I had actually forgotten about that arcana, I made this a while ago and rediscovered it recently, apparently I skimmed over the arcana. I agree that it is dull and could do with changing.
I'll add a spoiler with the most current version of the bloodline after every post for the sake of clarity, and the wordings will be updated in it.
As for the backstory, I am thinking of descent from a great smith, perhaps the creator of a legendary weapon or suit of armor, but to be honest I do know that when I made it my only central theme was metal. I think I was kind of aiming for a sort of battlemage, but since magus does gish far better than a sorcerer likely ever could, I think I would like to shift the focus more towards a craftsman.
To that end, I changed the bloodline skill, and I have updated the wording throughout the bloodline to be more understandable and look less like a bunch of jotted down notes. I am unsure about what to change the arcana to, I like the idea of piercing DR, but I'm not completely sold on it yet.
Thanks for the suggestions so far, and please keep them coming!
Forgeborn Bloodline:
Bloodline Skill: Craft (weapons or armor)
Bloodline Feats: Armor Proficiency (all), Craft Construct, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (knowledge [engineering]), Toughness
Bloodline Spells: 3rd-magic weapon, 5th-chill/heat metal (chosen when gained, cannot be changed), 7th-greater magic weapon, 9th-rusting grasp, 11th-permanency, 13th-wall of iron, 15th-mage's sword, 17th-repel metal or stone, 19th-meteor swarm
Bloodline Arcana: ?
1st lvl-Razor Sharp (Su): You may grant the keen property to any eligible weapon by touching it as a standard action, for a number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level (rounded down, to a minimum of 1 round), at 9th level you may instead grant wounding for half the duration. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier
3rd lvl-Mithral Grace (Ex): The sorcerer becomes more comfortable in metal armor, the arcane spell failure chance of metal armor decreases by 10%, this bonus increases to 20% at 9th level, and 30% at 15th level
9th lvl-Ferrokinesis: You gain telekinesis as a spell-like ability 1/day, but it only functions on metal, the uses increase to 2/day at 15th level, and 3/day at 20th.
15th lvl-Metal Molding: You are treated as knowing all required spells for the purpose of creating metal constructs or magic items.
For the purpose of this ability, any weapon or ammunition with a metal "business end" is viable, as are metal shields armor, and rings. At the GM's discretion, thematically appropriate wondrous items made mostly or entirely of metal could be allowed as well.
20th lvl-Adamantine Toughness: You gain DR 5/- that stacks with the damage reduction granted by wearing adamantine armor
This is my first serious crack at homebrew, and I’m looking for more opinions on it. Are there any parts that people think are unbalanced or unwieldy? All suggestions and criticism on any aspect of the bloodline are welcome. Thanks in advance!
Metallic Bloodline:
Bloodline Skill: Knowledge (engineering)
Bloodline Feats: Armor Proficiency (all), Craft Construct, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (knowledge [engineering]), Toughness
Bloodline Spells: 3rd-magic weapon, 5th-chill/heat metal (chosen when gained, cannot be changed), 7th-greater magic weapon, 9th-rusting grasp, 11th-permanency, 13th-wall of iron, 15th-mage's sword, 17th-repel metal or stone, 19th-meteor swarm
Bloodline Arcana: +1 to attack with metal weapons
1st lvl-Razor Sharp (Su): touch a metal weapon as a standard action to grant keen for a number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level (rounded down, min. 1), at 9th level can instead be wounding for half duration. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier
3rd lvl-Mithral Grace (Ex): the sorcerer becomes more comfortable in metal armor, decrease the arcane spell failure chance of metal armor decreases by 10%, this decreases to 20% at 9th level, and 30% at 15th level
9th lvl-Ferrokinesis: as telekinesis, but only works on metals 1/day, increases to 2/day at 15th level and 3/day at 20th.
15th lvl-Metal Molding: treated as knowing all required spells for the purpose of creating metal constructs or magic items
20th lvl-Adamantine Toughness: DR 5/- stacks with adamantine armor
I've got this idea for a sylph who is near obsessed with finding the sky. Not sure of anything else yet, but I’ll start work on fleshing this out.
Edit: Do you have a problem with racial feats? By far the easiest way for my character to explore the skies would be to go for the Wings of Air feat.
