Davachido |

Hello and welcome.
Posting rules will be fairly standard for Paizo boards. Use bold to denote talking and italics to denote thoughts of your character. I will be using proper initiative rules to resolve combat however post at any time you are available for your turn. Try to include if statements in your post just incase the situation changes at some point before your turn comes up.
Same goes for out of combat things. For example if you are looking for something in a room say something like "I search the room, if I find something I try to find out what it is" as an example.
Now the next bit like I said in recruitment is I like to relate people to each other as the party will have known each other for some time. So I will name someone then ask you to relate yourself to another person. Read their backstory and write something in the discussion thread to say how you met and/or interact with each other. You can then update your backgrounds as you wish. So we go.
Jazz > Beren
Rikaku > Trogg
Sventon > Variel
Variel > Jazz
Beren > Rikaku
Trogg > Sventon
The document for house rules will constantly be found in the campaign info page. I have updated it for some of the things that came up in the recruitment thread.

Rikaku |

Hey all! Thank you especially, Davachido, I'm happy to have been accepted into your game!
Trogg seems to have simply been exploring - especially mountainous areas. Perhaps he came across where Rikaku came out of. Not sure about Trogg's attitude towards kobolds--most cave-dwelling races like dwarves don't like them, but maybe he took pity on him? Or maybe he didn't, and Rikaku is totally scared of him now. :P
How would Trogg react to a tiny white winged kobold declaring in broken common that he's a dragon and he's kinda lost?
By the way... we're allowed to buy wands and scrolls only, apart from mundane gear, correct? How about partially charged wands? (i.e. wands with less than 50 charges)

Trogg Deepdelver |

Trogg seems to have simply been exploring - especially mountainous areas. Perhaps he came across where Rikaku came out of. Not sure about Trogg's attitude towards kobolds--most cave-dwelling races like dwarves don't like them, but maybe he took pity on him?
Sounds good to me.

Sventon Fayore |

Sventon here,
How about, that Sventon's paretns were originally from Variel's community, until they died on a trip, but not before they left their son in the care of humans (like i wrote in my bio) and left a book that explained everything to Sventon. He also tattooed his face in the traditional pattern some of the elves in the community would do. And that is how Variel spotted him in a crowded street and recognizing the tatoos introduced himself?
How about that Vaariel?
As for Trogg, hmmm, they could have met on the road, with clarence mistaking Sventon's leg for food. Trogg healed Sventon and they camped together, and were attacked by bandits. After defending themselves from them, they became friends as people who fight together usually do, and have kept contact since then as well as they could.

Variel Darkwalker |

Jazz - he's a professional. Not particularly friendly or tied into his elven background. I think the best way for us to share a background is to share experience together in an previously quested adventuring party.

Trogg Deepdelver |

As for Trogg, hmmm, they could have met on the road, with clarence mistaking Sventon's leg for food. Trogg healed Sventon and they camped together, and were attacked by bandits. After defending themselves from them, they became friends as people who fight together usually do, and have kept contact since then as well as they could.
Odd. The backstory I was considering proposing also had Clarence biting Sventon, although in a completely different context (in a tavern where they meet to discuss adventuring together).

Jazz Sedarik |

Hi everyone, thanks for choosing me Davachido and I'm happy to be here!
So after reading through Beren's backstory, I thought that maybe Jazz had gone through martial training in Beren's forest village after he disowned his Elven roots. When the militia went and waged war on that goblin tribe, Jazz could have been one of the soldiers prescripted for the fight, and then Beren and Jazz stuck together after that as they had a like-minded little compassion for those who stood in their way.
As for Variel, it would make sense for two Elves without any more contact with their heritage to find a bit of comfort in each other -- even though Jazz has no interest in returning to his family, that doesn't mean he doesn't feel a little bit sorry for himself and wouldn't find comfort in those of his own kind. If they did some adventuring together, then it ties in Beren as well considering he and Jazz were likely traveling together.

