Here be dragons! Adventurers keep out! (Inactive)

Game Master Davachido

Combat Map
Adventurers are loose on your lands, quick kill them!

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Basic Premise and background:
You are a group of evil overlords that have spent the last few years conquering the lands of the old Kalvian plains. You have turned it into your own little deadly paradise called "Here be Dragons! (Keep out or we kill you.)"

There are two other major countries standing in your way between you and world domination. The Empire of Varien and the Kingdom of Nazca. The Empire of Varien, mostly made of dwarves who are devout worshippers of Erastil. The Kingdom of Nazca, an elven empire filled with magical elves that use powerful devices to keep out invaders. Kalvian the kingdom each of the evil overlords is from was once a nomadic kingdom, with many different races and creatures move across its expanse of land. Now however it is a kingdom built upon the corpses of those that wouldn't bend the knee to your power.

Conquering and pillaging was going well. Until one day you get a report of something stopping you at the battle lines near the Empire of Varien. What's this? An adventuring party? Mystical ancient weapons thwarting your minions? Bother this nonsense! If you want something done you have to do it yourself! We are the evil overlords and you will see our strength, pesky adventurers!

Summary: You are evil overlords, the defacto BBEG. An adventuring party has come to thwart your evil plans! What do you do?!

A Dragonborn red in colour with a wonderful amber hue suit walks into the welcoming chamber to the new capital of Kalvian, or rather Here be Dragons.

Hello there Sirs and Madams, I am you dutiful servant, Old smoky Bill" He gives a courteous bow.

"I have been keeping records of your wonderful exploits however I do require for at least the moment your new overlord names and details to be put down on paper." He holds up his hand. "Now now, I know you don't like doing this but it is what you created me for." He stares forward as if listening to someone. "You may shoot me full of holes later sir, let us get the boring paperwork out of the way first. I will only regenerate at your feet further delaying you from your work." Old smoky brushes his suit a little.

"I also have grave news from the front, our advances into Varien have been halted by a group of 'adventurers' they call themselves. Uncouth louts that have been thwarting your minions advances. They should roll over and be conquered really but they are not going down easy I'm afraid." He walks over to a tree in the foyer and breaks a small branch off of it. Bill puts the branch in his mouth and lights it ablaze with his breath and starts to smoke it.

He sits opposite the evil overlords and takes out a ledger. "Now onto business. I require your current residence, your name and your .. erm.. 'occupation' will suffice." Old smoky places the branch in an ash tray.

"Any questions good sirs and madams? ... oh sorry you should possibly read the 'how to fill out this form' at the bottom of the page first." Smoky then reclines back into the chair he's sitting in waiting for the replies.

Note: This is not a serious campaign, this is silly, off the wall fun. Even the most serious villains that have entered this campaign eventually become cartoony. That doesn't matter though, embracing the zaniness of the world is the first thing you need to do.

I am looking for around 6 dedicated players for a PbP game to play as BBEGs in the crazy world of Ortervia

I will close applications if I get too many entries or the 28th of March, whichever comes first.

How to fill out this form (Character Creation):

Must be evil, although all alignment restrictions on class are going out the window. So you may play a paladin just fine.

Allowed books
Any paizo stuff found on d20pfsrd is fine. 3.5 stuff will not be allowed. 3PP probably will be allowed but you need to pass it by me first and give me a source so I can look at the rules for what you need.

Character concept
All the PCs and thus BBEG must have some crazy facet to their character like: My arms were sliced off when I was but a child, though I studied in a monastery until I was big and strong. When my training was finished my technique using my face was honed to such a decree that I killed every one of my 'brothers' with nothing but my face!

If I don't see that there is some crazy facet present in your backstory or character personality I will ask you to add one.

Some things are not acceptable though: No rape, no baby eating, no bestiality. Just use common sense, a DM would not make a BBEG that made you question the DMs tastes, I don't want players in this instance to do the same.

Character classes
We will be using the mechanics of the classes though they need not be what the mechanics say they are. For example you can have a barbarian with a pogo stick and insane ranks in jump. He uses this to jump onto his foes and impale them with the jump of doom. The PC in this case could be in a dappa hat and a trenchcoat. Yet for the sakes of mechanics he is a barbarian.

