Neil: I hope I have avoided any serious injury or scaring
The Stakes: Take massive injury from a hunt gone bad
Neil has been usually good out in the hunt but today every trap he set was spotted by his prey. A large predator known to the local populace as a Trihorn. It is an amphibious creature that has 6 legs and by it's name sake 3 horns on its head similar to that of a Terran triceratops. Its luminous scales are what sells for quite a lot and was the target of Neil's hunt. Thankfully he has pulled the beast away from its water habitat well into the jungle but now he is pinned down as the creature encircles him. He only hopes to make it out of this alive.
The Trihorn leaps from the destroyed trap that Neil set going directly for his position, horns pointed forward.
Raise: 6+5 = 11 Remaining dice: 10, 8, 5, 4, 2, 2
Old Crow: I hope to god it works this time
The Stakes: Save the cryochamber and its patient
The alarm goes off, Crow jolts awake. That's bad, it's one of the cryochambers losing power. He runs into the main hall where the chambers are kept. He sees one of the chambers broken open and it has been ransacked. More thieves, it doesn't matter now as a life is on the line. Crow already lost someone else before he doesn't want to lose another, these people aren't ready to break out of their cryosleep. Not another, he can't lose another.
Vincent: I hope I can do something to do something cool to impress everyone.
The Stakes: Impress the bar
After a bad hand or two at the gambling table and drink slowly coursing through his body Vincent has one of the greatest ideas. He needs to impress everyone, get people on his side, then maybe a few cards can slip by with no-ones notice.
You start this one as you're trying to impress people.
Havardr: I hope I can finally understand that not all faces are honest, and that not all spoken words are truths.
The Stakes: Sort out a home on Baldur
Getting off the starship Baldur looks out to the small town they have arrived in. He doesn't even remember the name of this place but it is a new journey away from his old life. First he has to sort out his accommodation, he walks up to the town cartographer with his building allotment. First thing the girl does is looks at the chart saying: "Sorry mate, we can only give you half of what this says. Havardr knows that this is barely enough to build a one room hovel with half of that let alone a house, nor any room for his colt Gunnar.
Post here with your Aliases. This is the OOC thread.
Also please post a phrase beginning with 'I hope' for the character accomplishments and we will set about a conflict for each character in the gameplay thread that I will post shortly after everyone gets here.
Hey all, I’d like to do an experiment for a game. I really like the E6 format for 3.5/PF and I would like to give DMing in mythic a try as well. So what I want to do in this game is combine the two. The players will be E6 Characters but gain Mythic tiers as well.
All the characters will start with one tier of Mythic and start at level 3. I would like to progress using the fast XP track and then by normal E6 rules (10,000xp per feat) once you reach level 6.
E6 works quite well to not require someone as a focused healer in the group and I will be giving out healing items in the game to compensate any lack of healing. I am looking for about 4-6 players for the game, I might choose to start with 7 as I know drop outs for PbP happens usually near the beginning. I will close applications on the 23rd or if I get way too many applicants.
I want to try and get varied paths, so I will be likely choosing at least an applicant for each path first before duplicating.
Anyway the Pitch:
“On the Isle of Terror in the Middle of Lake Encarthan a large shockwave of pure energy burst out of it in the previous few months. This has put the nations around the lake into a panic. Many hired and dispatched investigators both divine and arcane to figure out if anything bad has happened. A few months had passed and after much risk the nation of Lastwall gained a foothold on the isle. The island is a dangerous place as the isle is racked by continuous storms (natural and otherwise) and is evaded by all but the most foolhardy of travelers. Monsters and undead roam the island and the seas churn constantly around it, driven by powerful winds and pounding rain. Stories persist of especially brave or foolhardy pirates who brave the elements and the Isle of Terror's shore in order to hurriedly hide treasure somewhere on the land before quickly escaping. Some sailors have reported sightings of a rotten ship with tattered black sails, the Nixie's Pride, near the blighted island during a new moon.