Beren Sunderholm |

Jazz, I think that works having you train in Beren's village. I think Beren's spin on it would be that after losing the love of his life his life in the village felt empty. When Jazz suggested that they hit the road and seek out adventure, it felt like the thing to do as the rush of battle temporarily filled the void in his life. I can see Beren as being the straight man to Jazz's bravado.

Beren Sunderholm |

Rikaku, while you were lurking around the mountain village, you may have been caught in a snare that Beren had set as they were traveling through the area. Beren, seeing that you could speak common and did not act like kobolds he had heard of in his youth, took pity on you annd released you.
Later, after you had joined up with Trogg, we could have met again while Jazz and I were looking for a campsite on the road. We agreed to share the small cave and everyone talked as we took our turns at watches and sat out a storm the next day. After the storm passed we began traveling together and the rest is history.

Davachido |

@Rikaku Yes you can buy partially charged wands if you'd like.
So far I see,
Jazz > Beren
Jazz was conscripted to fight against the same goblins that Beren took down. After the adventure they stuck together due to like-minded ideals.
Rikaku > Trogg
Rikaku met Trogg on his way out of the mountains, after a little while they traveled together though Rikaku is slightly afraid of the dwarf.
Sventon > Variel
Sventon's parents were from Variel's community. Variel was able to recognise Sventon later in life due to the traditional tattoos that Sventon wears. They introduced themselves and connected due to their similarities.
Variel > Jazz (Beren)
Jazz and Beren met Variel along their adventuring times. During these times adventuring Variel and Jazz connected over their similarities and found solace that there was another elf similar.
Beren > Rikaku
Beren caught Rikaku by accident in a snare. Though he saw that the kobold was not typical for his kind. So he released the kobold.
Trogg > Sventon
While discussing a potential adventure in a tavern, Clarence bit Sventon's leg. Trogg healed the elf and while on the road the two bonded over defending each other from the dangers of the world.
Some good stuff! So one more round and then I'll start the gameplay thread.
Jazz > Trogg
Rikaku > Jazz
Sventon > Rikaku
Variel > Beren (I know there was already a mention in another one but expand on it a little in this case)
Beren > Sventon
Trogg > Variel

Sventon Fayore |

Hmm, how about this?
Trogg introduced Sventon and Rikkaku, and since Sventon doesn't really care for species that much, he took a liking to the little kobold.
As for Beren, they could have met in an Inn and discussed adventuring over a pint or two, and then found their styles fitting enough, and grew to like each other during those advenutres?

Rikaku |

Maybe Jazz was hired by someone to clear out the tribe of kobolds that had been bothering Wittervol, poaching farm animals, causing minor cave-ins, avalanches, and annoyances on the mountain pass, etcetera. Rikaku would've been younger then, still a juvenile, and was thus spared from being killed by the adventuring party along with his clutch-mates. Or perhaps they managed to hide the baby kobolds in a small tunnel that the bigger folk were too big to get into. So Jazz and his then-adventuring partners would've thinned out the ranks of his tribe.

Jazz Sedarik |

As for Jazz and Trogg, I like how Beren outlined Jazz and Beren running into Trogg and Rikaku during a storm one night, but maybe Jazz and Trogg also had already known each other beforehand, making that chance encounter even more lucky.
I was thinking that Jazz and Trogg probably met in a roadside tavern some months earlier and just had a good night of socializing, then parted ways. Jazz had just captured a bounty he'd been chasing for some time, and had the poor bastard tied up in his room (Trogg didn't need to know about it :P) and so Jazz had to leave early in the morning to go collect his fee, thus a reason for them to depart from each other but still be quite friendly the next time they met.
EDIT: Also, I realize we're working on character background, but to address a little bit of my character's future, I was hoping to multiclass into Magus and continue with that until level 6. I'd only lose 1 step in BAB bonus and would gain some blasty spellcasting abilities. So, assuming that's acceptable with the GM, Jazz will be very interested in the arcane magics of Variel and Rikaku in the early stages of the game. I also might rearrange a bit of my knowledge skills to reflect this arcane curiosity, as I hate it when multiclassing feels sudden, forced, and unrealistic.

