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@GM of the Moon

Just have a couple questions for ya.

1. Finally landed on playing a Drow for my Cleric and wondered if lowering their racial spell resistance will still require a standard action? Having to deal with SR blocking even friendly buffs/spells would be annoying but I suppose I could always swap spell resistance for another trait.

2. What starting languages would a surface Drow have in Faerûn? I looked up what common languages they might know (Common, Deep Drow, Drow Sign Language, Elven, Undercommon) but having them all seemed a bit much.

3. Since we won’t be on Golarion will we be still be able to use Golarion-flavored Religion and Region traits?

@GM of the Moon

Been thinking about it and decided I'm definitely going for a Cleric of Eilistraee who's likely going to multiclass into Bard or Ranger down the line to better augment her physical abilities and get a few more skill points. A frontline Cleric who can heal, bluff, talk (and dance!) seems like a fun build to play.

Also looked into Eilistraee's original Domains from 3e and came to the conclusion that Chaos (she's chaos-aligned), Charm (for her artistic stuff), Darkness (moonlight), Good (she's good-aligned) and Travel (leaving the Underdark for the surface) would probably best fit her for conversion into Pathfinder's Domain system. Not totally sold on it though so tell me if that works or fits for you.

@GM of the Moon

Thanks! Right now I'm tending towards either a cleric of Sune or Eilistraee. In regard to the later I'm also curious if a cleric of Eilistraee gets to be proficient with bastard swords since that's commonly Eilistraee's favored weapon?

Love to do a Faerun campaign after playing some BG3 myself. Got an idea for a cleric or paladin. Not quite sure on the deity just yet but I am guess as to where I would like look up Domains for a Faerun god?

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Hate to do this but I'm going to have to leave the game. Real life stuff is becoming an issue and I don't believe I'll be able to commit to the game as a consequence. For that I'm sincerely sorry. It's been a blast playing with y'all and I appreciate what we've managed to do together as an collaborative troupe. I hope the best for the game going forward and hope you all continue being awesome.

Thanks a bunch for the opportunity, guys!

Definitely interested in being part of a War For The Crown game. Got a Arcane Duelist who's a Julie d'Aubigny riff. Stats should be up soon with fluff coming a little later.

DM Meleager wrote:
Does anyone here have any way to contact @Delightful outside the site?

Sorry for late response but I'm going to have bail out of the game. My apologizes.

@GM Imperius

Question for you. Would a cutlass be interpreted as a finesse weapon for the purposes of the Feat Tax rules?

Rad to see this up and running! Got me a few ideas peculating in my head but for right now its safe to assume that I'm going to go with a Cleric/Warpriest of Besmara or a Swashbuckler with the Shackles Corsair archetype. Either way their going to be a big time worshipper of Besmara, the Pirate Queen, with an (hopefully) interesting twist on how fair that devotion goes.

Character should be up soon.

I'm very much interested in fun pirate adventure romp. As for your questions...

1. First Edition.
2. Not very interested in 2E.
3. Paizo.



@D-Kal: I'll second Candy Grrl. They're all great concepts but I find the Mahouse and Oros to be the most the most interesting.

Magick is definitely kitted out to be a ranged operator who will be trying her best to stay away from the thick of it. She’ll be using most of her time flying out of range blasting or deliberating villains from afar using her Magic array. I got plans to boost her close damage capabilities but until then her main thing will be the aforementioned ranged utility and blasting.

Personality-wise she's a "legacy" hero trying her best to live up while being really new stuff to the superhero scene. Also kind of a wizard nerd with mahou shoujo vibes.

Fixed Magick.


Strength -1, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 3, Awareness 6, Presence 2

Languages 1, Ranged Attack 2, Ritualist

Expertise: Magic 8 (+11), Insight 2 (+8), Perception 2 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+6)

Magick: (20 pt. Array)
Myrddin’s Arcane Blast: Ranged Damage 8 • 16 points
- Slumbering Curse of Aillen: Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Will; Fatigued, Exhausted and Asleep) • 1 point
- Invisible Hand of Hekate: Perception Move Object 5, Precise, Subtle • 1 point
- Panacea’s Healing Touch: Healing 4, Energizing, Restorative • 1 point
- Shimmering Mists of Avalon: Illusion 3 vs. All Senses, Area (15 Cubic Feet), Resistible by Will, Selective • 1 point