The landing base is situated on Aroden’s Landing. After much deliberation the investigators found that there is something very wrong happening in the Well of Sorrows. The investigators are not well equipped to handle going in there and coming to conclusions themselves. They are much too afraid of the Wizard’s Pit and what it might hold. They have hired a group whose reputation precedes them, a set of ascended adventurers that have the tools to survive. You are that adventurer group, let’s gear up and challenge this Wizard’s Pit.”
Characters in Mythic 6
This is copy pasted from the document below.
Basic Rules
Character progression from level 1 to 6 is as per Pathfinder. With a few exceptions, you may multiclass once and you may not take any prestige class. Upon attaining 6th level, for each 10,000 experience a character gains, they earn a new feat. All allowed feats are within the Pathfinder core rulebook and advanced player's handbook, no other feats are allowed. Feats with unattainable prerequisites under this system remain unattainable.
As this is Mythic 6 we will start with one tier of Mythic. At reaching Level 6 you will face your 2nd trial to attain your second tier. From then on as you complete mythic trials you will advance up Mythic as per normal.
Allowed books
• Any Paizo source book.
• Races can only be chosen from Core and APG but can use the changes from ARG.
Character creation
At character creation you will start with 20 point buy, in addition you will be starting at level 3. All characters will start as young for their race.
You start with the first mythic tier.
You start with 3000gp which you may use to purchase mundane items, wands and scrolls. You may buy one magical item with that money (wands and scrolls don’t count).
Characters will start with 2 traits.
No 3PP material except Dreamscarred press.
Max hit dice at 1st level, average-rounded-up thereafter.
Evil characters are not allowed, too often it devolves into PvP.
General Campaign info
This game will be an exploration of the uncharted, a venture into a part of the world that no-one from Golarion has seen before. It will start off with some roleplay in Arolen’s Landing then a short dungeon crawl, and then a plane hop will occur. Though the pitch doesn’t state much about the plane hop there will be towns, places and people to talk to in that plane. So it isn’t just killings things in an alien world. The world you are going to is a very magical heavy world where the magic is deeply rooted even in the land. Expect a world that has different rules and nature to Golarion. (I’m stating the plane hop here as I want the expectation there that you will be going to an different plane as part of the adventure.)
Character background
The backgrounds should be relatively short (try to keep them within 500-600 words), I also require you to state in your backstory how your character ascended to Mythic tier. All your characters will be from Golarion but will start planar hopping from the get go. Before the start of the campaign you will know and have worked with the other PCs chosen, I have something in place so we can connect up the backgrounds together.
I am just testing the waters here to see if there will be some interest in running a Serpent Skull game in 13th Age.
I will likely only really be doing the first chapter of 6, as I'd like to get used to DMing in 13th Age as it looks like an all around fun system and far lighter than my regular crunch heavy games. If the players who have stayed on are having fun and are willing I will continue to run through the modules.
To keep up tempo I would like the posting to be regular, about 1-2 a day if you can manage it.
If there is enough interest, the game will start at level 1 and you will level to 2 about midway through. Ending the campaign at that level. (Of course if the game carries on the group will level at least once per module)
For those that don't know about 13th Age
13th Age is a OGL product that takes the spirit of D&D and simplifies them quite a bit. Not to say it dumbs them down, more that it streamlines combats and streamlines skills, amongst other things. If has just enough crunch to satisfy my need for numbers but maintains the magic the is D&D. It only has a core book at the moment which has the basic D&D/PF classes except Monk and Druid (They are coming in a splat later). It has many mechanics to make characters feel unique and it has different complexities between the classes.
For those that do know about 13th Age
The icons of course need to come in, and this adventure path runs in Golarion. So what I shall do is keep the names of the icons but of course change them to be different people that are already in Golarion.
Anyway if people are interested leave a note here!
Okay so we're back down to 3 again, I don't want to disappoint people so as long as people keep up a good posting schedule I'm sure I can make the adjustments for this to run smoothly. I just want everyone to post their completed characters here to check in then I will post the opening scene.
