![]() Between the pair of the mages they know these are basically raised wyverns. They are unsure if their sense are heightened as undead creatures but they doubt it. This means they likely only have 60ft darkvision. However at this distance it is hard to tell, but Amelia can make out what looks to be a saddle on the creatures or at least some sort of harness. So they might have riders on them with different senses. As far as Amelia is aware the wyverns motions appear to be on alert. Looking down below Nethan sees there are patches of open grass they could feasibly land on. The owls like he suspects are relatively maneuverable and accustomed to the forest. So would be able to make a decent landing. However, he notices that the forest is likely filled with something, quite likely undead, though more or less dangerous than the wyverns is hard to say. Since Al said he'd cast message I'll assume you guys are currently flying slowly towards them while firing quick messages ![]()
![]() @Amelia, Yes thanks for reminding me! Right to set things going!: The group gather up and under the guise of night get onto their battle owls once more to fly towards the summit. The silent wings carrying them far. However as the group approaches midway through their flight they see that the skies are becoming filled with bony creatures. They look to be skeletal wyverns. The group notices that these creatures have only started to take flight as they sky was relatively open when they set off. Perhaps something has spurred them into action. The forest below seems to be rustling with activity as well. What would the group like to do? ![]()
![]() Props to him who made 55 more years out of his projected 2! @Nethan: Yea that's the issue most problem had, basically it felt like the box was too constraining. It made the game more balance but it felt more akin to a boardgame. I think if they had released with the essentials line first it would have been more well received. Wait let me rephrase that, I know it would have been better received as that is what 5e is. Very similar to essentials with some of the worse bits of 4e shaved off, such as skill challenges. That's neither here nor there but I found out why I'm seeing a lot of similarities to some of 4e's better mechanics, one of the 4e alumni is working on PF2. Anyway I'll still be watching the updates as they come out. Hopefully they rethink the resonance mechanic on consumables, otherwise that seems alright, despite the complaints. ![]()
![]() I never noticed the campaign window disappearing but I guess that's because I always use my main alias to look at campaigns. With regards to the 4e stuff, I know not many people like it especially for PF players. The thing is though 5e took a lot of 4e-isms.. I guess you could call them and obfuscated them by calling them something familiar. Let's take hitdice for example, this is basically healing surges and functions pretty much like healing surges. It's just not called that. PF 2.0 from what I have seen with the previews is doing the same with a few things. Though, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Most issues people had with 4e from what I have seen is the whole W/E/D/U paradigm for pretty much everything. Also making multiclassing a little dumb. Thankfully PF2 does not seem to be doing that. It is taking bits and pieces however and again obfuscating it a little. For example, passive perception, a thing started in 4e (as far as DnD goes) is being added. They are also getting rid of it as a skill, sort of, your class gives you a bonus to it. It's entirely based on your class and possibly feats. The universal 'one reaction' was added to 4e (interrupt or reaction denoting timing) is also being added to PF2. Flatfooted and conditions like it in PF2 are just 'combat advantage', not called such though amount to the same thing. Keywords are becoming a thing, pretty similar to the 4e keyword system just affecting different things. So Slow 2 for example, makes you lose 2 of your 3 actions in a turn. Action poi... *scribble scribble* hero points are baseline. Classes getting their main stat to damage to get rid of MAD, again a thing in 4e though I have a feeling that it won't be melee wis to damage or something. I think it's just going to be dex/str classes making sure they only need one of the stats not both. (Speaking of that initiative is based on your perception.) Proficiency is not going to be like the 5e system but scale a bit with level. It will just not be called half-level bonus *cough*. Acrobatics/Atheletics being used for most maneuvers, a thing 4e started and carried to 5e. Now in PF2. EDIT: Oh and they are just ripping the 4e feat system it seems. Feat every other level (mostly) and divided feats to have them come from class/race/background as well as general