Witchsight: Senses 2 (Magical Awareness, Radius) • 2 points

Amulet of Warding: Protection 8, Sustained, Removable (-1 points) • 7 points

Cloak of Levitation: Flight 5 (60 MPH), Removable (-2 points) • 8 points

Transformation Sequence: Feature 1 (Transform into costume as a free action) • 1 point

Initiative +2
Unarmed +0 / Close Damage -1 (DC Toughness 14)
Myrddin’s Arcane Blast +4 / Ranged Damage 8 (DC Toughness 23)

Motivation—Learning: Gwen is a dedicated student of the arcane arts and wants to learn everything she can about her powers.
Motivation—Doing Good: Gwen is a nice girl despite her dabbling in the dark arts and wants to use her abilities to help the world the best she can.
Responsibility: Given her mom's history as a defender of the mundane and magical worlds, Gwen feels responsible to upholding that legacy.
Secret: No one can know that the bookish high school student Gwen Jones is in fact the magical spell-slinger Magick!

English (Native Language)

Dodge 4, Fortitude 4, Parry 4, Toughness 8, Will 8

Power Points: Abilities 28, Powers 38, Advantages 4, Skills 8, Defenses 12

I haven't seen a Mutants and Masterminds game here for a while and would love to get involved in one! Here's my entry for Magick, resident witch and aspiring young hero.


Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 3, Awareness 6, Presence 3

Ranged Attack 2, Ritualist = 3

Expertise: Magic 8 (+11), Insight 4 (+10), Perception 4 (+10), Persuasion 4 (+7)

Magick: (20 pt. Array)
Myrddin’s Arcane Blast: Ranged Damage 8 • 16 points
- Slumbering Curse of Aillen: Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Will; Fatigued, Exhausted and Asleep) • 1 point
- Invisible Hand of Hekate: Perception Move Object 5, Precise, Subtle • 1 point
- Panacea’s Healing Touch: Healing 4, Energizing, Persistent, Restorative, Stabilize • 1 point
- Shimmering Mists of Avalon: Illusion 3 vs. All Senses, Area (15 Cubic Feet), Resistible by Will, Selective • 1 point

Witchsight: Senses 2 (Magical Awareness, Radius) • 2 points

Amulet of Warding: Protection 8, Sustained, Removable (-1 points) • 7 points

Cloak of Levitation: Flight 5 (60 MPH), Removable (-2 points) • 8 points

Transformation Sequence: Feature 1 (Transform into costume as a free action) • 1 point

Initiative +2
Unarmed +0 / Close Damage 0 (DC Toughness 15)
Myrddin’s Arcane Blast +4 / Ranged Damage 8 (DC Toughness 23)

Motivation—Learning: Gwen is a dedicated student of the arcane arts and wants to learn everything she can about her powers.
Motivation—Doing Good: Gwen is a nice girl despite her dabbling in the dark arts and wants to use her abilities to help the world the best she can.
Responsibility: Given her mom's history as a defender of the mundane and magical worlds, Gwen feels responsible to upholding that legacy.
Secret: No one can know that the bookish high school student Gwen Jones is in fact the magical spell-slinger Magick!

Dodge 4, Fortitude 4, Parry 4, Toughness 8, Will 8

Power Points: Abilities 32, Powers 38, Advantages 3, Skills 5, Defenses 12


Gwendolen "Gwen" Jones always knew she was special. Well, not special exactly. Magic isn't a thing she discovered. It was omnipresent in her life since she was a child. That's what happens your born into a family of witches and warlocks. The Jones Clan were a family of mages from the Old Country, who immigrated a long time ago to escape persecution from a land that hated and feared for usually unfair and bigoted reasons.

It's for that reason that Gwen grew up hiding her powers and natural skill with magic from those outside her family and the wider magical world. The thinking went that the rule of shade would protect them from a return of witch hunts and burnings... until other, stranger superhumans started showing up in the world. The advert of the age of superheroes brought great changes upon the world of magic, with several witches and warlocks seeing it as an opportunity to finally be accepted by the mundane world.

Gwen's mother was one of those mages, and she used her spellcraft to become the superhero Magick, a prominent name in the hero community. Unsurprisingly, Gwen looked up to her as a role model and at an early age aspired to follow her mother's thought steps as heroine even as she juggled her studies in magic with more "normal" social life in the mundane world. That all changed when her mother disappeared in Doomsday. Distraught but determined to do what she could to fill the needed role left by her mom's wake, Gwen took up the Magick name and entered the hero scene... much to the chagrin of her worrying father.