While once news reached the Free Citystate of Gate Pass by weekly teleporting courier, that channel has gone silent, and now news travels by the old routes of rumor — travelers from the outside world. You might be one of those travelers, or a concerned native of the city, but you have heard the rumors. Emperor Drakus Coaltongue, ruler of the
mighty Ragesian Empire which lies to the west of Gate Pass, has been slain in a distant nation, or so the rumors say. Of course, the rumors once said that Coaltongue was immortal. However, no one doubts
the tales of armies mustering in Ragesia, with orders to secure the borders of the empire at this time of weakness and uncertainty. And from Shahalesti, the elvish nation east of Gate Pass, the rumors say its ruler seeks to claim the vulnerable Ragesia for his
Gate Pass sits alone in its mountain pass, one of the few safe routes between these two nations — Ragesia and Shahalesti. For weeks people have been saying war would come to Gate Pass, and now the rumors are true.
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions, and determine the fate of many nations in its aftermath. Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by mighty magic
and fervent faith, threaten your freedom and lives, and even the world itself.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for a distant safe haven, a mages’ school named Lyceum, which has sent up a rallying cry for those who wish to resist the warmongers. You will have a chance
to form alliances, to build an army, and to uncover the strange secrets that underlie the conflict. As the war reaches a climax, powerful magic will threaten to scorch nations, or sunder them into nothing but
nightmares. It will be up to you to bring the war to an end before only embers and ruins remain.
I currently have 2 players signed up and ready to go, I am reopening this as we do want to play but need a full group to run. Radiance RPG has the advantage of not needing the traditional 'roles' in the party so you can play any combination of race/class/theme and you'll fit right in.
The game hasn't started yet so you won't be missing anything by joining now.
I wish to run a PbP game here on the forum for Radiance RPG. A free RPG you can find online that is great modular system that still has the good old Dungeons and Dragons feel.
I would like to keep a Radiance game running having just finished 3 campaigns (2 as a GM, 1 as a player) and I'd wish to publicize it as much as I can.
I shall be running it in a converted AP from Enworld called "War of the Burning sky", there is a players guide here on Paizo's site for more information.
We won't be using the extra pathfinder rules found in that document however information about the power groups, myths and general info will still be the same. I will be creating one faction ability per faction that you can trade in one of your racial abilities for if you choose.
The game will begin at Level 2 for Radiance Characters, you may pick any theme, class or race found in the base Radiance book.
On the Facebook Radiance page there are several other classes currently in playtesting phase, if you wish to play one of those run it by me first.
A Few house rules:
All variations of craft magic item are banned.
Multiclassing is an optional rule and we aren't using it.
You may not gain abilities from Invoker unless you are an invoker.
Wounds do not cause you to be dazed.
You may not use the same swift action ability more than once per turn.
If any of the rules of the game feel unclear or hard to interpret you can ask for clarifications as we play.
For those that know the AP I will be running the reduced length version so we won't be going that far into levelling, especially considering it would be the first run-through for people signing up.
Once I have 2 more signups with completed characters, I will start the game. Any more I get extra will be allowed to join as well, if I am fortunate enough to get 7 players total that will be my maximum.
While once news reached the Free Citystate of Gate Pass by weekly teleporting courier, that channel has gone silent, and now news travels by the old routes of rumor — travelers from the outside world. You might be one of those travelers, or a concerned native of the city, but you have heard the rumors. Emperor Drakus Coaltongue, ruler of the
mighty Ragesian Empire which lies to the west of Gate Pass, has been slain in a distant nation, or so the rumors say. Of course, the rumors once said that Coaltongue was immortal. However, no one doubts
the tales of armies mustering in Ragesia, with orders to secure the borders of the empire at this time of weakness and uncertainty. And from Shahalesti, the elvish nation east of Gate Pass, the rumors say its ruler seeks to claim the vulnerable Ragesia for his
Gate Pass sits alone in its mountain pass, one of the few safe routes between these two nations — Ragesia and Shahalesti. For weeks people have been saying war would come to Gate Pass, and now the rumors are true.
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions, and determine the fate of many nations in its aftermath. Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by mighty magic
and fervent faith, threaten your freedom and lives, and even the world itself.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for a distant safe haven, a mages’ school named Lyceum, which has sent up a rallying cry for those who wish to resist the warmongers. You will have a chance
to form alliances, to build an army, and to uncover the strange secrets that underlie the conflict. As the war reaches a climax, powerful magic will threaten to scorch nations, or sunder them into nothing but
nightmares. It will be up to you to bring the war to an end before only embers and ruins remain.