feats. A thing that was a cornerstone to class difference in 4e. So that's a pretty big one. Again I'm not saying any of this is a bad thing, as they are putting good spins on things. I'm just saying there are things from 4e in there even if people don't notice it. Though the big push seems to stem from 5e in KISS, we'll see how that goes. I am content that they are actually tackling the martial/caster disparity as that is still one of my issues from 5e at higher levels. Same in PF which is why I like E6. Though I guess E8 would work in PF too, might try it one day. On a side note for those that didn't like 4E at all, I'd recommend trying Gloomhaven (a board game) that is basically 4e done right, as in a dungeon crawler crunch game and nothing but that. For those interested in the changes ENworld is trying to compile them: PF2 list of info. ![]()
![]() After what feels like a long rest the group looks at each other trying to piece together what to do next. The group was about to set on a journey to get to the summit being held by their next target, Zenikuta, who appears to be working for Tar-baphon. They have to fly or sneak by a large group of undead to get there. Across a battlefield. It might not be the easiest to do. Spook has been sent on a reconnaissance mission at Elise's request and is leaving at the dead of night. Probably at a similar hour to the rest of the group as they decided to be under the cover of darkness. The group looks to see if they need any supplies before leaving. Basically just a check on the thread, reminder of what was going on and last call on gear/changes to characters. Then I will do the heading out post on Wednesday! ![]()
![]() Huh new edition? That's a surprise and a half. And new website! Let's hope this one breaks less. Okay back from stuff for a bit, I think, so I should be posting a little more regularly. I'll try to do something like M-W-F or at least 3 days as best I can during the week. I will post in the morning as it's late here by the time I got back. Might mull over the crazy responses to PF 2.0. I am both intrigued and concerned that they are taking bits from 4e/5e at least by the description. Intrigued because let's hope they take the good bits, concerned because I know the player base can go up in arms at the word 'change'. Oh well, I'm excited for the future either way. (provided time comes by way again.) ![]()
![]() Hey all, sorry for the radio silence. Was sent on two seperate business trips where I thought I would have time to do things. Though the idea of networking for old scientists appears to be drinking late at night so I have been rather exhausted going to and from, both destinations were 4 hours away, I know that's like part of a state for most of you across the pond but a long way in the UK! I have another trip in a week that I have to prepare for then I'm in Japan for a month. My free time has basically been taken out back and shot. I can try to keep posting but I know a post a week is really slow and might not be worth it through paizo's servers sometime. (For example I tried to get this out yesterday but paizo/nostore strikes agian.) Basically I am willing to keep going but I will fully admit that my free time is not what it used to be and it's a struggle to get consistent. I don't want to feel like I'm wasting people's time. So I will understand if people want this to be the end, real life is hard and always getting in the way of things. Anyway what do people think in general? ![]()
![]() Amelia "Tar-Baphon's forces are all traditional undead. At least from what I have seen so far. These could be dispatched with turn undead or undead wards. Of course, we do not have enough manpower here amongst the Eldred as they do not use positive energy at all from what I have seen. I could set up wards or train others to use basic powers. Eldred being similar to Elves seem to be good at picking up magic." Ayla ponders. "My own band of fighters can probably be creative with colour magic if I give them an idea what they are aiming for." Elise Spook nods at Elise's request. "Seems easy enough, most of them are slow of speed and wit. Anything I should be looking out in particular?" Yes monetary things as Nethan says. Metamagic gems seem to be on the table from Al, I'll say it isn't impossible to get them, just think about who you can send to find some. ![]()
![]() I hate paizo sometimes, maintenance or nostore, slow loading idk. Anyway, metamagic rods or gems are not available from the stores here however you can probably ask some of the allies to find ways of procuring some. @Nethan: Sorry I must have misread the question, I thought you were going to teleport it to you or something. As in you want the crossbow to be able to be called by a conduit? yea I don't see why not. ![]()