In addition all characters will be Gestalt characters and thus very high powered.

For the sake of the application I do not require you to have a fully fleshed out build but at least an idea of one. If you have a concept that you can't quite place a set of classes to I will help suggest a direction.

Point buy
25 point buy

Wealth a.k.a Ka-Ching!
You guys own kingdoms so wealth is kind of a moot point, you'll have a resource stat similar to rogue trader in which to purchase land or armies. However personal equipment will use inherent bonuses and house rules so you can choose some select pieces of equipment. Read the house rule document for further details.

Starting level
Starting level is level 8 and characters will end up level 16 at most.

We shall be using the Golarian standard pantheon for the sake of powers/abilities/spells but you can choose to make up your own god.

One example we had a paladin who believed so hard that he was a god that he granted himself his own godly powers. Thus he became a servant unto his own ego.

Every PC entering the game comes into play with a single city with a theme they choose. For example we had one player who was a music specialist who used all manner of instruments with deadly tunes to kill his foes. Thus he had a city called 'Horny town' an entire town made up of musical horns and people to play them.

Laws of the overlords (PVP), please read this!:

Warning! Direct PVP will not be allowed ever during this game, under any circumstance. However indirect PVP and plotting is fine. What I mean is I never want a player to say I'm going to punch this other PC. However I am perfectly fine with that player using his resources in private to send some form of attack squad of soldiers to the other PCs city. Or disrupt his favourite meal or some such. The antagonizing things can thus happen in the background and can be played off for comedic effect and not devolve into who has the best combat build.

House rules

Dark Archive

Did you iron out your houserules?

Dotting for intent to post a character as soon as I sort out what he'll actually be.

Yes the link is at the bottom.

Dotting. I'll have my character posted ASAP.

Tiefling lawyer clr/wiz with two imps that get treated like interns. :-)

Is this a PbP or will we be using a VTT?

I keep forgetting to post that, editing it now. It will be a PbP

Dark Archive

Any chance someone feels like posting the house rules in a spoiler? I can't access Drop box.

Is the "Lawyer from hell/literal devils advocate" a sufficiently crazy enough facet? I intend to play it up quite a bit. He leans far more lawful than evil, though he is both.

Samsarans Wizard(for-sight) 5/ arcane savant 3

Character Concept::

When I was but a little young Samsarans only on my first life I came across the a pages of the codex of infinite planes being dangerously curious even then I read it and doing so quite wrapped my mind and drove me differently sane. My curious grew to far more dangerous level. I dissected the cat, the dog and pasting by children it order to figure out how it all worked. I summoned demons so that I could better interrogate them. I took over a nation so that I could do social science experiments. As I always said "give me enough orphans a maze and enough cheese and I will change the world"
Of course I was stopped and killed, but I didn't learn my lesson and I failed again and again. Currently I work as a knowledge broker I work hard to keep informed.
City Theme:
The entire city is one big research center. Everything is mechanized and controlled and observed. I created an A.I. I call D.E.M. to help me keep an eye on things. Think a bit like wily Wonka's factory but a tad darker tone. Or the castle from girl genus.

@twilsemail: Is it showing up an error or something or is it just not loading?

@Tiny Coffee Golem: Yes, I was half thinking those imps being the demon and angels on your shoulders. Just the angel version is an imp wearing an angel costume :P

Dark Archive

@Bossman: Firewall. I'll sort it out somehow.

How viable will mounted combat be in this campaign? I'm still sitting the fence between the dragon and some other concept. I figure any campaign where I can break out some mounted combat could be fun.

Old Smoky Bill wrote:

@twilsemail: Is it showing up an error or something or is it just not loading?

@Tiny Coffee Golem: Yes, I was half thinking those imps being the demon and angels on your shoulders. Just the angel version is an imp wearing an angel costume :P

they're technically NPC's so feel free to use them as mouthpieces if you like.

Would you mind if in the backstory I had researched a spell and made if open source?