I wish to run a PbP game here on the Forum for Radiance RPG. A free RPG you can find online that is great modular system that still has the good old Dungeons and Dragons feel.
I would like to keep a Radiance game running having just finished 3 campaigns (2 as a GM, 1 as a player) and I'd wish to publicize it as much as I can.
I shall be running it in a converted AP from Enworld called "War of the Burning sky", there is a players guide here on Paizo's site for more information.
We won't be using the extra pathfinder rules found in that document however information about the power groups, myths and general info will still be the same. I will be creating one faction ability per faction that you can trade in one of your racial abilities for if you choose.
The game will begin at Level 2 for Radiance Characters, you may pick any theme, class or race found in the base Radiance book.
On the Facebook Radiance page there are several other classes currently in playtesting phase, if you wish to play one of those run it by me first.
A Few house rules:
All variations of craft magic item are banned.
Multiclassing is an optional rule and we aren't using it.
You may not gain abilities from Invoker unless you are an invoker.
Wounds do not cause you to be dazed.
You may not use the same swift action ability more than once per turn.
If any of the rules of the game feel unclear or hard to interpret you can ask for clarifications during the application process.
I will leave applications open for one week or until I feel I have too many.
I am looking for 4-7 players of any good mix of race/class variety.
Edit: Thanks for catching that Gobo, link updated.
I am looking to recruit 2 more players to join as replacements to an Epic 6 game I’m running. The rules to this Epic 6 game and a couple questions about them can be found in the recruitment thread here: Old recruitment thread
Post here with the application not the old thread.
A couple things to mention, Ninja and Samurai are allowed contrary to what I said at the start of that thread, as long as you play them as a Rogue or Cavalier. You can still use their mechanics, I just don’t want an eastern flavor in the campaign. Also the ARG (advanced race guide) is allowed too but we aren’t using the custom races.
The party is currently at level 3 and comprises of a Druid, Fighter/Magus, Sorcerer, Witch. So we have most of the bases covered so I have no preference to the classes that are picked as long as they adhere to the rules previously mentioned.
The story so far:
The party has arrived in Chamarel and they have been investigating disappears. They have met up with another adventuring party who are all members of the Devante family, a group of nobles from the border. They managed to convince them to meet up with their informant who provided them a map and information of the area.
The party then managed to track down one of the missing people and follow his trail. At the same time they also found a set of two people who were using that missing person as bait for them to follow to who was doing the kidnapping. The following day the party went to track down the man who ended up in a tower nearby town. They scaled the tower fighting through some enemies and mind controlled goblins. The kidnapped person was also mind controlled and they ended up releasing him from his mental prison. At the top of the tower the group faced a powerful creature called a mistfiend that gave them some hints to what was going on.
Returning to town after some questioning the party then left to investigate one of the mansions to the nobles that used to life in this area. They were also chasing another missing person but this one they doubt went missing for the same reason as many of the others.
This is where the party is now, the chosen applicants will be part of another adventuring party whose other members have died and are seeking to join up with the main group so they all have a better chance at surviving and at the reward.
"Hello my masters how are you all?" Old smoky gives everyone a good look over.
"I see your new clothing and armour suits you just fine, your minions worked hard to get you this stuff. You can thank them later by sparing their lives I'm sure" He gives a little chuckle.
"Oh me? I feel hurt, forgetting what I am... I am the undying mayor a pencil pusher with the power to regenerate from but a single cell. You all took your creations and made me so I could do the tedious work and so that you could .. erm.. [small] punish [/small] me indefinitely if you so choose. I also will not give in to torture, after all how do you torture someone that doesn't give into any form of pain? Hehe, your secrets are good with me."
He coughs "Unless you have any questions for me, shall we move onto business?"
Smoky Bill puffs the cigar stick he's been working on and walks over to a tactics table with the map of the continent on it. This will go up a lot later, sorry forgot to bring the document with me on the plane. The layout won't be that important for a while so don't worry.