![]() I will post in the morning, let me try to answer some questions though: You can ask around for another ritual caster but you should be good with the CL as you describe at the moment. There are other NPCs you already know who aren't Eldred and possibly from Golarion who might help. Just for a reminder Nethan, what happened to the crossbow? To answer the questions in the thread as well, I will do so IC tomorrow: Sarangeral knows black colour magic, you know that Spook worked with Eldred who did. Ayla's thoughts are to build wards against undead. She knows how to make some, asking around before you arrived she noticed that Eldred don't have undead countermeasures in abundance like priests in Golarion would have. That would perhaps be why they are so rampant. Again will do so in IC tomorrow, phone and travel as always has been a bit of a pain. @Dreyyn: You have not posted in a while, is there anything you wish to do in town? ![]()
![]() Generally what I will try and do is let you guys send them off small missions that you think are a good idea, but to throw a few ideas in the pot here are some potential missions: Trying to figure out where the undead armies are moving to. Closing a portal that is bringing the undead in. Send missives to the major Eldred houses to convince them to aid in your endeavours. Cleanse some siphons. Set up a new outpost. Procure resources to aid the war effort (arms, food supply, other allies.) You guys may, of course, suggest other ideas too. The only one who will not leave the outpost for a mission is Sarangeral but he can do other things while here. ![]()
![]() Ayla:
A paladin from beyond these lands, has managed to survive thus far and has started learning white colour magic under the tutelage of some Eldred. Rin:
A Green Eldred who has lost his squadron in past mishaps. Not much is known about him other than he was at least a high ranking officer in his House. He is sympathetic to the cause of preventing the death of his kind. Sarangeral:
The local leader of outpost, one of the few Eldred to believe of unification. He believes a lot of what the First generation set in foundation and prefers the Eldred to act as one. Spook:
A colourless Eldred that has used other means of magic to make up for his deficiencies. A hired assassin that was convinced by the party to change his direction. He keeps with the cause at the outpost. Gorilla:
A gorilla. Speaks Gorilla, builds stairs. Seph:
A goblin who is a companion to the gorilla. Relatively well spoken for a goblin and appears a lot older than she should. Her name is also relatively strange for a goblin to have. Curstaidh
An adept of blue magic who aids the outpost with manipulation of water. Relatively boisterous Eldred who would likely argue with the large side of a club instead of conversation. cleaning bot
Kizutena's cleaning bot that the group found. Called 'cleaner' for now, it is small and good at cleaning. ![]()
![]() When I meant no rest for the wicked it was more it seemed the characters were pushing to go right away, you can rest for the evening if you like. Okay I did promise some small character missions, what I'll do is tomorrow I will find my prepared paste document and get that here and the campaign tab. If people don't find it a fun thing we can ignore it it's fine, it would just be a small thing to send off NPCs you know so they don't get sidelined completely. "If you wish to depart now we can make ready some other owls if you stable the ones you were using earlier." Sarangeral says as plans seem to be firming up. "You can always rest at the inn before you depart, have a little rest before the night trip. I can see the trip is urgent though. So basically, finalise character changes, buy any equipment you need. For sake of ease, we'll say that the outpost has started gearing up for war so will have most equipment for sale from a quartermaster somewhere. Just don't go buy furniture, I know that's a silly stipulation but someone asked for a kago once thinking it was a mount. Major NPC list: Ayla, Rin, Sarangeral, Spook, Gorilla, Seph (goblin), cleaning bot (I forget if you named this), Curstaidh If the party wishes they may converse with people they know before departing during the night. I will try to move the story on, since work makes me feel like I'm stalling. If you do want to talk to anyone I'll divide posts into bits for the talk and the adventure at hand. Trying to juggle best of both worlds in the times I do get to post. If you need a reminder who people are I can add that to the update post tomorrow. ![]()