Contact archive:

School Divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3; witch 3 bard 3
Casting Time a full round action
Components V, S,F paper:(see text) M 50gp [see text]
Range one hundred miles per level;
Target a wizards carrying the focus known as the archive: see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will save; Spell Resistance no

When you cast this spell you may send a100 word or less question to a wizard carrying the focus known as the archive (if one is in range if not the spell fails, if 2 or more are in range than the closest one). You do this by writing the question on a piece of paper and casting this spell on it. This wizard will using his/her boundless lore (augmented by the archive) will answer your question at the end of the day. The answer will come in the form of a 200 word response that will a appear on the paper you you wrote the question on. If the wizard is unable to answer your question your 50 gp will appear on the paper instead

(note when ever this spell is cast the wizard holding the archive gets the 50 gp of the material cost and the question appears on the archive the wizard to under the compulsion to answer the question before he goes to sleep that night (he has to make a will save to go to sleep in witch case she forfeits the money). I plan on making the archive be a magic item that seriously boosts knowledge skills)

This is a spell that goes along with it.
archive Creation:

School Divination (not sure which school?); Level sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 2; witch 3; bard 2
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S,F a gem worth the bonus of the library squared *150
Range variable [see text];
Target the gem used as a focus : see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw no save(harmless); Spell Resistance no
In order to cast this spell you must walk though a library getting within 5 feet of every book in it. Then place the gem in the exact center of the library and cast this on it. When this spell is cast the entirely of the knowledge stored in the library will become copied into the gem with will become known as the archive for the purposes of contact archive. When a wizard is holding the archive she gets a bonus to all knowledge skills as if she was researching in the library that the archive was created in.

Also could I suggest a new Ka-ching feat?

In the know:

Whenever ka-ching roll is being made (even if you are not part of it) that is related to gathering information or finding something or someone you can lower or raise the ka-ching pool by X. At level 12 you can change the pool by X+1, level 16 you may change the pool by X+2. If you half the benefit or penalty (round down) this my be done discretely

Dotting for my interest as well,

As said in the interest thread, making myself a Dhampir Malkavian type aka insane prankster/seer. Not positive just yet what classes, though I am currently leaning towards Sorc/Psion.

By the way nice to see you tiny coffee Golem you tend to be one of the more reasonable and well informed people on these forums.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
fictionfan wrote:
By the way nice to see you tiny coffee Golem you tend to be one of the more reasonable and well informed people on these forums.

I fully support this statement. :-)

Always good to have fans.

Edit: as long as they're not the crazy knife wielding kind of fans.

Shadow Lodge

Hmmm, I have the feeling this campaign might be in need of some neutral evil love.
How do you feel about having undead characters of some kind? And what sort of level of undead from simple zombie to full lich?

Or alternatively, the character is just really into undead stuff and carries a demi-lich around on their belt as a cohort who doesn't really do much, just complain about how things were much better in his day and how he would be doing the action that's taking place? I'd be thinking some sort of undead lord/juju oracle for EXTREME UNDEAD CASTING. Or Undead Lord/Fighter of some sort.

Will be posting in with my creepy/amusing little girl and her undead pets once I finish crunch on her and her eidolon, and finish backstory.

EDIT: Looking at the house rules document, I'm a little confused. We get all the inherent bonuses up to our level, right? I mean, the same ones don't stack, but we get each of them. Are those by items, or are they just there? I'm wondering because my character doesn't really fight, so the enhancements don't help her a ton.

cora checking in

How much of a character do we need put together at the moment? or is base concept still alright?

I really, really, want in this game.

Dotdotdotdot omg...

I may make a gnome necromancer/cleric with a jester outfit, a thoroughly insane worldview that is modelled on The Joker (Dark Knight version of course,), zany undead servants, and ruling a kingdom where frowns or a lack of humor is grounds for an execution. And by zany undead servants, I'm referring to awakened plague zombie courtesan-assassins, dire ghoul bunnies, grave knight clowns, vampire blood addicts, banshee opera singers, and skeleton ballerinas!

Everyone else is crazy I think i'll be the straight man. That makes joke far funnier.

@Loup Blanc: The are effectively on items, you choose a weapon and a set of armour to have them. You can give your eidolon the weapon so it should still be useful to you. An armour enhancements are good for anyone, +AC if nothing else.

@Monkeygod: A base concept and likely classes/races, the full build doesn't have to be fleshed out.