Beren Sunderholm |

Sventon and Beren could have met on the road, Sventon being pursued by the Dukes guards. Beren could have mistakenly thought the dukes men were after him for poaching a deer in the dukes wood, which he had done earlier that day. Beren could have led them through the wilderness, and Sventon could have broken them in to an old hunting cottage where they laid low for a couple days feasting on venison. They made there way to the next village and have crossed paths again a few times, before seeing the advantages of working together and forming the adventuring group.
Beren could have met Variel through Jazz, and come to trust him due to the friendship he has with Jazz.

Davachido |

I think we are only missing Variel to make a connection now, otherwise the rest seems fine. I'll begin the gameplay thread to start the ground works.
For combat I will roll for everyone at the start so we don't have a round of posts about initiative. Make sure you have initiative in your profile someplace so I can use it. (I assume you all do but I'll say it anyway)
There is only one other houserule I am considering though it is more to play style of the players. I know some people like combat to be visceral and deadly while others like their characters to be maybe battered but not die to a single bad roll. As it is hard to get a hold of resurrection in E6 my last group liked the ideas of injuries.
Now I'll only implement this rule if we have a unanimous yes, otherwise we'll continue as normal. This is a rule I used from my last E6, if you die you don't die immediately instead at the end of combat you roll on the following chart. You are on 0 hp after you get back up. (Think of it as similar to the injury table from blood bowl if you've ever played that.)
2d6: What is damaged?
2 - Death. You cheated death for the last time.
3 - Right arm, using your right arm for any action results in a -2 penalty for 24 hours.
4 - Left arm, using your left arm for any action results in a -2 penalty for 24 hours.
5-6 Broken. Sustain -2 Fort penalty for 24 hours.
7-8 Battered. Sustain -2 Reflex penalty for 24 hours.
9-10 Busted. Sustain -2 Will penalty for 24 hours.
11 Legs. Half your movement for 24 hours.
12 Only a scratch. Your character gains a permanent scar on the place of his choosing and he counts as not having rolled on this table.
If you have to roll on this table twice in 24 hours you die. So don't fall to unconscious too often.

Rikaku |

Finished my equipment. Are we all putting in for a wand of cure light wounds? That's 125gp each for a fully charged wand. That way Trogg doesn't have to prepare any healing spells for us. I factored that into my current possessions, but otherwise I'll buy... idk, another wand or something.
Oh, and I'd like to donate my 2 sunrods to anyone who would like them. Rikaku doesn't exactly need the light with his darkvision.
I'm also ditching my rope, grappling hook and pitons if anyone wants those (but I doubt it), mainly because my wee little 6 Strength makes it hard to carry such heavy things. :)

Variel Darkwalker |

Sorry all - was on holiday with the family.
I need a relationship with that kobold IIRC.
I'd say that a good one was that he was part of another group (merchant, mercenary or adventuring - any works) that was in the area and as such Variel was curious to see this rarity and engaged in conversation with him in Draconic.
They struck up a fledgling friendship.

Rikaku |

Oh, I know you? Nix part of my first post then. :P
Rikaku was probably shocked to hear someone pronouncing Draconic so poorly, and made some fun of Variel, before graciously agreeing to teach him the finer points of the clearly superior language that he was so unfortunate to not have learned from childhood.

Variel Darkwalker |

Oh he'd never ever ADMIT to having poor draconic. While typical elven arrogance is not one of his traits, he's been speaking the language on and off for 70+ years.
Now is he Kobold good? HEEEEEELL No! (though who's to say they don't have an accent or a dialect? The difference between the Spanish of the Kings Court and the Spanish of a Mexican barrio when compared to their noble cousins - food for thought).
Taking help from the Kobold on the other hand? Yep - not to proud for that. I've built some mistakes in for you.

![]() |
Hi All
I am in the SH*T storm to end all SH*T storms at work and will be on a considerable amount of business travel and round the clock meetings.
I'll post as often as I can but it may take 1-2 delay days for combat responses etc. IF the game is bogged on me, the GM (or any player the GM deputises) is fine to make attack actions for me.
Again, not abandoning the game but but will need just a bit of patience on everyones part.