![]() "You can risk it I suppose, though at night might be the best. I do not know how often these creatures look up or how good their sense are at night. The dead, not the owls." Sarangeral says. "Well with the bounty you will likely purchase equipment for your journey which is sounding paramount to your and possibly our survival so I do not think the money will go to waste. Nor have you done anything that would make me think you are lying." Sarangeral holds out the bounty expectantly. Basically by the looks of things it appears you might go straight away to flying over the sky at night? No rest for the wicked? ![]()
![]() Sarangeral is a little confused at the requests but he lets you decide if you killed one or not. You guys killed one with a book of harms massive fireball explosion and killed another on the way to Epnui's realm. I don't believe you came for those rewards just yet? Correct me if I am wrong. "You could perhaps meet Zenikuta before her summit. Though you would have to be relatively quick about it. Large groups of people move slow of course, but if you want to stop her before too many people arrive time is of the essence. Especially if you have to fight your way through the dead." He ponders for a moment. "Either you can fly again but there are bone lizards that appear to fly as well patrolling the the skies between here and the summit, which might prove difficult to get past. You can also go closer to the ground which is a longer route but will be less perilous at my guess. Though I do not truly know everthing on the opponents force so there might be other dangerous groups either round the north or south way of the battlefields." ![]()
![]() "Zenikuta seems to be trying to rally many of the houses into one unit. Though she seems to mostly be gathering dissenters at the moment. The main houses have yet to budge. However, from my reports, we would be guessing that she will be contacting others for to make a peace offering. At least to create an open discussion between the groups." Sarangeral replies to Elise. "As for rumours I do not have my ear much to the ground over there but she seems to be specifically targetting families with her idea of sanctuary. Not sure if that means anything." "As for the siphons, we had some money squared away for bounties." He does not seem to require proof of your deeds, likely because of his trust for you. Whether you choose to exploit that is another matter. Sarangeral sends off for an Eldred to retrieve the bounties. It would come to the equivalent of 4000gp. (2000gp per siphon.) His ears perk at the mention of Zenikuta's schemes. "I do not have much reason to doubt you and she is indeed gathering Eldred to a summit. Why do you suspect she is in league with this 'lich'? Also, what are your plans to convince her if she is in league with the lich. Appeal to her goodwill?" ![]()
![]() Sarangeral looks quizzically at the groups "new" arrival but thinks nothing of it. After all, there still is a gorilla somewhere in the camp. Though Nethan's explanation does not help the matters much he just tilts his head in confusion before shaking it off to continue the conversation. "Right sorry, Zenikuta is a rather ruthless woman who is taken up in politics. Her name has just been coming up a lot lately and I found it odd that you lot had heard of her. I guess you could have been eavesdropping on some others. No matter, Zenikuta right now is attempting to hold some sort of summit on the south side of the great lake. Between the three cities of Dietrich, Ejderha and Dearganach. It's west ways from here but across armies of those walking dead. "Yes we did have a bounty on siphons being dispatched, did you get rid of any?" ![]()
![]() Elise might not recall the girl's name but she does remember that they met at the bathhouse. Making a brief detour she finds the woman still guarding the place diligently, you remember it was something to do with how blue Eldred could control the water. Sarangeral beams as he sees the party return. "Welcome back Nethan. Yes, you are right pleasantries later. Nothing is approaching us per say but there is a lot of walking dead encroaching on land nearby. We were about to stage some skirmishes to lead them away from this direction. No doubt they would return eventually but at least to buy us some more time to mount a more defensive perimeter." He then pauses at the last question. "Zenikuta.. few Eldred would not know of her. Why do you ask?" He asks warily, it does not seem he's hiding anything but seems unsteady at the mention of her name. "Yes Amelia, I too did not think fighting would be needed but despite the different walks of life amongst the Eldred here, I think all of them prefer to be alive. The threat of the dead that walk is common to all Eldred. Nations may not move together as of yet, but small pockets of travellers you see here are likely a bit more open-minded to working together than full crowds. ![]()