@metid: You can fluff yourself to be any undead you like but I would say just use any race as a base template then add on the undead traits. All the good and bad that come with it. I'll have to check how I can balance that a bit but basically you would thus be an undead of whichever race you choose. How you play him probably determines what kind of undead he is.

@fictionfan: Yes that seems like a good one, specific enough that no cooldown can be applied to it. I'll have a mull over the spell... I'll need to check how the costs would pan out in regards to the skill boost. As that is basically bardic knowledge+ in an item with more potential. I'll compare to how much skill boosting items normally are. Since 150 gp in that formula gives +1 to all knowledge skills which is quite good since tools give +2 to one skill only.

@twilsemail Mounted combat will be as useful as the players make it to be fair. If the players don't want to delve into dungeons and instead make dungeons to trap the would-be adventurers or something then it'll be more useful. If players just want to use loads of favours and spend time in towns more then it will be less useful. The game won't truly be sandbox but it will have lots of options for you to solve a solution.

Indeed, the AC could be very nice for my character, but could I get, say an amulet of mighty fists with the same enhancement? My eidolon isn't a weapon-user.

For a little help understanding my concept:


Alright, I've got my fighter/rogue mostly updated to suit the homebrew rules. He very definitely fits into the Skilled slot while maintaining some impressive damage (18/18/13/13 1d3+14, sneak attack 4d6+12 if doing nonlethal damage).

The only thing missing from the concept is a master/mistress to serve as a butler/manservant/valet/batman to. There were a couple of offers of employment in the other thread but I figured I'd repost it here.

Definitely going to turn my stupid druid into a druid/ranger, is too stupid to do much on her own, so has a goblin riding on her shoulder telling her to do evil stuff. Much burning. So much burning.

I may need a wee bit of help building though; I've never made a Gestalt character before.

Dark Archive

To sort out the Ka-Ching mechanics... The higher our Ka-Ching score, the mroe dice we roll, correct? So a Ka-Ching of 4 is 4 dice rolled. The target is 3. So...

Ka-Ching: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 2) = 11

We would succeed because at least one die was under a 3. Right?

I'm going to make a Synthesist|Dread or a Synthesist|Sorcerer.

The important thing here is I'mma be a freakin' dragon.

@Loup Blanc: Yea Amulet of mighty fists is fine too.

@Monkeygod: Yup Malkavians are cool ^^ I'm more of a nosferatu or gangrel fan, oWoD anyhow but Malkavians are fun to interact with. Loved playing them in V:tM video game.

@lexibean: Gestalt aren't that complicated to build but I understand it's daunting the first time, I'll be helping finalise builds once I have the group together.

@twilsemail: No, I guess I'll explain better here. Let's say you have 4 members trying to buy a service, it is an relatively common but expensive service. So they pool in their Ka-ching, each was 1. Thus your Ka-ching pool is now 4.

Since this is a relatively common service you only roll a d6 and try to get 4 or under.

Ka-ching: 1d6 ⇒ 5

In this instance the group fails to pool enough resources at that time to purchase the service. The increase of d6s depends on the goods you are trying to get.

common: 1d6
uncommon: 2d6
rare: 3d6
very rare: 4d6
near unique: 5d6
legendary: 6d6
Does that even exist?: 7d6
That can't be real: 8d6

Those are names by rarity but it could also be how dangerous the service can be, for example. The Ka-ching feats can alter what the starting Ka-ching pool is. For example if you had friends in the right places feat, you could bump that Ka-ching check to 6 thus it will not fail in this instance.

In some instances the Ka-ching pool changes like the seller might offer you a discount, this effectively increasing your Ka-ching pool, he might be stingy and thus decrease the Ka-ching pool.

At basic level an item will always be the same amount of d6s to roll and that won't change unless you make the item/goods more abundant or safer to obtain. Otherwise all other situational bonuses increase or decrease the Ka-ching pool which is the target number you are trying to roll under.

Ka-ching pool = Target number
Rarity pool = total number of d6s in check

@Cora: Reading your backstory there isn't much of a crazy facet to her at the minute, unless her personality has one. So far all I see is her town was attacked now she is enacting evil revenge.

