
DragonMunchie's page

55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Anyone have a suggestion for a way to create a Vermin Keeper style archetype for Druid or a Pathfinderization of the existing prestige class/

I have a question on behalf of a fledgling DM - Can you slap the half-fiend template on a demon, devil, or other type of fiend as a sort of advancement?This would probably be in addition to increasing the creatures hit dice.

My group has recently started up the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and our GM seems to be pulling a few questionable moves.

The frist of such moves is that the gear dropped from goblin is worthless to the pcs. It cannot be sold to vendors for quick cash as it is holds no monetary value being made from the garbage and such. So we generate no revenue from this.

Second, our group has a number of GM's in its ranks and from quick math they say that as far as experience points gained per kill/trap/scenario we are being short changed.

Third. Monsters have been buffed. We do run the epic 25 stat build but it caps a characters stat at 18 after racial adjustment. Goblins and such run around with 8+ hit points each with double digit numbers (part size ranges per session with 3-6), increased number of enemy combatants without the experience points to follow, and increased enemy stats. Goblins and goblin commandos with 16 strengths is a lot to handle.

Other things come to mind as well, but this is the skinny of the gripe. Please advice.

I am looking for a way to have my characters race changed magically via spell, ritual, or other magic, and have a template added on on top of that (the amphibious template for those wondering), how would I go about doing so? And which books might I find these in?

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Paladin: Add +1 to the paladin’s energy resistance to one kind of energy (maximum +10).

The question is: Can you choose positive or negative energy as the energy type?

I didn't see this mentioned before and doubt it has any influence but:
Does an eidolon benefit from increased ability scores of the Campaign Type?
Low Fantasy (10 point buy)
Standard Fantasy (15 point buy)
High Fantasy (20 point buy)
Epic Fantasy (25 point buy)

And before the animal companion is brought up as in defense of a no, one of the main abilities of the standard summoner class is the eidolon, whereas a druid has the benefits of wild shape and full spell progression... I am not trying to diminish or slander the capabilities of the druid, but just wanting to know if it might be a good argument.

Thank you for your time.

If an individual afflicted lycanthropy suffers from an alignment shift due to his/her condition, can they regain their alignment through the Atonement spell and still retain the lycanthropy condition without an alignment shift in the future?

Are there any items that help a creature against Light Sensitivity?
Such as the smoked goggles found in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Experienced Pathfinder foursome seek GM plus one more.
Adventure Paths should be able to be provided for if needed.
Location is stable, as is the crew.
Saturday game is the preferred, most days of the month open with scheduled exceptions. Time frame from 11:00am until whenever (8pm-9pm usually).

Is the Holy Warrior Cleric option from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting still a legal viable option for aspiring Clerics?

On varient ability
16 You have oversized limbs, allowing you to use Large
weapons without penalty.

Would this potentially allow a monk to deal unarmed strike damage as a Large creature?

I am currently playing a construct crafting wizard and came across the clockwork mender, I'd like to be able to make a swarm version but can't seem to find any rules for it, any suggestion?

If this is in the wrong catagory, m'apologies.

I'm trying to guestimate how much it would cost on a weapon just for the ability to add both the stat adjustments from a belt of giants strength and gauntlets of ogre power, the ability of which is primarily only found on the artifact Hammer of Thunderbolts.

This is both for market price and for construction.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

This may have been reviewed before, but I had a question regarding the armor bonus provided by the conjuration specialist wizard: Does this bonus act like bracers of armor in that they surround the wizard in an invisible but tangible field of force, just as though wearing armor?