LegitName |
This is a campaign for three-five players. They are residents of the Human town of Pinehollow. Rumors of an advancing orc army are agitating the locals, as the local militia is oversees seeing to some matters in Galorian. The heroes are acting off a legend of three magical weapons hidden within the Swiftblade Caverns - a sword, club, and bow, that are said to be able to attack very quickly. To get to these weapons however, the PCs have to fight their way through defenses that the creators of the weapons, the Pine Craftsmen of legend, created to keep the weapons from falling into the wrong hands.
Point Buy: 25 points
Traits: At first level, you may select two traits from the family, race, combat, and magic lists - OR you may select a bonus feat (Run the feat by me before you select it).
Alignment: Any
Races: Any, but be prepared to explain why a your non-human character would be adventuring with the human players, or why your Human character has decided to go on this campaign in the first place.
Classes/Archetypes: Any core, base, alternative, or hybrid classes (I'm okay with gunslingers, as long as you accept that locals might not trust you with your extremely over-powered high-damage dealing ranged touch attacks, but no advanced firearms). No vigilantes, sorry, this is not a political campaign.
Level: Starts at level 1, goes on for... a while
Skills: normal
As this is a pretty short dungeon I would like it if you could post once a day on Mondays-Saturdays (I'm Mormom and will not be available on Sundays - you can still post, I just won't be there to reply). In combat, please post your actions before 10pm Eastern Time. Don't post unless you see that the person (or monsters) before you have gone. I will be checking at the aforementioned time and imputting all events onto the dungeon map, which I will share in the discussion thread.
In terms of who I will accept, I am looking for a rich background and a good attitude. Characters must be submitted before 11:59 pm Eastern Time on Feburary 3th. I may or may not announce the players the next day, as I will be getting home from a Snow Caving campout that day. If you have any other questions, please ask them.
For information on Pinehollow, go to
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GFbsK0354jtmvRa8Su1bNzXAjbuhuiMLqeuFen PHiI/edit?usp=sharing

LegitName |
Hey, by any race, do you mean this guy would be acceptable? I know the answer, but this race is too cool for me not to try it (not changing the fluff until I know). There's a link to the race in his alias, right at the top of the statistics.
I assume you mean Xindi. I looked it up, I'm gonna have to say yes because no where did I put a limit on what Any could be. So, go ahead. Although the four spells is a bit powerful...

LegitName |
Interested. I am considering playing a vanilla human fighter. Out of curiosity, how common are halflings?
Halflings... Well, this city is a conglomeration of pretty much every race working together to build this city. The city mostly consists of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. However, halflings and gnomes can also be seen quite a bit. Of course, you don't have to hail from Pinehollow to be working to save it.

LegitName |
OK, so I couldn't get the link sharing to work so I've compiled all the work I had done and put it into the newly created discussions thread. If you have any questions about pinehollow or the surrounding area, or you want information on any npcs that you think might be important, ask about it there.
As for:
Lifesense - so it's darkvision that's dependent on there being life. Sure. If you guys haven't figured, I'm going very loose on what to allow. I was thinking people would have a fun time trying out everything. Besides, this is a homebrew adventure. I like to embrace the homebrew.
Length: This is most likely going to be a pretty short campaign that takes place mostly in the Pinehollow undergrounds.
I guess I can design the campaign for any number of players - 4 go into the underground, and the rest are soldiers in the city guard that arrive just in time for the big orc confrontation. That way everyone gets involved. If you would like to be in the city guard, make a character of 5 level - 5000gp, but you can get a full or half plate and greatsword or longbow for free (not masterwork), as the local blacksmith has provided them for you. Classes: cleric, druid (not necessarily working IN the town guard), fighter, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer (run bloodlines past me first), wizard, alchemist, magus, summoner, swashbuckler. If you want to play a vigilante that shows up to help, be my guest. Just PM with your character and I'll give you a week's heads up before the orc invasion.

LegitName |
Well, there's one group: the rag-tag gain of heroes that are working together to retrieve some legendary weapons from an underground vault as the town guard is MIA fighting a war in Galorian (because there is always a war going on in Galorian). So the group goes and gets the weapons (hopefully...) and then they return to the surface to fight the orc army. Suprise! The town guard returns at the EXACT SAME TIME! So the Town Guard can join the heroes as they take on the orc army. This is my way of letting everyone participate

LegitName |
How will you handle training of Animal Companions? I'd like to have my boar trained for hunting, if possible.
Since we're on a bit of a time limit, you may consider this spell (1st level ranger spell). It would take your level 1 spell for a day, however it would save weeks of training. Or maybe you can... bribe... the GM into giving it some tricks ahead of time.