Edit: Hmmm... thinking about if I can try to come up with more Ka-ching abilities and de-couple them away from feats and say you get 1 Ka-ching ability every 4 levels starting from level 8. So ending up with 3 by level 16. Right expect more Ka-ching abilities to be added soon but they don't really matter for character builds but at least the base system is there to understand.

@Bossman - I can easily write up the other parts of Leiala - I have her character and motivations and modus operandi down quite well ... I'm not sure what kind of background would be appropriate, but I'll think of something.

From what I can tell, Gestalt is basically just taking two classes at once and the better of both, right? So she'd be Druid 8 / Ranger 8 at the same time?

Also, it'd be even more funny if a smarter evil PC wants to ride around on her shoulder - I dunno if that fits your rules of everyone with their own city or what.

@lexibean: Not sure how an evil PC riding on Leiala would stop her having her own city? We once had a cow PC who was a warlock pacted to the moon of cheese, his city was a theme park for cows. So it was a meadow on top of a mountain. His soldiers were werecows campaigning for equal rights for all animals and stopping the 'adventurers' cow tipping shenanigans.

Also in the same game we had a thick as two short planks gnome called "Wall E. Runner", who lived in a extra dimensional space that was designed like an Esher painting. His soldiers were animals he trained as monks, the gorillas were the main force. Basically regardless of how good a ruler your character is he/she still has a city that he/she gets to control as a LOT of the mechanics and story will revolve around these towns and your fighting forces.

Yes Gestalt is pick too classes get best of both. So for example at level 1 Druid/Ranger your saving throws would be +2/+2/+2. You would get the +1 BAB from ranger, the amount of skill points from ranger as it is 6+Int. You would get the animal companion from druid as it is better than the ranger one (thus you skip it 4 levels later) and get druid spell casting. As well as the ranger fighting feats + favoured enemy. Your HD would be the best of the two as well, iirc that would be ranger with 1d10.

Oh dang it, forgot to put the houserule for HD. You get max hp at first level and half your hit die rounded up each subsequent level there after.

@Bossman - That answers my question - NPC goblin cohort it is. :)

I'll put here the other characters that played in old versions of this game the ones I can remember off the top of my head to give you an ideas of the zany world.

Old characters:

  • MooMooCow = The cow warlock pacted to the moon of cheese.
  • Wall E Runner = A tiny monk who trained animals in a world without physics.
  • Gelantinous = An artificer with gelantinous elemental powers, his city sat upon a giant cube that would move along eating the ground.
  • Shrike = a warforged purely constructed out of insect parts, even his plating was pure chitin. With his research he made a large hive his city to ride upon his giant dragonflies.
  • The sword = Every week he'd have a new name, a dashing swords man that walked on cherry blossoms that fell from a cloud that followed him around. He could not start a battle without needing to say something awesome or a dramatic entrance. Otherwise his sword refused to be drawn from his scabbard.
  • Bernard = An elf that could only speak in musical notes, he would always carry around different instruments that would use his magic. The magic of music, he left his town 'Horny town' under the remit of the first chair. Who was a soldier that used a giant tuning fork as a weapon.
  • Zaren = A paladin who believed in himself before all others. He believed he was a god. Thus he granted himself his own godly powers.
  • The gribble monster = A horror from another plane born to human parents. He hide his monstrous form inside himself unless he was in battle then he would turn into a horrid mutilation of flesh.
  • Dorvent = Effectively Gambit from X-men but with a bit of a twist on the card powers. Such as using them as mines or having special trump cards to symbolise different spells. Playing games of 52 explosive pick up with is enemies.
  • McDruidpants = Main style of attack was summoning explosive pet animals that would do a job then explode into a small fireworks display. He tried his hardest to make the 'ultimate' mount, the unibear! Trying to concoct a mix between a unicorn and a bear.

    There were quite a few others but that's all I can think of right this moment. Might have to dig up their old character sheets.

Are ninjas allowed? if so I'd have an idea for a Ratfolk Druid/Ninja, an idea I had for some time now.

Get a snapping turle as animal companion and cast a permanent anthropomorphic animal on it. (obvious ain't it?)

He would have a town fully dedicated to martial arts, where most of the students are biped animals, believing they have better discipline than normal races.

Dark Archive

@Rocan: As we've each got our own city, yours could be populated with the guys... or just run by four of them... maybe named after famous artists?