![]() Sorry spotty over last week. Parents have come to visit, I thought I'd have a bit of time but I don't think they believed me when I said it was cold here. Days spent buying them things to warm them up. I thought I answered the legendary conduit question, yes you can have one and there can be multiple in them if you like. Some of them are meant to do that anyway. Though I'd prefer if you picked two weapons for the conduit and their bonuses would apply equally to them. (as in duplicates of each other just different weapons) The gp seems correct, let's just assume that before I do a maddening trip into the whole post history! ![]()
![]() Amelia moves in to see that Sarangeral is mustering a few of the Eldred and appears to be training them. It looks rather different to what you used to seeing in Eldred. The blind Eldred those that are usually blue are teaching some of the others how to use blunt weaponry. I'll try to react as fast as I can to any post about the outpost but you can keep talking amongst each other if you like. The others follow in tow with a tall Eldred in the midst of them. I think a day has not past quite yet but unless you decide to attack something in here I think you'll have the time to recover if you choose to stay. ![]()
![]() The group sets through the portal with the sisters in tow. They find themselves back at the lake with the war owls sitting patiently waiting for them. A couple of them seem to have gone hunting for food in the meantime as you see feathers strewn about the place that are far smaller than the birds own feathers. Packing up your things you depart once more for the outpost. The flight goes by in relative uneventfulness though the group can see small retinues from armies marching in the distance. When they arrive they find that the outpost is gearing for something. There are some rudimentary drills in process as many of the Eldred have started to build more fortifications to the outpost. As per the rules still, the Eldred here have the matted grey colours for their armour while within the walls. ![]()
![]() The gp value was something like 3000gp + the difference between WBL from 4-7, I think. I keep trying to find the post where I gave the room with the stuff in it. Do people remember what they got from that, I only remember the book of harms. Google-fu is failing me at the moment. (didn't save the post as I didn't think I'd need it again.) @Al: Unless I've skimmed over too much, what are the 2 arcane exploits you have? @Nethan: Khekeret spear can be light yes, as per the discussion with Dreyyn earlier. It is remaining martial though. The latest entry, which I think is the incanter, looks fine too. I think the only thing I've noticed which could be me miscounting is the casting school count. I'm seeing 17 when your sheet shows (2base 9class 5feat.) You can make the conduit into a legendary one yes. I think you mean the mythic ability yes? You can become more specialized into black colour magic if you like yes. ![]()
![]() rolls:
diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 0 + 4 = 9 diplomacy (aid): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16 sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 "I don't think I need a healer right now, most of the damage is to my pride. The wounds have been sealed mostly, no doubt thanks to you." She blinks and stares at the other two sisters like they are some form of apparition "I have never known to have ..sisters.. so forgive me about being skeptical of the whole situation. Also forgive me but that witch likely still has me on a short leash I'm sure. Just because a dog gets to roam around the house doesn't mean their free! She answers, not entirely convinced at the scenario. Though at the offer of healing she seems to believe that she is safe with your group at least. If not a shield from Eþnui and her magic. Atenzuki frowns folding her arms in front of her "Well, at least we are in no immediate danger. Perhaps Kizutena and I should try to convince you at least a bit more when we are in a safer location." She looks to the group. "Should we head back to the outpost. I suspect Spook might be wandering what's taking us, or why we left him behind." Eþnui says "I can open a portal back to the Eldred's world when you are ready. Tar-Baphon does not know of your outpost yet, I thought to convince Al before telling him about it because no doubt Tar-Baphon would've wanted it wiped out. It means you have some time before other forces find out about it. I would make haste to shore up the defences however as undead are not in the fashion of needing rest. They will eventually scour everywhere they can." ![]()
![]() @Elise and Amelia: I take it you two don't want to change anything? Since you've both been fairly quiet through the process. @Nethan: Trying to go from top to bottom with the posts: We were considering changing the spear to light, so it would qualify for finesse yes.
