GM Wydroe's Gallows of Madness Chapter 2, What Lurks in the Woods (Restart) (Inactive)

Game Master Wydroe

This is a core PFS run of What Lurks in the Woods, Chapter 2 Gallows of Madness.


Grand Lodge

This will be a 1st Edition Pathfinder Society - Core run of Chapter 2, What Lurks in the Woods. The second Chapter of Gallows of Madness.

I have two reserved slots for two folks that posted on the previous broken thread, but I am still looking for 2-4 more players.

Again this is a Core Mode game.

Here is the information I will need from you all.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Class and Level:
PFS Number and character Number:
Day Job information:

I would like to have at least a post a day pace. And you should expect the same from me. If there is a real issue let me know in the discussion thread if possible and go from there.

Liberty's Edge

This is Eben theQuiet again. Just tracking the new thread. You might want to check that previous recruitment thread, though. Another player asked about it

Dark Archive

Player Name: dslak
Character Name: Drin Sholm
Class and Level: Wizard (Enchanter) 1
Faction: Dark Archive
PFS Number and character Number: 305033-1
Day Job information: Profession(Merchant) Take 10: 10 + 4 = 14

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reference information for GM
Player Name: David S
Character Name: Drin Sholm
Class and Level: Wizard (Enchanter) 1
Faction: Dark Archive
PFS Character #: 305033-1
Day Job Roll: Profession(Merchant) Take 10 (14)

Player Name: Ben Jolly
Character Name: Jakwin Howell
Class and Level: Barbarian 1 / Bard 1
Faction: Liberty’s Edge
PFS Character #: 121383-13
Day Job Roll: Day Job (Perform, Sing), take 10: 10 + 6 = 16

Still looking for other folks to join these hearty Pathfinder agents.

I'm interested. Just working up a new character now.

Grand Lodge

This is Dealan's character. Tomorrow morning, I'll finish putting the stats into the profile.

Player Name: Dealan
Character Name: Theodric Suthind
Class and Level: Fighter 1
Faction: Liberty's Edge
PFS Number and character Number: 74397-5
Day Job information: Profession(driver): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

For this character, I seem to be stuck with the Grand Lodge faction option only in the Paizo Organized Play interface for this character. Have any of you had that happen before? None of the other options even show up there.

Grand Lodge

Drin, Jakwin, and Theodric, please post in the gameplay thread as you see fit.

We are still looking for at least one more soul willing to spend a month or so of their lives traveling to and in Isger and Saringallows in particular.

Liberty's Edge

I’d be happy to join up for this run so you all have a full group. However, this guy is currently in a scenario right now. But I believe we are on the very last fight and almost done with it, when are you looking to start?

I’m also a well seasoned player and GM, so I would definitely step aside if other newer players wanted in.

The grand lodge glitch has been around a bit and Paizo knows about it. I haven’t seen anything about when or if it will be fixed.

Silver Crusade

If there is room for one more, I have a 1/2 orc monk that is available and ready to go.

Player Name: Ed Birnbryer
Character Name: Eurkar
Class and Level: Monk 1
Faction: Silver Crusade.
PFS Number and character Number: 66136-10
Day Job information: Profession(Herbalist): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24:

Grand Lodge

@Leon Looking to start as soon as possible. I would love to have one more though. Are you looking at a day or like a week? A day maybe I can cover, but really would like to move out. Can you be free and posting by 31 Dec?

@Eurkar Welcome aboard. Post as you see fit in the gameplay thread.

Grand Lodge

Recruitment Closed. We will go with four or possibly five if Leon the Brute can get free quickly. The chapters are designed for 4 characters.

Liberty's Edge

GM Wydroe wrote:

@Leon Looking to start as soon as possible. I would love to have one more though. Are you looking at a day or like a week? A day maybe I can cover, but really would like to move out. Can you be free and posting by 31 Dec?

@Eurkar Welcome aboard. Post as you see fit in the gameplay thread.

Asking the GM. We finished the encounter so I should be free but I'll let you know for sure by tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, so the GM said we are finished with the scenario encounters but there are a few actions we need to take (or not take) to determine our ending Prestige Point Total. Essentially this means I won't be getting my chronicle until that is resolved... so I guess I shouldn't join up?

If it were Face to Face, I'd have a chronicle at the end of the session. But in Play by Play it can take a while to get those things out to players, so I should probably wait until I have the sheet in hand. :(

Enjoy the mission!

Grand Lodge

@Leon - If I decide to run another piece of this 3 piece puzzle after this one, I will PM you and give you first shot at a spot. These are more for 4 PC's. We will get you in on the next run.

Thanks for your interest. Best of luck with your current mission.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Note to self, do not play this adventure with a character that has a last name of Sarini.

Grand Lodge

Player Name: Samuel
Character Name: Zuheilen
Class and level: Cleric of Sarenrae 1
Faction: Grand lodge
PFS # and Character: 151825-2
Day job: None

I have been asked to join the group to help continue the game.

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