LegitName |
OK, so far these are the players I have:
Xindi Sorcerer
Tengu Hunter
Dwarven Bloodrager
Human Bolt Ace

Sean Weasley |

I was going for a human two-handed fighter archtype of fighter. Shall I change this up since you already have the shieldless dwarven bloodrager who is likely to use his weapon two-handed?
Human Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter Archtype)
Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 15 DEX: 13 CON: 18 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 10
BAB: +1 = +1 fighter
HD: 1d10 +4 Con +1 favored
hit points: 15
Fort: 6 = +2 fighter +4 Con
Ref: 1 = +0 fighter +1 Dex
Will: 0 = +0 fighter +0 Wis
Climb: 6 = 1 rank +3 class skill +2 Str
Craft (stonemasonry): 6 = 1 rank +3 class skill +2 Int
Knowledge (engineering): 6 = 1 rank +3 class skill +2 Int
Profession (farmer): 4 = 1 rank +3 class skill +0 Wis
Swim: 6 = 1 rank +3 class skill +2 Str
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields (including tower shields).
Feat (Trait Alternative): Fast Learner: Gain both +1 skill rank and +1 hit point when you gain a level in a favored class
Feat (Human): Power Attack
Feat (Char 1): Improved Sunder
Feat (Fighter 1): Cleave
Wealth: 175gp
Lucerne Hammer (15 gp)
Greatsword (50 gp)
Scale Mail (50 gp)
Fighter's Kit (9 gp)

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw wrote:Since we're on a bit of a time limit, you may consider this spellHow will you handle training of Animal Companions? I'd like to have my boar trained for hunting, if possible.
That would be awesome if I wasn't wasting one of the 2 1st level spells that I know for a 1 use spell... Maybe I'll find money for a scroll.
I was just hoping that since we have been hunting together for some time that I would have previously taken time to actually train her with these commands.
I can certainly get by with only the Bonus Trick until I can train her a bit better.

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Which one would you like Drazh to be in? Was he off adventuring with the town guard, or did he come to Pinehollow to wreak vengeance upon the Orc Army, only to get caught up in the quest for the three magical weapons?
Not sure. I'll hold off on that choice to see how many submissions we get.

LegitName |
LegitName wrote:Ebonfeather Sharpclaw wrote:Since we're on a bit of a time limit, you may consider this spellHow will you handle training of Animal Companions? I'd like to have my boar trained for hunting, if possible.
That would be awesome if I wasn't wasting one of the 2 1st level spells that I know for a 1 use spell... Maybe I'll find money for a scroll.
I was just hoping that since we have been hunting together for some time that I would have previously taken time to actually train her with these commands.
I can certainly get by with only the Bonus Trick until I can train her a bit better.
Oh, so you've been with her for a few weeks? In the background you said recently, I assumed it meant a few weeks ago. I guess, how far away from Pinehollow is the Tengu village?

LegitName |
I was going for a human two-handed fighter archtype of fighter. Shall I change this up since you already have the shieldless dwarven bloodrager who is likely to use his weapon two-handed?
** spoiler omitted **
Looks cool. I'd say, keep it. Either this becomes a big campaign for lots of people, where we need some dedicated frontliners, or he could end up being a soldier in the Town Guard that returns for the final battle. Soldiers get some free gear :D

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

Oh, so you've been with her for a few weeks? In the background you said recently, I assumed it meant a few weeks ago. I guess, how far away from Pinehollow is the Tengu village?
I don't recall being very specific about the timing of any events other than the villiage being overrun.
My idea was that Ebonfeather and Mushroom met a few months back, having time to cement a friendship and do some training.
The villiage would have been overrun a few days to a week ago.
As for distance, far enough to be out of sight of any of the surrounding population of Pinehollow, but close enough to be the nearest town.
A few days walk, probably.

LegitName |
LegitName wrote:
Oh, so you've been with her for a few weeks? In the background you said recently, I assumed it meant a few weeks ago. I guess, how far away from Pinehollow is the Tengu village?I don't recall being very specific about the timing of any events other than the villiage being overrun.
My idea was that Ebonfeather and Mushroom met a few months back, having time to cement a friendship and do some training.
The villiage would have been overrun a few days to a week ago.
As for distance, far enough to be out of sight of any of the surrounding population of Pinehollow, but close enough to be the nearest town.
A few days walk, probably.
So, I'm gonna assume that a few months means three. Three months = about 13 weeks. So that means 13 attempts to teach a trick. So I factored in your +4, and ran a d20 roller 13 times. There were 2 rolls that were 15-19. There were 5 rolls that were 20-24. You can use those to pick six tricks, or you could roll on your own and use those.

LegitName |
So that leaves the hunter, bloodrager, and bolt ace. No arcane magic, no healing. Those are some pretty important things. I would like to get on with the campaign, so if someone knows a guy, that may come in handy.
Or the mayor could supply you with a wand of cure light wounds and we could stick to a three person. It's up to you guys.

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Well between an inquisitor and a hunter we should have healing covered. Also I like not having an arcane faster. Sure it makes life harder, but it tends to ground adventures. It makes combat feel more real.
Last time I played PFS we were going through a fortress with a barbarian, a fighter, a Bloodrager and a bard. We were all Lvl 3 and the hard was Lvl 1. We got into a fight at a choke point against 4 enemy martials. With a wizard we could have sat there and blasted them. With all martials, we had to stop and really think about placement, movement and target priority. The fight felt more 'real' and a lot deadlier.