Obviously the heroes have to include an anthropomorphic Boar and Rhino...

@Bill: Do you need our sheets before the end of recruiting or just our concepts? I've finally figured out what I'm doing, mostly due to Lexibean not taking the PC in his Carrion Crown game.

Yay, I love that guy! BITIN' CHAIR!

Alright, crunch other than equipment is finally done on Little Aurelie and her friend, "Big Pappy". Fluff should be incoming, but basically, she's not normal, kind of possessed by undead spirits (thus dhampir stats), and summons undead to keep her company because she has no living friends.

And yeah, she's young.

Dark Archive

@Lexibean: You ain't seen nothing yet... We're level 8 now. It's not longer a Chaise lounge. It's a palanquin.

Oh god hahahaha.

@Rocan: As the Character Creation says, Allowed books: Any paizo stuff found on d20pfsrd is fine. 3.5 stuff will not be allowed. 3PP probably will be allowed but you need to pass it by me first and give me a source so I can look at the rules for what you need. So yes to Ninjas.

How bout a female ninja that can't choose between the adventurers or your city to help? Maybe the heroes have a chuck norris dog and a fish with legs fighting capeora style. (guess which version that's from)

@twilsemail: No don't need the full sheets, just the concept and likely classes. So you can have a concept with some background and tell me the character is going to be Druid/Sorcerer for initial build. Just so I know the general direction at the very least.

So Far (from this thread and the last):

Crunch and concept:
Little Aurelie and Big Pappy (summoner/cleric) - Loup Blanc
Combat Butler (fighter/rogue) - Ptolmaeus Arvenus
Cora Montajay (Sorcerer/Oracle) - Campincarl
Lucelia (Enforcer/?) - Nerd of the year
Hell lawyer (wizard/cleric) - Tiny coffee golem

Others who have base concepts:
??? (Malkavian esque vampire) - Monkeygod
Totally not splinter (Druid/Ninja) - Rocan
Gnome Joker (Necro/cleric) - The silver prince
Leila (Druid/Ranger) - lexibean
Knowledge broker (wizard/?) - fiction fan
??? (Undead of some kind) - metid
Goblin turret - Hanzou
K.Boom (Alchemist Kobold) - edward sobel

Interested, yet to finalise a concept:
Twilsemail (summoner, dragon-thing?)
Tie my shoelace
Thickfreakness (contract lawyer?)

I hope I haven't missed anyone

@twilsemail: That sounds about right, guess some of his lieutenants could be awakened former animal companions, the four artists.

I guess I would have to make it four different artists then to make it less obvious.

Also, I've seen the PC you meant from lexibean's recruitment, should be fun to watch him.

Edit:@Bill I have no idea where that's from but sounds pretty cool

Dark Archive

@Bossman: Alright, race will be determined by... I dunno dartboard?

Likely a Rakshasa Heritage Tiefling.

The classes will be Summoner (Likely Master Summoner)|Sorcerer (Rakshasa).

The character is going to, hopefully, be the Littlefinger of the group. I'll likely have a Ka-Ching feat or two.

His eidolon is going to wind up being a Palanquin carried by 4 slaves. The whole thing is an "awakened construct" and a manifestation of the guys sense of self. I'm sitting the fence between Master SUmmoner with a mount and a Synthesist.

I'm pretty sure that he considers himself too good to walk on the ground.

The eventual image I want is xerxes' palanquin from 300.

Have gotten most of the basics done on my character. Just need to pick out the spells and finish up the equipment.

How much am I allowed to spend for additional spells known?

Rocan wrote:

Edit:@Bill I have no idea where that's from but sounds pretty cool

The characters described there are Karai, Dogpound and Fishface. Three characters from the most recent series of the famous turtle painters (this year actually).

@twilsemail: sounds good

Shadow Lodge

OK, so I think I've come up with a good concept for my undead lord!

Nini Micheals, the undead NE Soracle:
Nini was once a young adventurer of just 17, setting out in the world to learn about her new-found sorcerer abilities and make her fortune! ...Until she fell down a pit trap in the first room of the first dungeon, leaving her leg broken and her companions unable to get to her, for they had no rogue or rope. So, they simply left her to starve! Fortunately, she was soon found by a friendly wizard who had come into the dungeon on his own, seeking the treasures that lay within. UNfortunately, he was a high-level necromancer looking for a new cohort, and made her sign a few papers before getting her out of the pit trap. She was much too excited about finding such a handsome savior, and a possible new party member, to actually read what he wrote.