If I missed a question from somebody. Please post a reminder for me! ![]()
![]() Tenzukia's eyes flare awake from the tending and healing magic. She snaps her head around and sees Eþnui, then the rest of you. She suddenly starts crawling backwards as fast as she can in her tired state until she hits the wall. "More..more of you? You putting me in another jail you.. witch!" She spits at Eþnui. Tenzukia stares at confusion at the sisters the same way they looked at each other at first. "Doppelgangers... why, have you begun to clone me for some nefarious schemes. Already I am being used by that undead monstrousity.. now my likeness is.. those things." She points. Despite the sisters knowing the truth of the matter, they seem visibily hurt by the accusations. Eþnui shrugs and turns around, "I'll let you deal with this. I doubt she would listen to someone who kept her locked up for her energy and effectively tortured her. Even if I have turned a new leaf, it will likely take more than words before she accepts an apology from me. I doubt she'd ever forgive me." ![]()
![]() Sorry for delays, started doing jquery/javascripting staying up long nights fixing parts of a front end app. Didn't know any jquery before I started so that's been long nights of getting tired of finding where this is. For those that know the language you know what I mean, speaking of which anyone know any good learning resources for it? Back to game stuff, @Dreyyn yes you can take vital strike as one of the feats. Remember feats you gain from M6 are just feats, with the added option of going into the M6 stuff too. I will create some M6 feats for whatever classes people change into too. I have more time this weekend so I will find the amount of money that people should have in total, and as long as your stuff on you equals to that it'll be fine for equipment. @Al: Spellsage is fine. @Nethan: Look at the two posts above me for the thing I think we've all spotted, you don't meet the pre-reqs for it unless I have mistaken something? M6 aside, I don't think any prestige classes in spheres you can get into at level 6. Might I suggest taking a specialization for the incater to replicate part of the Bokor? Unless you need those feats for something. You could take a look at thamaturge as well as at 3rd level they gain abilities to help melee out for your psionic blade. ![]()
![]() I take it both casters would like to look to moving to spheres then? Okay I'll have a look on how mythic conversion can be done more smoothly. At basic stuff like arcane surge/mage strike/wild arcana. Need not change much from the base. So Arcane surge would let you cast a sphere spell you know without expending any points. Mage strike would be double the points used. Wild arcana can likely just stay the same as it is now. (though I guess you'd need to choose a spell list to go with it.) With the max spell points spent on a single ability requiring spell slots being 3, as that's the maximum spell level you could have at this level. The major loss would be mythic augments to spells. Since none of them really have them. Perhaps we can incorporate some of the advanced talents using mythic points instead? I'll have a look. @Dreyyn 1) I'll go dig it up again and do that with the rest of the updates to the campaign tag. 2) I'm thinking at a cursory glance this should be okay with it as written. Since I don't think any of the talents grow huge in numbers just because you've taken more talents. 3) As long as you meet the prereqs they're fine. A lot are locked behind quite a bit so it should be fine. 4) I think the intent of the ability is to allow it to combine with spring attack. Likely to buff vital strike or something like that. As mobility itself has also been buffed in a similar manner if you look at the talent just below it. Other places I have seen seem to say similar. I don't think it will be too bad, a smart enemy can ready to hit you as you come in. Since I'm guess you want to combine this with running really fast. 5) what do you mean by MG? (as for enemies there is always a varied mix unless you are going to somewhere specific. In the spire you fought 50/50 larger/same size) 6) if you mean the mythic item from your path, that's fine yea. ![]()
![]() Is there a limit on martial spheres? I can't seem to find it. Though the easy way for spheres to balance with m6 is you can only buy the extra sphere talent once or something, I'll have a look. As for if you want to use Al in there. An Incanter or thaumataurge would work. Divide the spheres with destruction/life/divinitation or something like that. Most of your versatility came from wild magic, which I assume you would want to keep since that comes from the mythic path. ![]()
![]() It would take a little work to make things fit. If it will help the concept we could allow the elven branched spear to work for the striker Favored weapon. The spear is considred light in all but name. (or the Khekeret spear to be fair) Elven branched spear 20 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 brace, reach You would need to take spear dance from the equipment sphere however to make either of those qualify for the trait. So you'd need to use quite a few traits/talents to get to that point. ![]()
![]() Okay so looks like a plan is coming together. So I'll divide this post up into 3: 1) This is going a bit different to how I planned like I said before, perfectly fine with it though. I do need a general idea of what you want to do in what order just so I can do the GM planning ahead bit. It seems there are 3 main things discussed so far: 1) Evacuate the Eldred in some way.