He points to a battle line between Here be Dragons and Varien. "This is one of our major battlefronts, the Varien troops have lots of holy forces to stop a lot of the undead that is present. The magic golems are a bit more of a problem however." He places a small blacked crystal on the table with a imprint in the centre. "One of the skeletons gave his death to bring you this, this is what powers them. I am unsure what it is really."
Smoky combs his scales back "Other issues in the kingdom at the moment is of course, the .." He scowls "The adventurers, lowly creatures that they are. The have taken down are hardest hitters in the front line and scurried away I presume to enter our territory or as a delay tactic. I am unsure. They are being praised as heroes by the Varien troops, it makes me sick."
Smoky takes out a clipboard. "If you want advise about your troops at the front lines you best ask Diaz, he is the rogue general from Varien who has helped lead the troops in your stead. He is quite good at it or so the troops seem to tell me. I do not know for sure why he defected, he says 'to have fun' but there might be an ulterior motive. Lastly there are some forces that possibly have made it past the front lines as ever so occasionally our supply roots are disrupted. No-one is every killed or destroyed in the case of the undead but supplies are indeed stolen."
He puts the clipboard on the table "So, sirs and ladies. What is the plan? If you need to know what we have to use please ask, I might know areas that we can get some resources to use but of course some services require good coin or favours."
Hello all, will be placing a FAQ of questions in the recruitment thread in the description shortly. I just wanted this open so that you may post. I shall be doing checks of your final builds and will help people into getting their ideas fleshed out. I will also direct you to make good builds (if you want), all in all I want you guys to feel awesome so I will help everyone accomplish that. Gameplay won't start until I have everyone sorted. I will post as much as I can to get this sorted as quick as possible, I will have a lull in posting on Saturday as I'm flying but will continue posting when I land.
Welcome to Here be Dragons, are you ready to conquer the world?
You are a group of evil overlords that have spent the last few years conquering the lands of the old Kalvian plains. You have turned it into your own little deadly paradise called "Here be Dragons! (Keep out or we kill you.)"
There are two other major countries standing in your way between you and world domination. The Empire of Varien and the Kingdom of Nazca. The Empire of Varien, mostly made of dwarves who are devout worshippers of Erastil. The Kingdom of Nazca, an elven empire filled with magical elves that use powerful devices to keep out invaders. Kalvian the kingdom each of the evil overlords is from was once a nomadic kingdom, with many different races and creatures move across its expanse of land. Now however it is a kingdom built upon the corpses of those that wouldn't bend the knee to your power.
Conquering and pillaging was going well. Until one day you get a report of something stopping you at the battle lines near the Empire of Varien. What's this? An adventuring party? Mystical ancient weapons thwarting your minions? Bother this nonsense! If you want something done you have to do it yourself! We are the evil overlords and you will see our strength, pesky adventurers!
Summary: You are evil overlords, the defacto BBEG. An adventuring party has come to thwart your evil plans! What do you do?!
A Dragonborn red in colour with a wonderful amber hue suit walks into the welcoming chamber to the new capital of Kalvian, or rather Here be Dragons.
Hello there Sirs and Madams, I am you dutiful servant, Old smoky Bill" He gives a courteous bow.
"I have been keeping records of your wonderful exploits however I do require for at least the moment your new overlord names and details to be put down on paper." He holds up his hand. "Now now, I know you don't like doing this but it is what you created me for." He stares forward as if listening to someone. "You may shoot me full of holes later sir, let us get the boring paperwork out of the way first. I will only regenerate at your feet further delaying you from your work." Old smoky brushes his suit a little.
"I also have grave news from the front, our advances into Varien have been halted by a group of 'adventurers' they call themselves. Uncouth louts that have been thwarting your minions advances. They should roll over and be conquered really but they are not going down easy I'm afraid." He walks over to a tree in the foyer and breaks a small branch off of it. Bill puts the branch in his mouth and lights it ablaze with his breath and starts to smoke it.
He sits opposite the evil overlords and takes out a ledger. "Now onto business. I require your current residence, your name and your .. erm.. 'occupation' will suffice." Old smoky places the branch in an ash tray.
"Any questions good sirs and madams? ... oh sorry you should possibly read the 'how to fill out this form' at the bottom of the page first." Smoky then reclines back into the chair he's sitting in waiting for the replies.