So was birthed the cross-blooded lame soracle that is Nini. She served at her master's side for a good 50 years before he was killed and eaten by a gelatinous cube. Then she decided to wander the earth looking for her old party members for some good old-fashioned revenge. After taking care of that plot point, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with herself. For the first hundred years, she was angry. For the next, she was disappointed. Finally, she found her calling. To throw the biggest undead party the earth has ever known.

Nini is very eccentric and knowledgable from her huge stretch of time in the world, and her confusing magical properties. She has experienced a lot in her time, and now all she wants to do is have a good time, and let others have a good time as well*! She actually really enjoys being an undead at this point and wonders why everyone doesn't do it. Her city is built as a massive two-level crypt, filled with any and all undead that want to live there. There are always bards playing music and creating entertainment, and anything fun to do, you can do there. Even eat real food! She lives in a very tall citadel with each floor dedicated to a specific vice.

*By "let" I mean "turn others into undead so they don't have to sleep and can party all the time".

Also you said you liked the In The Know Ka-ching feat how much bonus do you think it should give for Knowledge checks?

Done the number crunch on my Ratfolk Druid/Ninja not sure about his items though. His feats are mainly flavourwise, but will have utility when he Wild-shapes and on higher levels.
If I understand correctly how our (starting) items work at lvl 8 We get a pool of +2 attribute enhancement, +2 to Saves and +2 enhancement bonuses? With max money spent on each item is 6600 on item 1, 3300 on item 2 and 1650 on item 3?


Male Ratfolk Druid 8 / Ninja 8
LE Small Humanoid (Ratfolk)
Init +4; Senses Perception +14, Darkvision 60 ft


AC 15, T 15, FF 11 (+4 Dex, +1 Size)
HP 55 (8d8+8+8)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9

Speed 20 ft. (Armor)
Melee: Unarmed attack +9/+4 (1d2+2/x2)
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +4d6
Power Attack -2+4

Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +7 (+2 to Grapple); CMD 20
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (Ninja Trick), Combat Expertise (House Rules), Power Attack (3rd), Friends in the Right Places (1st), Improved Grapple (5th), Greater Grapple (7th)
Skills: Perception 8 ranks (+14), Survival 6 ranks (+14), Stealth 8 ranks (+19), Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks (+13), Escape Artist 8 ranks (+15), Acrobatics 8 ranks (+15), Swim 1 rank (+6), Climb 1 rank (+6), Sense Motive 8 ranks (+14), Knowledge (Nobility) 4 ranks (+7), Knowledge (Geography) 4 ranks (+7)
Languages: Common, Druidic
Combat Gear: to be decided
Other Gear: to be decided


Wild-Shape: 3/day ,standard into Dire Tiger; +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Natural Armour; 2 claws 2d4 plus Grab, bite 2d6 plus Grab, Rake, Scent, Pounce, low-light vision, Large Animal. Wild-Shape lasts for 6 hours
Nature Sense (+2 Knowledge Nature and Survival)
Woodland Stride: A druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect her.
Trackless Step: A druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Resist Nature’s Lure: A druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey. This bonus also applies to spells and effects that target plants, such as blight, entangle, spike growth, and warp wood.

Poison Use: At 1st level, a ninja is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison herself when applying poison to a weapon.
Ki Pool (Su): (4 Ki points) At 2nd level, a ninja gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy she can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in the ninja’s ki pool is equal to 1/2 her ninja level + her Charisma modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. At 10th level, she also reduces the DC of Acrobatics skill checks made to jump by 1/2 (although she still cannot move farther than her speed allows).
By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. In addition, she can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Finally, a ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. A ninja can gain additional powers that consume points from her ki pool by selecting certain ninja tricks.
The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If the ninja possesses levels in another class that grants points to a ki pool, ninja levels stack with the levels of that class to determine the total number of ki points in the combined pool, but only one ability score modifier is added to the total. The choice of which score to use is made when the second class ability is gained, and once made, the choice is set. The ninja can now use ki points from this pool to power the abilities of every class she possesses that grants a ki pool.