I think that's probably the best order for you to do those things. Since if you draw his ire at least you have an evac plan already. Now, of course the decision comes down to you guys in the end. I thought I might give a slight prod to a direction. For the plot things discuss a bit about the plan then I will move onto waking up the 3rd sister. 2) Dreyyn has asked me to change his class, I am fine with this but it would be remiss of me to offer this to everyone else too. We have been playing this for quite a while and loads of new stuff has come out in the meantime. I would be fine if people decided to chop and change things as they like, however a few stipulations.
If you wish to change things/not change things just post here either way so I know who to expect messages from with the changes. 3) When you get back to the outpost I will have ready some character 'cards' for each of the major NPCs you have met and left there. The last bit of the story will be a grand undertaking requiring more than just yourselves. You will be able to send people out on missions and they will report back with info and changes to the world. There is no real mechanics behind this but each character will have 2 perks and 1 flaw. You will get to send out a part of 3-5 of them to a mission, the perks will generally lead to different effects depending on the perk. (Think kind of like Dragon Age: Inquisition map). I will show this when you get back, the remaining scenes here are talking to the sister and figuring out the general plan. People cool with all of the above? :) Edit: Oh I'll also update the campaign thing (hopefully soon) with the main story beats now that you have most of what the heck is happening reveled. So you can trace back or get ideas. ![]()
![]() attempting update by phone, so editing might be appalling Tar baphon is cognitive enough to notice large scale effects on the siphon but small amounts, relatively, might weaken him. He will take notice eventually but it would give you an edge over him while he is 'poisoned'. Redirecting or stopping the flow all at once might be good to draw him out. Perhaps to a place of your choosing instead of his. Even in his own world I'm sure a sufficient trap would be good to turn the table. Epnui says as she comments about the siphons. The sisters balk at the talk but Atenzuki says. I know of Arazni, but being her that's impossible.. I'm me... Aren't I? There is no way I'm just a part of someone else. Epnui shrugs The truth can hurt, but her fragments were split apart and purposefully made to not remember what they are. So they could not return as one so easily. Perhaps with the light of Aroden you might be an avatar once more. Pray he forgives your misdeeds. I have never...! Atenzuki blurts out. The sins of the mother are not the sins of the daughter I know. Gods view us differently so who knows. Though the connection you share is the organ you were before you were a person. They all share the same blood and a part of Araznis power. Finally Epnui nods at Elise. it is one idea, do you think you could convince her as a group? ![]()
![]() Eþnui begins to think more on the questions as they are now about the challenges ahead, she postulates "You would likely have to try to convince the Eldred that leaving the plan is best for them. The best target would be Zenikuta, you would need to convince her to send a message of this plan or depose her and take partial command of the .. "relief effort" she will be putting in motion." Eþnui clasps her hands together and rests her chin on them. "Hmm, the best way would be just flat out destroying them one by one. Though that is not the most effecient. You could use this plane to try and find them. Draw them up here and fight them together. You all are strong enough to fight many at the same time. This plane as you saw previously is a place to funnel the siphon's energy. Taking Tenzukia off the focus." She points to the prison Tenzukia was in. "It will slow the siphon's energy a bit but not completely. Think of it as Tar-Baphon now getting a pub meal of energy every so often instead of a high class dinner. "Colour magic could be learnt faster if you find the right kind of teacher. For those studious of the arcane I would advise learning from an Ustali teacher if you could find one. How they learn magic is the most similar to Golarian magic even if you aren't using black colour magic." Lastly replying to Amelia "The plane was made to serve two functions one of which was the phylactery yes. Tar-Baphon is reborn but is in a relatively weakened state to when he fought Aroden. In this state he would be no match for taking on nations. However with the siphons he will slowly return to that point and eventually even beyond that with Aroden's power. Where he is at the moment, even I don't know. Though if I would hazard a guess, you could follow the energy the siphons are feeding to this place further down the line and you would likely find him." Just a reminder about this small pocket of the plane you are in. You arrived here by following one of the siphon's energy until you reached here. All the energy was being focused to the top of this Gallowspire and now with what Eþnui is telling you, is being sent to potentially its final destination. Saying that to make it a bit clearer, so I don't confuse people. ![]()