Note: This is not a serious campaign, this is silly, off the wall fun. Even the most serious villains that have entered this campaign eventually become cartoony. That doesn't matter though, embracing the zaniness of the world is the first thing you need to do.
I am looking for around 6 dedicated players for a PbP game to play as BBEGs in the crazy world of Ortervia
I will close applications if I get too many entries or the 28th of March, whichever comes first.
How to fill out this form (Character Creation):
Must be evil, although all alignment restrictions on class are going out the window. So you may play a paladin just fine.
Allowed books
Any paizo stuff found on d20pfsrd is fine. 3.5 stuff will not be allowed. 3PP probably will be allowed but you need to pass it by me first and give me a source so I can look at the rules for what you need.
Character concept
All the PCs and thus BBEG must have some crazy facet to their character like: My arms were sliced off when I was but a child, though I studied in a monastery until I was big and strong. When my training was finished my technique using my face was honed to such a decree that I killed every one of my 'brothers' with nothing but my face!
If I don't see that there is some crazy facet present in your backstory or character personality I will ask you to add one.
Some things are not acceptable though: No rape, no baby eating, no bestiality. Just use common sense, a DM would not make a BBEG that made you question the DMs tastes, I don't want players in this instance to do the same.
Character classes
We will be using the mechanics of the classes though they need not be what the mechanics say they are. For example you can have a barbarian with a pogo stick and insane ranks in jump. He uses this to jump onto his foes and impale them with the jump of doom. The PC in this case could be in a dappa hat and a trenchcoat. Yet for the sakes of mechanics he is a barbarian.
In addition all characters will be Gestalt characters and thus very high powered.
For the sake of the application I do not require you to have a fully fleshed out build but at least an idea of one. If you have a concept that you can't quite place a set of classes to I will help suggest a direction.
Point buy
25 point buy
Wealth a.k.a Ka-Ching!
You guys own kingdoms so wealth is kind of a moot point, you'll have a resource stat similar to rogue trader in which to purchase land or armies. However personal equipment will use inherent bonuses and house rules so you can choose some select pieces of equipment. Read the house rule document for further details.
Starting level
Starting level is level 8 and characters will end up level 16 at most.
We shall be using the Golarian standard pantheon for the sake of powers/abilities/spells but you can choose to make up your own god.
One example we had a paladin who believed so hard that he was a god that he granted himself his own godly powers. Thus he became a servant unto his own ego.
Every PC entering the game comes into play with a single city with a theme they choose. For example we had one player who was a music specialist who used all manner of instruments with deadly tunes to kill his foes. Thus he had a city called 'Horny town' an entire town made up of musical horns and people to play them.
Laws of the overlords (PVP), please read this!:
Warning! Direct PVP will not be allowed ever during this game, under any circumstance. However indirect PVP and plotting is fine. What I mean is I never want a player to say I'm going to punch this other PC. However I am perfectly fine with that player using his resources in private to send some form of attack squad of soldiers to the other PCs city. Or disrupt his favourite meal or some such. The antagonizing things can thus happen in the background and can be played off for comedic effect and not devolve into who has the best combat build.
I have run this campaign setting about 4 times now to great success. Though the original world started of in 4e which was fun but I'd like to give it a go in pathfinder. First I want to find out how many people would be interested as it is a fairly unorthodox playstyle.
(This will be a Gestalt campaign, high powered)
The premise is as follows:
You are a group of evil overlords that have spent the last few years conquering the lands of the old Kalvian plains. You have turned it into your own little deadly paradise called "Here be Dragons! (Keep out or we kill you.)"
There are two other major countries standing in your way between you and world domination. The Empire of Varien and the Kingdom of Nazca. The Empire of Varien, mostly made of dwarves who are devout worshippers of Erastil. The Kingdom of Nazca, an elven empire filled with magical elves that use powerful devices to keep out invaders. Kalvian the kingdom each of the evil overlords is from was once a nomadic kingdom, with many different races and creatures move across its expanse of land. Now however it is a kingdom built upon the corpses of those that wouldn't bend the knee to your power.