Reading a bit more into your setting, I realize that my original concept doesn’t quite work. I’m going to make her as (if I get the terminology right) an Unbeliever who thinks that some hint of Sky can be flund in the Dark. She’d be a ranger, so I’ll pm you about the divine casting once you’ve responded with your thoughts on the concept. I also found an archetype that I think would fit this concept very well: Stormwalker.
I have to agree with Zhayne in the context of most campaigns, aside from the awesome flavor of being an immortal wizard of immense power, it isn't really all that useful.
That said, if I ever get a wizard to 20th, I'm still going to take it every time.
I'm in a similar boat to you, minus the curiosity about why people like to play evil characters. One motivation is that they can simply run amok. I think that is a major draw of evil games, you can do whatever you want, without any real consequences, and the in game consequences are part of the story. I think you are mostly referring to all evil games, but some character concepts are simply evil in nature. One of the concepts I have that I really want to play is a LE diabolist (devil binding PrC, not sure if I got the name right), one of my favorite characters, but he could never work as anything else, with or without alignment restrictions. I don't think I completely addressed your question, but that is most of my understanding.
Like the idea for worldwound, I've got an idea brewing that might fit into the church in an interesting way. Thinking an endurance/sword or strength martial character who would basically be the shield/strong arm of the church. There would be a heavy focus on the endurance aspect, I'm thinking he attracted the word somehow through an act sheer endurance or willpower.
This looks awesome! I skimmed through, and noticed someone's idea of a kitsune social character trying to bring people together, and my mind started going. I'll probably look over this more fully and throw in my opinions soon-ish/, but I am definitely interested.
Edit: Oh wait, that was more than a passing idea, someone seems to be using it. I'll come up with something else.
On the topic of the original question, I have always thought of it as a margin of success. Rolling high on an Acrobatics check to jump does not automatically make for a long jump. As long as you succeed the check, how you succeed the check is fluff, a 30 on an Acrobatics check could simply mean you cleared your jump, or it could mean you jump exactly as far as you wanted to. Either way, you still cleared the jump
Awesome! I used the rules for a medium humanoid on the breastplate I have, since it only covers the torso, but I'm assuming I'd have to pay for a Large nonhumaniod for any sort of full body armor.
If you like the idea, that's enough incentive for me. I present Loktar O'gar (hopefully the former for those who get the reference), wandering champion of justice (think classic knight, but he's a centaur). Loktar has come to the human village of Sandpoint to pay homage to the Lady of the Plains (as he calls Desna), and of course, to slay any evil-doers that may haunt it. I'll have stats pretty quick, I have way too much practice.
PS: Abandoning Gawg in this case.
Edit: Also, I'm not used to this selection process, could you spell it out for me? I'd rather have any misconceptions out of the way now.
That said, I think I will stick with the 3 I have rather than creating a 4th. Now I just need to decide... I'm thinking the goblin. I will get him adapted, using 25-point buy.
I've got a number of characters that would fit with RotRL, a taciturn tengu bolt ace, a goblin alchemist (I think that says it all), and a socially awkward aasimar arcanist. I kind of want to try a centaur warrunner (or whatever that one archetype is, be interesting to roleplay). Anyone have any suggestions or preferences?
Edit: Just checked out the centaur, unless you say otherwise I'm going to assume it was an oversight that you didn't ban it with 28 RP.
With that bit of rules, you need stuff like seducer's bane. I feel like it is not the only such effect either, I recall a, I think Master Spy ability, that does something similar, but I could be wrong and just be misremembering slippery mind.
I've looked at that one a few times, I think my problem with it was that some words get left in, which ruined it for me, though I could see how that could possibly even be the reason others like it.
Does anyone else have any they use? Better ones for some I have? Other ones? All are welcome. So are systems for making normal speech sound/look like a given language, or real world languages that might fit something.
Actually, sorcerers would be rarer than they would seem, because of something we tend to overlook: not everyone can be a sorcerer. A 20 Charisma does not allow someone to manifest sorcery, because it is based on bloodline. If you include sorcerers, you need to figure out how much potential/bloodline align with the charisma to make it work. Actually, that's an interesting prospect. What happens when someone has a sorcerous bloodline, but doesn't have the Charisma to cast? You get a group of people with strange powers, but no spellcasting. I'll go through the bloodlines to see what first level bloodline powers would have any effect.