This sounds like a pretty interesting concept that can work with a surprising amount of builds despite the limitations of the theme and setting. I'd love to be a part of it and have a rough idea of a fire kineticist with a devoted fascinating with phoenixes, rebirth, and the elemental planes.

I'll have something more concrete in a day or two but right now I'm curious how the Golarion-focused traits will be handled. Given what you said on the OP I'd assume I can just change the flavor of the ones I want them available? Including ones that have perquisites for race?

Also I'm curious which languages were likely to run into?


A. Rue Woodkind
B. Human
C. Ranger
D. Blight-Burned
E. Bringing some furs to trade on Market Day and as an opportunity to interact with some humans after a long stint of isolation in the woods.

Ironically enough I'm more familiar with Mutants and Masterminds rather than the Fate system. I love OPM but I'll need to look at FATE for a bit before I can say whether I'd be interested.

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Hmm. I'll probably go Scavenger Investigator for this. Whipping out fancy gadgets and the like just speaks to me.

"We'll probably be out here for another day or two so it would be good to know that people know where we are in case that drake does try to make a meal of us," Hana tells the leaving pair. The tavern singer said the last few words half-jokingly, but she would have been lying if she wasn't concerned that they all might share the same fate of the Battered Shield.

With that in mind, Hana quickly adds quietly, "And if you can please tell my mother that I'm sorry for leaving like I did and that I'll back as soon as I can."

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GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
I might throw in my hat, depending on build rules. I've wanted to rock a Gun Chymist for some time now.
Build rules would be pretty straightforward. 20 point buy, 2 traits (one from the campaign). I'd allow some gunslinger related third party stuff, though I'm not sure what yet.

Would all players be required to submit characters that use firearms or would they just have to have a tech or engineering theme?

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How about Guns, Runes, and Lead?

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Definitely sounds like an intriguing idea. Count me in if you decide to run a game.

Definitively interested in a Norse fantasy campaign! I only have a rough idea for a character right now but I’m thinking of making a squishy arcane full caster for this if only to stand out against all the armored vikings. A Winter Witch or an Elemental Sorcerer are the likely contenders right now.

Regardless of which wins out I am curious about a few things before I fully start hammering out the character sheet:

- Can you get an extra trait if you take a drawback?
- Can we reflavor Golarion-based traits/feats and use them for our setting?
- Besides the languages of the core classes what are the other main languages in Allsgard?
- This might be something you'll explain in the Player's Guide but I'm wondering if we'll be using the deities shown in Book of the Damned for Allgard's Archfiends?

I got a Toreador in mind for this.

Starting Blood Pool: 1d10 ⇒ 7

Got a Unchained Rogue (Relic Raider) in mind for this. A useful addition that can easily serve as a scout and your reliable trap finder and dismantled when required. Face skills won't be neglected either in case we ever want to talk our way of the problem.

Anyhow, let's see how much coin they've have starting out.

Starting Wealth Rogue: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 6) = 11

Welp. Average it is. Will have character sheet and bio up today.

Laird_Thorne wrote:

Interested for sure :)

One thing I didn’t see is if using Background Skills ?

We are.

Starting Wealth Barbarian: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) = 10

Looks like I'm going average.

Question: Will Background Skills be used here?

I'm interested in doing a TWF Ranger or a Barbarian but let's see the dice say about that, eh.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2) = 14 = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 5) = 16 = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 6) = 15 = 15 Reroll Stats 1: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 2) = 13 = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 6) = 15 = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 6) = 16 = 15 Reroll Stats 2: 1d6 ⇒ 1, Reroll Stats 2 Again: 1d6 ⇒ 2

So I got 12, 14, 15, 11, 13, and 15 as a statline. Not to bad, so I'm sticking with it.

Some already asked this but it might have gotten lost in the posts. Are Background Skills gonna be in this?

Got a Kitsune Bard in mind for this.

May the odds be in everyone's favor!

Going to have withdraw as well. My apologies, Josh!

Got a Psychic Chelish Noble in mind for this. Kind of Emma Frost inspired. Stats are mostly done and aimed at making her a good Face and decent Librarian. Just need some time to finish the fluff. Hopefully be done by Saturday.

And here's that Varisian bard that mentioned back on page 1. Might also submit a cleric of Arshea as well for consideration if that's alright.