Conquering and pillaging was going well. Until one day you get a report of something stopping you at the battle lines near the Empire of Varien. What's this? An adventuring party? Mystical ancient weapons thwarting your minions? Bother this nonsense! If you want something done you have to do it yourself! We are the evil overlords and you will see our strength, pesky adventurers!
Summary: You are evil overlords, the defacto BBEG. An adventuring party has come to thwart your evil plans! What do you do?!
Note: This is not a serious campaign, this is silly, off the wall fun. Even the most serious villains that have entered this campaign eventually become cartoony. That doesn't matter though, embracing the zaniness of the world is the first thing you need to do.
Character creation:
Must be evil, although all alignment restrictions on class are going out the window.
Character concept
All the PCs and thus BBEG must have some crazy facet to their character like: My arms were sliced off when I was but a child, though I studied in a monastery until I was big and strong. When my training was finished my technique using my face was honed to such a decree that I killed every one of my 'brothers' with nothing but my face!
Some things are not acceptable though: No rape, no baby eating, no bestiality. Just use common sense, a DM would not make a BBEG that made you question the DMs tastes, I don't want players in this instance to do the same.
Character classes
We will be using the mechanics of the classes though they need not be what the mechanics say they are. For example you can have a barbarian with a pogo stick and insane ranks in jump. He uses this to jump onto his foes and impale them with the jump of doom. The PC in this case could be in a dappa hat and a trenchcoat. Yet for the sakes of mechanics he is a barbarian.
All characters will be Gestalt characters and thus very high powered.
Point buy
25 point buy
You guys own kingdoms so wealth is kind of a moot point, you'll have a resource stat similar to rogue trader in which to purchase land or armies. However personal equipment I will use inherent bonuses and house rules so you can choose some select pieces of equipment.
Starting level
Starting level is level 8 and characters will end up level 16 at most.
We shall be using the Golarian standard pantheon for the sake of powers but you can choose to make up your own god if you choose.
One example we had a paladin who believed in himself so hard that he was a god that he granted himself his own godly powers. Thus he became a servant unto his own ego.
House rules
There will be a few, I haven't finalised this yet as my houserules for the game applied to 4e and Radiance RPG. I will post these in the recruitment thread if I see there is enough interest.
Every PC entering the game comes into play with a single city with a theme they choose. For example we had one player who was a music specialist who used all manner of instruments with deadly tunes to kill his foes. Thus he had a city called 'Horny town' an entire town made up of musical horns and people to play them.
PVP, please read this:
Warning! Direct PVP will not be allowed ever during this game, under any circumstance. However indirect PVP and plotting is fine. What I mean is I never want a player to say I'm going to punch this other PC. However I am perfectly fine with that player using his resources in private to send some form of attack squad of soldiers to the other PCs city. Or disrupt his favourite meal or some such. The antagonizing things can thus happen in the background and can be played off for comedic effect and not devolve into who has the best combat build.
Post here if you have any questions or are possibly interested in this kind of game.
Edit: sorry forgot to put this, if this will run it will be a PbP on these boards.
The adventuring party of 4 are walking the route well traveled. They have been given a map from Two sisters (a village) at the bottom of the mountain to help guide them to Chamarel. Their destination is situated midway up the mountain. The mountain is a long extinct volcano, it is now surrounded by a lush landscape full of wildlife. A tropical forest meets the base of the mountain in a sea of green.
As the adventurers start to climb they see earth of different colours making up the ground underneath their feet. A beautiful hue of purple, brown, and red. The ground doesn't feel muddy though is soft nonetheless.
Information gathered from Two sisters suggest that the Regent would want to keep this Chamarel working as it produces some of the best Rum in the nation. A chief export that other nations buy at a very high cost.
The party finally reaches the cusp of the small town, clearly indicated by neat little sugar plantations that make up the outskirts of town. It has been a long day of travel and it's getting late. A decision is made to stay at an inn someplace and maybe gather some information before going after the prize. While looking for a good place to stay, the party stumbles upon an old friend rushing somewhere, Variel.
Up to you where you wish to have been going in the evening if it comes up.
You know a little about the disappearances though not much. All you've managed to gather as of late is that all the disappearances seem to be the young of any of the races that live in town. The old are safe for whatever reason.