Another thing to consider is level. Paizo once mentioned that an Olympic athlete would be 4th level, which means that if you follow that, 2nd level spells would be rare, and 3rd level spells extremely so.
As much as I'd love to play a Xindi, real life happened, so I'm bowing out for now. I might be back, but I wouldn't suggest operating under that assumption if it matters at all
@Chess Pwn: I'm not entirely familiar with it, but from my understanding of hexblade, it was the 3.5 version of the magus, but it took a different approach.
I am building a character who starts with a level of spellslinger (wizard for those who don't know), and then goes into eldritch archer. I wanted to use a musket, but problems of reload have come up.
My question is thus: is there a way to get to free action reload without going 3 levels of musket master? If not, is it a good idea to take the musket master levels, or should I switch to a pistol?
I have no reason aside from the mechanical benefits of the musket over the pistol, and I think an arcane musket is cooler.
Vampiric touch seems like it would be useful, as well as force punch. Corrosive consumption I think most creature would scrape off, which means I used a 3rd level spell slot to do ~7 damage and prevent them from acting for one turn. Doesn't seem like the best deal to me.
Thanks for the suggestions, and please keep them coming!
Can I take a drawback with no bonus trait for taking it? I'm thinking that this one would be thematic, but I know it could be more helpful than harmful in the first part especially. I'll elaborate if my statement is confusing in any way.
Found long arm, and the spell storing amulet is actually unnecessary, touch spells can be discharged as unarmed attacks, but as a sorcerer, I see little reason to do so, it is far too much investment to get enough damage to warrant the loss of hitting touch AC.
I'd forgotten about mad magic, or was it I simply wanted the option of not taking it at first level if necessary? I don't remember, and it doesn't really matter. Thanks for clearing that up.
I guess I don't want a complete build, just suggestions on good touch spells and other ways to make this work. Blood Arcanist is a good idea, but I think I prefer sorcerer here.
Sadly, it's unmodifiable. We get the spells as spell-like abilities, but nothing of the feats either (they were mentioned as possible rewards however).
I'm making a character for an upcoming game that gains a free bloodrager bloodline and bloodrage. A caveat is that the bloodline must match any you get from your class. I went Aberrant sorcerer, which means I get Aberrant bloodrage as well, and figured it would be pretty cool to make a touch build, since by level 4 I have 15 ft reach with such things, and will eventually get 25 ft reach (RotRL, so I should get the full bonus eventually).
A few other things of note:
- human
- I went tattooed sorcerer, gets rid of the ray for a familiar, and I lose almost nothing else due to bloodline overlap
- Mad Magic feat, for casting during the bloodrage
- I'm taking advantage of bloodrage to use Strength for touch attacks
Let me know if anything is unclear or there are further questions, and thanks in advance.
Can I deliver a touch spell while bloodraging? Standard action (cast)>free action (bloodrage)>free action (deliver touch spell on the round it is cast)
It works action-wise, but I wanted to be sure you were okay with it. Considering you can deliver them with unarmed strikes, I see no reason it would not work, but there is no text directly supporting that.
How are you going to handle overlap? I was thinking of a destined sorcerer, but the second ability of each overlaps with each other almost completely: both give a luck bonus to AC and saving throws. The only difference is that the sorcerer's AC bonus is conditional, while the bloodrager give it one later.
Edit: I understand that part, but it's not what I was going for. No big problem.
I've got a magus built around it. Never seen the light of day, so I don't know how viable he is.
Your class choice looks pretty good though. Sorcerer can start a level later than wizard, but this way you can still actually have some other spells of that level for occasional use.
As was pointed out before, companions lose a lot in gestalt campaigns, I'd think it would be fine. One thing to point out would be overlap, namely, using your example, natural armor. Every companion I can think of gets a natural armor bonus, you'd need to determine how those stacked. My vote is for completely, going back to the aforementioned point of companions in a gestalt campaign being weaker, extra survivability would be welcome.
I was in a bit a of a hurry when I made the first one, so I took some more time on this one. I think I got everyone, but I probably missed at least one person in some way.
All told, it comes out to 14 completed submissions, 6 more with character concepts,and 7 other who have posted on this thread. And the GM