Zelda Cadiz
Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, Touch 12 (+2 Dex), Flat-Footed 13 (+3 Armor)
HP 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2; +1 against charm and compulsion effects.
Speed 30 Ft.
Melee Starknife +2 (1d4/x3) or Dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or Light Mace +2 (1d6)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance 7 rounds/day (Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (2/day)—Cure Light Wounds, Saving Finale
0 (At Will)—Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats: Lingering Performance, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Arcane) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +5, Perception +4, Perform (Oratory) +7, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5; Armor Check Penalty -1
Traits: Nontraditional Native, Varisian Tattoo
Languages: Common (Taldane), Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ: Bardic Knowledge +1
Combat Gear: Acid; Other Gear: Studded Leather, Starknife, Dagger, Light Mace, Sling, Sling Bullets (20); Backpack (Common), Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint and Steel, Ink, Inkpen, Iron Pot, Journal, Mess Kit, Rope (50 Ft.), Trail Rations (5 Days), Waterskin); 11 GP / 1 SP / 0 CP
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge (Ex) A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform skill check proves to be higher.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (Su) A bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage (Su) An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Favored Class Bonus: Bard (+1 Hit Point)


As a child born to a Varisian nomad clan, Zelda grew up listening to the oral history that her clan elders would tell by the campfire. Enthralled by these legends of sly tricksters, power mad wizards and ancient kingdoms, she yearned to one day uncover her own legends of the past and to tell them to an enraptured audience. To that end, a young Zelda decided that she wished to become a chronicler of the old tales just like her grandmother, Elder Jyla, the most venerable bard and storyteller of her clan. Going under her grandmother’s wing as an apprentice lore keeper, she learned the tales and myths of her clan, deciphering the allegorical renditions and seeing the true history underneath.

It was during this time that Zelda learned not only of the arcane power that lay within her people’s bardic arts but also of the complicated history that her people shared with the Thassilonian Empire of millennia ago. “Look here, child,” Elder Jyla said one night as she pointed at the cyclopean ruin that loomed over the caravan’s campsite. “Look here and heed my words. While this temple may have been made to inflate the vanity of the runelords, it was built by the enslaved. Giants, Shoanti, and even our ancestors were made to work onto death to see it finished. We may mock the mad wizards with our tales of clever Varisians, but we must never forget their evils lest they be repeated.”

Though the knowledge of her people’s former abject enslavement by the wizard rulers of Thassilon both chilled and enflamed her heart, Zelda could not help but want to learn more about this harrowing and mysterious era. Her grandmother tried her best to accommodate this desire, but as the years went by it became obvious the elder had taught her apprentice all that she knew. Seeing that her granddaughter was determined to learn more but was staying in the caravan out of a sense of clan obligation, the elder confronted Zelda one day and told her, “We are Varisians, Zelda. We should not force ourselves to stay in one place when our heart yearns for more. I may have taught you all I know, but there are others that know a bit more about the old wizards than your dear old grandmama. Go find them if you must. You have my blessing.”

And so, with that blessing and that of her parents and clan, Zelda finally departed the caravan in search of scholars that could teach her more, promising that when she returned it would be with a hundred new tales and histories to tell by the fire. Unfortunately, things did not go as smoothly as she had hoped. While not entirely naïve to the realities of the world outside of her clan’s caravan, Zelda could not have predicated just how low the “professional” scholars of Thassilon viewed Varisian accounts of the empire’s history. From Riddleport to Korvosa, the critiques and rejections were all the same: “Varisians are liars and peddlers. Spinning tales and nothing more. Nothing can be learned from the likes of them.” But even after rejection after rejection Zelda was still undaunted and continued to look for an institution that would take her on as a scholar.

Eventually, after some time travelling across Varisia, she learned of the Pathfinder Society’s chapter hall in the city of Magnimar, and of its willingness to take on even the most unorthodox of applicants. To Zelda’s great relief and excitement these claims would turn out to be. Now a junior member of the Society, Zelda eagerly awaits what will hopefully be the first in a long career of knowledge-expanding expeditions.

Appearance and Personality:

Zelda stands little over five and a half feet tall and often dresses in the styles of her people. Her frizzled hair is a long dark brown and her complexion is a light olive. Zelda’s expressive hazel-green eyes glim with excitement while her earnest smile tends to be contagious. She often speaks in an excited and lively tone whenever she finds something new. The Varisian scholar’s outfits are vibrantly colorful and tend to have tasseled elements that draw the eye. Her favorite outfit is a bloused bodice fitted with bright silken sashes. When in battle she usually wears a practical set of studded leather armor that only marginally impairs her movements.