There are three inns in town;
The thrifty tail - a good inn usually used by merchants, a little pricy though you get what you pay for.
Rum Runner - Well priced, popular with tourists. Many adventurers are currently staying here before moving on to their quarry in the area.
Nosso Lar - a cheap place, doesn't even have a bar. At least the beds are warm.
Your own house has a little room though you are not sure you can accommodate all your friends. Maybe 2 at a push.
Posting rules will be fairly standard for Paizo boards. Use bold to denote talking and italics to denote thoughts of your character. I will be using proper initiative rules to resolve combat however post at any time you are available for your turn. Try to include if statements in your post just incase the situation changes at some point before your turn comes up.
Same goes for out of combat things. For example if you are looking for something in a room say something like "I search the room, if I find something I try to find out what it is" as an example.
Now the next bit like I said in recruitment is I like to relate people to each other as the party will have known each other for some time. So I will name someone then ask you to relate yourself to another person. Read their backstory and write something in the discussion thread to say how you met and/or interact with each other. You can then update your backgrounds as you wish. So we go.
Jazz > Beren
Rikaku > Trogg
Sventon > Variel
Variel > Jazz
Beren > Rikaku
Trogg > Sventon
The document for house rules will constantly be found in the campaign info page. I have updated it for some of the things that came up in the recruitment thread.
I’m going to be running a homebrew Epic 6 campaign using pathfinder rules. I have attached a link below with the Epic 6 extra feats, allowed books and house rules. This campaign will not take place in the Golarion world. As this is Epic 6 most mortal beings only ever attain 6th level and spells of 7th level or higher are considered godlike.
“The small village of Chamarel has been beset upon by something strange and deadly. People have been going missing from their homes seemingly without a trace. Defiantly the citizens of this place stay as it is all they have ever known. The duke of the demesne however is none too happy with the workforce disappearing. Low morale and missing bodies is never good for revenue. So he has set a large reward for any group or person willing to put a stop to this problem. This is where your crew comes in. An adventuring group that has been together for a short time decides to take on this task. It might be for this large reward, or for the challenge or maybe the greater good. For whatever reason, this band of adventurers is ready for what is to pass.”
I am looking for about 4-6 players for the game, I might choose to start with 7 as I know drop outs for PbP happens usually near the beginning. I will close applications on the 20th or if I get more than 15 applicants.
Character creation
This is copy pasted from the document below.
At character creation you will start with 20 point buy, in addition you will be starting at level 2. All characters will start as young for their race.
You start with 1000gp which you may use to purchase mundane items, wands and scrolls. You start with an adventuring kit for free.
Characters will not start with traits.
Archetypes and favoured class options are allowed.
No 3rd party material.
Max hit dice at 1st level, average-rounded-up thereafter.
Evil characters are not allowed, too often it devolves into PvP.
General Campaign info:
I’m aiming to try and recreate the living dungeon feel with this campaign. So, most of this game will take place in a dungeon. I know that evokes the feeling that is; enter room, clear monsters, next room. Instead of that I am trying to create the dungeon in such a way that there will be small settlements in this dungeon with places to go and see, so think of it more as an exploration than a traditional dungeon crawl. Saying that, I’m looking for characters built accordingly, so for example don’t make a ranger with favoured terrain: mountains as there will be none. There will be an ecosystem though so you can expect rivers or a forest or two.
There will be little tracking of money and virtually no magic items in this game. Except for healing items and/or wands as you will need to survive in this dungeon world. The game will be relatively low magic.
Character background:
The backgrounds should be relatively short; you may make up settlements to where your character is from. You should include why you started adventuring in your backstory. After I have chosen all the applicants I go round robin and pair up people to relate their backstories to one another. This will hopefully expand the backstories of the characters as well as providing a reason as to why your group is together.
GM background:
I’ve DMed quite a bit for various systems and am currently running one other PbP. However this is the only the second time I will be GMing pathfinder. I have however GMed for 3.5 for 6-7 years, which means I might slip up on occasion with regards to mixing up the rules for the two systems, forgive me if I do it isn’t intentional.