Ninja Tricks: Pressure Points; A ninja with this trick can strike at an opponent’s vital pressure points, causing weakness and intense pain. Whenever the ninja deals sneak attack damage, she also deals 1 point of Strength or Dexterity damage, decided by the ninja. Unlike normal ability damage, this damage can be healed by a DC 15 Heal check. Each successful check heals 1 point of damage caused by this trick. A ninja with this trick receives a +10 insight bonus on this Heal check.
Rogue talent; Offensive Defense: When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, the rogue gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each sneak attack die rolled for one round. (+9 AC max)
Vanishing Trick: As a swift action, the ninja can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability uses up 1 ki point.
Unarmed Combat Training: Improved Unarmed Fighting as bonus feat
No Trace:At 3rd level, a ninja learns to cover her tracks, remain hidden, and conceal her presence. The DC to track a ninja using the Survival skill increases by +1. In addition, her training gives her a +1 insight bonus on Disguise skill checks and on opposed Stealth checks whenever she is stationary and does not take any action for at least 1 round. Every three levels thereafter, the increase to Survival DCs and the bonuses on Disguise and opposed Stealth checks increase by 1.
Light Steps:At 6th level, a ninja learns to move while barely touching the surface underneath her. As a full-round action, she can move up to twice her speed, ignoring difficult terrain. While moving in this way, any surface will support her, no matter how much she weighs. This allows her to move across water, lava, or even the thinnest tree branches. She must end her move on a surface that can support her normally. She cannot move across air in this way, nor can she walk up walls or other vertical surfaces. When moving in this way, she does not take damage from surfaces or hazards that react to being touched, such as lava or caltrops, nor does she need to make Acrobatics checks to avoid falling on slippery or rough surfaces. Finally, when using light steps, the ninja ignores any mechanical traps that use a location-based trigger.
Uncanny Dodge & Improved Uncanny Dodge: No longer be caught flat-footed or lose Dex bonus to armor unless Feinted or immobilized. This person can not be flanked unless it’s flanker has 4 more levels in rogue or ninja than he does.
Favored Class: Ninja (+8 HP)


Male Snapping Turle (Animal Companion) (Anthropomorpic Enhanced)
Size: Large
Init +4; Senses Perception +14, Darkvision 60 ft


AC 26, T 26, FF 10 (+0 Dex, +16 NA) +1 AC while one hand free
HP 47 (7d8+16)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs enchantments)

Speed 20 ft. (Armor)
Melee: Bite +8 (1d8+3/x2)
Unarmed attack +9/+4 (1d2+2/x2)
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +4d6

Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +5; CMB +9 (+2 to Grapple); CMD 19
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple
Snapping Turtle Style: While using the Snapping Turtle Style feat with at least one hand free, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC.
Skills: Perception 2 ranks (+6), Stealth 2 ranks (+5), Acrobatics 2 ranks (+5), Swim 1 ranks (+8),
Languages: Common
Special Abilities: Evasion
Devotion: An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.

As I see him, he is missing one arm, he lost it in his youth caught in a rat trap while trying to get to the cheese, he absolutely loves cheese and will do almost anything for it.

He believes in the martial arts and teaches it to his students, most of which are biped animals (treated by anthropomorphicc animal spells) and races such as ratfolk, catfolk and such. He truly believes that they have a better discipline than humans or elves and such have.
His favourite student and long time companion, Pytha-Gora, is his own personal bodyguard and a tough nut to break in one-on-one combat.
Further background will come later

Stats for the animal companion aren't right I see, forgot to edit some of the stats I copied them from, will fix that later

Some of the crazy aspect is the fact that Cora is a child halfling that believes all should bow down to her and that drow are the superiour race. I know the concept doesn't sound insane, but I have quite the funny way to play her

Cora walks into the tavern, then takes a place at the bar. Ignoring the stares as the small halfling establishes her place amongst the men, she snaps her fingers with an annoyed look, surprised the bartender hasn't already been at her feet waiting to serve her. She frowns at the chair she's in, going over her spells and turning it into a plush thrown.

Just a rough idea

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