Zelda is a remarkably kind and open-hearted young woman. Possessing a deep wanderlust and curiosity for the unknown, she is driven to learn as much as she can about the world and share those findings with anyone willing to listen. As such, she enjoys travelling and meeting new peoples and cultures, and earnestly believes that you can learn something valuable just by listening to other people speak about their culture’s histories on their own terms. Tellingly, she approaches her archeological studies in an unconventional manner that incorporates a Varisian respect for storytelling and oral history. Although she is no cleric, Zelda is a devout follower of the faith of Desna, believing strongly in the goddess’ teachings of exploration and freedom.

Age: 22 Height: 5 ft. 6 in. Weight: 125 lbs. Hair Color: Black Skin Color: Olive Eye Color: Green Build: Slender


Dotting. Got a Varisian Bard idea brewing.

My bad. Mixed up your names! I meant Renae being between Henric in the rear and Hal in the center.


Still working on the Shelynite Paladin. Stats are done and I'm taking my time writing the backstory and other fluff. I did have some mechanical questions, though, for you Squirrel Ninja.

1. Do are particularly stringent about Carrying Capacity or do you have that some leeway?

2. What's your thoughts on the Bladed Brush feat? Some people think it works with Slashing Grace to provide Dex to damage, but others think the specific wording of the feat prevents that. What's your take?


I plan on making a Paladin of Shelyn. She'll be a diplomatic Face as well as a front-line combatant who uses the Bladed Brush feat so she can rely on her high Dex for attacks. Will probably end up taking the Devoted Muse prestige class if allowed.

So I've decided to go with a Changeling Witch with some healing and debuff utility. I'm almost done with her stats and backstory, but I wanted to know whether carry capacity was strictly adhered to or would be given some leeway within reason.

I have two characters that I've been itching to see play, so I'm very interested in this. One's a aldori front-line (swashbuckler) striker and the other an arcane caster (witch) that can also do some emergency healing in a pinch.

Unfortunately, the former is from a class in Advanced Class Guide while the archetype is from Adventurer's Guide. Both are Core books but both were released after the anniversary edition. That means their not permissible, correct?

Do mundane spell-less Disguise roll effects have any duration? For instance, say you make an extraordinarily good Disguise roll that stumps every NPC's Perception. Can you just maintain that Disguise indefinitely for the rest of the game, or would you have to reapply your makeup (aka roll Disguise again) after a certain amount of time?

Realistically I would assume that you'd have to roll again once a day at least to represent you putting back on or adjusting your fatsuit, mask, makeup or whatever, but the rules seem to say nothing about that.

EDIT: I believe I accidentally put this in the wrong forum. My apologies if that is the case.

Hello, hello. Just want to start off by saying thank you for giving a lot of people here their first opportunity to really try out Pathfinder 2E, myself included! I really appreciate that, especially for a system so new. With that out of the way... Here's Aurelia Landon.

Ancestry - Half-Elf
Background - Dragon Scholar
Class - Sorcerer (Draconic)

Aurelia Landon has been obsessed with dragons all her life, and really, why wouldn't she be? Born to a duo of "eccentric" dragonologists from Taldor, Aurelia was constantly exposed to raw draconic power as her parents traveled the world in search of their chosen subjects, resulting in her developing fiery sorcerous powers. As Aurelia grew to adulthood, the would-be scholar yearned to step out of her parent's shadow and make a name for herself in academia.

Aurelia came to Isger, and eventually the town of Breachill, after hearing news of a gold dragon sighting in the area but quickly found herself adrift as the rumors, and her money, started to dry up. The simple fact is Aurelia needs more coin if she wants to continue her studies and travels, and the Call for Heroes seems like just the solution for her financial woes.


Thinking about playing a nerdy Dragon Sorcerer that unsurprisingly has the Dragon Scholar background.

Just binged watched season three. While I can't say all the plot elements worked and I do wish the season had ten episodes instead of eight, (a rather claim for me) the season ultimately came together at the end and had its needed emotional punch.

And yeah, it made me freaking cry. Again.

Character is coming under way. I have a human fey sorcerer specialized in enhancement spells in mind.

Got a few more questions:
1. Are you stringent when it comes to carry weight capacity, or do allow PC's to go over it so as long as it isn't too ridiculous?
2. Do you allow free class starting kits at chargen?
3. Would you like us too mention what Leadership Role we have in mind for our PCs or will that be dealt with later down the line?

Dotting in.

Quick question: In regard to the Bastard campaign trait, can half-elves, half-orcs, tieflings, aasimar, changelings and any such other hybrid races take it?