder conversion from the 3.5 rules for the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, please do tell. There is a fledgling DM that wishes to use this one as her starter stepping stone and I want to try and make it as smooth a process for her, been searching awhile now and she's to start the game soon.

Thanks all.

David Fryer wrote:
DragonMunchie wrote:
Now we'll have to look forward to Marvel characters showing up in future Square Enix/Disney collaberation Kingdom Hearts, greeeeeat...
I can't wat to have Wolverine and Donald Duck in the same party.

Next thing you know Wolverine has a fist full of retractable Keyblades and Captain America has one as well.

Now we'll have to look forward to Marvel characters showing up in future Square Enix/Disney collaberation Kingdom Hearts, greeeeeat...

Maveric28 wrote:

First time aware of this post, so I have a little catching up to do...

Name of PC: Dhuum k'Zadren
Class/Level: dwarf Artificer1
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Junker's Edge - Sandpoint

Story: Dhuum was an artificer who had an eye for creating his own mechanical contrivances, particularly mechanical minions or even a clockwork golem. I assured him he had plenty of time to gather the mats for such things when he'd gained some time, money n' even the feats necessary to create such gizmos, but he was determined to search the junkyard beach below Sandpoint for parts NOW!! What's worse, he told no one in the party what he was doing or where he was going, and so he went alone to the junkyard at night... needless to say, a band of 4 goblins from the Seven Tooth tribe was also rummaging for parts n' pieces that night, and poor Dhuum was no match for a 4-against-1 fight at 1st level.

Name of PC: Toren
Class/Level: human Ranger3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Tentamort - below Thistletop

Story: Not much to say here... Toren was a two-fisted Ranger, maxed his Str n' Dex at the expense of only having a 13 Con or so... He was stung in battle with the Tentamort twice and failed both saves, resulting in a total Con loss of about 18. You don't get much deader than that.

Name of PC: Anthius
Class/Level: human Paladin3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Malfeshnekor - below Thistletop

Story: This one was rather epic. The party had found the key to Malfeshnekor's Prison and so of course when they found a door it seemed to fit, of course they were going to open it! Since the barghest heard them outside the door, he'd cast his bull's strength, blink, and invisibility sphere spells in advance, so when the party opened the door they saw just an empty room with a firepit, golden candles and a carved symbol on the wall. After they'd entered to investigate, the fiend attacked with total surprise, laying out Tarsus the warlock nearly instantly and incapacitating the fighter Pomari with Crushing...

I have a wee bit of insight into this campaign, and to my knowledge Dhuum was never killed during his search of the goblin corpses and other gadgetry and did infact return to town, having to purchase heavy perfumes and multiple bags of soap to kill the stench before returning to drinking with Tarsus the Warlock, participating in the final battle of the night before the player's OOC troubles last year caused him to leave for a short stint.

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