![]() @Nethan: Do you mean when does leveling take effect? After the talk yea. If you mean updating your character sheets you can do it as soon as you know what you want to increase. Just post in here as per normal. Don't forget the M6 document if you want to go for some of those. @Dreyyn: That's fine yea, I don't mind retraining stuff in general. ![]()
![]() Eþnui tries to answer each question in turn, starting with Elise and Amelia's questions. "Colour magic is a type of transmutation magic. If you have ever heard of Primal magic it is basically the honing of that magic in a way similar to a painting. It is as wizards cast magic by rote through magic circles. Colour magic over the years is many Eldred coming together and identifying the part of primal magic that they most understand to pass on through to its populace. The first Eldred as you might have guessed by now were Elves from the Whispering way. These first generations, as the Eldred put it, combined the magic from the residual energy of Tar-Baphon's battle with Aroden with this understanding of primal energy to form the houses. They were meant to be unified once but of course even Tar-Baphon's servants are wont to show who is the greatest which caused their divide later." Eþnui meaders a little. "Back to the point, the magic that was here was created by primal magic yes, specifically the shattering of Aroden's shield. Such an artifact left this world with a lot of residual magic from which to draw from. However with no-one to teach the new generations how this worked it came down how best to use these 'sects' or 'disciplines' of colour magic for each subsequent generation of Eldred." She ponders Elise's question. "Would it work in Golarion? Most likely yes, though it would require a source of primal magic to work. There are certain parts of the world that have that magic and I feel if you found this you likely could use it quite easily. Also if you carried some of the magic within the conduits that the Eldred make you could move away from such a source and still use colour magic" Turning to Dreyyn she says "That could be possible, yes and far easier, where would you plan to take the many Eldred though?" She realises that in the waffling from earlier she has answered most of Alþórel's question. "So yes the Eldred were the Whispering Way. However, they were the backup plan. This world was meant to effectively be a large phylactery if it failed at being a trap to Aroden. Either containing Tar-Baphon's soul to eventually come back or Aroden's soul so that he might be absorbed. It just so happened to become both. The original plan was for the Whispering Way elves to use the trap to refocus the energy into resurrection because of Tar-Baphon's defeat. However due to the primal energy left behind by the shield they concocted a new plan. One to capture Aroden who though victorious was left weakened. Few know of this weakening. It started with the loss of his avatar, then the fight with Tar-Baphon, then finally when he decided to shoulder all of humanities problems on his back. All this would take its toll. Eþnui the narrates the piece missing from the history books. "On his return journey, what would now be called the Eldred, reopened the portal to this world. The Well of Sorrows. The Eldred poured out of there and fought the God for three weeks. Three weeks did Blue Eldred hold a storm to trap him. Three weeks did white Eldred hold Aroden at bay. Three weeks did Green Eldred slowly poison him. Red Eldred entangled him, yellow Eldred encased him, purple Eldred shattered his will. Slowly they battered him down, then the first then threw him into the Well where the trap that was laid by Tar-Baphon, finally sprung." As Eþnui regales the tale she makes sweeping motions with her hands before she clenches them near her face. "From here the rest was simple, utilise the primal magic over and over again until there was none left. Then any magic that was used in this plane would be drawn from Aroden instead as there was no other source. This magic was taken into the Eldred similar to how sorcerors are gifted their magic. Once an Eldred had enough they were drawn to the Siphons, where the magic was thus absorbed and returned to Tar-Baphon." "Thus to answer your question." She eyes Nethan. "Since colour magic still functions, Aroden is not yet dead. His magic is just trapped here. If you are able to cut off Tar-Baphon from the siphons, you might yet, save a god."